Wednesday 3 November 2010


Size Doesn’t Matter


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Obama lies about UPS bomb?, UPS denies bomb found, BBC confirms no explosive trace

Obama lies about UPS bomb?, UPS denies bomb found, BBC confirms no explosive traces

Increasingly, the story about a bomb found on a UPS flight appears to be fake, a ploy by Obama to appear strong on terrorism before the coming election. What is the truth about this story?

“Obama lies about the Bomb at Midlands UK airport”

Bomb Scare is BS See video here

From Fox News October 31, 2010.

“White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan said Sunday that explosives discovered on two airplanes could have been detonated en route to the United States, as he warned that more bombs may be out there as part of the same plot.

Brennan, speaking on “Fox News Sunday,” said the plot had “all the hallmarks of Al Qaeda.” He would not confirm how many other potential mail bombs, if any, could be on the loose, but said officials are in a “full-court press” to stop Al Qaeda from attacking the homeland.

“We cannot presume, though, that there are (no) others that are out...

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Obama’s Real Agenda: Israel’s Dimona Nuclear Facility

I have posted this articles links several times in the past in the comments. Apparently it has not resonated either with Ted or anyone else. It has with me even before Moshe Dann’s article (see below). There has been a strong Lobby in the American Defense establishments including and especially the CIA and State Dept. to force Israel to give up our nuclear deterrent. Egypt Vocally and Saudi Arabia quietly have been lobbying American and all international bodies to pressure Israel to forgo her nuclear arsenal. Iran has given America a degree of leverage over Israel that extends and exceeds what has been till now. The closer Iran gets to that hypothetical point of no return the more leverage America has to use against Israel and our national interests i.,e survival! A nuclear defanged Israel is an Israel with no realistic long or short term deterrent. Yamit

By Moshe Dann

“I understand those who protest that some countries have weapons that others do not. No single nation...

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Are negotiations with Abbas all about Iran?

By Ted Belman

Obama’s message to Israel: Freeze settlements or get rid of Dimona

    the meaning is clear, and it does not depend on the outcome of today’s elections: You want to keep Dimona? Then you’ll pay the price to keep talking with Abbas – namely, a settlement freeze. And as for Iran, don’t be an idiot. Leave it to Obama.

Apparently Dennis Ross said

    “The entire American political spectrum views the challenge of Iran as a foremost national security priority of the United States,” . “An American security priority, not an Israeli one; the conflict with Iran is “ours.”

    According to Ross, for all the importance of the recent increase in American military aid, Israel’s long-term security depends on real peace with its neighbors – and therefore, on the victory of the region’s moderates over its extremists. In the Palestinian context, this means seizing the fleeting opportunity provided by...

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Palin at the top of her game

PalinTV posted two video interviews of Sarah Palin on Nov 1/10

One by O’Reilly and one by Cavuto. She was impressive and irrepressible. She was impassioned and articulate.

She totally dominated them.


Obama is unhinged

The White House in Crises

Section 4 of the 25th Amendment likely to be invoked; Obama being shipped out!

By Wayne Madsen, OPINION MAKER
Washington has not witnessed so much top level White House intrigue since October 20, 1973, when a Saturday night saw President Nixon fire the Watergate independent counsel, the U.S. attorney general, and the deputy attorney general in the “Saturday Night Massacre.” Just ten days earlier, Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned after being charged with accepting bribes while governor of Maryland.
In the case of President Obama, the senior firings are not happening during a single nght but the recent involuntary sudden departures of the White House chief of staff and national security adviser, along with what WMR can confirm from multiple sources is a president who is suffering from Nixonian levels of paranoia, depression, and schizophrenia, has some top-level administration officials considering the first-ever invocation of Section 4 of...

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Hamas Confirms Israel’s Claim of Gaza War Casualties

Laura: Israel has been vindicated by of all sources, hamas, which admits that most of the casualties of the Gaza war were its own, rather than civilians.

Hamas Concedes on Gaza War Casualties

UPDATE: I see the Jerusalem Post has a clearer breakdown of the Hamas casualties, as quoted by Hamad himself:

Talking about losses in the war, Hammad confirmed significant personnel losses in Hamas’ military wings for the first time. He said, “On the first day of the war, Israel targeted police stations and 250 martyrs who were part of Hamas and the various factions fell.” He added that, “about 200 to 300 were killed from the Qassam Brigades, as well as 150 security personnel.”

Bottom line: 250 Hamasniks died on the first day, followed by 200-300 from the Qassam Brigades, plus an additional 150 security personnel, for a total of 600-700. That’s in line with the IDF’s numbers all along.

* * *

Hamas conceded that 200-300 of its men died during...

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A Warning To The GOP, Voters Don’t Love You As Much as They Hate The Dems

A Vote Against Dems, Not for the GOP

Approximately 40-48 hours from now, the results of the 2010 Mid-Term election will be clear. The Republican party will have near historic gains in the house and may very well win control of the Senate. The size of this political tsunami poses a great danger to the GOP, they may very well misinterpret their victory tomorrow just as much as the Democratic Progressives misinterpreted their victory in 2008.

The Democratic party win two years ago had as much to do with voter “anger” as this years vote. Probably the thing that was most convincing about candidate Barack Obama, was that he was a believable “Washington DC outsider.” His speeches promising a new way of doing things, fighting politics as usual and making those tough decisions that the American people want him to do, was appealing to voters. Of course, it didn’t take long for Americans to see that his new way of doing things was just the same old Chicago-style...

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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel