Thursday, 18 November 2010




Want Human Rights? Leave the United Nations

Daniel Greenfield

Good news everybody. Saudi Arabia now has a seat on the women’s board at the United Nations. That’s right, a regime where it’s illegal for women to drive or leave the house without being accompanied by a male guardian, where girls were pushed into a burning building because they were trying to flee without covering their ‘obscene’ female faces… will be a key player in the international effort to empower women.

I don’t know what contribution the Saudis can make to the project, since in Ridyah, empowering women usually means strapping them into an electric chair. But in the Muslim world, human rights is usually read to mean banning criticism of Islam under the guise of Islamophobia. In Europe, Islamists are calling the Burqa a human right. That’s probably what the Saudis will bring to the table, along with the condemnations of Israel that are De rigueur in every UN group and body.

Obama’s ambassador to the UN, Susan...

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The New World Order’s Tower of Babel

Glen Beck has a very important show on the lessons from the Genesis story of The Tower of Babel. Its all on VIDEO.. He asked Rabbi Lapin to explain the story and its meaning for all times.

Rabbi Lapin explains that Nimrod assembled all the people and organized them to build the Tower of Babel to reach the heavens. The “heavens” is code of a secular utopia where G-d doesn’t exist. He instructs that “bricks” be built and mortar be used. Why bricks instead of stone? The “bricks” symbolize the idea or making everybody the same so they fit better together whereas stones which are all unique represent people’s individuality. This secular utopia doesn’t allow for G-d or individuality.

The “mortar” represents what binds them. In Hebrew three consonants are used “m”, “t” and “r”. The Hebrew word is the root for materialism. This is the mortar which holds everything together.

This is the goal...

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Barry Chamish on Netanyahu

Trading Israel’s Future

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Barry Chamish – Attack on Israel

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We Know What You Are: We Are Just Haggling Over The Price

True to form, BB cracked like a twig under Obama’s pressure. Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you know that BB has agreed in principle to impose a second construction freeze upon the Jewish people. Yamit

Shiloh Musings

If The U.S. Is “…maintaining Israel’s qualitative edge” Are We Like A Kept Woman?
I don’t feel reassured by the statement:

P.J. Crowley says US is “committed to maintaining Israel’s qualitative edge in region…” (complete article) (emphasis mine)

I feel insulted. What is the United States, some manipulating “sugar daddy?”

And what is this “qualitative edge?” Is it that some American Defense and State Department bureaucrats get the right to decide just how many weapons Israel and our Arab enemies get to have what they consider a “fair” or “safe for whom” fight, which in the end will preserve what American politicians and civil...

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There is (almost) no such thing in international law as “illegal occupation”

Elder of Ziyon

You know how you are always reading that Israel is “illegally occupying” territories?

The phrase is used all the time, even by the UN.

And it is not true – even if you believe that Israel is occupying territory and that it is not “disputed.”

International law recognizes occupation as a descriptive state. Sometimes it is called “belligerent occupation.” But by definition, any occupation is by default legal. The acts that an occupying power perform can be illegal under Geneva, but the legality of the occupation itself is not addressed in either the Geneva Conventions or the 1907 Hague Conventions, the only two sources of international law for occupation.

There is only one way that an occupation can be considered “illegal,” which is if the UN Security Council declares it as such under a Chapter VII resolution. That has never happened with Israel.

The ICJ ruling saying that the security fence Israel was building is...

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Clinton’s Freeze Melting under Likud and PA Pressures

The more time it takes, the less likely is it to happen. The more details we are told of the deal, the greater the opposition. America will not put it into writing. The Republican Congress will use it for fodder. In addition Israel should also demand a copy of Obama’s promises to the Palestinians. Belman

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu, INN

The new building freeze plan ironed out by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last week is beginning to melt.

Knesset Members in Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s own Likud party are trying to convince more than 50 percent of the party’s legislators to sign a petition rejecting the idea. However, they so far are trying to unite the party and not take any steps that might weaken the government and play into the hands of the Obama administration, which by all reports wants a coalition government to include the center-left Kadima party.

Likud opponents to the Clinton freeze plan, which Prime Minister Netanyahu has accepted in principle,...

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What the Palestinians Buy with American Money

By Caroline Glick

Two weeks ago, a Palestinian from Bethlehem was arrested by the U.S.-financed and trained Palestinian Authority security forces. He was charged with “carrying out commercial transactions with residents of a hostile state.”

No, he was not buying uranium from Iran. His purported crime was purchasing wood products from an Israeli community located beyond the 1949 armistice lines.

Denied bail by the U.S.-funded PA magistrate’s court in Bethlehem, he has been remanded to custody pending the conclusion of his trial.

This man’s arrest is part of what the unelected, U.S.-supported Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad has touted as his “National Honor Fund.” The goal of this project is to ban all economic contact between Palestinians and Jews who live and work beyond the 1949 armistice lines. As far as the supposedly moderate Fayyad is concerned, those Jews and Israel generally comprise the “hostile state,” that the...

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Read my lips, “No Palestinian State”

by Irwin N. Graulich

Do you think you can start 4 wars with Israel, lose them all badly, and then say, “We lost–but give us all the land back and then some, and we will sign a peace treaty.” Well guys, you lost–now you cannot come crying to us like little babies, who want their toys back. Read My Lips–No Palestinian State!

In 1948, the UN completed disregarded the Balfour Declaration, the decisions of the League of Nations and the historical rights of the Jewish people to Israel/Palestine. Instead, they unfairly split, or partitioned the land of biblical Israel into a Jewish state and a Muslim/Arab state. The Jews said, “It is not fair, but we will take what we can get.” The Arabs said, “No, we want it all.”

And so those big macho Arab armies attacked a bunch of weak Holocaust survivors, who were joined by some energetic Jewish boys and girls whose only military experience was working with plowshares and axes. Miraculously,...

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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel