Palin is a marvel, melting the leftist choke-hold on the culture and breaking down the cultural gulag that the far left has long constructed to wall off any effective leaders on the right and keep them silenced and marginalized.
Palin has no idea the impact she is having in altering the multimedia landscape. Urban Infidel shares this cultural iconic moment. I don't know about you, but I use refudiate every chance I get. It's a spectacular coinage.
Changing the dialogue, one word at a time. :)
I noticed that the Oxford University Press building on Madison Avenue had a window display for their Word of the Yearannouncement. How delicious! I had to take a few shots.
Being a word lover I adore' refudiate'. The good folks at the press chose wisely and showed that they are freely engaged in the world of ideas and ignoring politically correct restraints. Especially in the context of Sarah Palin's famous tweet about the Ground Zero Mosque.
Well played, OUP!
One word. Free of charge.
Publicity for Oxford University Press for crowning Sarah Palin's 'refudiate' Word of the Year. In the near incalculable multiple millions.
Liberal heads exploding across the globe. Priceless.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, November 19, 2010 at 10:47 AM | Permalink | Comments (11) ShareThis
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Friday, November 19, 2010
Another great Islamic contribution to the anti-humanity. Fascist fashion. Looks like it will complement the full burka quite nicely. Watch out, ladies!
The tie, which is shaped like the sword of Imam Ali (cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad who is considered by Shi'a as his rightful successor) and decorated with an Islamic hadith (a saying attributed to Muhammad), has been registered in the Islamic republic by inventor Hemat Komeili.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, November 19, 2010 at 10:56 AM in Cultural Jihad | Permalink | Comments (8) ShareThis
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A burka'ed Muslim charged with making false complaint belched out that tired old incitement to hate-chant of revolutionary crowd -- "All cops are racist" -- what race?
We have seen the weaponizing of the veil and the use of the veil to commit crimes, escape detection, kidnap and rape young girls and keep them hidden, the Elizabeth Smart case should be the catalyst for such legislation.
And now this.
Bottom line, Muhammad said shroud their chattel head to toe, but not the face and the hands. Any woman who covers her whole face is making a political statement, not a religious statement.
Face veils must be banned as a national security measure.
“All Cops are racist” Sheik Yer MamiGaming the system:
Who’s who? And prove it, too Andrew Bolt
Carnita Matthews was charged in June after allegedly falsely claiming that a highway patrol officer handled her in an attempt to see her burqa-hidden face during a random breath test.
She has pleaded not guilty.
After arriving at Campbelltown Local Court yesterday with an identically dressed friend, Matthews watched the in-car police video of her being pulled over and asked to lift the burqa so the officer could verify her licence photo.
The court was told that after being issued an infringement notice for not properly displaying her P-plates, the 46-year-old branded the officer “a racist” and claimed he only booked her because of what she was wearing…
“You look at me and see me wearing this and you couldn’t handle it. All cops are racist.”…
Giving evidence yesterday, the station officer who took the complaint said he had told Matthews the officer had been right to ask for identification.
In a statement read to the court, Sergeant Paul Kearney said he told her: “I’m looking at you and all I can see is two eyes.”
However, the court was told that an officer who three days later accepted a statutory declaration from a burqa-clad woman he assumed to be Matthews failed to check her identification.
Matthews’ lawyer Stephen Hopper said there was no way for police to prove that his client was the one who signed the statutory declaration at Campbelltown police station on June 10.
Previous related:
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, November 19, 2010 at 10:33 AM in Cultural Jihad | Permalink | Comments (2) ShareThis
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Thursday, November 18, 2010
The entire scam was meticulously revealed in my book, The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America. The intent of the Copenhagen Accord was redistribution of the wealth on a global scale. Obama embraced the Copenhagen Accord.
I read through the voluminous Copenhagen with John Jay and exposed the political fraud and the pillaging of the American people's hard-earned money.
IPCC Official: “Climate Policy Is Redistributing The World's Wealth” (hat tip James)
Thursday, 18 November 2010 13:16 Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Climate policy has almost nothing to do anymore with environmental protection, says the German economist and IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer. The next world climate summit in Cancun is actually an economy summit during which the distribution of the world's resources will be negotiated.
Ottmar Edenhofer was appointed as joint chair of Working Group 3 at the Twenty-Ninth Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Geneva, Switzerland. The deputy director and chief economist of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and Professor of the Economics of Climate Change at the Berlin Institute of Technology will be co-chairing the Working Group “Mitigation of Climate Change” with Ramón Pichs Madruga from Cuba and Youba Sokona from Mali.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 14 November 2010
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, November 18, 2010 at 05:57 PM in Global Warming uh cooling uh climate change | Permalink | Comments (10) ShareThis
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The BBC has pulled a documentary series on the assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri, the UK daily The Guardian reported on Thursday.
BBC reportedly postponed "Murder in Beirut," which was supposed to premiere on BBC world Saturday, due to tensions in Lebanon over the expectation that Hizbullah is expected to be accused of the murder.
"The BBC says the program does not yet comply with its editorial guidelines, and needed more time to be complete"
..does not comply with the editorial guidelines of the BBC... not like the UNRWA school bombing by the IDF, the tearful Orla Guerin. etc.etc.
Back in 2005, John Bolton, the U.S. Ambassador to the UN, said that acting UN chief investigator Detlev Mehlis "has important evidence that points to a Syrian involvement on very high levels." In an interview with Pan-Arab daily As-Sharq al-Awsat published Thursday, Bolton said: "Mehlis' reports which he presented to the UN Security Council indicates without any doubt that he has important evidence that points to a Syrian involvement on high levels," in the assassination of former Premier Rafik Hariri.
BBC dhimmis suck up, yet agian, to Islamic terrorists, and run away in fear.
Lebanese Christian leader, Pierre Gemayal, was assassinated by the same cabal.
'BBC pulls Hariri documentary amid tensions' J Post (hat tip Dan F.)
The BBC has pulled a documentary series on the assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri, UK daily The Guardian reported on Thursday.
BBC reportedly postponed "Murder in Beirut," which was supposed to premiere on BBC world Saturday, due to tensions in Lebanon over the expectation that Hizbullah is expected to be accused of the murder.
No new broadcast date has been announced for the series.
The decision was reportedly made after Lebanese newspaper al-Akhbar described the film, saying that its purpose is "to accuse Hizbullah of the crime," and excerpts from the documentary were aired on a pro-Syrian channel in Lebanon.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, November 18, 2010 at 04:42 PM | Permalink | Comments (6) ShareThis
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If you doubted how evil the UN is -- look no further. Co-opted lock, stock and barrel by the Mohammedans.
Morocco [Muslim] and Mali [Muslim] introduced an amendment on behalf of African and Islamic nations that called for deleting the words "sexual orientation" and replacing them with "discriminatory reasons on any basis" in a resolution condemning unjustified executions.
Why weren't honor killings referenced? More international Islamic law.
How is that leftist/Islamic alliance thing going for ya, LGBT crowd? No comment from 'Queers for Palestine.'
By Louis Charbonneau (hat tip Armaros)
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – [Muslim] Arab and African nations succeeded Tuesday in getting a U.N. General Assembly panel to delete from a resolution condemning unjustified executions a specific reference to killings due to sexual orientation.
Western delegations expressed disappointment in the human rights committee's vote to remove the reference to slayings due to sexual orientation from the resolution on extrajudicial, summary and arbitrary executions.
"The subject of this amendment -- the need for prompt and thorough investigations of all killing, including those committed for ... sexual orientation -- exists in this resolution simply because it is a continuing cause for concern," a British statement to the committee said.
The General Assembly passes a resolution condemning extrajudicial, summary and arbitrary executions and other killings every two years. The 2008 declaration included an explicit reference to killings committed because of the victims' sexual preferences.
But this year, Morocco [Muslim] and Mali [Muslim] introduced an amendment on behalf of African and Islamic nations that called for deleting the words "sexual orientation" and replacing them with "discriminatory reasons on any basis."
That amendment narrowly passed 79-70. The resolution then was approved by the committee, which includes all 192 U.N. member states, with 165 in favor, 10 abstentions and no votes against.
The U.S. delegation voted against the deletion but abstained from the vote on the final resolution. Diplomats said the U.S. delegation also voiced disappointment at the decision to remove the reference to sexual orientation.
Nice going, US.
The UN became a nightmare.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, November 18, 2010 at 03:44 PM in UN: Global Machine of Organization of Islamic Conference | Permalink | Comments (17) ShareThis
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“The U.S. State Department under Secretary Hillary Clinton claims that Israel violates religious freedom in the same way as Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan and China.”
More outrageous, judeophobic lies from the Obama administration. Hillary Clinton has no shame. What a tool -- the upside is that she continues to shill for an anti-American, anti-semitic president, thereby destroying her chances for any future run on the White House.
We will not forget, Hillary.
Israel is the only country in the godforsaken region that allows all religions to live and pray in their country, whereas Muslim rule is notoriously oppressive and brutal towards their non-Muslim minorities, as commanded by the Islamic law (sharia.)
Close to a million Jews in Muslim countries were previously expelled. Where is Obama's "right of return for the Jews"? Where is the outcry over the unspeakable brutality experienced by Coptic Christian in Egypt; other Christians in Indonesia and Sudan; Hindus in Southeast Asia; Zoroastrians and Bahais in Iran; and on and on and on.
And the idea that the Obama administration is criticizing Jewish law on the issue of conversion while it stands silent on the crimes against humanity enshrined in the sharia is without equal. Gender apartheid, clitorectomies, honor killings, slavery, extortion, dhimmitude, jiyza, is met with respect.
I have heard nary a word from Obama on the Islamic mandate of convert or die or live in dhimmitude. But he dares to presume to tell the Jewish people who is or isn't a Jew?
Obama in Turkey, April 2009, in his pathetic speech (here's the video) to the Muslim world:
"We seek broader engagement based upon mutual interest and mutual respect. We will listen carefully, we will bridge misunderstanding, and we will seek common ground. We will be respectful even when we do not agree"
US State Dept: Israel Violates Non-Jews' Religious Rights
( The U.S. State Department under Secretary Hillary Clinton claims that Israel violates religious freedom in the same way as Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan and China.
The department’s annual International Religious Freedom Report, released Wednesday for the year 2009, placed Israel in the same category as countries “where violators of religious freedom have been noteworthy.”
The report complained, for instance, that three Messianic Jews were denied the right to immigrate to Israel during the reporting period.
Other issues of contention included Israel’s unwillingness to recognize conversions performed in the country which do not meet criteria under Torah law, identification cards (Teudot Zehut) that differentiate between Jews and non-Jews, and the authority over marriages and burials exercised by the Chief Rabbinate, which is Orthodox.
In addition, the report claimed that Israel extends protection only to Jewish holy sites, rather than to all holy sites as is mandated under the law.
“The 1967 Protection of Holy Sites Law applies to holy sites of all religious groups within the country and in all of Jerusalem, but the Government implements regulations only for Jewish sites,” complained the report. “Non-Jewish holy sites do not enjoy legal protection under it because the Government does not recognize them as official holy sites."
Outright Lie
In fact, this last is an outright lie. Government security forces often prevent Jews from even approaching the Temple Mount, and numerous Jews have been arrested -- including a young bride and her father at one point -- for infractions as spurious as simply "moving their lips" on the site, because the area has been designated an official holy site for Muslims, where the Al-Aqsa mosque is located.
All Islamic sites are controlled by the Waqf, also known as the Islamic Religious Authority – due to the preference of the imams themselves, and under a special arrangement. Much damage has been caused and thousands of priceless artifacts from the First and Second Temple eras have been destroyed due to damage caused by construction near the Dome of the Rock mosque – which rests on the Temple Mount, where the Jewish Holy of Holies is located -- authorized by the Waqf.
Likewise the churches, which each fall under the authority of their own religious groups. For example, the Vatican controls its own churches, convents and monasteries, and even other properties. Israel has been involved in delicate talks with the Vatican over the issue of sovereignty of some 21 disputed properties in the Land of Israel for more than 11 years – and in fact, the Holy See has not even paid taxes on most of the properties.
UPDATE: This (but Israel denies religious rights)
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, November 18, 2010 at 02:18 PM in Obama: Lethal for Israel, President Hussein | Permalink | Comments (50) ShareThis
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The Guardian asked me for my take on a Kenneth Roth column, an illogical and nonsensical leftwing piece on Obama's perverse miscarriage of justice -- the civilian trials of war criminals. The notorious Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch since 1993, "has led the politicization and erosion of universal human rights as a moral force."
I responded with a rebuttal to Roth an hour or so before the Obama verdict came in, and in the words of one editor, "well, your opening paragraphs prove prophetic -- would you like to update?"
And update I did ......... and to The Guardian's credit, few tweaks were made (eg, substituting 'al-Qaida terrorist' for 'Muslim terrorist') and they ran the whole thing:
The lesson of Ghailani's trial fiasco Pamela Geller, The Guardian
Al-Qaida declared war on the US in 1998, so let's not be moral idiots: try their combatants in Guantánamo, not civilian courts
A woman is carried from the rubble of the US embassy in Nairobi in August 1998 after it was bombed by al-Qaida. At his trial in New York, 17 November 2010, Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani was found guilty on a single charge of conspiracy for his role in the attack. Photograph: Khalil Senosi/AP
On Wednesday, Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, the first Guantánamo detainee to be tried in civilian court in New York, was acquitted of all but one charge, that of conspiracy for his role in jihadist terror bombings in Nairobi and Dar-es-Salaam, which killed 224 people. His acquittal is the first poisonous fruit of Obama's policy of treating acts of war as law enforcement issues. It also shows what is wrong with doing so.
Apparently, the evidence charging him with 224 counts of murder could not be used in court, because "coercive" techniques were used to get information from him. The jury did find him guilty of "conspiracy to destroy government buildings". So, the al-Qaida terrorist killed 224 people and he's guilty of… destruction of public property?
This is a serious setback for the US – another breathtaking failure on the part of the Obama administraton, yet again putting Americans and national security at risk.
Yet, former prosecutor and executive director of Human Rights Watch Kenneth Roth has argued that such trials, including the trial of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, should be in New York, since "the victims' families have a right to witness these trials." Yet, on 11 September 2001, all of America was under attack, not just the 9/11 families – it was an act of war against the United States of America.
Roth claims that "by choosing a federal court over the discredited military commissions, the US would show that it values the rule of law, trying even those accused of the worst crimes in a system that is broadly recognised as fair." In reality, by choosing a federal court, we are once again refusing to address the root cause. By pretending that these attacks were not intended to take down America, and work toward overthrowing the government and installing a Sharia-based Islamic government, we yet again surrender to Islamic supremacism and imperialism.
There have been close to 20,000 documented Islamist-inspired attacks worldwide since 9/11; all were inspired by the same Islamic jihadi ideology and given the imprimatur of a Muslim cleric. This is war. It takes incomprehensible delusion and a denial of objective reality to think that combatants in that war are comparable to civilian criminals and should be tried in the same way.
Yet, Roth contends that civilian trials are necessary because "any verdict by the military commissions will inevitably be tainted by the stigma of Guantánamo, where they are held." Barack Obama also claimed, in May 2009, that there was "no question that Guantánamo set back the moral authority that is America's strongest currency in the world."
I disagree. If America prosecutes those who kept this country safe from people like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, as Obama seems prepared to do, that would set back our moral authority. If America turns her back on the jihad against women, Christians, Jews and non-believers, that would set back America's moral authority.
What's wrong with Guantánamo? Allegations of torture there have been politically motivated, spurious, and pale in comparison to Saddam Hussein at his most lenient. The idea that it is a bad thing that Gitmo is holding jihadists who would slaughter thousands if given the opportunity is evidence of dhimmitude and surrender to the enemy narrative, and to the disinformation that the enemy has been producing.
Moreover, detaining enemy combatants without trial is entirely consistent with the "rule of law" that applies in wartime. Indeed, the Obama Justice Department has found itself making just this argument, albeit without fanfare. In short, indefinite detention at Gitmo "destroyed our credibility" only with Bush-deranged leftists – isn't it amazing how uninterested in our credibility they've suddenly become now that their guy is accountable?
Some of Roth's attempts to justify New York civilian trials for jihadis are bizarre; others simply wrong. "Some opponents of holding the trials in New York," says Roth, "cite purported security concerns, but these fears are overblown." Really? Only if you consider human life worthless, as our enemy does. Roth also says that "the war framework is wrong for such awful crimes since it allows the suspects to glorify themselves as combatants."
Actually, a civilian trial is much more likely than a military tribunal to turn into a dog-and-pony show. In a civilian court in New York, the mass-murdering jihadis would not be on trial; Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the military would be the real defendants. Such trials will become veritable jihadi circuses, in which jihadists can propagandise to the whole world in courtrooms choked with reporters.
It would also be much easier for them to game the system. Andrew McCarthy, who prosecuted the jihadists who bombed the World Trade Centre in 1993, recalled that one of them told another: "Tell them, 'I don't know. I'm not talking to you. Bring my lawyer.' Never talk to them. Not a word. 'My lawyer' – that's it! That's what's so beautiful about America.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, November 18, 2010 at 12:15 AM in America's New Injustice System, Atlas Articles | Permalink | Comments (19) ShareThis
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Well, that didn't take long. He's baaaaack from a sweet but altogether too-short suspension. Tonight I was Keith Undershtupper's Olbermann's Worst Person in the World. And here I thought my week could not be topped. This makes the honor being given to me this on Friday night at The Breakers, the Freedom Center's Annie Taylor Award for Courage, so much richer.
Now this is the cherry on the yellowcake. This is my what, fourth time honored by this asshat (here and here and here -- kinda). And he calls what I do the "two-minutes hate"? Maybe his conscience was bothering him, if he still has one: the closest thing to a genuine Orwellian two-minutes hate in the media today is Olbermann's "Worst Person in the World" segment.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 11:52 PM in a wink and a nod | Permalink | Comments (45) ShareThis
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The verdict came down late today after chaotic deliberations in the first civilian trial of a GITMO prisoner. Ahmed Ghailani was found innocent of all but 1 of over 280 charges against him in the bombing of U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.
Apparently the evidence charging him with 224 counts of murder could not be used in court, because "coercive" techniques were used to get information from him.
The jury did found him guilty of "conspiracy to destroy government buildings." Huh? So the Muslim terrorist killed 224 people and he's guilty of ............... destruction of public property? Are we under attack from within or what?
This is a serious setback for the US -- no one can make a case for civilian trials. Another breathtaking Obama failure, yet again putting Americans and national security at risk.
Ex-Gitmo Detainee Ahmed Ghailani Cleared of All but One Charge in U.S. Embassy Bombings FOX News Hat tip Dan MFormer Guantanamo Bay detainee Ahmed Ghailani was found not guilty on all but one charge Wednesday by a civilian jury in New York, in a case with ramifications for President Obama's policy toward Guantanamo and civilian trials for terror suspects.Ghailani was acquitted in federal court on more than 280 charges in connection with the 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, including one murder count for each of the 224 people killed. He was found guilty for only one charge, conspiracy to destroy government buildings.
Ghailani faces a minimum sentence of 20 years in prison and a possible life sentence. He will remain in custody and sentencing will take place at a future date.
The acquittal is seen as a major blow to the U.S. government, as Ghailani was the first former Gitmo detainee to be tried in a civilian courtroom. The case had been viewed as a possible test case for President Barack Obama administration's aim of putting other terror detainees -- including self-professed Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed and four other terrorism suspects held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba -- on trial on U.S. soil.
The anonymous federal jury deliberated over seven days, with a juror writing a note to the judge saying she felt threatened by other jurors.
Prosecutors had branded Ghailani a cold-blooded terrorist. The defense portrayed him as a clueless errand boy, exploited by senior Al Qaeda operatives and framed by evidence from contaminated crime scenes.
The judge had earlier decided that a star witness would not be allowed to testify because the witness was identified while Ghailani was held at a secret CIA camp that used harsh interrogation techniques. It is unknown what effect this witness would have had on the case.
Prosecutors had alleged Ghailani helped an Al Qaeda cell buy a truck and components for explosives used in a suicide bombing in his native Tanzania on Aug. 7, 1998. The attack in Dar es Salaam and a nearly simultaneous bombing in Nairobi, Kenya, killed 224 people, including 12 Americans.
The day before the bombings, Ghailani boarded a one-way flight to Pakistan under an alias, prosecutors said. While on the run, he spent time in Afghanistan as a cook and bodyguard for Osama bin Laden and later as a document forger for Al Qaeda, authorities said.
[..]Other witnesses described how Ghailani bought gas tanks used in the truck bomb with cash supplied by the terror group, how the FBI found a blasting cap stashed in his room at a cell hideout and how he lied to family members about his escape, telling them he was going to Yemen to start a new life.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 07:17 PM in America's New Injustice System | Permalink | Comments (27) ShareThis
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Check out a further validation of what I warned of in my book The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America and on my blog in 2007 and 2008.
Obama’s Train Wreck of a Presidency by Pamela Geller, Big GovermentThe hits keep on coming from a train wreck of a presidency.
I just got my healthcare renewal form. My rates are up over 30% across the board, and that’s with a $5,700 deductible. This is the fruit of Barack Obama’s health care “reform,” to make healthcare affordable and accessible for everyone.
Obama really makes me sick — oops, I can’t afford to get sick.
I want a waiver — oops, I don’t know any crooked Democrats (is there any other kind?) who can fix it for me.
Who is the recipient of these goodies from this crooked administration? Unions, of course, and FOO (Friends of Obama).
Historian and finance analyst Kenneth Schortgen, Jr., notes inThe Examiner that while Obama has given waivers for his new healthcare scheme to 111 corporations and other entities, the form to apply for a waiver is hard to find and harder to wade through, and:
“to receive a waiver it appears you must have political capital with the administration to be accepted. For most small businesses, you will be incurring the new taxes, fees, and programs that will add thousands to your bottom line, and in more than a few cases, might cause a small business to close their doors.”
Schortgen points out that “in March, AT&T reported from an internal study that the new Healthcare program will cost their company over $1 Billion in new and additional costs,” and that on the list of groups already granted waivers,
“unions are one of the largest entities given a waiver, and speaks to the political gifts given by the Administration to them. The Obama Presidency has proven their partnership with unions since 2008 to the detriment of small business.”
Okay, but Obama’s other policies must be in better shape, right? Wrong.
This week Ahed Khalfan Ghailani became the first detainee who has been held at Guantanamo to be tried in civilian court, under Obama’s policy of treating acts of war as law enforcement issues. Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani faces charges of conspiracy and murder in jihad bombings in Africa that killed 224 people, including twelve Americans.
Today the jury was deliberating and a verdict was expected, but one of the jurors sent the judge a note asking to be replaced, because other jury members were giving her a hard time for “her opinions.” If the jury is deadlocked, it is unlikely that prosecutors could again bring together the witnesses who testified in this trial. Bringing witnesses from Kenya and Tanzania to testify would be hard, and maybe impossible, to repeat.
How about Obama’s foreign policy? Any good news there?
Obama has vowed to defeat al-Qaeda, but this week British General Sir David Richards said that a defeat of al-Qaeda was “unnecessary and would never be achieved.”
I agree with General Sir David Richards that al-Qaeda can’t be beaten, but not for the same reasons. Clearly, if we are afraid to freely discuss the ideology and motives behind this global war on the West, then we cannot beat it. If we dare not speak its name, surely we cannot defeat it. If, instead, those who speak to the religious ideology that compels war against the “non-believers” are the ones demonized, surely it will defeat us.
Rules of engagement, political correctness, and foreign aid to our assassins make it impossible to defeat this enemy. Give me The Bush Doctrine — “you are either with us or against us” — as opposed to The Obama Doctrine, “we are against us.”
Meanwhile, the Afghan Council that is trying to end the war there has recommended that Taliban prisoners be freed from Gitmo to join peace talks back home.
The very idea that we would be releasing Taliban terrorists to join “peace” negotiations is really scary. Not for the obvious reason that upon their release they will join the Muslim army and kill our soldiers, but scary because of the fact that our “leadership” would even consider such suicidal insanity.
The idea of peace to the enemy is a “pax islamica,” a world living under the horror of Islamic law. Obama’s jihad against Israel, while effectively aiding and abetting the most violent and imperialistic Islamic supremacists, is a lethal cocktail for freedom-loving peoples.
Meanwhile, Obama is strangely silent on the case of Sayed Mossa, who is awaiting trial in Afghanistan for converting to Christianity. Apostasy (conversion out of Islam) is punishable by death in Islamic law. In a similar case back in 2006, Abdul Rahman was spared the penalty of death and granted asylum in Italy after the Bush administration intervened. President Bush and others had insisted Afghanistan protect personal beliefs.
American blood and treasure in Afghanistan…for what?
There's more. Go here.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 05:26 PM in Atlas Articles, President Hussein | Permalink | Comments (10) ShareThis
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More high level infiltration by stealth jihadists.
I can only equate the moral inversion of having the terror promoting, jihadist MPAC lecturing US law enforcement on counter terrorism efforts with the UN vesting the Muslim leader, Hajj Amin el-Husseini, a full partner of the Axis before and during World War II and responsible for the wholesale slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Jew during the Holocaust, with the same status as the Jewish Agency for Israel.
A special sitting of the General Assembly, was convened under pressure of the Muslim states, in order to issue the invitation in a form which would invest the Arab Higher Committee with the same diplomatic status as the Jewish Agency for Palestine, the internationally recognized representative of the Jewish people.: [source;[1] THE ARAB HIGHER COMMITTEE ITS ORIGINS, PERSONNEL AND PURPOSES: The Documentary Record submitted to the United Nations May 1947. NY: Nation Associates, 1947]
A genocidal Muslim leader given the same diplomatic status as the Jewish agency in the UN for the creation of Israel. The mufti should have been hanged.
