Tuesday 2 November 2010


Liberalism Is Not Our Religion

by Aryeh Rubin
Special To The Jewish Week:… h/t Birdalone

I believe in equality for all. I support civil rights, women’s rights, gay rights, universal health care, feeding the poor, social justice, separation of church and state, access to education, diversity, the arts, animal rights (I have not eaten meat or poultry in 33 years), and more. I marched against the war in Vietnam, protested the bombing in Cambodia, and advocated for affirmative action.

In terms of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I met with the Palestinian leadership, including Yasir Arafat, as part of my peace activism. I believed, up to a point, in Oslo, and maintain that while a failure, it was not a mistake. I am hopeful that the two sides will keep talking until there is a deal.

Still, I have not elevated liberalism to the status of religion. I do not blindly follow the liberal agenda and my convictions take a backseat to my commitment to the well-being of Israel and the Jewish people....

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Right! BS. They forgot to air the videos? I like Christine, even if she loses!! Yamit

Here is The Christine O’ Donnell Ad Delaware TV Doesn’t Want you To See

Christine O’Donnell is taking a page from the playbook of Barack Obama. The Republican Senate candidate has produced a 30-minute television advertisement in the form of a documentary chronicling her connection with the people of Delaware.

But unlike Obama’s ad at the end of the 2008 race, the tea party insurgent’s campaign has run into obstacles getting it in front of voters before Election Day. The campaign did not purchase advance time on networks in the Philadelphia or Delaware markets, said a source close to the O’Donnell campaign, and the networks did not have time available to air the ad on such short notice.

So O’Donnell turned to a public access television station, Delaware Channel 28. She told supporters at a Tea Party Express rally on Sunday in Wilmington to watch that...

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US Jews Go Right Wing

by Elad Benari

According to former senior White House aide and White House Jewish Liaison Tevi Troy, despite the assumption that Jewish citizens of the United States traditionally vote for Democrats and not Republicans, there is a shift in the Jewish vote already taking place at the state level.

Troy pointed out in Politico that nationally, Jews make up only about 2 percent of the American population but are heavily represented in big cities and have disproportionately high voter turnout rates. He added that while Democrats do get the lion’s share of the Jewish vote, some Jewish groups such as the Orthodox Jews have shifted to the Republicans, as seen in the 2004 elections, when 70 percent of Orthodox Jews supported George W. Bush.

The picture is completely different at the state level, according to Troy. One example he brings is that of the Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who in 2009 attracted 38 percent of the Jewish vote.

“For this reason, it is worth...

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U.S. – Israel Security Alert to Voters for Tuesday’s Congressional Elections

Christians’ Israel Public Action Campaign (CIPAC)

Shavua Tov ( Good Week!) CIPAC Members & Friends,

I am convinced that national security, not jobs or deficits, is the biggest issue at stake in Tuesday’s elections for Congress. Survival trumps prosperity.

Last week’s terrorist threats from air freight parcel bombs should remind every voter that in this time of war on a number of fronts, the Obama administration is remarkably careless with defense issues, including relationships with key allies like Israel, Britain and Canada. This should cause security concerns to compete with, if not eclipse, such issues as jobs, Obamacare, and overspending for voters.

The attacks highlight the fact that US national security, closely entwined with Israel’s security, is critically at issue in Tuesday’s pivotal elections.

Just as the onrushing elections are a referendum on the administration’s domestic and fiscal policies, so too should they be a...

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The Demise of One Man, One Vote

By Peter Raymond

In yet another scheme to radically transform our country, progressives have quietly carried out their plan to incrementally disenfranchise citizens and grant extraordinary voting rights to non-citizens. This is accomplished by challenging requirements to prove citizenship when registering to vote and replacing the “one man, one vote” principle with proportional voting,a voting method promoted by the far-left Congressional Progressive Caucus as one of their progressive promises to America.

A review of a recent lawsuit filed against the small Village of Port Chester in New York illustrates how the left’s strategy to undermine the most fundamental tenet of a representative democracy, the right of citizens to freely elect individuals that represent the interests of the whole community, has been so devastatingly effective.

Nearly four years ago, a complaint was filed by the DOJ alleging that the Village of Port Chester’s at-large elections were...

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Socialism and Reality


To the editor of American Thinker

As of three days ago I was a diehard liberal Democrat. I followed the trumpet call and marched in lockstep with whatever was declared to be true by the liberals in my family, all my friends and particularly my professors in college. There was no other choice a sane person could make and those who were “conservative” were no more than bible thumping fascists and greedy capitalists who just wanted to exploit all of us.

There was no straying from this orthdoxy and frankly and I never wanted to stray as I was comfortable in that environment. I was overjoyed when Barack Obama was elected President and despite his lack of overall success (from a liberal viewpoint) to date I continued to gloat in the fact that we had defeated those neanderthals known as the “right” and that in time our policies would be triumphant. I began to get a bit queasy when I observed what was happening in Greece and France etc, but wrote that off to...

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Obama’s achievement: Rousing the pro-Israel vote


US President Barack Obama has succeeded in at least one area in his controversial presidency: He inadvertently has galvanized American public support for Israel, making Mideast policy a surprisingly potent issue in this congressional election. And, thanks to the Obama administration’s perceived hostility toward Israel, the reticence of even Jewish elected Democrats to criticize their president and the emergence of a new generation of vocally pro- Israel Republican candidates, the pro-Israel vote has shifted in a decidedly Republican direction.

The litany of Obama administration acts causing angst in the pro-Israel community includes: reneging on understandings reached with Israel by the previous administration to avoid a return to indefensible pre-1967 “Auschwitz” borders; orchestrating a diplomatic crisis and publicly dressing-down Israel following Vice President Joe Biden’s visit; suggesting that its policies were causing American troop deaths in Iraq...

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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel