Tuesday 2 November 2010

Just the man to have as chairman of the Defence Select Committe - always to be relied upon to suck-up to authority and give the euroslime an easy ride.


"Today we open a new chapter in a long history of co-operation on defence and security between Britain and France," Mr Cameron told a press conference at the Anglo-French Summit in London – as reported by The Independent.

One of the treaties would commit the British and French armed forces to work together "more closely than ever before", says euroslime Dave, as indeed we did at Mers-el-Kebir in July 1940. And was this before or after we became junior partners to the Septics, Dave?

Either which way, this is bringing the art of taking the piss to new extremes. As Witterings from Witney says, the time has come for talking to cease. Euroslime Dave needs to understand the very real anger occasioned by his move. It goes beyond short-term politics - this hard-core treachery is totally unacceptable. By whatever means, and no matter how long it takes, he must be made to pay for it.


What is incredible is how blatant it all is, and how easily they lie through their teeth as they "insist" that this will not give the European Union a role in Britain's defence policy. Despite their denials, the great greasy-pole merchant Liam Fox - so ambitious he would sell his mother for a farthing if it bought preferment - has sold us out to the forces of European integration, cosying up to his euroslime master Cameron in the process.

A treaty creating a new joint Anglo-French rapid reaction force would serve both countries’ interests in a world "where resources are tight", he says, as his traitorous master is set to announce the creation of a new Combined Joint Expeditionary Force (CJEF) of around 6,500 troops from the two countries under a 50-year deal for closer military "co-operation".

It is expected to include units from the Parachute Regiment, the Royal Marines and Special Forces including the SAS, as well as their French counterparts. The CJEF, they say, is the centrepiece of a new Anglo-French military co-operation treaty being unveiled by Camerslime and TLOTK Sarkozy at a summit in London today.

Needless to say, this "new" Combined Joint Expeditionary Force is not new. It is simply a battle group, along the lines agreed in 2004 as the core part of the European Rapid Reaction Force. Under the guise of "economy", euroslime Cameron is selling out to the euroweenies, doing more for European integration in his first year of office than Blair did in thirteen.

Of course, the lame and the stupid are wittering on about this being "a bilateral, not a supranational endeavour," which is complete and total cant – a staggering insult to our intelligence.

But for all those dim little Tories, all this does is go to prove is that the only thing more stupid than a Tory politician is a supporter of the Tory party. As they trill away about this not being a repeat of Tony Blair's St Malo summit – which is exactly what it is – all you can hear is the sound of their brains gushing out of their backsides.

This is a continuation of the Maastricht Treaty agenda, as this briefing note makes clear. Agreed by the Tories under John Major, this set up the parameters for the development of a European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP). The process continued with the Franco-British meeting in Saint-Malo (France) in December 1998. That was when London and Paris agreed to jointly and actively work to make the European Union "able to carry out some security tasks on its own".

During the period 1999-2003, the EU set up relevant political-military structures to assess, decide, plan and execute military operations and now it is "moving ahead" to embark on a "second round". And that is what this is, the "second round" - building the ESDP, planning and organising new military "cooperation" and integration among EU member states. The current move is the Trojan Horse or, as the "colleagues" say, the catalyst.

With it, our military heritage is being sold down the river by the euroslime. These are black days. We have traitors in our midst, surrounded by fools who've woken up too late, even if, from theDaily Mail comments, it looks as if the slime may have over-reached themselves.




Has The Time Come For Talking To Cease

And for the supposed guardians of our liberty to do the job for which they were elected? Leaving to one side the small matter of the 'EU Budget Fiasco' for the moment, two further stories illustrate one simple fact - that today the composition of the House of Commons contain a majority of those with 'Quisling' tendencies, at the head of which is Quisling-in-Chief, David Cameron. The two stories in question are those concerning (a) the 'co-operation between the armed forces of the United Kingdom and France; and (b) the Coalition, in effect, being forced to capitulate on the question ofvotes for prisoners.

Co-operation between the armed forces of member EU states has been on the agenda for some time and in respect of the United Kingdom and France, Ian Parker-Joseph posted a history of this 'oft-denied plan' by our political masters. Richard North, EU Referendum, has voiced his opinion on the matter which, as always, is well worth reading - and I cannot resist highlighting Richard's last paragraph:
"With it, our military heritage is being sold down the river by the euroslime. These are black days. We have traitors in our midst, surrounded by fools who've woken up too late, even if, from theDaily Mail comments, it looks as if the slime may have over-reached themselves."
Yet again we are seeing 'Democratised Dictatorship' by Cameron in that neither the Conservative, Liberal Democrat, nor the Coalition 'manifestos' contained any hint of this move. One has therefore legitimate reason to question their legal right to make this decision, in that no-one was given the opportunity to express an opinion on the matter - but hey, as with so much that the Coalition do and are intending to do, why let a little matter like 'democratic legalities' get in the way? An alternative view is that Cameron and Sarkozy are doing no more than their Brussels masters bidding, which must underline the point that the United Kingdom is no longer a self-governing nation.

To turn to the matter of prisoners being allowed to vote, this again is a loss of power by the United Kingdom by the loss of power to decide what constitutes the punishement of those that have offended the rules of our society. The Boiling Frog has hopped into the water with his view of this matter and states:
"One beneficial outcome will be that resentment of the EU will fester even more"
It has to be said that John Hirst, who single-handedly, brought this decision to fruitition should be congratulated on having taken the state on and winning. Needless to say, not only do I disagree with the decision but that someone who has broken the laws of our society can use those same laws about which he obviously cared nothing; and to regain a privilege that he should not have, really does beggar belief. Gawain Towler, England Expects, has a good post which raises an interesting question or two.

Finally, I have to turn to the little matter of the behaviour of those 'guardians of our freedom', that supine and cowardly collection of humanity that the people of this land have placed in the House of Commons. I can but suggest you read the Hansard account of Cameron's statement to the House yesterday and also read the pathetic, grovelling, 'please sir, look what a good boy I am by not raising too critical a question' behaviour of Cameron's poodles who were seated on his side of the House.

I have complained about the attitude of John Redwood, for example, a supposed Eurosceptic MP and the fact I have singled him out does not mean that he is alone in 'not rocking the boat'. Douglas Carswell speaks a lot on the matter of our membership of the EU but, other than that, nothing. As for the likes of Daniel Hannan, his 'opposition' can best be summed up by a cartoon in Arty Politics, which I can only suggest is worth following the link for.

Do our MPs not posses one ounce of pride in the country they profess to love? Do they not realise that by their acceptance of and acquiesence to EU membership, their own status is diminished? Reverting to Richard North's description of these Quisling MPs, that of euroslime is slightly misleading - at least normal slime can immediately be washed away, unfortunately we are unable to wash away these bastards until probably 2015 by which time the total capitulation of this country as a self-governing nation will be complete.

For our sake one can but hope their 'Ceaucescu moment' is not too long delayed!