Fast forward: MPAC and its leaders consistently have supported terrorist groups like Hizballah. Their incitement to jihadic violence has actually cause Muslims to be radicalized. The group also has followed a consistent pattern of opposing U.S. counterterrorism effortsand defending designated terrorist organizations and their supporters. They are speaking to US counterterrorism officials.
Different century, same nazi.
Executive Summary: LA Law Enforcement Conference on "Radicalization" Features Islamist Radicals who have Impeded U.S. Counterterrorism Efforts
by Steven Emerson, IPT News
November 17, 2010Note: This is an executive summary of Steven Emerson's full assessment of MPAC's record. To see the full report, click here.
Two leaders of an Islamist organization, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), are scheduled to lecture Southern California law enforcement officials Monday about radicalization despite a history of opposing U.S. counterterrorism efforts.
Salam al-Marayati and Edina Lekovic will join high-ranking officials from all law enforcement agencies from Greater Los Angeles at the two-day conference in Pismo Beach, Calif., entitled "Radicalization Conference 2010: Radicalization and Homegrown Violent Extremism."
Throughout its history, MPAC and its leaders have issued statements in support of terrorist groups like Hizballah and, perhaps most significantly, disseminating incendiary statements that actually cause Muslims to be radicalized. The group also has followed a consistent pattern of opposing U.S. counterterrorism efforts and defending designated terrorist organizations and their supporters.
Those positions also involve perpetuating the false narrative that U.S. policy is engaged in a war against Islam. MPAC has taken aim at many U.S. counter-terrorism efforts and prosecutions. For example:
- In a March 2003 Los Angeles Times article discussing the FBI's relationship with Muslim American communities, al-Marayati attacked the FBI for allegedly profiling only Muslims for prosecution, a demonstrably false charge. "[T]he FBI's policy of targeting people because of their race and religion…That's what they've been doing since the attacks, and we don't know of any case that has resulted in the arrest, indictment or prosecution of a terrorist," al-Marayati said.
- Even though the LA Fusion Center – consisting of representatives of the FBI, Los Angeles Police and Los Angeles Sheriff who exchange intelligence – is hosting this conference on radicalization, MPAC frequently criticized the creation and use of fusion centers. In April 2009, the organization supported a statement released by the American Muslim Taskforce on Civil Rights and Elections (AMT) calling for their elimination: "We are fully united in asking the Obama administration to address … use of McCarthy-era tactics, most notably dissemination of Islamophobic analysis by federally-funded 'fusion centers' to local law enforcement agencies."
- MPAC has also targeted the FBI's use of informants and undercover officers whom MPAC alleges instigate terrorist plots. Despite the fact that informants are widely used including in drug, gang, and organized crime investigations, a February 2009 MPAC press release argued that "federal law enforcement cannot establish trust with American Muslim communities through meetings and town hall forums, while at the same time sending paid informants who instigate violent rhetoric in mosques…"
In April 2009, after federal authorities disrupted an alleged plot to bomb synagogues and fire missiles at American military aircraft, Al-Marayati continued his attacks against law enforcement. Asked in an interview whether it was useful to have informants in mosques, Al-Marayati replied by suggesting that the defendants, later convicted, were not real terrorist threats:
"These were individuals who were either petty criminals or gullible people who were guilty of stupidity. They were not imminent threats to our country, as the FBI has stated," Al-Marayati told Fox News. "We want those tax dollars to be used to fight al-Qaeda…"
In a 2003 counterterrorism paper, MPAC advocated the removal of Hamas, Hizballah, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad from the government's list of terrorist groups. The organization argued that Washington's "preoccupation" with these groups "raises the question as to whether targeting Palestinian groups serves true national security interests or is based on political considerations."
And in one of the most high profile cases, MPAC repeatedly went to bat for Sami Al-Arian, a University of South Florida professor arrested in 2003 for allegedly serving as North American leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), a designated terrorist organization said to be responsible for the deaths of two Americans and more than 100 Israelis. Yet, despite all of this indisputable evidence showing Al-Arian to be an officer in a murderous Islamic terrorist organization, MPAC and al-Marayati defended Al-Arian when he was first arrested, protested that he was being put on trial and even defended him after Al Arianpled guilty in 2006 to one charge of making and receiving contributions of funds, goods, and services to or for the benefit of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. A month earlier, , al-Marayati had lauded Al-Arian at a fundraising dinner as a man who "defied the odds in a system that is unfair," adding, "[T]here is no way that you can get a fair trial in view of any of these issues today."
However, the judge presiding over Al-Arian's case saw things differently. Judge James S. Moody, Jr., said Al-Arian continued to lie about seeking "only aid for widows and orphans. Your only connection to widows and orphans is that you create them, even among the Palestinians."
One reason for MPAC's participation in the conference may be traced to the involvement of Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. Sheriff Lee Baca has become a fixture at events sponsored by Islamist organizations such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), and frequently defends their radicalism.
During a House committee hearing earlier this year, U.S. Rep. Mark Souder, R-Ind., questioned Baca his close relationship with CAIR. The Los Angeles Times reported that Baca responded "When you attack CAIR… you attack virtually every Muslim in America." Souder then noted the testimony of an FBI agent identifying CAIR as a Hamas front. "I served in the United States Marine Corps," Baca shot back. "…. CAIR is not a terrorist supporting organization."
The record indicates otherwise. CAIR was listed as an un-indicted co-conspirator in the Hamas funding trial of HLF, beendescribed in court as a Hamas front by an FBI agent and had its relationship with the FBI severed based on exhibits which leave open the question "whether there continues to be a connection between CAIR or its executives and HAMAS."
In featuring MPAC officials, who claim to speak for all Muslims, as speakers before this prestigious law enforcement conference, the organizers and the participants confer respectability on an organization that has helped foster radicalization, not counter it. This action abets a deception deliberately perpetrated by MPAC that it is a "moderate" group that is opposed to Islamist terrorism. For a more extensive examination of MPAC's statements supporting terrorist groups, its record of issuing incendiary statements claiming that the FBI and USG are involved in "selective prosecution" of Muslims simply because of their religion (see the IPT's dossier on MPAC here.)
Conference organizers are ignoring available evidence of MPAC's radicalism, instead believing the organization to be an appropriate partner in countering radicalism. Now it's time to ask whether the other organizers of the event were aware of MPAC's history of radicalism and counter-productive "counter-terrorism" assistance. And if they were aware, or did not bother to ask questions since MPAC is so prominent in Southern California, what does that say about the ability of these law enforcement groups to truly detect threats to American society?
Please read the rest of the report here.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 05:14 PM in Infiltration | Permalink | Comments (8) ShareThis
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Last week, I responded to the frivolous ridiculous lawsuit by Rifqa Bary's parent's attorneys here. Boiled down to its essential oils, it's free speech, stupid.
Tarazi’s response? He motions the court to treat our motion to dismiss as a motion for summary judgment, effectively asking the court to put the whole thing off so Tarazi can engage in a fishing expedition through discovery.
DEFENDANT GELLER’S RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO “MOTION OF PLAINTIFF TO TREAT DEFENDANT PAMELA GELLER’S MOTION TO DISMISS AS A SUMMARY JUDGMENT MOTION”Defendant Pamela Geller, by and through her undersigned counsel, hereby responds in opposition to “Motion of Plaintiff to Treat Defendant Pamela Geller’s Motion to Dismiss as a Summary Judgment Motion” (Doc. No. 25). Plaintiff’s motion is a feckless attempt to avoid responding to Defendant Geller’s properly supported motion to dismiss the Amended Complaint under Rule 12(b)(6), Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, for failure to state a claim, and under Rule 12(b)(1), Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, for lack of subject matter jurisdiction so he can prolong this vexatious litigation and engage in a costly “fishing expedition.” As an initial matter, Plaintiff never bothers to explain how the vague and general discovery he proposes would produce any material fact that is relevant to the arguments raised in Defendant Geller’s motion to dismiss.
