Wednesday 3 November 2010


1. Game's Up For Iraq War Criminal Tony Blair & JP Morgan Bank

David Lawley-Wakelin, Director
'The Alternative Iraq Enquiry' film is to be premiered at the Frontline Club in London on Friday, 5 November at 7:00pm, followed by a discussion with Clare Short former MP, Major General Tim Cross CBE key witness at The Chilcot Inquiry and chaired by Mark Seddon the former New York Chief for Al-Jazeera English. Director David Lawley-Wakelin says: "In light of all the evidence from the Chilcot enquiry as well as articles in the press on both sides of the Atlantic... Who can now be naive enough to think that Tony Blair was innocent in his dealings with George Bush and their invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq... Blair must have known long before March 2003 that he stood to make millions. In Jan 2004 just after the invasion JP Morgan and a consortium of banks lent The Trade Bank of Iraq $ 2.4 Billion in return for the mortgaging of Iraq's future oil revenues. In January 2008 just 6 months after he left office Blair was hired by JP Morgan as an ''advisor'', his salary $ 1 million a year. There is a law in Britain known as Joint Enterprise. This is a prime example of just that law ..Having visited Iraq and done the research for 'The Alternative Iraq Enquiry', I am of no doubt whatsoever that Blair should be taken to The Hague for crimes against peace. Blair is like the con man who thinks he won't get caught simply because he is cleverer than his victims .. Well I'm sorry Tony but the games up ...* Get your ticket to watch this highly controversial film premiere now. One Click Note: We will be reporting this event live on
One Click Twitter.
David Lawley-Wakelin, Frontline Club

WikiLessons: War Is A Joke But It Isn't Funny

By now you've probably seen (or at least heard about) the recent WikiLeaks logs on Iraq (and previously on Afghanistan), which reveal a pattern of widespread brutality and official policies that belie any public overtures to liberation or human rights. For all of their impact and historical import, the WikiLogs are particularly noteworthy in that they confirm in stark detail what multitudes were saying before the respective invasions were launched. In those halcyon days before the age of overt adventurism and perpetual warfare, voices around the world from every demographic asserted the obvious inanity and base futility of war as a viable option. The latest WikiLeaks data dump - replete with episodes of torture, murder, and a people thoroughly terrorized in the name of freedom - demonstrates the farcical logic of militarism, and equally reminds us that there's nothing at all funny about it. Why were these prescient warnings, issued by literally millions a round the globe, entirely ignored? How many Pentagon Papers and WikiLeaks do we need to have issued before the anti-war, pro-peace perspective is given its proper due as a credible source? What will it actually take once and for all to give the lie to war as a tool for achieving anything positive, and in the process, finally to debunk the jingoistic fervor and liberatory propaganda that accompany it? Now that the WikiLogs have helped us move from the "fog of war" to a place of greater clarity, will the perpetrators, policymakers and pliant pundits finally get their long overdue comeuppance?
Randall Amster J.D., Ph.D., Truthout Op-ED

New York Times Public Editor Only Perpetuates Bad Practices

Controversy erupted last week over the New York Times's editorial decision to cover the WikiLeaks release of the Iraq War documents by prominently featuring a gossip article about Julian Assange's personality traits and alleged mental health conditions, and by downplaying (or, as Columbia Journalism Review put it, "whitewashing") the most damning revelations about U.S. conduct. Yesterday, that newspaper's new Public Editor, Arthur S. Brisbane, purported to address the issue of the NYT's WikiLeaks coverage, but completely ignored those controversies. Instead, as NYTPicker points out, Brisbane violated the newspaper's own guidelines, as well as the urgent warnings of his three predecessors, by using anonymity in the most unjustifiable and journalistically reckless way possible. Journalistically speaking, allowing military officials to hide behind anonymity to disseminate the military establishment's party line is about as slothful, low, and corrupted a practice as exists. The fact that the NYT's Public Editor is now not only endorsing that tactic, but himself relying upon it, is a fairly strong statement about the uselessness of this position, at least when occupied by Arthur S. Brisbane. That he's doing so as part of his ritualistic spouting of tepid, formulaic, substance-free defenses of that newspaper makes it all the worse. It looks as though the Times got exactly the person they wanted for this job.
Glenn Greenwald, Salon
Related Links:
The WikiLeaks Truth War
Jane Bryant, The One Click Group

New: Search Iraq & Afghanistan WikiLeaks War Logs Together! is an independently produced website which provides an easy way to search through the war logs released by Wikileaks, including the Afghan War Diary and the Iraq War Logs. From here, you can browse through all of the documents that have been released, organized by type, category, date, number of casualties, and many other properties. From any document page, clicking on the green underlined text will open a popup that links to other documents that contain those phrases, making it possible to see important search terms and connections that you might not otherwise notice. Our hope is that this tool will be helpful to reporters and researchers who are interested in learning more about the US's ongoing wars, and making sense of this important database. If you wish to support this work, we encourage you to make a donation to Wikileaks or the Bradley Manning legal defense fund.
Information Release, Diary Dig

Dakota Schools A Dumping Ground For Mercury Laced Flu Vaccines

The Sept. 28 Argus Leader article headlined "New flu fear" quotes Lon Kightlinger, the state epidemiologist at the South Dakota Department of Health, as saying, "It's to protect the larger society. The more people protected, the better." But it appears that our schools in South Dakota might be used as a depository for tens of thousands of free seasonal flu shots that contain mercury. Most seasonal flu shots in this country are not shipped and stored in prefilled syringes without the preservative thimerosal. While vaccines with thimerosal were supposed to be phased out 10 years ago, unfortunately most flu shots still contain the preservative with mercury levels more than 200 times the D009 mercury hazardous waste threshold set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Because of its toxicity, the EPA bans D009 mercury hazardous waste from being flushed down sanitary sewer systems.
Jim A. Thompson, Argus Leader

Camelford Poisoned Water Scandal Cover-Up Erupts Again In UK Coroner's Court

A delivery driver dumped 20 tonnes of aluminium sulphate into the wrong tank at a water treatment works, causing Britain's worst water poisoning contamination, an inquest heard. John Stephens, a relief driver, let himself onto the unmanned site and searched in vain for the right tank before releasing the chemical. Mrs Cross died in February 2004, aged 59 with a neurological disease "usually associated with Alzheimer's". Her case is the first to be officially linked to the water poisoning, although campaigners fear dozens of other deaths have passed without investigation. Residents were subjected to levels of aluminium around 500 to 3,000 times over the acceptable European Union limits and hundreds said they subsequently became ill. The Lowermoor Incident Health Advisory Group committee is expected to meet and finalise its report following the coroner's ruling. One Click Note: What was done to the residents of Camelford in Cornwall in July 1988 is one of Britain's worst health scandals. One of the primary 'medical' architects of this lethal cover-up was psychiatristProfessor Simon Wessely, notorious for his equally scandalous cover-ups of the biomedical plight of Gulf War Veterans and ME/CFS labelled patients. In the Journal of Psychosomatic Research, Vol 39, No 1. pp.1 9. 1995, Wessely together with his colleague Anthony David published a paper entitled The Legend Of Camelford : Medical Consequences Of A Water Pollution Accident. Accusing Camelford residents of somatisation and the media of irresponsible reporting of this water poisoning incident, Wessely blamed those affected of sensationalising their symptoms in order to get compensation. Simon Wessely et al have brought psychiatry into terminal disrepute. Wessely appears to specialise in cover-ups designed purely to save government funds.
Victoria Ward, Daily Telegraph / The One Click Group
Related Links:
Psychiatrist Simon Wessely: Lethal Cover Up Exposed
Sue Reid, Daily Mail
The Legend Of Camelford
Simon Wessely, Journal of Psychosomatic Research