Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Swedish Newspaper Bomb Threat Traced to Police

'Last Wednesday the offices of the Norrländska Socialdemokraten (NSD) newspaper in Luleå were evacuated after the newspaper received a bomb threat via email. The police were called to investigate, taking with them specially trained bomb-sniffing dogs, but by Wednesday evening investigators concluded the threat was a hoax.

But the story took a new twist on Monday when it was revealed that the IP-address associated with the threatening message is affiliated with police headquarters in Luleå.

“We’re now looking at all of our internet terminals, around 35 of them,” Norbotten police spokesperson Roger Jönsson told the TT news agency.'

Read more: Swedish Newspaper Bomb Threat Traced to Polic

November 2nd Elections: Midterm Day of Reckoning; 'Let the Landslide Begin'

'Barack Obama rode into office in January, 2008 on a wave of optimism. By the time the ballots are counted in Tuesday's midterm elections, Obama's personal approval ratings will have fallen to historic lows and he will be universally recognized as the man who brought ruin on the Democratic party.

While still popular among party loyalists, the president has become radioactive among independents--the critical group of “swing voters” who have fled Camp Obama en masse frustrated with both the lack of audacity and/or change. No one figured they were electing George W. Bush to a third term in office when they cast their vote for the inspiring senator from Illinois two years ago. But that's what they got.

To say that supporters are disappointed in Obama's performance, is a gross understatement of the pessimism that's spread like Kudzu among the party faithful. People have become increasingly cynical as they realize that neither party provides a path to real structural change. The system is broken; Obama has merely exposed the rot at the heart of American democracy.'

Read more: November 2nd Elections: Midterm Day of Reckoning; 'Let the Landslide Begin'

Cameron U-Turn Denies Britain Referendum on EU

'Britons have been robbed of the chance to vote on a power grab by Brussels despite promises of a referendum.

In the wake of the Lisbon Treaty fiasco, David Cameron vowed Britain would never again give away powers to Brussels without first holding a referendum. In a spectacular U-turn, however, Mr Cameron has now backed plans to sneak changes into the Lisbon Treaty without triggering referendums across Europe.

It is a significant victory for German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who was last night dining with the Camerons at Chequers, the Prime Minister’s country retreat in Buckinghamshire.'

Read more: Cameron U-Turn Denies Britain Referendum on EU