Worldview Weekend Newsletter
Featuring Brannon Howse and Friends
Item #1
False Arrest-Confronting the Politically Correct Matthew 18 Police
By Brannon Howse
If you've read some of my articles before, you know how much I enjoy pointing out the intolerance of people who scream the loudest about how important it is to be tolerant. And it's almost amusing that those who yammer about not judging others are the most judgmental of your judgments. Well, I've found a new set of hypocrites that try desperately to bully us into doing as they say but not as they do. I've christened these folks the Politically Correct Matthew 18 Police. Usually, of course, I go after liberals, but some of the PCM18s are simply misinformed yet genuinely well-meaning Christians. Either way, they're also dead wrong.Looking to purchase $10,000 or more in gold and silver but want to talk to an expert? Mr. Michael Weiner with Swiss America and Gold Wealth Group is ready to answer ALL your questions and then let you make the choice that is best for you and your family.
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To read these stories look under our national and international news section at:
Government Employees Owe Billions in Delinquent Taxes
Battle Begins Over Whether Tea-Party Backed Election Winners Will Take on Social Issues
In-state tuition for illegal immigrants is preserved with California Supreme Court ruling Focus on the Family to sponsor high school sexual orientation program
Bill Gates: Capitalism Has 'Systemic' Problems Government Should Address
Atheist Ministers Struggle With Leading the Faithful
Item #2
15 Resolves for Maintaining Spiritual Balance in Severe Interpersonal Conflicts
By Jim Elliff
The pain of interpersonal conflict may seem too acute to bear. Sometimes we see these conflicts erupt suddenly among families, or between church members, or at work or school. They may involve serious allegations that tend to rip people apart in ways that seem irreparable. In these most severe ruptures of confidence, when the necrosis of sin is eating up the lives of those involved, is it possible to rise above and maintain a spiritual composure? Certainly that must be so. But we have to apply biblical principles ruthlessly, without wavering.The Worldview Weekend E-Gift Card is an electronic gift card that you print after purchase, and it can be used for any purchase in the Worldview Weekend Store. The Worldview Weekend E-Gift Card is the perfect Christmas gift! Worldview Weekend E-Gift Card
Item #3
Worldview Weekend Radio with Brannon Howse
Brannon's guest is Todd Friel of Wretched Topics Include: Has Todd continued to track the latest universalism of Glenn Beck? What does Todd think of the word "missional", the CEO pastor, the church growth movement and working to fill the church with unbelievers? Todd reveals some of the absolutely disgusting games church youth groups are playing throughout America. Why are adults now allowing their teens to pick the church the family attends and how are many churches taking advantage of this trend? Why has the modern church youth group failed and what should be the objective of a Bible based church youth group? Why was one youth pastor pleased to grow his church youth group from 50 to 3? How do we use the technology of the 21st Century and yet keep the church consistent with the Biblical model? Topic What is isogesis and what is exegesis ? We also take your calls and questions for Todd.Spiritual deception is quickly setting the stage for a one-world religion and a one-world leader. Jesus Himself warned us that "many will come in My name saying 'I am the Christ' and will deceive many." The spiritual deception that Jesus warned about is here and many are being taken spiritual prisoners. Jesus tells us in Mathew 7:13-23 this spiritual deception will be sign that we are in the last days. Jesus tells us that false teachers will look like Christians, and talk like Christians but they will be wolves in sheep's clothing.
Brannon will take us to an abundance of Scripture so we can clearly understand why so many people, including self-professed Christians, are not seeing the spiritual deception that is all around us. How can we recognize spiritual deception so we can protect ourselves as well as friends and family? How will the last days deception be disguised? How do we recognize a false teacher, prophet, or anti-Christ? Are Christians to expose false teachers publically or not? What is Biblical truth? What are six characteristics of a false teacher?
What does spiritual nationalism look like? When Christians put the state, public policy, the economy, and politics and ecumenicalism above obedience to the Bible and the exclusivity of Jesus Christ you get patriotic ecumenicalism. Brannon draws on history to reveal that what has happen before what can happen in America. The "German Christians" betrayed the Gospel of Jesus Christ for unity, materialism, national pride, and the return of stability and promise of the good life. The "Germany Christians" mocked Dietrich Bonheoffer and Martin Niemoller for starting the "Confessing Church" to oppose paganism and ecumenicalism. The "Germany Christians" became so immersed in spiritual deception that they merged their religious denominations under the Reich Bishop that was hand-picked by Hitler.
Many self-described Christians will knowingly, or unknowingly, compromise the Gospel of Jesus Christ in favor of ecumenicalism and pagan spirituality if it will help save America, their freedoms, and their comfortable life-style. Our decision is whether we will chose to follow the last days deception or Biblical truth even in the face of ridicule by self-professed Christians.Last Days Deception or Biblical Truth
Item #4
Why Do Christians Remain Silent About the Persecution of Christians in Muslim-Majority Societies?
By Barry Rubin
Christians in Iraq have been, and not for the first time, deliberately targeted in a major terrorist attack. Indeed, from Indonesia to Pakistan to Iraq, from the Gaza Strip to Egypt to Sudan to Nigeria, Christians are being assaulted, intimidated, and murdered by militant Muslims.All 10 Branson Worldview Weekend 2010 Keynote Presentations on 5 DVDs
Brannon Howse: Grave Influence Part Two: The Worldview Revolution That's Leading To Global Governance
Brannon Howse: Grave Influence Part Three: An Educational Abduction
When a Nation Forgets God: Seven Lessons We Must Learn From Nazi Germany by Dr. Erwin Lutzer
Jesus versus Mohammed by Dr. Erwin Lutzer
What is in and what is out on America's High School and College Campus by Dr. David Noebel
What is right with America by Dr. David Noebel
Freemasonry, Masonic Lodge and the Shriners: Are They Compatible with Biblical Christianity?
By Dr. Ron Carlson
Why Bible Prophecy Matters by David Arthur
Matthew 24: Jesus' End Time Prophecies by Dr. David Reagan
Finding Strength for the Journey by Dr. David JeremiahAll 5 Branson 2010 DVDs
Item #5
Worldview Weekend Radio with Brannon Howse
Brannon's guest is Jim Elliff. Topic One: How to maintain spiritual balance in severe interpersonal conflicts. Topic Two: Why parents should be very careful when it comes encouraging their children pray a sinner's prayer, walk the aisle and get baptized. Topic Three: Are altar calls in the Bible? Why do pastors like altar calls? Topic Four: How are many churches being dishonest when they quote their large membership numbers? Why is being a member of a church a good thing when conducted Biblically? Why should a Bible-based church have an in-depth membership process including an interview from pastoral staff? Topic Five: Why are home churches becoming a popular alternative for many Biblically sound Christians? Should a man be mentored by Godly men and become a shepherd/elder/pastor without going to seminary? Topic Six: Do churches have to meet on Sunday morning or could they meet on Sunday afternoon? Topic Seven: We take your calls.Over 600 Hours of Worldview Weekend Keynote Presentations and Worldview Weekend Radio Episodes plus a free pass to the Worldview Weekend Online Training Course, five of Brannon's books in eBook format and on demand videos of the national TV program, The Worldview Weekend Hour. If you paid $5 for each recording the cost would be $3,000 but you can join the Worldview Weekend Situation Room for only $59.95. Click here to see our entire mp3 library. You can load to your ipod, listen online or burn a CD. Weekend's Situation Room
Item #6
Rick Warren Reveals His Pluralism and Social Justice Agenda-Notice He Never Gives The GospelDear friends of Worldview Weekend,
It has been my privilege to speak in over 35 cities the last two years with Brannon Howse. The impact of the Worldview Weekends in thousands of lives across this country not only affects individuals and families, but also our Nation. What Brannon does is even more amazing since he does it on a "shoe string" financially. With his office and radio/tv studio at home, he works without renting office space or paying a secretary. He handles most of the workload with his dedicated wife and family. The sacrifices they make are because of their love and passion to see America and the Church stay true to their heritage and purpose. The potential impact of this ministry for the good of our country is only limited by financial resources. With so many crucial issues facing America and the church, let me encourage you to partner with Worldview Weekends by a generous financial investment. Your gift to the Worldview Weekend Foundation will reap not only results now for our country, but eterna l dividends in the lives of thousands of families and individuals. Please click here to make your tax deductible contribution right now:
Dr. Ron Carlson, President
Christian Ministries International
Item #7
Understanding The Times with Jan Markell
Brannon Howse (filling in for Jan Markell) interviews Craig Smith, author of the new book, Crashing the Dollar: How to Survive a Global Currency Collapse. Brannon and Craig discuss the Federal Reserve’s intention to buy $600 billion of America’s own debt. They also discuss the nature and goals of the Federal Reserve and the rise of global governance through the Bank for International Settlements, the World Bank and the Financial Stability Board. Craig’s book hypothesizes that Barack Obama’s real, though stealth, aim through his bewildering policies may be to destroy free enterprise and American power worldwide by deliberately crashing the dollar.This package includes the Grave Influence book and DVD by Brannon Howse: Normal Price: $23 but special discount price is $20.00 Grave Influence book and DVD #1
Item #8
The Progressive-Communist Alliance
By Cliff Kincaid
Various communist and socialist groups were photographed and filmed during the October 2 "One Nation Working Together" rally in Washington, D.C. But the real controversy could be found in the fact that the Communist Party USA, a group that served as a subversive pawn of Moscow for decades, was officially invited to be part of it.Brannon Howse Worldview Library
8 Books, 6 DVDs (14 Presentations)
Only $49.95!
Normal retail price: $169Brannon Howse Worldview Library
Item #9
Religious Syncretism and The Coming One World Religion
By Brannon HowseOver 600 Hours of Worldview Weekend Keynote Presentations and Worldview Matters Episodes plus a free pass to the Worldview Weekend Online Training Course. If you paid $5 for each recording the cost would be $3,000 but you can join the Worldview Weekend Situation Room for only $59.95. Click here to see our entire mp3 library. You can load to your ipod, listen online or burn a CD. Weekend's Situation Room
Item #10
Communist: "Progressive Caucus... Will Now Have a More Prominent Role Within... Democratic Caucus"
By Trevor Loudon
A few extracts from a report 2010 Election Results: Time to Organize! by Communist Party USA Political Action Commission chair Joelle Fishman.21 Radicals and Their Worldviews that Rule America from the Grave
This is it, the one book you need to read if you want to understand the big picture, connect all the dots, and understand current times, and future events and trends that will be unfolding. This ground-breaking book by best-selling author Brannon Howse is the result of thousands of hours of research over many years and is must reading for every teenager and adult.
Brannon reveals how the worldviews of 21 dead people are still influencing every aspect of American life and vying for the hearts and minds of adults and students. Whether we are discussing, law, science, economics, history, family, social issues, education or religion, the people and worldviews seeking to further their agenda in these disciplines are almost always connected back to four major forces. Brannon reveals the connection between occultism/pagan spirituality, the apostate church, the educational establishment and government/corporations.
Through this book you will come to understand the oppositions worldview, heroes, goals, strategies, masking terms, networks and targets. Those who share the worldviews of these 21 enemies of our constitutional republic and Biblical worldview do not want their agenda and its consequences to be revealed to the American people. Above all, they do not want us to equip and train our children and grandchildren with a Biblical worldview by which to recognize, reject, and fight against their seductive and destructive lies. This book will equip you to do just that as Brannon gives specific and pro-active responses you can take to make this the finest hour for the American church.
Here is the list of twenty-one for which Brannon has dug up worldview facts you must know and prepare to oppose:
Saul Alinsky, Karl Marx, John Dewey, John Maynard Keynes, Aldous Huxley, Charles Darwin, Friedrich Nietzsche, Margaret Sanger, William James, Alice Bailey, Helen Schucman, Sigmund Freud, Alfred Kinsey, Benjamin Bloom, B.F. Skinner, The Frankfurt School, Soren Kierkegaard, Julius Wellhausen, Christopher Columbus Langdell, Betty Friedan and Roger BaldwinGrave Influence Book
Fall 2010 Worldview Rallies
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Posted by Britannia Radio at 18:35