This is getting very tedious, but I simply can't let this go. I think Richard Black has been hit by that nice Cancun sun because yesterday afternoon, he filed a report detailing at length that "scientists believe" that, because we haven't stamped down hard enough on CO2 emissions, we are facing almost inevitable temperature rises of four degrees centigrade and we had better get used to it. Such baloney does not deserve any effort of rebuttal, though I would mention this dose of inconvenient realism. His real agendais not hard to find - he and his greenie chums in the Royal Society (who have been having orgasms over the prospect of those four degrees centigrade as their collective cash balances swell from climate change grants) want deliberate, systematic rationing of the kind imposed in the Second World War, with all the misery that it would entail. This ecofascist nonsense is beneath contempt. As we miserable lot in Blighty shiver and freeze, Richard Black is there at Cancun in the nice 79 degrees heat (no doubt in a luxury hotel) at our expense, complaining plaintively that the talks may be to no avail , but at the same time warning that - because CO2 levels are going to start rising again - we are all in dire danger because of our complacency. He (and/or the story sub)are also concerned to warn us that climate change has already done for the mangroves on the Cancun coast, though how they know that with certainty escapes me. TIPPING POINT
>> MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2010
What Mr Black wilfully ignores is the rather more negative reports about Cancun that are impossible to avoid everywhere on the internet. This editorial, for example, from the Washington Times which says the talks are doomed quite simply because AGW was built on a tissue of lies and scientific twisting. I also spotted this, which nails the central Cancun-IPCC alarmist porkie that sea levels are rising faster than in the past. And finally, it escapes Mr Black that one of the core alarmist prediction of warmists/Met Office/UEA - that snow would become a thing of the past in the UK within a few years - has also rather convincingly been found to be hot air. One of my favourite ladies, Jo Nova nails the UK snow lie admirably.
Enjoy the Cancun sun, Richard, and never let inconvenient truth get in the way of your worldview.
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
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Britannia Radio