Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Here is your Crux AM update:

An old-fashioned secret for staying healthy long into old age
"That is one of the signs of a health truth: it lasts for many years."

Warren Buffett writes a sickening "thank you" note to his big gov't buddies
"Nothing quite like the billionaire... thanking the administration for taking trillions of dollars out of the taxpayers' pocket..."

NY Fed President: We are not printing money
"This is half right and half wrong..."

Germany doesn't want to bail out Ireland
"The European Union cannot throw money from helicopters."

Ron Paul: It's time to reclaim the dollar and our economy
"It's not enough to show outrage at the latest Fed action..."

Precious metals expert: Outlook for silver still "very bullish"
"The fundamental factors driving silver higher have not changed."


Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux