The Arab death-eaters finally got Harry Potter, but the press still won’t admit the truth . . . Sleep well, dear Harry Potter. The death-eaters finally got you. They continue to destroy and try to take over the world and–as you know, dear Harry–the press never wants to report the truth about evil, and this allows the evil to spread. The article of how Harry Potter’s grave in Ramle has become a tourist attraction immediately raised my attention. It isn’t just that I am a rabid Harry Potter fan, it is also because of the way the article was written. I have learned that any evil perpetrated upon humanity that might be pinned upon a Jew, always mentions that Jews are the culprit. However, any evil perpetrated upon humanity that might be pinned upon an arab carefully avoids mentioning that the Arabs are at fault. It is glossed over with general language, usually. So, when I came across this Associated Press article about the grave of Harry Potter in... Zionism is racist is now Judaism is racist: The anti-Semites have an official American stamp to attack Judaism and Israel with. Actually it’s the Torah observant Jews who are descriminated against in Israel. America get stuffed! Yamit The U.S. State Department under Secretary Hillary Clinton claims that Israel violates religious freedom at the same level as Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan and China. “Religious freedom can be restricted in a variety of ways, from the overt to the subtle,” explains the department’s annual International Religious Freedom Report on 198 countries and territories surveyed by its foreign service personnel, released Wednesday for the period July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2009. A wide spectrum of efforts are used to undermine such rights, extending to multilateral, regional and global arenas, the report continues. Part I of the Executive Summary discusses overall conditions during the reporting period in countries where... DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis On October 28, a Hizballah war game demonstrated the ability of its special forces to overrun Lebanon in two hours. It took Israel 19 days to respond: Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi finally confirmed on Nov. 15 that the Shiite terrorists may seize power after the UN Tribunal indicts their leaders for the Hariri assassination. The general’s was dry – not a word about how Israel proposed to handle a violent hostile terrorist takeover of Beirut on Iran’s behalf and the grave strategic peril it presented Israel. One of the first targets Iran’s surrogate plans to grab is Beirut International airport and harbor. Massive quantities of war materiel could then be delivered directly into Hizballah’s hand in Beirut instead going the roundabout route through Syria’s sea port at Tartous and Damascus airport as they do now. Prime Minister Stephen Harper has unquestionably emerged as Israel’s greatest friend in the world, effectively assuming the role previously occupied by former Australian prime minister John Howard. Harper’s principled approach to Israel was demonstrated in an extraordinary address he gave in Ottawa to an interparliamentary conference for combating anti-Semitism. Courageously dismissing the traditional political correctness expressed by many liberals, who feel obliged to distance themselves from the Jewish state, Harper made it clear that under his leadership Canada would not “pretend” to be impartial on Israel even if that meant facing negative repercussions at the UN and other international organizations. If you bring harm into the world, then you bring harm upon yourself. And if you bring goodness to mankind, then you bring blessing to yourself. For I will deal with you according to the Laws of G-d, and G-d deals with mankind the way we deal with ourselves. Those who seek to destroy Israel bring destruction upon themselves. Yamit “Woe unto the inhabitants of the sea-coast, the nation of the Cherethites! the word of G-d is against you, O Canaan, the land of the Philistines; I will even destroy thee, that there shall be no inhabitant. And the sea-coast shall be pastures, even meadows for shepherds, and folds for flocks. And it shall be a portion for the remnant of the house of Judah, whereon they shall feed; in the houses of Ashkelon shall they lie down in the evening; for HaShem their G-d will remember them, and turn their... Laura: It turns out that Glenn Beck actually underestimated George Soros’ perfidy during the holocaust. Beck was far too kind in giving Soros the benefit of the doubt because of his age and that he was forced into his actions and saying that he must not have enjoyed what he did. In fact Soros has stated in his own words that the ten month nazi occupation was the happiest time of his life and was adventurous and fun. I maintain that soros is and always has been a sociopath and anti-Semite. And his adult life has consisted of working for the destruction of America and Israel. Abe Foxman and the ADL owe Glenn Beck an apology. Morton A. Klein Soros: 1944 (Nazi occupation) “was happiest time of my life … adventure … fun” The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has expressed its concern over the strong...Harry Potter, killed by Arab Terrorists but the press still won’t admit the truth . . .
US State Dept: Israel Similar to Iran, Iraq and Sudan
Iran, Hizballah Plan War in Months, Israel Plans for Next Decade
November 16, 2010,
So how will the IDF handle this brazen hostile act? Impose a belated...Harper and Obama on Israel
Having recently visited the US and Canada, I was left with a feeling of profound disquiet concerning the starkly contrasting attitudes toward Israel displayed by the leaders of these two neighboring countries.
He said that the persecution...Yesh Din v’ Yesh Dayan…..There is judgement and there is a judge
“For Gaza shall be forsaken, and Ashkelon a desolation; they shall drive out Ashdod at the noonday, and Ekron shall be rooted up.
George Soros’ Evil Agenda
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Saturday, 20 November 2010
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