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Tom Hayden, a former California state senator
and longtime peace activist.
Sweden’s issuing of arrest warrants for Julian Assange yesterday seems designed to further defame the WikiLeaks whistleblower whose network has released embarrassing secret documents on the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. The charges may increase pressure on mainstream news organizations to cease cooperating with WikiLeaks in the further disclosure of thousands of documents that have not yet been released. The silencing of WikiLeaks will deny people around the world, including the American people, vital information about secret operations by US forces, which have resulted in higher civilian casualties than previously reported. After Sweden’s recent national elections, which brought to power a center-right coalition, the Swedish state is becoming a satellite of the Pentagon and US intelligence agencies, and seeks a closer relationship with NATO. Gone apparently is the era when the Swedish government stood up to the Great Powers as an independent san ctuary for freedom and dissent. A government, one which under Olaf Palme would have protected Julian Assange, has been replaced by a regime that functions as a virtual arm of the Pentagon.
Tom Hayden, Dick & Sharon's LA Progressive
Related Links:
* Statement By Julian Assange's Counsel Mark Stephens
Mark Stephens of Finers, Stephens, Innocent
* The WikiLeaks Truth War
Jane Bryant, The One Click Group
2. Assange: Appeals Court Summons Swedish Prosecutor Marianne Ny

STOCKHOLM (Rixstep) — The Stockholm appeals court (Svea hovrätt) yesterday heard from Julian Assange's Swedish solicitor Björn Hurtig. The court decided there wasn't enough information on the table. They've therefore summoned Marianne Ny to come with a statement and/or answer questions by Wednesday 24 November. Staffan Lind of the appeals court: 'We've asked the prosecutor (Marianne Ny) for comments by Wednesday. That means we need more information to arrive at a decision.' Björn Hurtig: 'This means there are weaknesses in the prosecutor's argumentation and strength in ours. I'm cautiously optimistic.' Assange's British solicitor Mark Stephens expressed cynicism earlier in an interview with Expressen, questioning Swedish prosecutor Marianne Ny's competence and reiterating the fact that the warrant violates both British and European law.
Information Release, Rixstep
Related Links:
* Statement By Julian Assange's Counsel Mark Stephens
Mark Stephens of Finers, Stephens, Innocent
* Bring On The Conspiracy Theories For WikiLeaks' Julian Assange
Sumer Dayal, Homepage Daily - The World's First Global Student Newspaper
3. First Piggy UK MP On Trial As IPSA Blows More Cash

Ex-MP Elliot Morley's criminal trial defence
is being funded by the British taxpayer
(Caption Courtesy Of One Click)
As Elliot Morley’s trial gets underway today, the MPs’ expenses bee will simply not leave the Westminster bonnet. ePolitix reports that IPSA are going to spend a million pounds releasing the MPs expense claims data, though there is some confusion over whether receipts will be included in that. While this undoubtedly a good move theoretically, ironically it will happen on the same day, the 2nd December, that the future of the omnishambolic IPSA is debated in the House. Guido cannot get his head around why it’s going to cost such a staggering amount of money though? He is pretty sure he could do the job with a couple of scanners and some interns for half the price…
Guido Fawkes
Related Links:
* One Click Comment On ConDem UK Government & Legal Aid
Jane Bryant, The One Click Group
* Expenses Scandal MPs Granted Legal Aid
Big Pond
* Our Corrupt British Parliament Is Rotten To The Core
Peter Oborne, Daily Telegraph
* UK Supreme Court Rules Expenses Piggies MPs To Face Criminal Trial
Polly Curtis, The Guardian
* Another Eight UK MPs In Expenses Storm - Police Called In
Jason Groves, Daily Mail
* Secret Deals Being Offered To Expenses Abuse MPs
Rosa Prince, Daily Telegraph
* Abusive UK MPs Brand Expenses Staff As Fucking Idiots & Monkeys
Macer Hall, Daily Express
4. View From America: We Must Protect The Jury System

There is a budding movement in the states as a defence against laws which convict citizens for victimless crimes and other judicial improprieties. The Florida state organizer for FIJA (Fully Informed Jury Association), James Cox, is originally from Great Britain and a strong advocate of individual rights. I had the privilege of meeting him at the Florida Liberty Summit where he subsequently unveiled his plans to combat the judicial status quo by asserting his rights as an activist and a FIJA organiser. FIJA believes that "Liberty and Justice for All" will not return to America until individuals are fully informed of - and utilising - their power as jurors. The Founders knew how important juries are and stressed it accordingly. The jury exists to protect the individual from the government. There are countless inferior laws, based on government’s assumed ownership of our bodies which contradict the superior laws of our Constitution and our c ommon law. With all the superfluous laws on the books, it is only a matter of time before you, your family, or friends ‘break’ a convoluted, unnecessary law. The last peaceful line of defence is informed jurors who refuse to convict under the pressure of bad laws. The rights of the citizens have been reduced to privileges, granted or denied at the whim of government officers. Jurors can nullify bad laws by refusing to convict people being tried under those laws. When jurors refuse to convict, legislators and prosecutors know the law is NOT supported by the community. Acquittals and hung juries are politically embarrassing to legislators, power craving prosecutors, bureaucrats, and most judges.
Corey Hubbard, Big Brother Watch
5. Are 10 Million Americans Infected With XMRV? Seeking New Blood Supply Test

Right, XMRV; left, cross-section of the retrovirus.
Scientists are racing to develop tests for a retrovirus called XMRV, which could be used to determine if the blood supply is tainted and to assess how many people may be infected. The impetus behind the drive is a paper published in the journal Science last year that reported a link between XMRV and chronic fatigue syndrome. Public health officials were alarmed that close to 4% of healthy people used as controls in the study were infected with XMRV. That could mean as many as 10 million Americans are infected. XMRV has gotten a lot of attention because, like HIV, it is a retrovirus. This means the virus cannot be eradicated from the body, only controlled. There is some preliminary evidence that XMRV may be transmitted sexually or through transfusions. Tests are in the works at a number of labs, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Cancer Institute as well as Abbott Diagnostics, a division of Abbott Laboratories, and Ge n-Probe Inc. Roche Diagnostics says it expects to have a test for research purposes ready in months. Michael Busch, director of the Blood Systems Research Institute in San Francisco and a member of a federally funded blood-working group studying the potential impact on the blood supply, says the group pushed for companies to get involved early on in developing XMRV tests because they have technology that allows them to screen thousands of samples quickly.
Amy Dockser Marcus, The Wall Street Journal
Related Links:
* Presence Of Murine Leukemia Virus Found In Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients
FDA Press Release
* Detection of MLV-related virus gene sequences in blood of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and healthy blood donors (FULL TEXT)
Shyh-Ching Lo, Harvey J. Alter et al PNAS
* Detection of an Infectious Retrovirus, XMRV, in Blood Cells of Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Judy A. Mikovits et al, 10.1126/science.1179052, Science Express