Tuesday, 23 November 2010 12:19
'Conservative Peer Norman Lamont thinks bondholders should not be punished for risky investments, instead that UK and Irish taxpayers should graciously acquiesce and give the banksters what they want...'
But on a lighter note...
Norman Lamont Gets Fisted at Westminster
Tuesday, 23 November 2010 11:53
'Officials have warned that American citizens who opt out of the naked body scanners and intrusive patdowns will be arrested. Basically if you do not wish to have your genitals molested by a LOW IQ TSA goon than you will be thrown into jail. Welcome to the new world order.'
Read more: Law Enforcement to Arrest Citizens Who Opt Out of Body Scanners and Intrusive Pat Downs
Tuesday, 23 November 2010 11:06
'Home Secretary Theresa May has lost a legal bid to force the inquest into the 2005 London bombings to hear secret evidence behind closed doors.
Justice Heather Hallett, who is overseeing the inquests into the deaths of the 52 people killed in the suicide attacks, ruled earlier this month that she could not hear evidence detailing sensitive intelligence material in closed session.
She concluded that even if the public could be excluded, "interested parties," such as relatives of the victims, could not. May mounted a legal challenge to that decision, arguing that disclosing secret information could put Britain's national security at risk.'
Tuesday, 23 November 2010 11:01
Tuesday, 23 November 2010 09:50
'Portugal's budget deficit and public debt are higher than those reported by the government, which is trying to regain investor confidence amid a debt crisis, the leader the main opposition party said on Saturday.
Pedro Passos Coelho told a meeting of his Social Democratic Party items like state-run companies' debts were not included in the overall public debt, which the government puts at 82 percent of gross domestic product this year.
He said that the "true" total public debt stood as high as 112 percent of GDP, while the budget deficit should be at 9.5 percent of GDP, far above the minority Socialist government's target of 7.3 percent for the end of the year. "The state has for many years been removing from the budget a series of activities, which has made a large part of our numbers fictitious," he said in televised remarks.'
Read more: Deficit Lies From Europe - Portugal Edition
Tuesday, 23 November 2010 09:27
'The head of the UN climate science body has admitted he was taken entirely by surprise by the ferocious public reaction to a blunder in its report on Himalayan glaciers. But he insisted the controversy had not set back efforts to secure action on climate change.
The mistake, a false assertion that the Himalayan glaciers would disappear by 2035, exacted severe damage to the reputation of the IPCC and its head, Rajendra Pachauri. It also provided further fuel to the controversy over the emails stolen from East Anglia's climate research unit and released online a year ago today.
Pachauri said he had not predicted the storm of criticism. "I had absolutely no idea what was coming. It just sort of escalated," Pachauri told the Guardian at a climate meeting sponsored by California's governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger.'
Read more: Head of UN Climate Body Admits Surprise at Fury Over Blunder in Report
Tuesday, 23 November 2010 08:54
'Bon Secour shrimpers say their nets and catch were covered with oil from Gulf floor during a shrimping trip off the coast Louisiana Saturday.
Debra Nelson says her husband and two sons headed offshore, about forty miles from where BP's oil rig exploded, to waters that were recently opened in hopes of catching royal red shrimp. When they pulled up the nets after a three-hour drag, they found an unusable catch coated in oil.'
Tuesday, 23 November 2010 08:41
'TSA Chief John Pistole reiterated today that the administration has absolutely no intention of ever changing its screening policy, insisting that the TSA is “the last line of defense for the US government” and that all the incidents of groping he was asked about were “appropriate” in the face of terrorists.
Though some said President Obama’s feigned sympathy suggested a change might be in the offing, Pistole seemed determined to indicate that the system is only going to get more intrusive over time.'
Tuesday, 23 November 2010 08:31
Tuesday, 23 November 2010 08:31
Tuesday, 23 November 2010 08:25

'New evidence is emerging from the Inquest, which knocks a big hole in the official narrative. The Aldwich bomb story showed evidence of a blast effect down the central axis of the coach, more spread-out than one would expect from a single rucksack.
There were at least two major holes blown in the floor, in the Edgware road coach – we here review four witness statements to show this. An earlier discussion of Professor John Tulloch’s testimony located the position of the main ‘crater’ as right next to him.'
Read more: Terror on the Tube: Two Holes in Floor of Edgware Road Coach
Tuesday, 23 November 2010 08:14

