by Rabbi Daniel M. Zucker, D. D. The sixth century before the Common Era Chinese philosopher-general Sun Tzu, author of The Art of War, emphasized the importance of understanding one’s enemy. That is a rule of warfare that we ignore at great peril to our success and ultimately to the preservation of our freedom. In our ongoing war with Islamic radical fundamentalism, it appears that our political leadership fails to grasp the significance of the ideology of both Sunni and Shiite radical fundamentalists. Our ability to defeat al-Qaeda and other Sunni radicals, as well as to defeat the Shiite Islamic Republic of Iran (both groups being at war with the United States and the West in general) will remain seriously compromised until we understand well what drives them and what it is that they ultimately wish to accomplish. Analysis: German tempers fray as U.S. policy gulf widens President Obama can’t close deals at G-20 summit khomeini I experienced their ideology first hand when the radical Islamist began their oppression of the Iranians and expanded their terror network to being about the demise of Israel and America, circumstances which led me to become a CIA spy betraying my own country in order to save it. I grew up in Tehran in an upper-middle class family. Educated in the United States in the early 1970’s – like many Iranians during that dramatic time – returned to Iran after the Islamic revolution of 1979 to help build my country. During the Shah’s era it was a very open... I posted an essay by Rav Kahane as a continuation to Moshe Feiglin’s article below. They say what is the difference between a prophet and Meir Kahane? Ans. 20 years. Yamit 27 Cheshvan, 5771 By Moshe Feiglin H/T Shy Guy The “pragmatic” perspective that disconnects destiny from existence is what ultimately prevents us from understanding reality and dealing with its challenges. From a strategic perspective, the political process in the US does not have much... PM Netanyahu – “Jerusalem is not a settlement” Author unknown While right-wingers in Israel are “kvelling” – falling over themselves in joy with “Nachas” – Yidish pride upon hearing Bibi’s “firm” response to the American condemnation for Israel’s renewed building contracts in Jerusalem, I am not impressed. Obama is back to his old tricks now that the midterm election race is over and the Americans have once again castigated Israel for “harming efforts to rekindle the peace talks, and for taking steps that could prejudice the final outcome of the talks” by building Jewish homes in Israel’s eternal capital of Jerusalem. Bibi, in yet another effort to woo his nationalist coalition and constituent base before he agrees to yet another freeze on building beyond the Green Line, is talking tough on Jerusalem, “Jerusalem is not a settlement”. Jerusalem is not a settlement? Why not? What is the difference between Jerusalem, The Cave of The Patriarchs in... By EMMANUEL NAVON, JPOST The emergence of China as a major oil importer is causing geopolitical tensions with the US over the securing of oil supplies. Russia’s oil resources – a significant explanation for that country’s increasingly aggressive foreign policy – are also of concern to the US, as is the expected depletion of global oil resources over the coming decades. The solution to this problem lies in ending oil’s monopolistic status by promoting the use of biofuels and electricity for transportation – something in which Israel can assist thanks to its technological lead in electric cars and second-generation biofuels. While fleeing the Nazis in 1941, an 11-year-old girl dodged airplane bombs as she crossed the Dnieper River in Ukraine, ultimately finding refuge in Donetsk, where she and her mother lived in hiding until the liberation of 1944. A 13-year-old boy escaped from Kiev with his mother and younger sister, shuttling from basements to barns and sometimes the forest, where they often stayed for weeks. These tales were among thousands of similar accounts given in the name of elderly immigrants who were seeking reparations from the German government through a fund established to provide help to survivors of Nazi persecution. But many of the stories were works of fiction or embellishment of facts, perpetrated by a group that included six employees and custodians of the fund, which is based in New York, federal prosecutors said on Tuesday. Eleven other defendants were outsiders who recruited and funneled applicants to the programs. Republican Riot : Wake me up when Obama is bombing Israel. That’s what I told my husband the night Obama won the presidency. I essentially tuned out of politics that day, having little interest in charting every step along the path to the destruction that we non-Obama voters predicted. Of course, I thought I was yet engaging in hyperbole, but the conclusion to be drawn from this remarkable article by Middle East Studies professor Mordechai Nisan, of Hebrew University of Jerusalem: “As for the Jews, when American jet bombers will zoom over the Galilee, Israel shouldn’t assume they are there to save her from the Arabs and Iranians” Commentary: U.S. Has Long Sided with Arab World On three formidable major speech-making occasions since his election – in Ankara, Cairo, and Washington – President Obama stated that America ‘is not and never will be at war with Islam’. Laura: Bibi needs to dispense with the pretense that it is ever possible to make peace with annihilationist enemies. Israel needs to put an end to these endless “peace” process charades and publicly declare that ALL of Israel, including Judea and Samaria and ALL of Jerusalem belongs to the Jewish people and will always remain part of the sovereign state of Israel. There is 3000 years of Jewish history in Jerusalem. The arab-muslims have no historical or religious right of sovereignty over any part of Jerusalem. No peaceful coexistence is ever possible with muslims as history and the current global jihad show. But the west simply chooses to sacrifice Israel in the belief that they can placate implacable enemies. Israeli leaders need to state before the entire world that they will not be made a sacrificial lamb. Netanyahu to Obama: Jerusalem is not a settlement By TOVAH LAZAROFF AND HILARY LEILA KRIEGER, J Post Exchange between Israel, US...Understanding Our Enemies
At one level, the job of comprehending radical Islam is not difficult at all. This task is simple because the Islamists are very vocal about what they want to...Obama is coming up empty
Take It From Me: Iran Will Bomb Israel
Iranian government will use the nuclear bomb against Israel, they will use it against Persian Gulf countries, and they will use it against Europe to bring about that last hadith (Islamic commentaries on sayings and activities of Mohammed and his companions) that calls for total chaos, lawlessness, and havoc in the world, which creates the circumstance for Imam Mahdi (the Islamic messianic figure) to appear.
Is There Life After America?:
Translated from the Makor Rishon newspaper
The tremendous significance that Israel’s Right attaches to last week’s elections in the US attests to the fact that the Right also pins most of its hopes on America. In other words, both the Right and Left in Israel suffer from the same delusion. For both sides of the political spectrum, everything depends upon our relations with the US – and not on our relations with ourselves, with the justness of our cause – and with our G-d.Not impressed with Bibi’s tough talk
Ending oil’s monopoly: The role of Israel
Local technology is revolutionizing the use of electric transportation and biofuels.
More than any other source of energy, oil is at the core of global geopolitical tensions because of its monopoly as an energy source for transportation (land, sea and air). US dependence on oil is not related to power generation. Only 1 percent-2% of the...U.S. Says Holocaust Fund Was Defrauded
Over 16 years, the suspects used fake...Israeli Professor Nails It: Obama was Right when he said America is not a Christian Country
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This definitive affirmation ignores the fact...All of Jerusalem Belongs to Israel
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Saturday, 13 November 2010
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