Here is your Crux AM update:
Gold analyst: "It's no longer safe to hold cash"
The Federal Reserve has "virtually guaranteed we will have a major currency crisis by next spring."
How China is driving soybeans to record highs
World food prices already at 2-year extremes...
World Bank president: Gold could replace the dollar
"The current dollar-based global monetary system known as 'Bretton Woods II' is on its last legs..." -------------
Stop eating this popular food if you want to live longer
Chances are good that you eat it often...
How to survive the coming increase in the social security age
Three steps you can take to prepare today...
U.S. CEOs are more optimistic than they've been in a decade
"As we see rising earnings, we'll see improving stock prices."
Microsoft chief dumps $1.3 billion of stock
First stock sale in seven years reduces his stake by 12%...
Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux
Monday, 8 November 2010
Posted by
Britannia Radio