Brazil’s recognition of “Palestine” is self-contradictory
Argentina and other Latin American countries to follow Brazil in recognising Palestinian state on 1967 lines. In what may yet emerge as one of the most significant and worrying developments in recent years, reports are coming out that Argentina and several other Latin American states are on the verge of recognising a Palestinian state along 1967 lines. This would follow Brazil’s decision to follow such a course of action last week.
The BBC Monitoring Service produced the following report based on the Palestinian Authority’s WAFA website.
The announcement on the Brazilian foreign ministry website recognizing “Palestine” is self-contradictory:
In a letter sent by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to the President of the Palestinian National Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, on 1 December 2010, the Brazilian Government has recognized the Palestinian State based on the existing borders in 1967.
The recognition has taken place following...
Helen Thomas is at it Again
Laura: The old broad is still proudly spewing her Jew-hatred now that she is completely free to do so publicly. I believe her and Pat Buchanan would make a fine couple. As we knew, her “apology” was insincere. As for her historical revisionism that Jews “colonized” land from the original “palestinian” inhabitants, someone needs to give Helen a history lesson that Jews had a presence in Israel thousands of years before the arab conquest. As to her contention that you can’t say anything critical of Israel, people in the media continuously spread lies and blood libels about Israel with impunity. In reality, it is islam, muslims and Arabs that you can’t freely criticize without consequences.
Helen Thomas: Proud Racist and Annihilationist
Pam Geller, Atlas Shrugs
You can take the antisemite out of the newsroom, but you can’t take the antisemitism out of the newswoman. If anything, it...
Russia Shows how to Handle Terrorists (Pirates)
Israel and the United States need to learn how they do things in Russia, because the way they do things in Russia usually works.
by Bill Levinson
Somalia pirates’ clash with Russian navy reveals a gap in rule of law
Theoretically, the captain was supposed to hand the detainees and the evidence over to regional police. Not wanting to involve himself in legal wrangling, however, he decided to “release” the pirates instead. And thus they were “set free” in a tiny inflatable raft, with no navigation equipment, 350 miles off the coast of Yemen. The raft has disappeared. In the 21st century, this is how pirates walk the plank.
In fact, the Russian destroyer wasn’t the first to hit upon this solution. Asked last weekend, the commander of the European naval force that coordinates military operations off the Somali coast said there had been “similar instances” involving Dutch and Danish ships but declined to...
U.S. Jewry’s Dangerous Illusion
Mossad: was this the chief’s last hit?
A personal insight into Mossad and the murder of a top Iranian nuclear scientist. The man kneeling in the photo’s name was Ber Erlich Sloshny, and he was Meir Dagan’s maternal grandfather.
by Gil Ronen
There is no way U.S. Jewry will survive if Israel,G-d forbid, doesn’t. Take heed
The Muslim world is seething. Parts of it are irrational and suicidal, and they seem to be running the show. A large, rich Shi’ite country is ruled by a religious caste that is convinced that Allah wants it to blow up Israel and its inhabitants. The United States, where Jews wield extensive clout, is in a position to easily check this threat. The Democratic party, in which US Jews wield even more extensive clout, is in power. Yet the leader of that party, President Barack Hussein Obama, is openly hostile to Israel, and clearly dragging his feet on Iran, setting deadline after deadline for action and then ignoring his own...
Wikileaks: Saudis, Gulf States Big Funders of Terror Groups
The West and particularly America may have strategic interests in the ME, but they have no friends or Allies.
Israel in-light of these leaked disclosures should draw the necessary conclusions: That it doesn’t pay to be Americas friend or ally. Yamit
US cables: “Donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide.”
Clinton: Saudi Arabia funding terror
Principal American ally described in diplomatic cables revealed by WikiLeaks as source of terror funding
Despite its ostensible position as one of the West’s key allies in fighting Islamic terror, it turns out, via Wikileaks, that Saudi Arabia is the source of the lion’s share of funding for the world’s worst terror groups – including Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Hamas, and others.
Much of the rest of the money these organizations get comes from other Gulf states, including Qatar and Kuwait. Saudi Arabia, along with...
Jeffrey Goldberg: “Don’t Give to the JNF”
Jeffery Golberg, writing in the Atlantic, a leading leftist publication, urges liberals not to donate to Israeal’s fire relief fund… Because Israel is a “rich” country.
Inevitably, the Jewish National Fund, which, among other things, plants forests in Israel, is asking for donations from Americans for its “Forest Fire Emergency Campaign,” in response to the massive fire spreading across the Carmel mountains. But I’m not giving.
Israel’s per capita GDP is nearly $30,000. Israel is a rich country. The fact that it doesn’t possess adequate firefighting equipment is its own fault. The fact that the leadership of its fire service is incompetent is its own fault (you can read more about that here). At some point, the good-hearted Diaspora Jews who still think of Israel as a charity case are going to have to tell their cousins to learn to fully-fund basic services like firefighting if they want to be thought of as citizens of an advanced country.
Any shortage of...
VDH does a number on Obama
Old laws predicated on human nature cannot so easily be discarded — even by utopians who think they have the power to cool the planet and stop the rising seas. Borrowed money really has to be paid back. Governments cannot operate without confidentiality. Nations perish if they cannot protect themselves from existential threats. Watching a therapeutic Barack Obama grow up and learn these tragic lessons is as enlightening as it is sometimes scary.
When they are out of power, modern leftists advocate massive government spending and large deficits. They applaud when Republicans and conservatives sometimes prove as profligate as any big-government liberal. But when invested with the responsibility of governance, they come to understand that Keynesian “stimulus” must eventually cede to the same unhappy logic as the private household’s indebtedness.
Maxing out credit cards does not exempt one from having to pay off the balance. Low or nonexistent interest on...
Wilders in Tel Aviv: “Jordan is Palestine”

The Maccabees conducted a relentless guerrila war against the Helenist Syrian Greeks under the Seleucid Greek King Antiochus, eventually rededicating the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.
Guardian Defends Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program
Laura: What is sinister or chilling about sabotaging Iran’s nuclear weapons program? What is truly sinister is the Guardian’s defense of it, referring to Iran’s nuclear weapons development as an “energy” program. Certainly they can’t possibly believe this. If the Israelis are doing these things, then good for them. The Israelis are completely justified in doing everything in their power to prevent their own annihilation which is the goal of the genocidal regime in Tehran. Israel is the primary target of its nuclear weapons. The question is why is the guardian aiding and abetting a second potential holocaust against the Jews.
The Observer Gets With The Program . . .
The Observer boggles the mind. Describing Iran’s nuclear weapons drive as an “energy programme” is as myopic as calling the Wikileaks info dump a “crowdsourcing event.”
Spoiler alert: The people behind this increasingly sinister campaign most...
America the silly
Sounds of Congress: “Oink, Oink”
Lemon Lime Moon
Well the list is long and silly but it demonstrates that much of the debt in America is incurred by our own politicians.
# $19Million dollars to investigate cow flatulence. Their own flatulence on the floor of the House and Senate they failed to investigate at all.
# millions investigating why people are rude on tennis courts and more millions to see if there was a pattern to smiling while bowling.
# Million more spent on investigation of why people don’t ride their bicycles to work .
# Millions spent to investigate woodchucks.
# 4.8 million to find out how to use wood by the wooden heads themselves I guess.
# $17 Million dollars to promote friendhip between unionists and nationalists in Ireland. Sure and begorrah
# Sen. Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) has spent $490 Million for various nonsense.
# $72.5 BILLION slated to go for military troop funding had 48% of it totally non-related to military, just pork barrel...
Ted Belman