Pamela Geller sums it up: "This defies western logic, but not the agenda of the OIC-driven, sharia compliant UN. Saudi Arabia, where a 32-year-old woman is jailed for disobeying her father, where a pregnant gang-rape victim is sentenced to 100 lashes for committing adultery, where women are not allowed to drive, where women are lashed for being in the company of any male who is not a relative, where a 75-year-old could be flogged for breaching sex segregation rules, where a Saudi father weds his daughter, 10, to an 80-year-old pervert: "according to the shari'a his marriage is legal as long as the girl's father consents," where a child bride is turned back over to her 80-year-old husband........... must I go on?" "U.N. Rejects Iran's Bid for Seat on Women's Rights Panel," from, November 10 (thanks to Pamela Geller): But the U.N. accepted the bid of Saudi Arabia, which is also opposed by human rights groups. Iran, which has been criticized for its record on women's rights, received only 19 votes -- short of the necessary 28 votes for approval. In recent months, Iran sparked an international outcry by sentencing to death by stoning a woman convicted of adultery. In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to drive and are barred from many facilities used by men....The United Nations on Wednesday rejected Iran's bid for a seat to the board of the new U.N. agency to promote equality for women after fierce opposition from the United States and human rights groups to Tehran's treatment of women.
New York, November 10, 2010 – Human rights groups condemned today's election of Saudi Arabia to the governing board of the UN's new women's rights agency.
"It's morally perverse to reward a country that lashes rape victims, and that systematically subjugates women in every walk of life, with the power to negatively influence the global protection of women's rights," said Hillel Neuer, executive director of the Geneva-based UN Watch, who is currently visiting New York to monitor today's vote.
UN Watch organized a worldwide internet campaign to mobilize public opinion against the candidacies of Iran and Saudi Arabia: The non-governmental human rights group lauded the democratic governments who pushed to defeat Iran, but Neuer expressed "deep regret that there has been complete silence on the offensive election of the fundamentalist and misogynist regime in Riyadh. The realpolitik of oil should never justify actions that legitmize the discrimination of women."
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Saudi Arabia elected to UN's new women's rights agency
November 10, 2010
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Britannia Radio