David Davis Ed West writes again about Ireland, and whay could happen despite the best efforts of the Eurocrats. His sign-off is brilliant:- "And political union cannot just happen; it entails becoming what Roger Scruton calls “a society of strangers”, and “democracy involves the ability to grant a share in government to people with whom you profoundly disagree, including people of another faith. This is possible only where government is secular, and where nevertheless people revere the process of government as the expression of a shared national identity.” Ireland went along with this delusion because they believed it would bring them wealth and because they were sick of being a backward country left out of Europe’s mainstream. All of Europe’s nations had their reasons for being part of the plan to end nationalism and with it conflict in Europe. They were led by their political elite, but in all these countries the population followed; only in Britain was there widespread hostility to the idea, not because of our attachment to some “glorious imperial past”, as the federasts believe, but because in Britain the idea of the nation-state was not discredited by war. If Peter Hitchens got a penny for every time someone repeated this line, he could probably single-handedly bail out Ireland, but it’s worth repeating: “Britain is the only virgin in a continent of rape victims.” Yet all along the elite of Ireland and elsewhere were wrong, and the little people of Middle England were right."Quote of the day
Thursday, 18 November 2010
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Britannia Radio