Monday, 22 November 2010 09:41 'The warning – from executives at Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard (HP), Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Intel – spoke of the "damaging impact" on Ireland's "ability to win and retain investment" should the country's corporation tax rate be increased from 12.5pc. It came as talks between members of the Irish government and the European Union and the International Monetary Fund continued around the clock on a financial aid package of as much as €100bn to shore up the country's beleaguered banking system. Although Brian Lenihan, the Irish finance minister, has indicated Ireland's 12.5pc corporation tax rate – the lowest in the eurozone – will not be raised, a number of factions within the European Union are known to have pushed for it to be increased in return for the bail-out.' Read more: US Firms Pressure Ireland to Tax the People, Not Corporations Monday, 22 November 2010 08:52 'Something is going on that your government does not want you to know about. Very few journalists have written about it and little or nothing has appeared in the mainstream media. The story could be one of major stories of our time. Western powers have tried to destroy gold as a backing for currencies for many years. Presently the major media won’t touch the story and that is understandable. Something we have been writing about for years is the Shanghai Cooperation Organization known as SCO. Few have been listening and few have been interested in what their mission is and what they have been up to. Some of the members are large oil producers and some, like China, are large oil users. Some have very large US dollar surpluses. As well, some are large commodity and gold and silver buyers. In fact, members are in a great part responsible for driving these prices higher. It is debatable, but we believe there is a conscious effort to accumulate gold and silver, dump dollars and to back their currencies with gold.' Read more: Crisis of Fiat Currencies: US Dollar Surpluses Converted into Gold Monday, 22 November 2010 09:34 'Millions of jobless Americans are expected to lose their unemployment benefits, as lawmakers in the House of Representatives have failed to extend the program. In eleven days, 800,000 people will lose all their benefits and by the end of the year, 2 million people will join their ranks, a Press TV correspondent reported on Saturday. House Democrats and Republicans blame each other. Party leaders in Congress disagreed over how the $12.5 billion measure would be funded.' Monday, 22 November 2010 09:23 'Drinking glasses depicting comic book and movie characters such as Superman, Wonder Woman and the Tin Man from "The Wizard of Oz" exceed federal limits for lead in children's products by up to 1,000 times, according to laboratory testing commissioned by The Associated Press. The decorative enamel on the superhero and Oz sets -- made in China and purchased at a Warner Brothers Studios store in Burbank -- contained between 16 percent and 30.2 percent lead. The federal limit on children's products is 0.03 percent. The same glasses also contained relatively high levels of the even-more-dangerous cadmium, though there are no federal limits on that toxic metal in design surfaces.' Monday, 22 November 2010 09:18 'Strange bedfellows? Not at all. These MegaCorps are big New World Order tools and advocates, and what better way to merge the strangleholds via tech and propaganda. It seems the elite insiders see they're losing in the mainstain media arena so are moving to dominate the Internet medium in this "game changer" Murdoch calls it. MegaCorps Apple and NewsCorp creating this ipad newspaper can't spell anything good for real news, just more control, propaganda and intrusion. As "cool" as some of the Apple stuff is, Jobs and his 33rd degree mason partner Wozniak didn't get to the top being "alternative", and their reported willingness to put the RFID chip in their next generation of phones does not exactly spell 'freedom'. They've successfully captured an enormous, and young following, so this alignment with the Zionist vulture Murdoch, the "fox" who hides behind this 'conservative' mask, is nothing less than ominous.' Monday, 22 November 2010 08:56 'With the grassroots backlash over the TSA's obscene pat-downs growing by the day, it's becoming fairly obvious that the only way the U.S. government is going to get the public to accept these Fourth Amendment violations is if there is another "terrorist incident" that's stopped by the TSA and its naked body scanners. So far, the TSA is molesting children, teens and grannies without being able to demonstrate that this gross violation of Americans' Fourth Amendment rights is having any effect whatsoever on improving air travel safety. But if there's anything to be learned from 9/11, it's that the sheeple are always willing to give up their rights if they can be scared into doing so.' Monday, 22 November 2010 08:44 'Keith Olbermann talks with Jonathan Turley (law professor) about a piece in the conservative Daily Telegraph where Boris Johnson, Mayor Of London, advises George W. Bush not to bring his book tour to Britain, because he could face arrest as a war criminal.' Monday, 22 November 2010 07:20 'Liberal Democrat Business Secretary Vince Cable has claimed his party broke no pledge by approving tuition fee rises as the election promises were not binding. Cable insisted that Lib Dems remain trustworthy even after reneging on one of the key elements of their election