By CHRIS HASTINGS Desperate: Former PM Edward Heath wanted to convince the nation of the merits of EEC membership He is best remembered for his ‘I mean that most sincerely, folks!’ catchphrase and hosting the TV show that unearthed stars including Les Dawson and Lena Zavaroni. But now Hughie Green – and his show, Opportunity Knocks – have been revealed as unlikely propagandists for Britain’s entry into the Common Market. Newly discovered documents in the National Archives show that Edward Heath, the then Tory Prime Minister, was so desperate to convince a sceptical public about the merits of European Economic Community membership that he asked Green to present a special pro-European version of the show. The programme, broadcast on ITV on January 8, 1973 – a week after Britain joined the EEC – featured acts from eight of the member states, including the United Kingdom. But millions who tuned in to watch had no idea that the programme had been made at the behest of Ministers and officials at the Foreign Office. Green was approached by Tory peer Lord Mancroft who, at Heath’s request, was organising a series of events to promote support for Britain’s entry into the EEC. A Foreign Office memo dated June 29, 1972, states: ‘At Lord Mancroft’s suggestion, Mr Hughie Green has produced the enclosed scheme for an enlarged EEC version of his show Opportunity Knocks to be screened in January 1973. ‘The Prime Minister is anxious that Britain’s projected entry into the EEC should be marked and publicised at all levels and we agree that this idea could make a useful contribution.’ Green worked tirelessly to persuade broadcasters across Europe to air the show. But the official documents reveal that many were reluctant. An unsigned letter dated September 29, 1972, stated: ‘Deieter Schwartzkopf, a German TV executive, told me that when he and his entertainment director Vock had seen two video tapes yesterday they had been appalled at the quality of the show and the manner in which it was presented. He said that he would be a laughing stock if he allowed such a show to be shown.’ Political act: Katie Boyle and Hughie Green on the pro-EEC show, an idea conceived by Edward Heath A string of famous names including Laurence Olivier, Prince Charles and the French actress Simone Signoret also turned down Green’s invitation to introduce acts. The Mail on Sunday has obtained a copy of the programme from the archive of Thames Television, which produced the show. The UK was represented by the Don Bosco Youth Orchestra from Liverpool, who played the Simon and Garfunkel hit Mrs Robinson. Their rivals included a comedy juggler from Germany, two members of the Royal Danish Ballet and a 14-year-old French singer. Each of the competitors was introduced by a sponsor who had links to the performer’s homeland. The acts were judged by the show’s famous ‘clapometer’. He told French sponsor Henri Pierre, a columnist with French newspaper Le Monde, that ‘many of our viewers are not in favour of joining the European Community’. Pierre insisted that no one living in an existing member state had suffered any loss of national identity, while the Belgium sponsor assured viewers that food prices would not go up. Aletta, a German singer, warned of the danger of the ‘propaganda and nationalism which stopped us all becoming one’ and was cheered by the audience when she insisted the British might benefit from contact with the German work ethic. The Italian-born actress Katie Boyle – a British TV personality – said UK women would benefit from the fashion sense of their French and Italian counterparts while Some Foreign Office officials resented having to get involved with the project. One noted: ‘It all seems a frightful waste of money given the undecidedly unenthusiastic views of the Europeans Mr Green has been pressing to participate.’When Opportunity Knocked for the Common Market:
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Last updated at 8:14 AM on 14th November 2010
Singer Petula Clark and Dutch footballer Johan Cruyff were among the celebrities who appeared.
Green asked each sponsor a question designed to elicit a positive response about Britain’s entry into the Common Market.
Cruyff assured viewers that British football would not be affected.Explore more:
Sunday, 14 November 2010
How Heath used Hughie Green’s TV show as propaganda
to bolster support for British membership
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Britannia Radio