Also on ToryDiary: A metropolitan meets MigrationWatch - Nick (or is it Nicholas?) Boles's new book Mark Pritchard MP on Platform: The Government is right to protect the International Aid budget Local government: What can Tory councillors learn from the Tea Party Governors? WATCH: Stephen Timms recalls how an Islamist extremist tried to murder him Cable victory 1: Vince Cable refers News Corp's BSkyB bid to regulator Cable victory 2: Modification of immigration cap "The decision to exempt so-called ‘intra-company transfers’ from the annual quota is a major victory for Vince Cable and the Liberal Democrats. The Business Secretary had argued that companies wanted more freedom to recruit staff from abroad. But his critics say this makes the cap an empty political gesture and will not stop firms bringing in cheap foreign labour at the cost of British jobs. In comments which caught some ministers by surprise, David Cameron yesterday revealed that Mr Cable had won out." - Daily Mail Immigration cap threatens cancer research in Britain - Times (£) Nick Clegg's whips get to work on tuition fees as Liberal Democrat Ministers waver "The Deputy Prime Minister and Business Secretary Vince Cable have launched a charm offensive to prevent a humiliating Lib Dem rebellion that could see up to four ministers vote against the Government...Chief whip Alastair Carmichael is trying to thrash out a deal which will see backbenchers abstain and ministers vote in favour. But a succession of Lib Dems, led by former leader Charles Kennedy, insist that they will vote no. Equalities Minister Lynne Featherstone; Jenny Willott, a ministerial aide to Energy Secretary Chris Huhne; Mike Crockart, an aide to Scottish Secretary Mike Moore and pensions minister Steve Webb have all threatened to rebel." - Daily Mail But coverage in the FT(£) offers a very different take: "A coalition plan for a near-trebling of the cap on student fees to £9,000 has drawn only muffled dissent from Liberal Democrats, in a sign that Nick Clegg is making headway in stopping his party splitting three ways on the issue. The deputy prime minister’s team are confident their “fair” solution to student finance, unveiled on Wednesday, is convincing wavering MPs to back it – even though their right to abstain is enshrined in the coalition agreement." "The middle classes on moderate incomes will be hardest hit by the most radical shake-up of university funding for a generation, ministers admitted. Overall, three out of four university leavers will be worse off than at present following the move to allow institutions to charge up to £9,000 a year for courses. Successful graduates will be penalised most by the introduction of variable interest rates on the loans they take out to pay the fees. A university leaver with debts of £30,000 and an annual salary of £45,000 will have to pay back about £2,160 a year for about 30 years. Someone earning £25,000 will have to pay £360 a year for the same debts because a lower interest rate will be applied." - Daily Telegraph Camilla Cavendish in The Times (£) writes about the nationalisation of Britain's universities, arguing that we can't have excellence and social engineeering. Vince Cable ducks out of Oxford University visit after students plan 'peaceful protest' - Daily Mail IDS: Cost of family breakdown is £100 billion per year Tories mull LibDem/AV election pact "The Conservatives are considering an informal pact with the LibDems under which they would urge people to make Nick Clegg's party their second choice at the next general election. The historic pact, which could severely dent Labour's prospects of returning to power, would be proposed in the event of a Yes vote in next May's referendum on whether to replace the current first-past-the-post system with the alternative vote (AV)." - Independent David Cameron says that giving prisoners the vote makes him feel "physically ill" - Daily Express Danny Alexander stars at Treasury Select Committee "In a two-hour debut before Andrew Tyrie's Treasury select committee, Alexander was on top of his brief, fluent and good-tempered. Better still for the Treasury, he said little that is likely to generate headlines at a time when the cuts face growing scrutiny and dwindling popularity." - Michael White in The Guardian Innovation is the secret of economic success - George Osborne and Eric Schmidt (CEO of Google) in The Telegraph "Osborne approved an £8.3 million pay package for the new head of Lloyds Banking Group, which is 41 per cent owned by the taxpayer" -Times (£) MPs find civil servants 'are incapable of cutting Whitehall waste' - Daily Mail Daily Mail unimpressed with David Cameron hiring personal photographer ThinkTankCentral: North London Mosque gets no apology from Policy Exchange - and pays a "substantial contribution" towards their costs Tim Montgomerie on CentreRight: John Simpson compares BBC licence freeze to "waterboarding" WATCH: John Hirst - the axe murderer who brought the case which will give prisoners the vote - laughs his way through an interview with Andrew Neil(Warning: This video will make the blood boil of any right-thinking person) Parliament: Health Minister makes reducing abortion rate "an absolute priority" as Nadine Dorries raises concerns over lack of pre-abortion counselling Three videos covering key results from the US midterms:ToryDiary: Has a recent British Government had worse relations with Israel than this one?
"Vince Cable has ordered media regulator Ofcom to examine News Corporation's £12bn bid to take control of BSkyB, as revealed by last night. Cable has issued an intervention notice under the Enterprise Act ordering Ofcom to investigate the proposed transaction, which would see News Corporation take control of the 61% of the satellite broadcaster it does not already own, on public interest grounds." - Guardian
"Iain Duncan Smith said the collapse of marriage had brought soaring crime rates, doubled the chances of living in poverty and cost the country an astonishing £100billion a year. The Work and Pensions Secretary accused Labour of undermining marriage and family life and said the country had paid a ‘heavy price’ in deeper poverty, high crime and poor life chances for the children of families that failed to stay together. Mr Duncan Smith’s speech to representatives of the Relate counselling charity was the strongest defence of marriage made by a major government figure in years. " -Daily Mail
Tea Party candidates Rand Paul and Christine O'Donnell reflect on their respective win and loss in Senate races in Kentucky and Delaware
Thursday, 4 November 2010
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