November 21st Ft. Hood Event is About
Honor over Dishonor, Truth over Lies, and
Facts over Self Delusion.
On November 21, 2010 in Killeen, TX there will be a special [second] memorial service and symposium to honor the fallen of Ft. Hood, as well as all of our brave men and women who continue to serve around the globe in the "War on Terror."
Following the memorial service, five brave experts on terrorism and counter-terrorism will deliver shocking facts about what America and the free world is facing, based on their knowledge, experience and unique perspectives.
More than five thousand of our men and women have given the ultimate sacrifice in the name of freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan, and tens of thousands have suffered the wounds and scars of battle. Here at home, hundreds of thousands of law enforcement officers wage a daily battle against an enemy that hides in plain sight.
The Forum for Middle East Understanding will feature experts on terrorism (former military officers and two former Islamic terrorists) who will deliver a “Politically Incorrect” presentation. Participants will be moved how these men not only honor our military’s service and sacrifice, but go on to provide the one thing that is lacking in the media, our churches, synagogues and places of discourse where the truth about America’s most dangerous enemy is buried and camouflaged.
As a Nation we cannot continue to deceive ourselves about what really is causing the terror, death and the political jihad that is attacking our freedom and way of life.
The Nov. 21st event may be controversial, but without the truth we have no honor. The truth must be spoken; the facts must be told, we can no longer be silent while we ask others to fight for our freedom, while as a Nation we dishonor their sacrifice with self delusion, deception and political correctness.
We would like to thank the International Counter Terrorism Officers Association for their generous support and sponsorship.
For more information, please go to: For media inquiries, please contact Rod Mitchell at; 281.350.5506.