Wednesday, 17 November 2010


PA Delays Freeze Deal

Laura: Once again the PA saves Israel from itself.

Palestinians have delayed freeze deal with the US


Sources say PA refusing to return to negotiating table even if new 90-day freeze implemented; opposition is responsible for delay in Israel receiving letter outlining terms of deal.
Palestinian refusal to return to the negotiating table even if a 90-day settlement freeze is in place has delayed the anticipated agreement between Israel and the US for a package of incentives in exchange for such a moratorium, The Jerusalem Post has learned from sources close to the issue.

As a result, there is no formal document to date which sets out the terms of the incentive package which was hammered out last Thursday in a day long meeting between Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Netanyahu has insisted that only once he has such a document, will he bring it to the 15-member Security Cabinet for approval.

The Cabinet is set to...

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Likud Min. Landau: US Demanding Much More Than 3-Month Freeze

by David Lev, INN

Contrary to reports in the media that portray the U.S. as giving Israel a “package” of “benefits” for another three months of building freeze in Judea and Samaria, Washington is actually demanding a lot more for its largesse – far more than Israel can safely agree to, said Infrastructures Minister Uzi Landau.

Landau, along with other ministers and Knesset Members – including many Likud and Yisrael Beiteinu ministers, and coalition chairman Ze’ev Elkin – are up in arms over the proposed renewal of the building freeze in Judea and Samaria, and have vowed to fight it with all means at their disposal.

Part of the fight, Landau said in a Voice of Israel Radio interview Tuesday morning, was changing the perception of the “deal” the United States. had ostensibly offered Israel for the freeze extension.

According to Landau, the conditions for the deal are far different than those being portrayed in the Israeli media, which is telling Israelis...

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Gates: miitary option off the table

Gates sees Iran rift, says strike would unite country

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Sanctions against Iran are biting hard and triggering divisions among its leadership, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Tuesday, as he argued against a military strike over Tehran’s nuclear program.

    Although he acknowledged on Tuesday that Iranian leaders “are still intent on acquiring nuclear weapons,” he said military action was not a long-term answer.

    “A military solution, as far as I’m concerned … it will bring together a divided nation. It will make them absolutely committed to obtaining nuclear weapons. And they will just go deeper and more covert,” Gates said.

    “The only long-term solution in avoiding an Iranian nuclear weapons capability is for the Iranians to decide it’s not in their interest. Everything else is a short-term solution.”

Pentagon Halts Israeli Fighter Jet Bid, US a Rival on Tender

by Malkah Fleisher, INN (originally published in summer of ’09)

A scandal has arisen out of the United States military establishment after Pentagon pressure on Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) to withdraw from a massive aircraft tender for the Indian Air Force leaves competing American aerospace companies in prime position to win it.

On the table: a $12 billion Indian Ministry of Defense tender for 126 multi-role combat aircraft (MRCA) for the Indian Air Force.

In a bid to win the tender, IAI was offered a partnership with Sweden’s Saab AB to jointly develop an advanced model of the JAS-39 Gripen jet fighter. Israel was to build the electronic systems for the craft, including communications, electronic warfare and radar systems.

The Pentagon contacted Israel’s Ministry of Defense, ordering them to force IAI out of contention, citing concerns that Israel would integrate American technology into the fighter jets.

However, two of the remaining four bidders are...

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Quantative Easing and Goldman Sachs

Belman: I told you so in Oct ’08

By Ted Belman

In October ’08 I wrote, Jews can’t vote for Obama and be pro-Israel at the same time.

You might want to revisit it to see What I knew before the elections and told everyone about.

Barack Hussein Obama: I Told You So – Yes I Did

By Howard Galganov, Canada

When Obama won the Presidency with the help of the LEFTIST Media,Hollywood And Entertainment Liberals, Ethnic Socialists (ACORN), Stupid Non-Business Professionals and Bush Haters and Wall Street I wrote: It won’t take six months until the People figure this guy out and realize how horrible a mistake they’ve made.. And when they come to that realization, the damage to the United States of America will be so great it will take a generation or more to repair – IF EVER.

The IDIOTS who not only voted for the Messiah, but also worked to promote his Lordship, are now left holding the bag.

Here are two things they will NEVER do: They will NEVER admit to making a Blunder out of all proportion by electing a snake-oil salesman with no Positive social history or management experience of any kind. They will NEVER take responsibility for the curse they’ve imposed upon the immediate and long-term future of their country.

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Iran’s Baghdad feat will force US to engage Hizballah, Hamas

DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis November 15, 2010,

Iyad Allawi, whose Al Iraqiya party, won Iraq’s general election last April but last week lost the premiership to the pro-Iranian incumbent Nouri Al-Malaki, was forced to admit Friday, Nov. 12 that “the concept of power-sharing in Iraq was dead now. For Iraq” he said, “there will be tensions and violence, probably.”

That day, too, debkafile’s sources report, Hassan Nasrallah told a closed meeting of his Lebanese Hizballah activists that what happened in Baghdad is destined for Beirut.

He was underlining the new reality in the Middle East where Iran and its allies are beating the West out in one crisis after another, forcing pro-US and pro-Saudi political forces to come to terms with antagonists sponsored by Tehran and serving its interests rather than those of Washington. No one in the region buys the proposition that the Obama administration can count as a successful feat the Baghdad...

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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel