A GYPSY'S MANSION BUILT ON BENEFITS Immigration cap plan to be revealed 'Stop leaflets in other languages' Crackdown on foreign students applying for 'bogus' colleges in Britain Romanian gypsy lived in luxury with £113k benefits stolen from British taxpayers Attitudes to immigrants, jail sentences and benefit cuts 'harden' in teenage years, study reveals Romanian gypsy who stole £113,000 from British taxpayers jailed for three years English pupils 'less tolerant on immigration'A selection of recent media reports
THE billion-pounds-a-year...
Daily Express (Padraic Flanagan) (23-Nov-2010)
The level of the...
Talk Talk (23-Nov-2010)
By sam lister parliamentary..
This is Bristol (23-Nov-2010)
Tens of thousands of foreign.
Mail Online (James Slack) (23-Nov-2010)
A shameless Romanian gypsy.
Mail Online (Nick Fagge) (22-Nov-2010)
Young people become less...
Mail Online (Daily Mail Reporter) (22-Nov-2010)
A shameless Romanian gypsy.
Mail Online (Nick Fagge) (22-Nov-2010)
School pupils in England...
BBC News UK (22-Nov-2010)
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
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Britannia Radio