50% Of Americans One Paycheck Away From Needing Government Assistance
Many Americans live precariously close to the edge of financial insolvency flirting with economic disaster daily. If you casually browse mainstream articles and watch any amount of television you would think that the US still had a vibrant and strong middle class.
• Credit Card Exorcisms for American Shopaholics
The Shadow Banking System: A Third Of All The Wealth In The World Is Held In Offshore Banks
You and I live in a totally different world than the ultra-rich and the international banking elite do. Many of them live in a world where they simply do not pay income taxes.
• What Kind Of Mood Are The American People In As We Enter 2011?
Assange Threatens To Out CIA-Linked Arab Leaders If Killed
Top officials in several Arab countries have close links with the CIA, and many officials keep visiting US embassies in their respective countries voluntarily to establish links with this key US intelligence agency, says Julian Assange, founder of the whistle-blowing website, WikiLeaks.
• Your Support Needed To Keep Propaganda Matrix Online
Global Effort To Outlaw Vitamins Now Underway
The global effort to outlaw herbs, vitamins and supplements is well under way, and in just four months, hundreds of herbal products will be criminalized in the UK and across the EU.
James Hansen 2008: Warm Winters “Clear Sign” of Global Warming
And the recent excruciatingly cold winters? No doubt they’re also a sign of global warming.
• NASA 1999: “Winter in the Northern Hemisphere will continue to warm”. Will Someone Tell Monbiot?
• Global Warming? Even Phoenix Experiences Snow
Must See: Howard Davidowitz Destroys The Recovery Illusion, Debunks The Consumer Renaissance
Today’s must see TV comes from the following interview of Pimm Fox on the consumer and the economy with retail expert Howard Davidowitz, who in 10 minutes provides more quality content and logical thought than we have seen from CNBC guests in probably all of 2010.
• Peter Schiff: Here’s Why Home Prices Have To Decline At Least 20% And Probably More
China preparing for armed conflict ‘in every direction’
China is preparing for conflict ‘in every direction’, the defence minister said on Wednesday in remarks that threaten to overshadow a visit to Beijing by his US counterpart next month.