'Drug researchers are working on a mind-altering chemical that could erase your memories. It's all being pursued under the umbrella of "mental health" with claims that this could help victims of emotional trauma. The idea that you can "heal" a patient by chemically lobotomizing them is, of course, entirely consistent with the core mythology of modern medicine: If something's wrong, you should poison it, burn it, irradiate it or cut it out... and then pronounce the patient "healed!"
In the case of memory-erasing drugs, scientists are reportedly working on a drug that would remove certain proteins from the brain's "fear center." This is based on the ludicrous idea, by the way, that memories are recorded solely by physical proteins in the brain -- an idea that's obviously based on an entirely outmoded mechanistic model of the human mind and brain.'
Read more: Big Pharma Researchers Working on Drug to Erase Your Memories
Tuesday, 23 November 2010 08:05

'For several years now, Environmental Working Group (EWG) has been warning of the risks associated with bisphenol A (BPA) - especially the BPA in baby bottles, sippy cups and cans of infant formula. EWG has also been a leader in trying to get state and federal agencies to regulate this hazardous chemical.
Thanks to the efforts of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), there was briefly a deal this week - after months of negotiations - to include some regulation of BPA in a food safety bill that will probably pass the Senate soon after Thanksgiving. The deal, agreed to by leading Republicans and trade associations, including the Grocery Manufacturers Association, would have banned BPA in baby bottles and sippy cups in six months, directed FDA to finalize its assessment of the safety of BPA by December 2012 and protected the right of states to take even stronger action.
Then the American Chemistry Council (ACC) swooped in with last minute objections. The Council's lobbyists whispered in enough Republican senators' ears, and the agreement was scrapped. The chemical makers' trade group has spent millions of dollars over the last few years to fight regulation of BPA across the country.'
Read more: Let the Babies Drink BPA - Chemical Lobby Gets Senate to Drop BPA Ban
Tuesday, 23 November 2010 07:53

'For months, the secret talks unfolding between Taliban and Afghan leaders to end the war appeared to be showing promise, if only because of the repeated appearance of a certain insurgent leader at one end of the table: Mullah Akhtar Muhammad Mansour, one of the most senior commanders in the Taliban movement.
But now, it turns out, Mr. Mansour was apparently not Mr. Mansour at all. In an episode that could have been lifted from a spy novel, United States and Afghan officials now say the Afghan man was an impostor, and high-level discussions conducted with the assistance of NATO appear to have achieved little.
"It’s not him," said a Western diplomat in Kabul intimately involved in the discussions. "And we gave him a lot of money".'
Read more: Taliban Leader in Secret Talks Was an Impostor
Tuesday, 23 November 2010 07:34
'Tensions have intensified on the Korean Peninsula as North Korean artillery shells landed on a South Korean border island.
At least four South Korean soldiers were wounded when 50 artillery shells hit the Yeonpyeong Island near the disputed Yellow Sea border, South Korean Yonhap news agency reported on Tuesday.
Eye witnesses said dozens of homes have been damaged. South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff has confirmed the attack.'
Read more: South, North Koreas' Tensions Intensify
Ireland: you are not being 'supported' by the European Union, you are being swallowed and consumed by it - exactly as planned
Lambs to the bloody slaughter
But at least make a start by getting rid of this idiot ...

