Tuesday, 23 November 2010

There are many things we could do without in this world, and another Korean War is one of them.


With Louise Gray doing her usual job as a conduit for WWF press releases in The Daily Telegraph, there are two changes. Firstly, there is a thumbnail picture of the woman. Secondly, the comments are open.

I have appended a few appropriate questions. It will be interesting to see how long the freedom-loving Telegraph lets them stand. After all, we cannot allow anything to get between Louise and her beloved WWF, for whom she so obviously works.

In this piece, though, she manages to combine the two pet hates of "climate change" and the European Union, which, typically, she manages to call "Europe". And despite the crisis of the euro and the probability that the whole construct is about to collapse, all this dismal little tart can witter on about is climate change targets.

It is, of course, this type of stupidity that is making the Telegraph a laughing stock and driving away readers in their droves. A once proud newspaper really needs to reflect on whether its role in life is to be the house organ for the WWF, and whether it can afford to retain people like Gray.


I was working hammer and tongs on the Battle of Britain project most of yesterday, which meant that my eye was definitely off the ball. Mind you, I was not so far behind as to have missed this - the Independent's "take" on the Irish situation.

Some of our forum comments, I think, are more informative and some specialist sites have far more than you will get in the MSM. But the trouble is that, in this fast-moving situation, we are moving into unknown territory. This is one episode where the word "unprecedented" is no longer hyperbole.

We are now definitely looking at the prospect of the failure of the euro, and if that does go, the EU will not be far behind. But the result is not going to be pleasant. If this goes the way it looks as if it is headed, we are in for a seriously rough ride. Hold tight!