Tuesday 30 November 2010

United Nations Multimillion Dollar Junket to Cancun Resort

United Nations junketeers to spend eight figures on “United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change” party in Cancun Mexico
Chicago Climate Exchange: An economic parasite that can no longer leech off its host
by Bill Levinson

“The United Nations Climate Change Conference is taking place in Cancun, Mexico, from 29 November to 10 December 2010,” apparently due to the lack of global warming in less expensive but far more mundane venues such as Pittsburgh Pennsylvania or Detroit Michigan during November and December. It is not surprising that 15,000 delegates would prefer to go to Cancun Mexico as long as somebody else, such as American taxpayers who fund a quarter of the United Nations’ budget, is paying for their trips.

Most of our readers work for a living, and who among us would not be delighted to have an all-expenses paid trip to Cancun? Here is the first page of the junket’s program. Pay close attention to the shuttle bus route...

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Can Israel Live with a Palestinian State?….Hell No!

The only conclusion I can reach from this excellent analysis of Israels basic security requirements that must be our final red lines is: No security is possible within a Two State Solution and only Israeli annexation and Transfer of all the Arabs out of the West Bank is the only guarantee of security for all of Israel, A Must Read! Yamit

Israel requires full control of that airspace to protect against potential attack from the air. Gen. Udi Dekel reveals how at Camp David in 2000, Israeli negotiators raised the possibility of a civilian airplane being diverted to a suicide attack as a reason in favor of Israeli control of a unified airspace over the West Bank. American mediators ridiculed the overactive imaginations of the Israelis – at least until 9/11.

by Jonathan Rosenblum

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s June 14 2009 foreign policy address at Bar Ilan University made headlines around the world for his acceptance of a Palestinian state. Less noticed by the foreign...

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No, I Don’t Miss Bush

Here is an interesting idea: West to the West Wing 2012 Lt. Col. Allen West for President in 2012 and he isn’t afraid to call Islam the problem like all the rest. Has great pro Israel credentials 2 masters degrees and knows how to kick ass. Just a thought. Yamit
Allan West: Islam will destory Western civilisation
LTC Allen West in support of Israel

Daniel Greenfield

The billboards ask me if I miss George W. Bush, and my honest answer has to be, “No, I don’t.” I do miss Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. I miss John Bolton. But I don’t miss Bush. I appreciate that Bush, who found himself suddenly leading a country at war, said most of the right things, and even did some of them too. But he didn’t say the most important things of all. And that’s the problem.

Bush looks best against the background of Obama. But that’s setting the mark fairly low, because there is hardly an occupant of the White House in the last 60 years who...

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John Bolton considering bid for US president in 2012


In radio interview, former US ambassador to UN slams US foreign policy, says Obama trying to “restructure the American way of life.”

Former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton on Sunday night announced that he is considering a bid for US president in 2012.

Speaking on Jerusalem-based Aaron Klein’s WABC Radio show, Bolton said he was motivated to run for president over concern “about the direction of national security policy.”

When asked what factors he would consider in making his final decision, Bolton replied: “I think it’s very important on the Republican side that we have a candidate against Obama who can address these national security issues and to be able to debate him as an equal when you get into the 2012 campaign.”

Earlier in the interview, Bolton, who also once oversaw US non-proliferation policy, came out strongly...

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Israel vs. the International Criminal Court

The End of the Right of Self-Defense? Andrew C. McCarthy, Commentary. If it gains currency, a ruling by the International Court of Justice will impair not only Israel’s power to protect itself but the American war on terror, and place in question the future of international law. (2004, PDF)


For more than six decades, Israel has been subjected to violence, warfare, and a relentless campaign of terror attacks deliberately targeting civilians. Today, these attacks are spearheaded by states, including Iran and Syria, and terror organizations like Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hizballah, Fatah’s al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the PFLP, and even al-Qaeda.

But that is not all. This “hard-power” war is bolstered by a corresponding “soft-power” war aimed at delegitimizing and demonizing the Jewish state. The latter campaign is led by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) utilizing the rhetoric of international law and human...

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Wikileaks in a Nutshell

‘Israel and Cablegate’

Samson Blinded

Consider how odd is the Cablegate. Governments easily shut down child porn, warez, racist and other kinds of websites. Even peer-to-peer networks are taken down and individual uploaders prosecuted. Hacking and DDOS attacks are a regular fare of the Internet. And yet we must believe that the mightiest power on earth is powerless against a website? Perhaps the same idiocy is at play here as that which led the State Dept to post hundred of thousand cables on a widely available internal web server.

Wikileaks has done a great service to the world by publishing those documents. They contain no tactical wartime information and, contrary to the White House’s statements, do not endanger many lives. Heads will roll down here and there because the cables reveal American contacts in foreign lands, but equally possibly, local dissidents will be protected by being connected to the White House.

For most part, their names were redacted...

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Free Speech in peril in the EU and U.S. too

Gates of Vienna covered the trial of Sabaditsch-Wolff and now they covered her speech. Very important.
Do not think for a minute that what she says for the WU doesn’t apply as well to the uS.

The Time That is Given Us

The International Free Press Society sponsored a conference today in Copenhagen. Below is the speech that was given during the event by Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I stand here before you in the city of Copenhagen in the year 2010. This is widely considered to be an enlightened country in the heart of an enlightened continent.

Our basic freedoms have long been guaranteed — first by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as passed by the United Nations in 1948, and then buttressed by the Council of Europe in 1950 through the European Convention of Human Rights, which was later affirmed by the European Union. Our individual countries have additionally codified the same basic rights in their own constitutions.

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Wikileaks discredits anti-Israel ME experts

Omri Ceren has a great take on what went down at Obama’s meeting with Saudi King Abdullah.

Wikileaks – Anti-Israel Foreign Policy Experts Got Saudi Arabia, Other Arab Countries 100% Backward On Iran Attack

    It didn’t get nearly as much play as it should have, but Obama’s June 2009 meeting with Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah ended with the monarch flying into a tirade and more or less telling the President to get a grip. This was the Riyadh meeting that Obama took on his way to his insulting and failed Cairo Speech, the better to prepare himself by visiting “the place where Islam began.” The sit-down was such a disaster that Dennis Ross was hurriedly brought into the White House and given a broader role, yielding the impression that the President wanted a Middle East adviser who kind of understood something about the Middle East – and didn’t think he had one.

    There were two theories on why the meeting went so badly.

    “On one side you had typical...

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November 29, 1947: The Story of a Vote

the Muqata

It was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving in 1947, and Abba Eban and the Jewish Agency delegation to the United Nations were concerned. A preliminary vote showed that the Zionists did not have enough support to pass the Partition Plan. Rodriguez Fabraget, Uruguay’s UN delegate, kindly obliged Abba Eban’s request for a filibuster that succeeded in postponing the vote until after Thanksgiving. They hoped the brief extension would be enough time to secure the requisite two-thirds majority that would approve the establishment of a Jewish State.

On November 29th, when the day of the vote came, Jews around the world listened anxiously. Within a few brief moments, 20 centuries of Jewish homelessness came to an end.

Click here to view the embedded video.

TEL AVIV was recently named one of Lonley Planet’s top 10 (3) hot cities for 2011,

Lonely Planet’s top 10 cities for 2011

Tel Aviv is the total flipside of Jerusalem, a modern Sin City on the sea rather than an ancient Holy City on a hill. Hedonism is the one religion that unites its inhabitants. There are more bars than synagogues, God is a DJ and everyone’s body is a temple. Yet, scratch underneath the surface and Tel Aviv, or TLV, reveals itself as a truly diverse 21st-century Mediterranean hub. By far the most international city in Israel, Thanks to its university and museums, it is also the greenhouse for Israel’s growing art, film and music scenes.

Click here to view the embedded video.

Click here to view the embedded video.

Introducing Tel Aviv: Jerusalem may only be 80km up the road, but culturally, socially and psychologically it may as well be a million miles away. While Jerusalemites flock to the holy sites, Tel Avivans hit the clubs.

Kippas are swapped for sun visors, gefilte fish for sushi and quarried stone for poured concrete. If it’s 3000...

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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel