MUMBAI: Implicitly acknowledging the decline of American dominance, Barack Obama on Sunday said the US was no longer in a position to “meet the rest of the world economically on our terms”. Speaking at a town hall meeting in Mumbai, he said, “I do think that one of the challenges that we are going face in the US, at a time when we are still recovering from the financial crisis is, how do we respond to some of the challenges of globalisation? The fact of the matter is that for most of my lifetime and I’ll turn 50 next year – the US was such an enormously dominant economic power, we were such a large market, our industry, our technology, our manufacturing was so significant that we always met the rest of the world economically on our terms. And now because of the incredible rise of India and China and Brazil and other countries, the US remains the largest economy and the largest market, but there is real competition.” More... By Howard Rotberg Obama is at it again. First, he awarded America’s highest civilian award – the Medal of Freedom – to Mary Robinson who presided over the infamous Durban Conference of 2001, where Islamic countries were allowed to highjack a conference about racism into a hatefest against the one country in the Middle East (Israel) that has a functioning justice system protecting minority rights. Then he went to Cairo and showed his intentions to appease radical Islam by accepting that tension between the West and Islam has had nothing to do with Muslim actions against the West but was “fed by colonialism that denied rights and opportunities to many Muslims, and a Cold War in which Muslim-majority countries were too often treated as proxies without regard to their own aspirations.” Politico askes Was abortion a wave-stopper for Democrats in 2010? By branding Republican challengers as outside the cultural mainstream on the issue, Democrats managed to hold on to at least a slice of the political center by courting and winning over moderate women in a handful of key states. The strategy ran counter to the one that enabled the party to broaden the political map in 2006 and 2008, when Democrats thrived by running candidates whose positions on abortion were closely attuned to the socially conservative areas where they sought office. One reader wrote to me to make this point too. In New York, EVERY statewide contest... Arsen Ostrovsky, FrumForum A few days ago, I was fortunate to attend a talk by Israeli Arab journalist Khaled Abu Toameh in Jerusalem. Toameh gave an incredibly wide ranging talk about the peace process, the double standards rife in the West and the media when it comes to coverage of the Middle East and his perspective as a Muslim Arab of Palestinian descent living in Israel (and you thought you had identity issues!). Toameh has been working as a journalist for almost 30 years now, covering Palestinian affairs, focusing predominantly on the West Bank and Gaza, including for the Palestinian press under the PLO and for various international media outlets in the US and Europe. He is currently at the Jerusalem Post writing on Palestinian issues. Toameh is also an Israeli citizen living in Jerusalem. In other words, he is aptly qualified to comment on the issues of his discussion. However, if you expected Toameh to jump on the anti-Israel bandwagon with the familiar cries that Israel... Op-ed: Terrorists convinced that they can get away with murder, and even be rewarded The United States is justly perceived as the role-model for democracy: freedom of expression, religion, movement, media, Internet and election. Therefore, the US is perceived as a lethal threat by Muslim regimes in the Middle East, all of which are autocratic, representing an ethnic minority (or a military clique), suppressing the majority and fearing democracy. The US is properly perceived – by rogue Muslim regimes – as the most effective hurdle on their way to attain historically-strategic goals: Saddam Hussein’s drive to control the Arab World, Assad’s aim to reassert Greater Syria (encompassing Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, parts of Turkey and Israel), Iran’s aspiration to dominate the Persian Gulf and the Middle East, etc. OBAMA: I know exactly what I’m doing, and Saul Alinksy knows too! Obama wants nothing better than to take the US down, lock stock and barrel, to reduce its ability to project its power and to safeguard its interests. The man is a traitor. He’s not stupid, or imbalanced, but ideologically driven. He’s a socialist, of the Fabian order, and when the moment suits him, a more assertive socialist of the Leninist stripe. The following video clip, show how clueless the people are. They actually think he, Obama, is in over his head, but he’s not. As Mark Levin has stated time and again, he’s a human wrecking ball. Click here to view the embedded video. Israels original sin was not annexing all the territories liberated in 67′. While a world that is normal knows that if land belongs to you then you annex it, therefore feels free to condemn a country that does not do so as an “occupier”. Based on our actions since 67′, the logic seems to be on the side of the nations condemning Israel as an occupier. That leaves basically 2 options: Give all of the lands liberated to the Arabs or annex them. One option is suicidal, the other difficult but doable. Yamit Many Jews say, why don’t we partition Jerusalem with the Palestinians, since they control East Jerusalem, anyway? Accepting the de facto situation de jure is not the only option. The other option is to change the de facto. What kind of nation accepts the division of its capital with a defeated aggressor? Berlin was partitioned by occupational powers, but re-united at the first opportunity. What kind of nation would surrender its holiest place,... By HILARY LEILA KRIEGER, JERUSALEM POST Two Jewish Democrats on Capitol Hill give support to US funding for LAF after reassurances that money, equipment won’t fall into Hizbullah hands. WASHINGTON – Two key members of Congress have decided to lift their holds on aid to the Lebanese military on Friday, clearing the way for $100 million to be transferred to the force. The money has been tied up since August after the members expressed concern about American funds ending up in the hands of Hizbullah, particularly after a deadly incident in which Lebanese Armed Forces soldiers shot at IDF soldiers along the border. Nita Lowey (D-New York), chairwoman of the foreign operations subcommittee of the appropriations committee, and Howard Berman (D-California), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, had both requested reassurances from the State Department concerning oversight for the money, which helps train and equip the military. An Open Letter to Republican Freshmen Members of Congress by Sarah Palin Congratulations to all of you for your contribution to this historic election, and for the contributions I am certain you will make to our country in the next two years. Your victory was hard fought, and the success belongs entirely to you and the staff and volunteers who spent countless hours working for this chance to put government back on the side of the people. Now you will come to Washington to serve your nation and leave your mark on history by reining in government spending, preserving our freedoms at home, and restoring America’s leadership abroad. Some of you have asked for my thoughts on how best to proceed in the weeks and months ahead and how best to advance an agenda that can move our country forward. I have a simple answer: stick to the principles that propelled your campaigns. When you take your oath to support and defend our Constitution and to faithfully discharge the duties of your office,...Obama acknowledges decline of US dominance
Obama is Re-writing History And Debasing “Tolerance”
And then he uttered the infamous words, equating the glorious tradition of justice, freedom and tolerance in America with that of totalitarian countries like Egypt, Syria, Iran, and Saudi...Palin’s anti-abortion stand hurts her
This year, however, Democrats adopted almost the opposite approach late in the 2010 campaign. As many of the anti-abortion Democrats elected over the last four years were going down in defeat, the party made abortion a central concern in a handful of battleground Senate races — and they ended up in the Democratic column as a result.Abu Toameh: What the Western Media Misses
Radical Islam targeting America
Yoram Ettinger, YNET
The US has been targeted as a scapegoat by autocratic Muslim regimes, blaming the US – along with the West and the Jewish...Top US Democrat Senators admit Obama doesn’t have a Clue but neither do they!
Obama knows exactly what he’s doing. These top Dems are confused over his actions, because they don’t share with him the same vision of America, if they knew what his goals were, they would understand his moves better, and be mortified, not dismissive.It’s only in the long run that we’re all dead
Congress lifts hold on $100 million for Lebanese army
“The administration gave detailed...Palin’s Policy Agenda
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Sunday, 14 November 2010
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Britannia Radio