Elect an idiot - get a disaster (cause and effect).
'The governor of Ireland's central bank, Patrick Honohan, said yesterday that he expected the country to accept a bail-out worth tens of billions of euros from the EU and the IMF. This "large loan", as he accurately described it, would enable Ireland to show the world that it had "sufficient firepower to deal with any concerns of the market". Actually, what the proposed loan demonstrates is that Ireland is losing its sovereignty, a painful prospect indeed for such a proud nation. Hence an extraordinary editorial in yesterday's Irish Times, asking whether "this is what the men of 1916 died for", and bewailing Ireland's "shameful" loss of independence.
Although no final decision has been reached, the republic is clearly moving towards accepting funds that will stabilise the Irish banking system, now inextricably connected to the state. "Substantial" was another adjective used by Mr Honohan to describe the sum of money yesterday – and who can disagree? The loans will be equal to 80 per cent of Irish GDP.'
Tuesday, 23 November 2010 08:25
'New evidence is emerging from the Inquest, which knocks a big hole in the official narrative. The Aldwich bomb story showed evidence of a blast effect down the central axis of the coach, more spread-out than one would expect from a single rucksack.
There were at least two major holes blown in the floor, in the Edgware road coach – we here review four witness statements to show this. An earlier discussion of Professor John Tulloch’s testimony located the position of the main ‘crater’ as right next to him.'
Read more: Terror on the Tube: Two Holes in Floor of Edgware Road Coach
Tuesday, 23 November 2010 08:14
'Drug researchers are working on a mind-altering chemical that could erase your memories. It's all being pursued under the umbrella of "mental health" with claims that this could help victims of emotional trauma. The idea that you can "heal" a patient by chemically lobotomizing them is, of course, entirely consistent with the core mythology of modern medicine: If something's wrong, you should poison it, burn it, irradiate it or cut it out... and then pronounce the patient "healed!"
In the case of memory-erasing drugs, scientists are reportedly working on a drug that would remove certain proteins from the brain's "fear center." This is based on the ludicrous idea, by the way, that memories are recorded solely by physical proteins in the brain -- an idea that's obviously based on an entirely outmoded mechanistic model of the human mind and brain.'
Read more: Big Pharma Researchers Working on Drug to Erase Your Memories
Tuesday, 23 November 2010 08:05
'For several years now, Environmental Working Group (EWG) has been warning of the risks associated with bisphenol A (BPA) - especially the BPA in baby bottles, sippy cups and cans of infant formula. EWG has also been a leader in trying to get state and federal agencies to regulate this hazardous chemical.
Thanks to the efforts of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), there was briefly a deal this week - after months of negotiations - to include some regulation of BPA in a food safety bill that will probably pass the Senate soon after Thanksgiving. The deal, agreed to by leading Republicans and trade associations, including the Grocery Manufacturers Association, would have banned BPA in baby bottles and sippy cups in six months, directed FDA to finalize its assessment of the safety of BPA by December 2012 and protected the right of states to take even stronger action.
Then the American Chemistry Council (ACC) swooped in with last minute objections. The Council's lobbyists whispered in enough Republican senators' ears, and the agreement was scrapped. The chemical makers' trade group has spent millions of dollars over the last few years to fight regulation of BPA across the country.'
Read more: Let the Babies Drink BPA - Chemical Lobby Gets Senate to Drop BPA Ban
Tuesday, 23 November 2010 07:53
'For months, the secret talks unfolding between Taliban and Afghan leaders to end the war appeared to be showing promise, if only because of the repeated appearance of a certain insurgent leader at one end of the table: Mullah Akhtar Muhammad Mansour, one of the most senior commanders in the Taliban movement.
But now, it turns out, Mr. Mansour was apparently not Mr. Mansour at all. In an episode that could have been lifted from a spy novel, United States and Afghan officials now say the Afghan man was an impostor, and high-level discussions conducted with the assistance of NATO appear to have achieved little.
"It’s not him," said a Western diplomat in Kabul intimately involved in the discussions. "And we gave him a lot of money".'
Read more: Taliban Leader in Secret Talks Was an Impostor
Tuesday, 23 November 2010 07:34
'Tensions have intensified on the Korean Peninsula as North Korean artillery shells landed on a South Korean border island.
At least four South Korean soldiers were wounded when 50 artillery shells hit the Yeonpyeong Island near the disputed Yellow Sea border, South Korean Yonhap news agency reported on Tuesday.
Eye witnesses said dozens of homes have been damaged. South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff has confirmed the attack.'
Read more: South, North Koreas' Tensions Intensify
Ireland: you are not being 'supported' by the European Union, you are being swallowed and consumed by it - exactly as planned
Lambs to the bloody slaughter
But at least make a start by getting rid of this idiot ...
Elect an idiot - get a disaster (cause and effect).
'The governor of Ireland's central bank, Patrick Honohan, said yesterday that he expected the country to accept a bail-out worth tens of billions of euros from the EU and the IMF. This "large loan", as he accurately described it, would enable Ireland to show the world that it had "sufficient firepower to deal with any concerns of the market". Actually, what the proposed loan demonstrates is that Ireland is losing its sovereignty, a painful prospect indeed for such a proud nation. Hence an extraordinary editorial in yesterday's Irish Times, asking whether "this is what the men of 1916 died for", and bewailing Ireland's "shameful" loss of independence.
Although no final decision has been reached, the republic is clearly moving towards accepting funds that will stabilise the Irish banking system, now inextricably connected to the state. "Substantial" was another adjective used by Mr Honohan to describe the sum of money yesterday – and who can disagree? The loans will be equal to 80 per cent of Irish GDP.'