Sunday, 21 November 2010

This video linked below shows the ideal society. If you're a member of the New World Order left, that is. The N W O people are Judeo-Christophobes. They think the Jews are evil because they are so warlike and keep insisting their homeland is their homeland. And they keep living there just because most were born there. The N W O leftists are convinced that Christianity is the most dangerous religion in the world because they made war during the crusades.

Are you old enough to remember the Crusades?

It is fresh in the memories of the Left, having occurred a scant 700 years ago, and it was especially hard on Muslims, who are still fighting it.

The supranationalist left (both Dems and RINOs in US politics) wants this kind of multiculturalism for us as well.
Perhaps you can still help decide whether or not you agree.

By keeping our borders wide open and by amnestying millions of illegal aliens, we too can have this kind of ideal society with enclaves full of people who hate our way of life and refuse to assimilate or learn our language.
If you like that idea and the scenes you see unfolding in the video, keep voting for the Left and for RINOs (like John McCain). They will give you your hearts desire.

California, Massachusetts, Nevada, NY and other blue states have asserted by their voting habits that they are enamored of this way of "life."