Indeed, conspicuously absent from Plaintiff’s motion is any discussion regarding the merits of Defendant Geller’s motion to dismiss (or any challenge to the authenticity or accuracy of the information contained in the attached exhibits for that matter). And the reason is obvious: Plaintiff’s Amended Complaint fails as a matter of law, and he knows it. No amount of discovery can change that conclusion. And this court need not consider matters outside of the pleadings to concur and dismiss the claims against Defendant Geller. Nevertheless, the exhibits attached to Defendant Geller’s declaration1 that were filed in support of her Rule 12(b)(6) motion are properly within the pleadings and can be considered by the court because the documents were specifically referred to by Plaintiff in his Amended Complaint.2 Venture Assocs. Corp. v. Zenith Data Sys. Corp., 987 F.2d 429, 431 (7th Cir. 1993) (“Documents that a defendant attaches to a motion to dismiss are considered part of the pleadings if they are referred to in the plaintiff’s complaint and are central to her claim.”); (see also Pl.’s Mot. at 2 (acknowledging that the court can properly consider for purposes of a motion under Rule 12(b)(6) exhibits attached to the defendant’s motion that are referred to in the complaint and citing Bassett v. National Collegiate Athletic Ass’n, 528 F.3d 426, 430 (6th Cir. 2008), for the legal authority to do so)).Moreover, this court is not bound by the pleadings or documents referred to in the pleadings when considering Defendant Geller’s motion to dismiss for lack of subject matter jurisdiction under Rule 12(b)(1). Nichols v. Muskingum Coll., 318 F.3d 674, 677 (6th Cir. 2003) (“[When] reviewing a 12(b)(1) motion, the court may consider evidence outside the pleadings.”). Consequently, Plaintiff’s arguments are without merit.
In his motion, Plaintiff makes the broad and vague statement that he “needs time for Discovery to develop the factual background with respect to both the general and broader context of the many defamatory statements by both Defendants.” (Pl.’s Mot. at 3). What “factual background” and “broader context” does he refer to? We know the specific statements that he claims are defamatory, and we know the context in which they were published.3 Those facts are alleged in the Amended Complaint. Moreover, we know, based on Plaintiff’s sworn admission, that no reasonable person could take Defendant Geller’s statements as factual or unbiased. (Am. Compl. at ¶ 22 (admitting that Defendant Geller “was never acting as an unbiased fair and impartial reporter with regard to the Rifqa Bary case”)). Thus, based on this admission and the facts alleged in the Amended Complaint in light of controlling case law, in particular, Scott v. News-Herald, 25 Ohio St. 3d 243 (1986) and Vail v. The Plain Dealer Publ’g Co., 72 Ohio St. 3d 279 (1995), this court must dismiss the defamation claim against Defendant Geller as a matter of law.
Consider further Plaintiff’s vague and conclusory “conspiracy” allegation. (See Am. Compl. at ¶ 31). This claim does not meet the minimum pleading requirements as set forth by the U.S. Supreme Court in Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly, 550 U.S. 544 (2007), and Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 129 S. Ct. 1937 (2009), and must be dismissed as a matter of law. In his motion, Plaintiff unwittingly admits that his conclusory conspiracy claim is legally deficient. He acknowledges that he has no factual basis for making such a claim and that he hopes to find some evidence to support the claim by engaging in a vexatious fishing expedition. (See Pl.’s Mot. at 3 (requesting “time with Discovery . . . [to] develop the factual basis regarding the conspiracy issue”)). At the end of the day, this is a tacit admission that this claim is frivolous.
In the final analysis, this court should deny Plaintiff’s motion and direct him to respond without further delay to Defendant Geller’s motion to dismiss, which is properly before the court. Defendant Geller should not have to endure one more day of needless and costly litigation to defend against claims that fail as a matter of law.CONCLUSION
Defendant Geller respectfully requests that the court deny Plaintiff’s motion and direct him to file a proper response to her motion to dismiss.Respectfully submitted,
/s/ Patrick Dunphy Patrick Dunphy, Esq.* (OH Bar No. 0017827) FALKE & DUNPHY, LLC
/s/ David Yerushalmi David Yerushalmi, Esq.* LAW OFFICES OF DAVID YERUSHALMI,
/s/ Robert Muise Robert Muise, Esq.* Thomas More Law CenterFootnotes:
1 The main and obvious purpose for filing Defendant Geller’s declaration was to authenticate the exhibits that were referred to in the Amended Complaint. Thus, the background information was necessary to establish the requisite personal knowledge to do so. The declaration does not create any material factual dispute. (See Pl.’s Mot. at 2 (incorrectly claiming that this declaration requires the court to convert the motion to dismiss to one for summary judgment)). The facts at issue (i.e., not the legal conclusions couched as facts) for purposes of Defendant’s motion are those facts alleged by Plaintiff in the Amended Complaint, including those relevant facts related to the documents referred to in the pleading. These facts, when viewed in light of the controlling law, compel this court to dismiss the claims against Defendant Geller.
2 In her declaration, Defendant Geller refers the court to the specific paragraph(s) in the Amended Complaint where the document is referenced. Indeed, Plaintiff admits in his motion that at least 12 of the exhibits are referred to and relied upon by him in the Amended Complaint (Pl.’s Mot. at 2), and are thus properly before this court for purposes of Defendant’s motion to dismiss under Rule 12(b)(6). Plaintiff never bothers to explain, however, why Defendant’s motion should not be granted based on these exhibits—or the facts as simply stated in the Amended Complaint.
3 The only discovery necessary in this case for purposes of a motion for summary judgment on the defamation claim is whether or not Plaintiff did make any false or misleading statements in a sworn affidavit filed in the Rifqa Bary case, which would then make the alleged defamatory statements true and thus not actionable as a matter of law. For purposes of Defendant Geller’s motion, however, we assume that the factual allegations (and not the legal conclusions) in the Amended Complaint are true. And based on these alleged facts and in light of controlling law, as noted briefly in this response and more thoroughly in Defendant’s motion to dismiss, the alleged statements are not defamatory and are in fact protected speech under the U.S. and Ohio Constitutions.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 04:35 PM in Litigation Jihad | Permalink | Comments (2) ShareThis
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A Wayne Valley High school student used the word “Taliban” and said it was innocent, mentioned in a conversation about a video game, but a Muslim student who overheard it at school on Thursday perceived he was looking at her when he said it. So the child was suspended.
More knee-jerk submission to sharia (Islamic law: do not insult islam) for fear of Muslim violence. There can be no other explanation. These cowards call it political correctness, but it is way beyond that now.
How dare they suspend this child for saying "taliban"? A Muslim girl perceived the student was "looking at her" when he said it.......... so Muslim pereception = suspension.
This is beyond.
And the Taliban are devout Muslims, adhering to the strict code of the sharia. Could it not be argued that the school insulted Islam by implying that Taliban is a bad word and not a devout, holy Islamic group? Obama is partnering with Taliban in Afghanistan, is he not? Where is CAIR defending the piety of the Taliban?
Is the punishment the same for Muslim students who "offend" or are "perceived" to offend non-Muslim students?
Based on this impossible standard, every Muslim Student Association on college and university campus should be thrown off campus for their harassment, intimidation and threats towards the Jewish students. Based on this, they should serve jail time.
Bullying dispute erupts at Wayne school over ‘Taliban’ comment North
WAYNE — On one side, a Wayne Valley High school student claims that his use of the word “Taliban” was innocent, mentioned in a conversation about a video game, according to his mother.
But to a Muslim student who overheard it at school on Thursday, it was upsetting. And she had perceived that he had looked at her when he said it, Principal Robert Reis said.
Now the boy is facing a one-day suspension on Monday, because, Reis said, he continued to talk about the incident and it got back to the girl and upset her. Reis said she felt the boy was boasting that he’d gotten away with something.
“This has nothing to do with the fact that the boy used a word,” Reis said. “This has everything to do with the boy hurt a girl’s feelings.” And after the boy was told by administrators not to discuss what happened, Reis said, “He went back and hurt her feelings a second time.”
But the boy’s mother, Rosa Giordano, said the incident “is totally being blown out of proportion” and she plans to fight the disciplinary action.
The incident has unfolded during a time of heightened sensitivity about bullying in schools. Reis said the school takes a “no nonsense” stance and coincidentally had been planning a December forum to discuss the issue.
Giordano said her son was not being a bully and is himself bi-racial.
“He never saw this girl before,” she said. “It was an innocent thing. How does she know he was not talking about a newspaper story?”
She said she plans to go to the district offices early Monday morning to fight for her son to be allowed to attend school that day.
“I don’t want this on his record as a racial slur and bullying,” she said. “I am sorry the girl got offended by the world ‘Taliban.’ I will make sure my son never says the word again … the poor kid is so upset he doesn’t want to go to school.”
Reis said administrators had planned to treat the situation as a teachable moment and meet simultaneously with both students to talk about it. The boy was suspended after the girl came to Reis upset a second time.
Giordano claims her son was embarrassed by the incident. She said he told a friend “nothing happened” because he didn’t want to talk about it, not to brag that he got away with anything.
"A teachable moment?" Clowns with a slave mentality are teaching our children.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 12:11 PM | Permalink | Comments (53) ShareThis
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Muslim students were suspended from school for making death threats to a classmate because of a loving tribute he made to British soldiers on Facebook. Typical? Yes. Getting worse, more emboldened? Certainly. But the money quote came for the school Principal ---
Principal Wendy Thomas said Facebook was an increasing concern for schools.
So Facebook is the problem? The method of delivery is the problem, but not the nature of the death threat. Delusional. It is also interesting to note that the grammar and spelling of the Muslim students borders on illiterate. What are they doing there? What happens to this boy now, after the limelight of media moves on? His life is in jeopardy.
Further, it is the counter-jihad groups, like the EDL, that are demonized by the media and political elite with nary a criticism for would-be annihilators inspired by jihad.
Six pupils have been excluded from school for making death threats to a classmate on Facebook after he admitted supporting British troops.
Five Muslim boys and one white girl, all aged 12, have been disciplined following the incident.
The yobs threatened to attack attack terrified Darius Gill, 13, with knuckle dusters and knives in revenge for not supporting Islamic extremists.
The chilling threats came hours after Darius - whose father is Asian - posted a touching tribute to the thousands of squaddies who have lost their lives defending Britain.
Darius Gill and his mother Clare Allington: She pulled her son out of school after he received death threats on Facebook
But a gang of pupils expressed outrage at Darius' patriotism.
One message - littered with spelling mistakes - said: 'Fight on Monday gonna be heavy knuckle dusters nd knifes hopefully I don't die.'
His friend added: 'ill bang him ma slef am a terrorist.' One of the thugs also posted a chilling picture of himself holding a rifle.
Shockingly, other pupils - who have set up a Muslim Defence League which celebrates British deaths in Afghanistan - also added comments condemning Daruis.
Fortunately Darius' mother Clare Allington read the comments on Monday morning - the day of the promised attack - and immediately pulled her son out of school.
Yesterday Clare, 42, from Coventry, said: 'I logged on and it broke my heart. I was reading all sorts about knuckle dusters, knives and death.
'They were planning to attack him at school that day so I rang the school straight away.
'I usually keep an eye on what Darius posts on Facebook.
'I have his password and usually check it every day but didn't last weekend until I was at the Warwick University campus on Monday.
'If I hadn't read the threats and pulled my son out of school he could be dead.
'They might just be school children but they are fanatical and dangerous. The threats have to be taken seriously.
The children were excluded from the Sidney Stringer Academy in Coventry following the Facebook bullying campaign
'My son wrote supporting the British troops in Afghanistan and also said he was sad so many soldiers had died.
'The so-called Muslim Defence League which has been set up in the school by a number of pupils believe that Darius should join them in hating British soldiers.
'It's appalling and extremely upsetting for Darius.'
Shockingly, one of the thugs bragged about being quizzed by police and still threatened to attack Darius.
Principal Wendy Thomas said Facebook was an increasing concern for schools.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 11:51 AM in Eurabia 2010, The Truth About Islam | Permalink | Comments (42) ShareThis
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Check this out from the guy who called me a conspiracy theorist.
What is really sick is that Geraldo says he is open-minded because of 911 why wasn't he open-minded to me, as I am on the same side as the 911 families' opposition to the Ground Zero mega-mosque?
This left wing idiot pals around with Hamas-linked, Muslim Brotherhood front CAIR NY. And they play him like a fiddle.
Armaros points out:
First it wasn't the fire which brought it down....STRAW MAN.....It was the kinetic energy of the WTC falling down or the base columns weakened by the WTC going down next door as that energy transferred under ground to the base columns of WTC 7.
Put a cake on the table and drop a phone book next to it you will see the center top of the cake vibrate or even shake downward. Then try to hit the table from underneath the cake and you will again see the top of the cake (roof) vibrate. It is that simple. If you put weight on the cake and repeat the same exercise, the cake may even collapse (if it is a mousse or light cream cake)
Watch this schmuck try and marginalize and paint me as an extremist:
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 11:13 AM in September the 11th | Permalink | Comments (26) ShareThis
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I love her.
Palin: Jerusalem is Israel’s Capital – not a Settlement INN
Sarah Palin, the unofficial Tea Party candidate for president, told 85 GOP freshmen Congressmen in an open letter, “Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, not a settlement.”
Writing on the Fox News website, the 2008 vice presidential candidate for the Republican
party advised the new legislators, “You can stand with allies like Israel, not criticize them. You can let the President know what you believe… and stick to the principles that propelled your campaigns.”
He other comments on foreign policy regarded Iran and the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. She urged the Republican newcomers to “stick to our principles: strong defense, free trade, nurturing allies, and steadfast opposition to America’s enemies. We are the most powerful country on earth and the world is better off because of it."
"Our president does not seem to understand this. If we withdraw from the world, the world will become a much more dangerous place.”
Palin, who visited Israel during her campaign with 2008 Republican presidential candidate John McCain, called on the new Republicans to “push President Obama to finish the job right in Iraq and get the job done in Afghanistan; otherwise we who are war-weary will forever question why America’s finest are sent overseas to make the ultimate sacrifice with no clear commitment to victory from those who send them.”
Without mentioning a military attack on Iran, she said everyone “should be prepared to stand with the president against Iran’s nuclear aspirations using whatever means necessary to ensure the mullahs in Tehran do not get their hands on nuclear weapons. And you can stand with the Iranian people who oppose the tyrannical rule of the clerics and concretely support their efforts to win their freedom – even if the president does not.”
The Tea Party, which has instilled an old-fashioned patriotic and anti-big government zeal into the Republican party, has called for cuts in foreign aid. Palin advised the new Congressmen not to cut the defense budget when it comes to facing “so many threats – from Islamic extremists to a nuclear Iran to a rising China. As Ronald Reagan said, ‘We will always be prepared, so we may always be free.’
Palin’s open letter focused on undoing the “damage that has been done in the last two years,” since the election of U.S. President Barack Obama. She reminded the legislators that the Republican party campaigned on promises to cut government spending and repeal the health care law that President Obama pushed through Congress.
She also warned them against praise from certain media elements. ”When the left in the media pat you on the back, quickly reassess where you are and readjust, for the liberals' praise is a warning bell you must heed,” Palin declared. “Trust me on that.”
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 01:17 AM in USA /Israeli Relations, Women and children | Permalink | Comments (87) ShareThis
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010
More on the Christian genocide in Egypt by Muslims posted earlier and yesterday here. A Muslim man set fire to a Coptic young man, murdered his father and wounded his younger brother, after it was rumored that the young Copt allegedly had a relationship with the Muslim man's sister. The silence of Obama, once again, embarrasses this great and more moral nation.
I am sure we will be admonished by the religion of peacenik supremacists that reporting on such barbarity is intolerant and islamophobic-anti-muslim-racist-bigotry.
Muslim Burns a Young Copt Alive and Murders His Father Because of a Rumor Voice of the Copts
A Muslim man set fire to a Coptic young man, murdered his father and wounded his younger brother, after it was rumored that the young Copt allegedly had a relationship with the Muslim man's sister!!
The events took place in the small village of "Dmas" Meet-Ghamr, after a rumor spread around of a relationship between the 25-year-old Copt Shihata Sabri, and the sister of a Muslim man named Yasser Ahmed Qasim.
Yasser went to Coptic Shehata, holding a gasoline canister, poured it over him and set him on fire, as bystanders looked on in horror. The young Copt threw himself into the adjacent canal to try to put out the flames from his burning body. The fire left burns all over his body, leading to his death.
Following this incident, people in the village rallied and when the 60-years-old Sabri Shehata, father of the Coptic victim arrived, he was attacked by a group of Muslims stabbing him with knives and daggers; one stab penetrated his back to come out of his abdomen below the rib cage, resulting in his death, after being transferred to hospital.
A Coptic witness said that Yasser Ahmed, who is reputed to be a thug, and others have also beaten the Coptic victim's younger brother, 22-year old Rami Sabri Shehata, causing a deep injury to his head.
The security forces moved into the village of Dmas, which has a population of 60,000 people, including over 1000 Copts, surrounded the victims' house and deployed extra forces throughout the village.
The offenders were arrested together with the accused Yasser Ahmed Kassem and his friend, as well as the Copt Shehata Sabry who was held in custody in Dmas Hospital. The offenders were charged with deliberate homicide.
The body of Coptic victim Sabri Shehata was released for burial after prayers took place at the Church of Our Lady in the village of Dakados, which lies 20 kilometers from Dmas, amid a tight security siege.
