THE ILLUMINATI By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D. [Note: In my NewsWithViews columns over the years, I have written about subjects such as Chinese and Indian education, mental health, school-to-work, American companies’ profits from overseas, globalization, a feudal future, etc., and the plans of the Power Elite (PE). Now, TIME magazine (founded by Skull & Bones member Henry Luce) in its November 1, 2010 edition is covering “Happy Kids and Mental Health”; U.S. companies’ profits from overseas) e.g., 80% of CocaCola’s profits come from overseas); “American Universities Rushing to Set Up Shop in India”; and relevant to feudalism, TIMEnoted that it is “more difficult for the American middle-class worker to benefit from technology and global growth.” After Fareed Zakaria’s first TIME article (October 18) which was on Chinese education, in the November 1 edition he wrote about “going global” and the “new world of technological change and globalization.” He also wrote about China and India increasing the global labor pool, and he advocated that the U.S. should expand its apprenticeship programs (which are part of School-to-Work). Actually, with globalization we already have a type of world government with the World Trade Organization’s rulings requiring nations like the U.S. to change its laws. Concerning our alleged “success” in Iraq, I noted some years ago that militants in that nation could simply bide their time until we departed. Now, we see that on November 2 (after the U.S. on August 31 declared and end to combat operations), a dozen bombs exploded across Baghdad killing at least 76 people and wounding more than 230. This was just two days after Al Qaeda affiliates took control of a church in Baghdad, where 58 people died when police tried to free the hostages there. And regarding religious freedom in Iraq now, Archbishop Athanasios Dawood of the Syrian Orthodox Church in London, according to TIME (November 22, 2010), appealed to Christians to leave Iraq amid targeted attacks in Baghdad, saying “during Saddam Hussein, we were living in peace. Nobody attacked us…. Now nobody protects us.” Concerning Afghanistan and the Taliban, in my NewsWithViews column “New ‘Able Danger’ In Formation” (October 24, 2005), I mentioned Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer who has a recently published book, Operation Dark Heart, about “black-ops” when he was at Bagram Air Base in 2003. According to Chris McGreal in The Guardian (September 13, 2010), Shaffer led a group of black-ops that struck at the core of the Taliban” inside Pakistan. McGreal reported that Shaffer “says that U.S. forces were gaining the upper hand until the military brass involved itself, curbing operations in Pakistan and permitting the Taliban to strengthen again.” Think about why the U.S. would curb a successful operation in Pakistan against the Taliban, letting it strengthen again! Lastly, in several of my NewsWithViews columns, I referred to the new global currency planned for 2010 A.D., and said it would occur after the dollar was devalued. Note that just a few days ago, the Federal Reserve bought $600 billion in government bonds, which will have the effect of devaluing the dollar!] Toward the end of Part 2 of this series, I mentioned that the Illuminati had not only spread to France, but also “throughout the whole of Germany,” and to other countries as well. Concerning Germany, I mentioned Fichte and Hegel, and relevant to Illuminist organizational and philosophic principles there was the German Union. In John Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy (1798), there is an entire section on both the French Revolution and German Union. At the end of his book are Robison’s “General Reflections” wherein he said he was “eager to find out any remains of Weishaupt’s Association. I was not surprised when I saw marks of its interference in the French Revolution.—In hunting for clearer proofs I found out the German Union—and, in fine, the whole appeared to be one great and wicked project, fermenting and working all over Europe.” In addition, historically prominent people such as Hegel being mentored by the Illuminati, there were several historically prominent people who themselves were members of The Order. For example, according to Hermann Schuttler in Die Mitglieder des Illuminatenordens 1776-1787/93, the father of modern educational theory and practice, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (code name Alfred) founded a branch of the Illuminati in Zurich, Switzerland in 1783. Schuttler also revealed that, surprisingly, Jesuit Archbishop Karl Theodor Dalberg (Arch-Chancellor of the Holy Roman Empire) became an Illuminatus Major in July 1783, and was initiated into the highest degree of Magus or Philosopher in 1784. And according to Schuttler, perhaps the most famous of the Illuminati was the novelist and playwright Johann Goethe (code name Abaris), who in February 1783 was probably brought into the Order by Johann Bode (mentioned earlier in this series). Librarian of Congress (and Rhodes Scholar) James Billington inFire in the Minds of Men (1980), claims that Bode was also the “decisive channel of Illuminist influence” on revolutionary Nicholas Bonneville during his “first two visits to Paris [June of 1787].” Another famous individual influenced by the Illuminati was poet Percy Bysshe Shelley who on March 2, 1811 wrote a letter to the editor of the Examiner indicating he wanted “to form a methodical society” and asserted that people should “bear in mind the very great influence which, for years since, was gained by Illuminism.” Terry Melanson of the online Illuminati Conspiracy Archive claims that “a direct line of influence from the Illuminati to the French Revolution to the Communist League of the Just is realized” in Filippo Michele Buonarroti. Although there is some debate as to whether Buonarroti joined an Illuminus lodge in 1786, he was definitely connected with important members of the Order. Furthermore, he was a strong proponent of the French Revolution, having Rousseau as his “master,” as he would later write, and establishing educational institutions that promoted the Socialism of Rousseau’s Social Contract. J.L. Talmon in The Rise of Totalitarianism (1952) adds that “Buonarroti entered into close relations with the [French Revolution] Jacobin leaders and was a frequent guest at Robespierre’s lodgings… he [subsequently] joined the Conspiracy of Babeuf as one of its chiefs. After having served his prison sentence and gone into exile, he became the high priest of egalitarian Communism in Europe.” Buonarroti settled in Geneva in 1806, and was initiated into the Grand Orient Lodge of Des Amis Sinceres. He organized many secret societies, the most important of which was the Sublimes Maitres Parfaits. And according to Elizabeth Eisenstein in The First Professional Revolutionist: Filippo Michele Buonarroti(1761-1837): “In its structure, as well as its gradualist aim, the Sublimes Maitres Parfaits resembled the order founded by Weishaupt in 1776.” This is a critical point to remember. Although the original Illuminati no longer exists, it was continued in “structure and aim” by others after Weishaupt. Buonarrati infiltrated the Italian Carbonari, which was later led by revolutionary Giuseppe Muzzeni in the mid-19th century. From 1824 to 1830 Buonarrati lived in Brussels and wroteBabeuf’s Conspiracy of Equals (shortened translated title), which was read by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The latter two were paid by the League of the Just to write theCommunist Manifesto (1848). And this was at a time when a young John Ruskin (who has a swastika on his gravestone) had just completed his own education at Oxford University, where in the early 1870s he would teach a young Cecil Rhodes. © 2010 Dennis Cuddy - All Rights Reserved Dennis Laurence Cuddy, historian and political analyst, received a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (major in American History, minor in political science). Dr. Cuddy has taught at the university level, has been a political and economic risk analyst for an international consulting firm, and has been a Senior Associate with the U.S. Department of Education. Cuddy has also testified before members of Congress on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice. Dr. Cuddy has authored or edited twenty books and booklets, and has written hundreds of articles appearing in newspapers around the nation, including The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and USA Today. He has been a guest on numerous radio talk shows in various parts of the country, such as ABC Radio in New York City, and he has also been a guest on the national television programs USA Today and CBS's Nightwatch. E-Mail: Not Available
November 15, 2010
Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3,According to award-winning author Alan Axelrod (a consultant to the Strong Museum in New York and the Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum in Delaware) in his book, The International Encyclopedia of Secret Societies and Fraternal Orders (1997), Ruskin was “reputedly a student of the ILLUMINATI.” And pertaining to Rhodes, in Will Banyan’s “A Short History of the Round Table—Part I” there is a section called The New Weishaupt about Rhodes. In 1891, Cecil Rhodes formed the Secret Society of the Elect “to take the government of the whole world” in Rhodes’ own words.
Monday, 15 November 2010
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