Friday, 24 December 2010

In the First Person

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Dry Bones
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Everything's Relative
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Bob Gorrel
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Dr. Peter Gott
GET A JOB! by Marty Nemko
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Bruce Williams


About Jewish World Review

Jewish World Review

December 26, 2010
The highest form of wisdom is kindness. — Talmud

Open Eyes, and an Open Heart
By Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

How true leaders are developed. A noted psychologist mines a "simple", ancient Bible story for contemporary insight

reality check
Slouching towards Teheran
By Caroline B. Glick

Diplomacy? We must concentrate on our strengths and our enemies' weaknesses. That's the only proven way to win

The message Jerusalem must send Washington

4 books

[ D A I L Y I N S P I R A T I O N ]

How to be spiritual, correctly
By Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D.

This is a time when "spirituality" is in, especially if it is of the do-it-yourself variety. Undoubtedly it is a backlash against the prevailing onslaught of hedonism and agnosticism. But spiritualism unguided by core values is hardly better than the alternative.

Rabbi Dr. Twerski looks at dozens of topics in everyday life and peels away the veneer to find the potential for spiritual enrichment. He shows how to pour meaning into even seemingly mundane activities.

This series is only for intellectual, thinking people of faith.

Today: The Growth Pattern of Spirituality, Part II

[ W O R T H 1 0 0 0 W O R D S ]

Ripleys Believe It Or Not!
9 to 5
Andy Capp
The Born Loser
Bottom Liners
Flo & Friends
Frank & Ernest
The Grizzwells
Mallard Filmore
Moderately Confused
One Big Happy
The Other Coast
Prickly City
The Wizard of Id

Dry Bones
Chuck Asay
Lisa Benson
Chip Bok
John Cole
John Deering
Bob Gorrell
Joe Heller
Jerry Holbert
Steve Kelley
Jeff Koterba
Dick Locher
Dana Summers
Gary Varvel
Michael Ramirez

(Attention working columnists and editorial cartoonists: Think you have what it takes to be featured on JWR? Drop us a note by clicking here. Readers, please make suggestions, as well.)

[ L I F E S T Y L E S ]

On the Money by Gail Marks Jarvis: Bankruptcy: Doomsday? No, but …

Dr. Peter Gott: Arthritic fingers; ringing in the ears medicine

Bruce Williams on JWR: Old student loan a lesson in obligation; more

Neil Steinberg: We are a people prone toward seeing wonders

Monica Crowley: Larry, Mo, and Curly

Amitai Etzioni: Tax Reform: A New Hope for Obama

[ I N S I G H T ]

Jack Kelly: A scam just for the educated and enlightened

Argus Hamilton skewers politics and contemporary "culture"

Greg Crosby: Auld Lang Syne

A. Barton Hinkle: Here Are Some Good Gifts for People You Hate

Suzanne Fields: Snow on Hitler's Parade

John H. Fund: Trampling the 20th Amendment: Many in Washington are questioning the practice of having retiring members return to make law

Michelle Malkin: The ACLU's Unholy War on Catholic Hospitals

Dick Morris: States taxing themselves to death

Jonah Goldberg: Post-Census Party-Pooping

Charles Krauthammer: Obama's new start