Thursday 4 November 2010 openDemocracy Banner
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The lightness of history in the Caucasus, Thomas de Waal

The south Caucasus is one of those places where people like to say that the “weight of history” lies heavily. Increasingly, I raise a dissenting voice. True, history lies all round you in this region, not least in its regular invocation by...

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Iraq, war and WikiLeaks: the real story, Martin Shaw

The publication of a huge tranche of United States military-communications records in Iraq by the WikiLeaks project on 22 October 2010 has rightly been greeted as a major event. The 392,000 documents in the so-called “Iraq war logs” provide...

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Letter bombing campaign uncovered in Greece, Luke Heighton

After several days and the discovery of more than ten packages believed to be parcel bombs, Greek authorities have suspended international airmail for 48 hours. On Monday, suspect packages addressed to the Belgian, Dutch, and Mexican embassies were...

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oD Drug Policy Forum: Front Line Report - Week of November 1st 2010, Mark Weiss and Charles Shaw

Proposition 19 to Legalize Marijuana in California Defeated

It is with a heavy heart that I bring news from California of the defeat of Proposition 19, the tax and regulate marijuana legalization initiative. Below features commentary from...

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No more 'Little Boy' and 'Fat Man', Rebecca Johnson

October 31 was the tenth anniversary of the adoption of UN SCR 1325 on Women Peace and Security. This was the first ever resolution to treat women not only as the victims of men’s aggression, wars and mistakes, but as agents for change. The...

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Chekhov House: a story with a happy ending, Rosamund Bartlett

On 19 February 2010, the day on which Remembering Chekhov in Yalta was published by openDemocracy, Alla Golovacheva, the Director of the Chekhov House-Museum in Yalta, sent out a desperate call for help. Writing to me and my two colleagues at...

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You are invited to join Charles Shaw, openDemocracy author and activist and acclaimed documentary maker and criminologist, Roger Graef for an evening of discussion and testimony of drugs policy and criminal justice on:

7pm, Tuesday 16 November...


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