Thursday 4 November 2010

US Federal Reserve's Latest Bubble Threatens Mayhem

'Yet it's not just prospects for a Japanese-style lost decade that are driving bond yields towards record lows. Anticipation of further QE – whereby central banks flood the economy with cash by buying up government debt – is creating a self-feeding spiral of ever-falling rates. This is an accident waiting to happen.

Yet policymakers seem determined to push ahead with QE2. On Wednesday, the US Federal Reserve is expected to sanction a further $500bn (£312bn) of bond purchases. And despite vocal objections from at least four members of the Open Markets Committee, Ben Bernanke, the chairman, has indicated a willingness to keep pumping money into the economy on a more or less indefinite basis until core inflation is unambiguously rising again and unemployment is falling.'

Read more: US Federal Reserve's Latest Bubble Threatens Mayhem

Psychological Attacks Coming To A Primary School Near You

'There was a time when school was there to educate. They’ve always been slightly fascist by their very nature, but the main focus appeared to be on developing the minds of the children so they could enter society with a well rounded view of the world. Not anymore, it seems instead of developing minds, schools across the UK and the world are now actively breaking them down and traumatizing them psychologically.

In the last few months at various primary schools innocent children have been the victims of a mock crime scene (with fake blood), a staged alien invasion and abduction, and a Holocaust simulation. All incidents were initially played out as if they were real, to the shock of uninformed parents that didn’t give consent, who then had to deal with their traumatized children.

In my day you were allowed to leave the room during sex education videos in case you were squeamish. Now children are subjected to the sight of their teacher being assaulted, leaving blood on the floor!'

Read more: Psychological Attacks Coming To A Primary School Near You

Corporate Money Poisons US Electoral System

Expert Points to Strong Evidence of Bin Laden Presence in Yemen

' "Yemen has become the base for Al Qaida organisation in the Arabian peninsula" according to Abdul Bari Atwan, the editor in chief of the London-based newspaper Al Quds Al Arabi and an expert on Al Qaida being one of the few journalists to have spent time with Osama Bin Laden.

"I have no doubts that Osama either visited Yemen or is actually based there," Atwan told Gulf News in an interview.'

Read more: Expert Points to Strong Evidence of Bin Laden Presence in Yemen

Why You May Soon Need a Warmist’s Permission to Eat

'So you think I exaggerate when I say global warming is just the latest cause of the closet totalitarian? Then pay close attention to an experiment the warmists are about to inflict on the people of Norfolk Island.

Be warned. What’s being trialled there with $390,000 of Gillard Government money may, if it works, be spread to the mainland, say the researchers. Which means it’s coming for you.

The plan - and, no, I’m not joking - is to put Norfolk Islanders on rations to fight both global warming and obesity.'

Read more: Why You May Soon Need a Warmist’s Permission to Eat

National Security Alert: F-35 Stealth Fighter Spy Cover-up

'On April 21, 2009, the Department of Defense announced the theft of 1.5 terabytes of data on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the platform meant give the United States and her allies air superiority for the next 40 years. In a flash, all that was gone, $300 billion dollars of funding down the drain, every system, defense, offense, stealth, everything needed to build one or shoot it down, all gone. Day one, China was accused but it wasn’t China, it wasn’t Iran, it wasn’t Pakistan. The theft left a clear signature, one identical to the data Wikileaks has been receiving, sources inside the Pentagon repeating the actions of Israeli-Soviet spy, Jonathan Pollard. As vital as the F-35 is to America’s defense, Pollard’s triumph on behalf of Soviet Russia and Israel dwarfs the current espionage coup.

When the theft was announced, Pentagon “damage control” went into action immediately branding the disaster as “unimportant” while scrambling to look for any possible way to “put the toothpaste back into the tube.” What Secretary Gates came up with was a simple denial and to pretend it never happened. With the continual efforts by the Israeli government to secure the release of master spy Jonathan Pollard, a “witch hunt” for another Israeli spy would endanger America’s hopes of winning a settlement between Israel and the Palestinians.

