Egypt’s parliamentary election on 28 November 2010 is an event of limited significance by the normal standards of a democratic vote yet vital in helping to clarify the emerging shape of Egyptian politics. The result is itself is a foregone... This is how naive I am. When the United Nations secretary-general Ban Ki-moon announced in February 2010 that he was setting up a High Level Advisory Group on Climate Financing (AGF) to examine howdeveloped-country resources (existing and new)... I've just been in to University College London to show solidarity with the students, including Guy Aitchison, now occupying the Jeremy Bentham Room#UCLoccupation. It freshened up my memories of the first wave of student occupations in the late... This morning I visited Oleg Kashin in hospital. He’s just had another operation, which has literally and metaphorically restored the face of Russian journalism. The brutal beating of this Kommersantcorrespondent has provoked a much stronger... A few months ago I first saw a play called How I Became An Asylum Seeker in a small community theatre in Manchester. I already knew that the author, Lydia Besong, was not a professional writer, and that the performers, all members... Most Britons had “never had it so good” despite the “so-called recession” declared Lord Young of Graffham. His words were immediately disowned by David Cameron, who fired him. But in reality Young was only articulating what he and his... “I wasn’t like the other kids. I had my own individual curriculum at school, and spent all my free time on the tennis court. At the age of 14, I was beating all my peers. My powerful swing, animal aggression and height gave me an Latest articles from openDemocracy... More Recent Articles
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Saturday, 27 November 2010
Egypt’s election: power, actors, and...“change”, Tarek Osman
The politics of climate finance, Simon Maxwell
Student Power: 1968... 2010, Anthony Barnett
"I'm no hero, but it's time to call a spade a spade" — Parfyonov , Leonid Parfyonov
Haiti: election without hope, Valentina Pasquali
Port-au-Prince – Savie Vancol, 40, is cooking lunch on a makeshift stove she arranged under a tree, just outside the walls of her collapsed home in Carrefour, a neighborhood on the south side of Port-au-Prince. This part of town was heavily hit...
Telling the story of how women become asylum seekers, Natasha Walter
Fairness and the cost of life for the poor in Britain, Brian Landers
The buzz, the rattle and getting clean: confessions of a former drug addict, Mumin Shakirov
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Britannia Radio