A Muslim villager portrayed the incident as an honour killing stressing that it was because of Coptic Shehata Sabri teasing Yasser about a relationship he has with his sister, which prompted him and his friend to pour gasoline all over the Copt before setting him on fire. He denied that this incident will have an impact on the relations between the Muslims and Copts in the village.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at 11:20 PM in Evil Egypt | Permalink | Comments (41) ShareThis
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Yesterday I posted that 4,000 Muslims Celebrate Al-Adah feast by Attacking Coptic Christians as the story was breaking. Here's more.
Egypt: Mob burns Christian homes
Written by Adnkronos International (hat tip Zaky)Cairo, 16 Nov. (AKI) - A group of Islamic radicals set fire to 10 houses belonging to Christians in a village approximately 500 kilometres south of Cairo, less than a month after Al-Qaeda said it would target the northern African country's religious minority.
Local security forces said the assailants would have caused far more damage had they not been arrested. Following an October attack on a Baghdad church that killed at least 58 people, Al-Qaeda said it would target Christians in the Middle East and northern Africa and singled out those in Egypt.
Attacks on Christians have increased despite announcements of support by Muslim leaders.
Coptic Christians make up around 10 percent of Egypt's population of 80 million.Exposing the true face of Islam, Egyptian Muslims Celebrate Eid- ul-Adha (feast of the sacrifice) by burning and torching at least ten Christian homes and 65 shops in Southern Egypt. All this mayhem and carnage "over a rumour that a young Coptic Christian man and a Muslim girl were in a romantic relationship, said officials Tuesday".
In traditional Islamic style, the reaction is always extreme and disproportioned to the alleged transgression.
"Even falling in love, is subject to, and controlled by islam."
Only after the damage was done did Authorities step in and arrested only several people out of a mob exceeding 4000.
To prevent the murder of "Romeo and Juliet" "The security forces have also taken into custody the Christian man and Muslim girl that are at the centre of the controversy for investigation", that locals apparently caught together at night in the village cemetery. To leave the two behind would have resulted in their murder, stating with the honour killing of the girl for the "shame" she has brought on the family name, her life will never be the same again, and will remain the subject of ridicule and harassment if she remains in that village
The world is slowly becoming aware of the struggle and plight of the Copts that has endured for over 1400 years. The increasing violence towards the copts has resulted in an increasing number of frightened Christians moving into all-Christian neighbourhoods and attending schools run by the church. The islamists are effectively winning by forcing the copts into self imposed isolation and segregation from main stream egyptian community. The separation is the only means of protection the copts have to the increasing intolerance and persecution against the copts, the indigenous natives of egypt by Muslim extremist groups.
In January 2010, a group of gunmen in several cars opened fire on Christians exiting a church in the Southern Egyptian town of Nag Hammadi on Christmas Eve . The drive-by shooting incident left six people dead and another nine injured. Among those reportedly killed were a young man and his fiancé and a 14-year-old boy. Local sources say the gunmen wanted to kill Bishop Kirollos of the Nag Hammadi Diocese, who had publicly defended Coptic Christians after a Muslim riot last November.
Previously, a riot took place in November 2009 due to the allegation that a Christian young man had raped a young Muslim girl. Coptic Christians, however, asserted that the story was fabricated in order for Muslims to justify their attack, security forces found no evidence to support the fabrication.
This time around the riot reportedly left 65 shops destroyed and caused over $1 million in damage (6 million egyptian pounds). In the town of Farshoot alone, about 80 percent of Coptic businesses were destroyed.
Coptic Christians are regarded as second class citizens in egypt where general inequalities when it comes to education, economic opportunities, and government positions is the norm.
Human rights groups say attacks on Copts are on the rise, underscoring the government's failure to address chronic sectarian strains in a society where Islamic religious radicalism is gaining ground.
The Apostle Saint Mark founded the Coptic Church in the 1st century when he brought Christianity to Egypt. Then Muslims brought Islam to Egypt in the 7th century. After several centuries of forced conversion, Egypt now has a Muslim majority. Christians make up 10 percent of Egypt’s population while Muslims make up the remaining portion.
Muslim leaders daily remind us that islam is a religion of Peace. Even Obama on his "defacto Hajj to Indonesia" attests to this great religion. It is clear their islamic brothers in islamic nations totally disagree with them.
Imagine the outcry by the muslims residing in western countries if they were treated in the exact same manner!!!!
The Hypocrisy, double standards and utter confusion as to what islam represents is reprehensible.
In the west we are sold one brand of Islam, at the same time we witness that "ISLAM IN ACTION" in Islamic countries totally contradicts the carefully articulated sales pitch we are sold. I think you would all agree "Actions speak infinitely louder than words"
It is time to hold a royal commission into islam, shariah, koran, and stop the deception and double dutch. Westerns must demand their rights and have a set of established ground rules to control and regulate the impacts of islam on western society. The facts are Islam is totally incompatible with western countries and democracy, and they are opposed to it.
The world must realise, there is not one muslim Land, state, country, that has peace and has not bred terrorists or enjoys true democracy. Wake up world, and have a good look at all islamic nations, Is that what you want for your future generations?, do not repeat the mistake of Egypt.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at 07:22 PM in Evil Egypt | Permalink | Comments (19) ShareThis
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Why not a goat? Isn't that cheaper? (/sarc)
As a blind Muslim woman, Mona Ramouni has had to make do without a guide dog her whole life.The 28-year-old's strictly religious parents would not allow a dog in the house, considering the animal unclean.
But then Miss Ramouni stumbled across a website article about miniature guide horses in April 2008. 'It was something that I never thought about for myself,' she said.
Leading the blind: Mona Ramouni has bought and trained a miniature horse, Cali, to be her guide
The psychology student used three years of savings from her job at a Braille proofreading company to pay for a horse to be trained to act as her guide.
Since welcoming three-year-old guide horse Cali into her Dearborn, Michigan, home last year, Miss Ramouni has seen her life turned around.
I thought about sending you the story about the guide horse when it appeared in this weekend's Daily Mail. However, I decided against it because I don't want people to think this is a valid alternative to a guide dog. In fact, the National Federation for the Blind is opposed to using mini horses for guide work. The above website more about the problems with using horses as guides or for other assistance work.
As you may recall, I am a wheelchair user. I've had a service dog for over 13 years now. So, I keep up on the topic. This summer the Obama administration redefined service animal to only mean service dog. For more information, check out this article: This article does contain a minor error. While some states do require service animals have certification, federal law does not require documentation. Since federal law supersedes state law, these requirements are null and void.
I hope you will educate your readers that guide horses are not only dangerous, they are illegal. We don't need people donating to the Guide Horse Foundation because they think they're cute. These people make it more difficult for real disabled people with individually trained service dogs to have public access.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at 05:03 PM | Permalink | Comments (48) ShareThis
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Muslims at Lakemba listen to speakers / Pic: John Grainger Source: The Daily Telegraph
"We want the Muslim people to have their say. We are telling them that Labor has not done the job and that it's time for them to go."
If this is not, in and of itself, concrete evidence of intent and motive, I don't know what is. It's interesting how Muslims insist upon separate status, special class, sharia, etc in their "host" countries. Parallel societies.
"A house divided cannot stand." Abraham Lincoln.
Check out the headline "fed up" -- indeed. And notice this goes far beyond "extremists." It is mainstream.
Fed-up Muslims to take on ALP Daily Telegraph (hat tip Peggy)
ISLAMIC leaders have declared war on the State Government, calling for pro-Muslim candidates to run in key western Sydney Labor seats.
Lebanese Muslim Association president Samier Dandan yesterday used the Eid al-Adha festival at Lakemba to outline his group's political ambitions.
In front of more than 5000 followers, Mr Dandan said Labor had to be kicked out of office at the March election.
"We want the Muslim people to have their say. We are telling them that Labor has not done the job and that it's time for them to go," he said.
Mr Dandan said the Labor seats of Auburn, Lakemba, Liverpool, Bankstown and Canterbury would be targeted. He did not rule out the possibility of running independent candidates at the election.
"I can't disclose our strategy but our message is clear. We need change. Our people have been marginalised and left behind," Mr Dandan said.
Mr Dandan, a member of the Arabic Chamber of Commerce who served as a Muslim Reference Group adviser to former prime minister John Howard, said councils and Labor MPs had discriminated against Sydney's Muslims.
"Enough is enough. Labor thinks these are safe seats. That's why they don't spend the money," he said.
"And the Liberal Party, why would they bother?"
Former NRL star Hazem El Masri has been sounded out by the Liberal Party to stand.
While Labor MPs were nowhere to be seen, Opposition Leader Barry O'Farrell sent an Arabic-speaking spokesman.
More than 25,000 people attended the Lakemba mosque yesterday to celebrate the second most important day on the Muslim religious calendar.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at 04:19 PM in The Truth About Islam | Permalink | Comments (72) ShareThis
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Justice Denied: Rangel Found Guilty of 11 Ethics Charges Two Weeks AFTER Election (House Republican Conference Secretary)
(WASHINGTON, DC) – The more than two-year delay in resolving multiple ethics charges against former House Ways and Means Chairman Charlie Rangel (D-NY) has resulted in Rangel being found guilty on 11 of 13 charges, but two weeks too late for voters to have a chance to act.
“Justice has been delayed, and justice has thus far been denied,” says House Republican Conference Secretary John Carter, a former Texas judge. “The ultimate jury over how we conduct our affairs in Congress is the voter, but they have been denied the right to act on these convictions by this action being withheld until two weeks after Congressman Rangel’s re-election.”
Carter has advocated for two years for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to force action on the Rangel charges and mutiple other alleged House ethics violations. Rangel admitted many of the charges on the House floor in 2008.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at 01:42 PM in Democrats' New Leadership: Slash and Burn, Democrats, Dhimmicrats, Democraps ........aka The Fifth Column |Permalink | Comments (13) ShareThis
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Great piece over at Human Events by Robert Spencer,"The Law as Weapon." Indeed. Lawfare is a major front in the stealth jihad war on the West. It is wildly expensive, laborious, and time-consuming to fend off these cases of harassment designed to shut down the truth. Read it.
The Law as Weapon Robert Spencer, Human Events
Islamic supremacists are at war with freedom of speech in the West: The 57-government Organization of the Islamic Conference has been campaigning for years now at the United Nations to compel Western states to criminalize “religious hatred”—that is, honest discussions of how Islamic jihadists use Islamic texts and teachings to justify violence and to recruit peaceful Muslims to their cause. One little-noted weapon in this war is the courtroom: using libel and defamation laws as weapons to cow critics and intimidate them into silence. My courageous and indefatigable colleague Pamela Geller is the latest target.
Muslim foes of the freedom of speech have used this weapon frequently over the years. The Hamas-linked Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) has sued many, and has threatened legal action against many more. In 2006 CAIR dropped a $1.35 million libel suit against Andrew Whitehead of Anti-CAIR, who had called CAIR a “terrorist front organization,” after Whitehead’s lawyers asked probing questions about the group during the discovery process.
In another notable case, billionaire Saudi Khalid bin Mahfouz sued writer Rachel Ehrenfeld in libel-friendly Britain for writing in her book Funding Evil that he was involved in funding Hamas and al-Qaeda. Bin Mahfouz denied that he had knowingly given money to either. This case became the foundation for new laws protecting American writers from libel rulings in other countries.Now Ohio lawyer Omar Tarazi has filed a $10-million defamation lawsuit against Geller for elements of her reporting on the case of Rifqa Bary, the teenage girl who kicked off a year-long custody battle when she fled from her home in fear for her life after her Muslim father discovered her conversion to Christianity. (The battle ended when Rifqa turned eighteen and was free to live on her own as a Christian.)
“Rifqa Bary,” says Geller, “was a rebuke to all of the lies of Islamic supremacist narrative,” since she brought to national attention the Islamic death penalty for apostates, which Islamic apologists in the West routinely deny even exists. The Rifqa Bary affair, Geller explains, was a test case: Would Islamic supremacists be able to manipulate the American legal system to compel someone wishing to leave Islam to return to it, or would her freedom of conscience be upheld?
When Rifqa turned eighteen without having been forced back into her parents’ home, CAIR and its allied forces suffered a major setback. “Her victory,” said Geller, “is a stunning defeat for them and they will take it out on anyone who helped her.”
Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at 12:23 PM in Litigation Jihad | Permalink | Comments (10) ShareThis
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A children's shop has removed toy pigs from farmyard sets because they offend Muslims.
Fear of Muslim violence run amok. What I find galling is how they threw the Jews in there for good measure. Religious Jews don't eat pork, but they don't fund the animal insulting or offensive. The Jews don't impose their religious beliefs on others and make insane demands. That special ridiculousness is exclusive to the religion of peaceniks.
The Jews never complained. Why throw them in? To justify Islamic supremacism? Or to create even more antisemitism?
Early Learning Centre bans toy pig from farmyard set for fear of offending Muslims (but keeps sty and oink noise) (hat tip Danielle)
A children's shop has removed toy pigs from farmyard sets in case they offend Muslims and Jews.
The Early Learning Centre ditched the pig from its HappyLand Goosefeather Farm toy set after it upset some customers.
One mother realised the pig was missing from the set she bought for her daughter’s birthday when she found a pig sty and a button that made oinking noises, but no pig.
Complaints: The toy pig was removed from the farm set after customers complained on religious grounds
Gone: The Early Learning Centre ad for the same farm shows the sty being patrolled by a hen... but no pig
The interactive set, which also has a chicken, a horse, a cow and a sheep, makes the animal noises when buttons are pressed.
When the mother complained, she was told in an email: ‘Previously the pig was part of the Goosefeather Farm. However due to customer feedback and religious reasons this is no longer part of the farm.’
Read more:
Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at 12:05 PM | Permalink | Comments (51) ShareThis
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'God is the Greatest', 'Death to Israel', and 'Death to America' were among the slogans chanted by the masses in unison as they gathered in the Desert of Arafat. Their consistent message is very loud and very clear. No double meanings here. Perhaps Ground Zero mosque Imam Rauf can explain to us how this is all our fault, and Daisy the Khan can subdue us by explaining, "the era of extremism is over."
Hajj pilgrims chant "Death to America," "Death to Israel" Jihadwatch via Ahlul Bayt News Agency
The pilgrims chanted anti-US and anti-Zionist slogans during the ceremony also attended by the Supreme Leader's representative for Hajj affairs, Hojatoleslam Ali Qazi-Asgar.
'God is the Greatest', 'Death to Israel', and 'Death to America', were among slogans chanted by the masses in unison as they gathered in the Desert of Arafat, 20 kms (12 miles) from Mecca, for a day of prayer and meditation.
The faithful - men clad in two-piece seamless white shrouds and women all covered except for their hands and faces to symbolize equality -- converged on Arafat.
The President's message is consistent, too. Hardwired for submission, surrender, and delusion.
Statement by the President on Hajj and Eid-ul-Adha
Michelle and I extend our greetings for a happy Eid-ul-Adha to Muslims worldwide and wish safe travels to those performing Hajj. This year, nearly three million pilgrims from more than 160 countries - including the United States - have gathered in Mecca and neighboring sites to perform the Hajj rituals and stand together in prayer.
On Eid, Muslims around the world will commemorate Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son, and distribute food to those less fortunate - a reminder of the shared values and the common roots of three of the world's major religions.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at 11:21 AM in The Truth About Islam | Permalink | Comments (56) ShareThis
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Monday, November 15, 2010
Speaking of Muslim hordes, it's infectious......
Over 2,000 violent Muslim mob attack police outpost in Jharkhand during Chhath celebrations
Mob attacks police outpost (hat tip Satya)
Hazaribagh, Nov. 13: A mob of over 2,000 attacked a police outpost here today, pelting stones and torching a DSP’s jeep, to protest against alleged inaction after Muslims complained about loudspeaker use during Chhath celebrations yesterday during the time of Friday prayers.
Five policemen of Pelawal police outpost were injured while 13 troublemakers have been arrested.
The mob gathered at the outpost around 10am after which DSP Naushad Alam and sub-divisional officer Binay Rai asked that 10 members of the group come in for talks.
While this was being negotiated and 10 chosen representatives were coming inside, the mob started pelting stones, forcing the senior officers to take shelter inside.
Sanjay Kumar, the DSP’s bodyguard, managed to escort the group inside. “But when I came out again, a huge boulder hit me on the chest. I fell down and lost consciousness,” Kumar said.
By then, policemen inside the outpost took position and began firing teargas shells. But, the mob had other ideas. As the police were using short-range shells, some of the agitators picked them up and lobbed them back at the outpost.
“We began suffocating inside and were, therefore, forced to come out,” said Arun Kumar Singh, one of the policemen firing the shells.
The police then started firing long range shells, which worked, and the mob began to recede. As many as 48 rounds were fired.
Alam’s driver, Binod Kumar, then tried to drive away using his boss’s jeep, but he was hit by a stone. The mob then beat him up and set fire to the jeep. But the SDO’s driver managed to speed away and save his vehicle.
Earlier, the mob had dragged out a policeman’s motorbike from the outpost and set it afire. Another bike belonging to a journalist, who was with officials inside the outpost, was also torched.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, November 15, 2010 at 11:49 PM in India: Fighting the Jihad, The Truth About Islam | Permalink | Comments (22) ShareThis
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