There was no real question, this was another Israeli operation, their “signature” was all over it.'

Read more: National Security Alert: F-35 Stealth Fighter Spy Cover-up

With Pelosi Out, Incoming House Speaker John Boehner Promises to Repeal Obamacare

'It didn't take long for this announcement to emerge: Following the sweeping victory by Republicans who will soon control a majority of the House of Representatives, the upcoming Speaker of the House, Rep John Boehner, promises to repeal Obamacare.

Before you get too excited about this, just remember that neither the Republicans nor the Democrats actually support disease prevention, health freedom or free speech for natural product manufacturers. They are both heavily vested in pharmaceutical interests, and they both owe big favors to the drug companies that funded their campaigns and put them in power.'

Read more: With Pelosi Out, Incoming House Speaker John Boehner Promises to Repeal Obamacare

Murdoch Drums up 'War' Where Propaganda Collides with Truth

'In his recent pep-talk to the Anti-Defamation League, media magnate Rupert Murdoch complains about "an ongoing war against the Jews"

He seems desperate to divert attention from the mounting resentment around the world towards Israel. But his threadbare argument collapses straightaway because no distinction is made between criminal Israelis and Jews generally. The one remains carefully hidden behind the other.'

Read more: Murdoch Drums up 'War' Where Propaganda Collides with Truth

British-Israeli Strategic Talks Suspended

'Strategic talks between Britain and the Israeli regime have been suspended in a row over a law which allows British courts to arrest and prosecute Zionist authorities for war crimes.

Britain and Israel hold strategic dialogue annually to discuss security issues and bilateral relations. This year's strategic dialogue meeting, which had been expected to take place in Britain last month, did not happen, a diplomatic source said. A spokesman for Prime Minister David Cameron's office, however, refused to comment on the issue, saying, "We don't talk about strategic dialogue. It's a sensitive issue."

"The strategic dialogue has indeed been postponed," said Israeli foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor shortly after William Hague arrived for his first visit to the occupied Palestinian territories since taking over as Britain's Foreign Secretary.'

Read more: British-Israeli Strategic Talks Suspended

David Icke - The Cosmic Game

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All-day events confirmed in Barcelona (November 6th); Amsterdam (November 27th); Kyiv, Ukraine, (February 12th 2011); Mexico (19th March 2011); Los Angeles (26th March 2011); Rome, (April 30th 2011); Stockholm, Sweden (May 7th, 2011); Copenhagen, (May 14th 2011)

Republicans Seize Control as Millions of U.S. Voters Turn Their Backs on Obama

'The Republican Party delivered a stinging blow to President Barack Obama last night, capturing the US House of Representatives in a stunning mid-term election victory.

The party also narrowed the Democratic majority in the Senate, but fell just short of winning overall control.

The Republican gains usher in an era of divided government for the United States.

Read more: Republicans Seize Control as Millions of U.S. Voters Turn Their Backs on Obama

Children Without MMR Jabs Should be Banned From School, Claims Public Health Official

'Children who haven't had the MMR jab should be banned from schools, according to a leading doctor.

Dr Sohail Bhatti, a director of one of the largest health trusts in Britain, said the draconian measure was the only way to ensure higher uptake of the vaccine. Since the MMR scare more than 12 years ago the number of children receiving the combined jab for measles, mumps and rubella has fallen by a third in some parts of the country.'

Read more: Children Without MMR Jabs Should be Banned From School, Claims Public Health Official

Call to Scrap Jury Trials for Lesser Offences

'Scrapping the right to a jury trial for lesser offences that "clog up the courts" could save £30 million a year in prosecutors' costs alone, the Government's victims' commissioner said today.

Louise Casey said almost 70,000 cases which could be heard by magistrates were making up more than 40% of the crown court's business every year, causing greater expense and leading to long delays for victims and witnesses of more serious offences.'

Read more: Call to Scrap Jury Trials for Lesser Offences