This is what you get when you fetishise rights such as ‘free speech’ while evacuating their cultural foundations. This is the way a liberal society disappears up its own fundament. So now it’s cards on the table, the big lie exposed, all pretence over. After decades during which the peoples of Europe were told that the EU posed no threat to the sovereignty of member states, the European Council President Herman von Rompuy has finally stated that the real purpose of the EU is nothing less than to destroy the nation state. The Mail reports: The age of the nation state is over and the idea that countries can stand alone is an ‘illusion’ and a ‘lie’, the EU president believes. In one of the most open proclamations of the goal of a European superstate since the heyday of Jacques Delors, Herman Van Rompuy went on to denounce Eurosceptism as the greatest threat to peace. ... Mr Van Rompuy’s speech in the German capital told his audience that ‘the After the death of Ian Tomlinson at the G20 protests last year the TSG (Territorial Support Group) came in for strong criticism and were accused of being too heavy-handed. AThursday, 11th November 2010
Jihad of the poppy
As Britain remembered its past today, a glimpse of its future.Rumpy-Pumpy? Dump the Chumpy
...Rough beast slouches, police force crouches
As has been widely observed, the Metropolitan Police were woefully unprepared for the violent thuggery at yesterday’s student fees demonstration in London, where the mob attacked Conservative Party HQ. The police were totally undermanned because they had not expected any trouble. It seems to me that the most likely reason for this failure is that – as has happened so often in the long and distressing progress of the British police towards their current state of demoralisation and de-professionalisation -- once again the plods have learned precisely the wrong lesson from previous professional foul-ups, ricocheting instead from one extreme to the other. As theTimes (£) reported:
Thursday, 11 November 2010
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Britannia Radio