manifesto to prevent any tuition hikes by supporting the move to almost triple fees from £3,290 to £9,000 a year. He tried to justify the reversal of policy saying signing the pledge has been a wrong “political judgment.” Cable told the BBC One's Politics Show that Lib Dems “haven't betrayed anybody” as the only binding agreement they had was the coalition deal with the Tories.' Read more: Liberal Democrat Business Secretary Vince Cable: Election Promises Not Binding Sunday, 21 November 2010 11:31 'Some councils in England and Wales have been lobbying the government for the right to increase the amount they can charge motorists in parking fines, the BBC has learned. The local authorities want to bring their fines in line with London, which has a higher upper limit of £120. Penalties outside the capital currently have an upper limit of £70. The British Parking Association is also calling for an increase, saying current levels are not enough of a deterrent.' Sunday, 21 November 2010 11:19 'The full extent of the police and criminal prosecution powers that the European Union has over British citizens can be revealed today. A Mail on Sunday investigation has uncovered an alarming array of new EU controls over justice and home affairs for which no one has voted, and most are unknown to the public. These include: Europol, the £60 million-a-year European criminal intelligence agency, whose officers have diplomatic immunity. An 800-strong paramilitary police force called the European Gendarmerie Force. The European Arrest Warrant, which now allows British citizens to be seized in the UK and sent without appeal to foreign jails for months or years without bail while awaiting trial.' Read more: March of the Euro Police: The Shocking Powers of Prosecution the EU has Over All of Us Sunday, 21 November 2010 10:56 'After decades of fierce opposition to the use of all contraception, the Pontiff has ended the Church’s absolute ban on the use of condoms. He said it was acceptable to use a prophylactic when the sole intention was to “reduce the risk of infection” from Aids. While he restated the Catholic Church’s staunch objections to contraception because it believes that it interferes with the creation of life, he argued that using a condom to preserve life and avoid death could be a responsible act – even outside marriage.' Read more: The Pope Lifts the Catholic Church's Ban on Condoms to Fight Aids Sunday, 21 November 2010 10:04 'There is close collaboration between experts on the GMO Panel of the European Food Safety Authority, EFSA, and the biotech industry. The chair of the GMO expert panel which is dealing with risk assessment of genetically engineered plants, Harry Kuiper, and a second expert from the same panel, Gijs Kleter, have for years been working with the International Life Science Institute (ILSI). They cooperate with representatives of companies such as Monsanto, Dupont, Dow AgroSciences, Syngenta and Bayer, within projects that aim to soften criteria for risk assessment for genetically engineered plants.' Read more: Food Biotech Companies, EU Regulators In Bed Together Sunday, 21 November 2010 09:45 'If you don't want to pass through an airport scanner that allows security agents to see an image of your naked body or to undergo the alternative, a thorough manual search, you may have to find another way to travel this holiday season. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is warning that any would-be commercial airline passenger who enters an airport checkpoint and then refuses to undergo the method of inspection designated by TSA will not be allowed to fly and also will not be permitted to simply leave the airport. That person will have to remain on the premises to be questioned by the TSA and possibly by local law enforcement. Anyone refusing faces fines up to $11,000 and possible arrest. "Once a person submits to the screening process, they can not just decide to leave that process," says Sari Koshetz, regional TSA spokesperson, based in Miami.' Read more: $11,000 Fine, Arrest Possible for Some who Refuse Airport Scans and Pat Downs Sunday, 21 November 2010 09:39 'If you're in the market for a car, be prepared to prove you are not a terrorist. The federal government's Red Flags Rule mandates that auto dealers, banks, credit unions and other "creditors" and "financial institutions" take additional steps to prevent identity theft and fraud, beginning Jan. 1. Included in the list of so-called creditors is your family doctor. Among those steps is determining whether a person applying for financing - or even paying cash for a car - appears on any government watch lists of known or suspected terrorists or terrorist organizations.' Read more: Buying a Car a Little Harder Now: Terror Check Required For Financing Sunday, 21 November 2010 09:24 'A federal Europe, with more sovereign power ceded to the centre, is the best defence against any future crisis, the head of the International Monetary Fund has declared. Warning that "the sovereign crisis is not over", Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the IMF managing director and a likely French presidential candidate, called on the European Union to move responsibility for fiscal discipline and structural reform to a central body that is free from the influences of member states.' Read more: IMF Wants Federal Europe - More Power to the Centre to Defend Against CrisisMark Thomas - Secret Map of Britain
Monday, 22 November 2010
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Britannia Radio