Foreign News and Analysis Since April 2005China Confidential
Thursday, December 16, 2010
New Korean Conflict Before the New Year?
Tensions on the Korean Peninsula continue to rise, as reported hereand here, and here also.
Obama Administration's Unthinkable Answer to Atomic Terror Threat: 1950s Advice to Americans to Stay Inside Until Siren Sounds After Horrible Blast
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
'Islamic Tidal Wave Coming'
New Report Reveals Shocking Extent of America's Postwar Collusion With Nazi War Criminals, Nazi-Arab Axis, Hitler-Husseini Palestine Conquest Plot
Will Obama Punish Israel for Cyber-Strike on Iran?
As reported here yesterday, there is increasing speculation that Israel may have scored a stunning blow--via the Internet--against Iran's menacing nuclear facilities.
One Picture Worth 1,000 Words
Germany Considers Ban on Salafist Muslim Groups
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Stuxnet May Have Delayed Iran Nukes by 2 Years
Thursday, 16 December 2010
North Korea could again attack the South as early as next Tuesday; and Seoul has vowed to respond to any new aggression with military action--namely, aerial bombing raids. If that happens, Pyongyang is likely to escalate militarily; it could even shell the South Korean capital.
Bombardment of Seoul would almost certainly draw the United States into a conflict that could actually escalate into nuclear war. The North's repeated threats to use atomic arms against both South Korea and the U.S. should not be taken lightly. The Stalinist/Kimist/criminal regime--Iran's partner in nuclear/missile proliferation--is a true rogue state, capable of doing just about anything. Normal rules don't apply.
In short, China's Korean vassal has unleashed a dangerous dynamic that could lead to all-out war before the New Year. China, alone, has the power to preserve the peace; it should use that power at once, while there is still time to prevent a terrible catastrophe from occurring, one that is capable of engulfing not only the Korean Peninsula but Japan, too, and perhaps, even, the Middle East. The monsters ruling Tehran and their Hitlerian allies, Hezbollah and Hamas, could be tempted to launch their own acts of aggression should an already weakened and overstretched U.S. suddenly become involved in yet another war.
Fact is, there is no deterrent against an anonymous atomic attack on the U.S. homeland, given the Obama administration's appeasement policies. The only meaningful deterrent is to make it known that suspect (Muslim) nations will automatically be obliterated if a nuclear device of any kind is ever detonated on U.S. soil.
The Muslim Brotherhood (which the Obama administration has attempted to engage) is aiming for worldwide sharia imposition. Click here or scroll down for the story.
Notice the contrast between the speed with which Obama spoke out ... in defense of nuclear-arming, Islamist Iran ... and his slowness in condemning Islamist terror attacks in Russia, as reported by China Confidential. Click here for the archived story.
American Jewish Committee Responds to 'Sickening and Painful' Revelations
The American Jewish Committee (AJC ) on Sunday called a new National Archives report on collaboration between the United States government and Nazi officials immediately after World War II--as well as Nazi ties to Arab leaders during and after the war--an important contribution to establishing historical truths about the most tragic period of the twentieth century.
"The real shame is that these documents, critical for understanding our government's full role during the World War II era, were hidden for so long," said AJC Executive Director David Harris. "To have absolute proof 65 years later about what the U.S. did in assisting notorious Nazi leaders like Klaus Barbie, Rudolf Mildner and others is sickening and painful."
The documents are referenced in a new U.S. government report, "Hitler's Shadow: Nazi War Criminals, U.S. Intelligence, and the Cold War," published Friday by the National Archives and reported in The New York Times.
"The depth and intimacy of the relationship between Nazi Germany and the main Palestinian leader of the time,Haj Amin al-Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, is particularly appalling," said Harris.
Hitler-Husseini Bond
"The National Archives now has left no doubt about Husseini's total collusion with the Nazis," said Harris. "The documents confirm that while Nazi Germany was exterminating the Jewish people across Europe, an alliance was forged with certain Arab leaders to go after Jews in the British Mandate of Palestine, which included the historic land of Israel."
According to the Times, the National Archives report revealed that Husseini had "energetically recruited Muslims for the SS, the Nazi Party's elite military command, and was promised that he would be installed as the leader of Palestine after German troops drove out the British and exterminated more than 350,000 Jews there."
The late PLO leader Yasser Arafat often proclaimed he was a descendant of the notorious Husseini.
The National Archives report also provides details of how several Nazi leaders, who had fled to some Arab countries, continued to channel their deep hatred of Jews.
"Whatever short-term gains our intelligence agencies had hoped to secure by giving a pass to Nazi mass murderers, letting them flee or colluding with them, stands out as a dark period in U.S. history," said Harris. "It is to the credit of this country, however, that, late though it is, the release of these revealing documents sheds needed light on that dark period."
EDITOR'S NOTE: The report's chapter dealing with the Hitler-Husseini relationship is republished below.
Nazis and the Middle East
Recent scholarship has highlighted Nazi aims in the Middle East, including the
intent to murder the Jewish population of Palestine with a special task force that
was to accompany the Afrika Korps past the Suez Canal in the summer of 1942.
Scholars have also re-examined the relationship between the Nazi state and Haj
Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, as well as the postwar place
of the Holocaust in Arab and Muslim thinking. Newly released CIC and CIA
records supplement this scholarship in revealing ways.
Einsatzkommando Egypt
The 1946 testimony of Franz Hoth casts interesting light on both Nazi territorial
objectives and Jewish policy in 1940–42. British troops in Norway captured Hoth, an SS
and Sicherheitsdienst (Security Service or SD) officer who had served in a number of
different mobile killing units called Einsatzkommandos. When in March 1946 British
interrogators asked Hoth about the functions of the Einsatzkommandos, he studiously
avoided giving self-incriminating statements. His interrogator seems to have liked him:
“Hoth declares—and the interrogator is inclined to believe him—that throughout his
SD career, he tried to work in accordance with his ideals. It is not thought that Hoth
would consciously have made himself guilty of any crimes....” As a result of this
generous assessment, his interrogator let him get away with many evasive answers.
Nevertheless, Hoth gave useful background about the early 1941 training
of police officers slated for deployment in Africa when Germany expected to
establish a raw materials empire there. At the Security Police School in Berlin-
Charlottenburg, medical experts, Foreign Office officials, and other experts
lectured to three classes of about 30 police officers each; additional classes were
held for non-commissioned officers. “The purpose of these courses was to make
the students familiar with the history and problems of the former German
colonies in preparation for the day when these colonies would be retrieved by
Germany,” Hoth explained. Afterwards, all the German police officers went to
Rome (April 1941), attending an Italian police school where they learned how
the Italian police handled resistance in the Italian African colonies.
Hoth was friendly with a senior official of the Reich Security Main Office
(RSHA) named Walter Rauff, one of the inventors and distributors of the gas van
used to asphyxiate victims in Belarus and later at the Chelmno extermination
camp. Because of his connection with Rauff, who was slated for command of
an Einsatzkommando in North Africa, and his colonial training, Hoth was
appointed head of section I of Rauff’s Einsatzkommando Egypt, which was
assembled and dispatched to Athens in July 1942. There the unit waited for
General Rommel’s troops to conquer Egypt and move into the British-controlled
Mandate of Palestine, where roughly half a million Jews lived.
Rauff’s Einsatzkommando, technically subordinated to Rommel’s army,
reported directly to the RSHA in Berlin. After Reinhard Heydrich was assassinated
in Czechoslovakia, SS chief Heinrich Himmler took direct command of this
umbrella security-police organization. Two German historians have indicated
that Himmler conferred with Hitler about the deployment of Einsatzkommando
Egypt, which was to take “executive measures” against civilians on its own
authority, in other words, the mass murder of Jews. In 1946 Hoth commented
only that his Einsatzkommando was supposed to perform the usual Security
Police and SD duties in Egypt; he avoided saying that such duties elsewhere had
included the mass execution of Jews. But this context puts a rather different light
on what his British interrogator called Hoth’s idealism.
Hitler himself signaled his intention to eliminate the Jews of Palestine. In
a November 28, 1941, conversation in Berlin with Haj Amin al-Husseini, the
Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hitler said that the outcome of the war in Europe
would also decide the fate of the Arab world. German troops intended to break
through the Caucasus region and move into the Middle East. This would result
in the liberation of Arab peoples. Hitler said that Germany’s only objective there
would be the destruction of the Jews.
The British never prosecuted Hoth for his Einsatzkommando activities. But
he had also served in the Security Police in the French city of Nancy, and the
French military authorities found him guilty of crimes there. He was sentenced
to death and executed in 1949.
New Documentation: Haj Amin al-Husseini’s Contract
Recent books have added greatly to our knowledge of Haj Amin al-Husseini’s
activities as leader of anti-Jewish revolts in the British Mandate in Palestine in
1929 and 1936, as the impetus behind the pro-German coup in Iraq in April 1941,
and as a pro-Nazi propagandist in Berlin, broadcasting over German short-wave
radio to large audiences in the Middle East starting in late 1941.10 CIA and U.S.
Army files on Husseini offer small pieces of new evidence about his relationship
with the Nazi government and his escape from postwar justice.
The Nazi government financed Husseini and Rashid Ali el-Gailani, the
former premier of Iraq who had joined Husseini in Berlin after his failed coup
in Iraq. After the war Carl Berthold Franz Rekowski, an official of the German
Foreign Office who had dealt with Husseini, testified that the Foreign Office
financially supported the two Arab leaders, their families, and other Arabs in
their entourage who had fled to Germany after the coup. Husseini and Gailani
determined how these funds were distributed among the others. The CIA file
on Husseini includes a document indicating that he had a staff of 20–30 men in
Berlin. A separate source indicates that he lived in a villa in the Krumme Lanke
neighborhood of Berlin. From spring 1943 to spring 1944, Husseini personally
received 50,000 marks monthly and Gailani 65,000 for operational expenses. In
addition, they each received living expenses averaging 80,000 marks per month,
an absolute fortune. A German field marshal received a base salary of 26,500
marks per year. Finally, Husseini and Gailani received substantial foreign
currency to support adherents living in countries outside Germany.
Through conversations with other Foreign Office officials, Rekowski learned
that Nazi authorities planned to use both Arab leaders to control their respective
countries after Germany conquered them. Gailani was an Iraqi nationalist who
maintained good ties with the German Foreign Office. Husseini, however, was a
believer in a Pan-Arab state. His closest ties were with the SS. The other Arabs
were divided into one camp or the other.
SS-Sturmbannführer Wilhelm Beisner, like Hoth, an officer on Einsatzkom-
mando Egypt, had frequent contact with Husseini during the war. Beisner told
Rekowski that Husseini had good ties with Himmler and with Waffen-SS Gen.
Gottlob Berger, who handled the recruitment of non-German forces into the
Waffen-SS. SS leaders and Husseini both claimed that Nazism and Islam had
common values as well as common enemies—above all, the Jews.
Another independent source of information on Husseini’s ties with the SS was
the disaffected and abused wife of a young Egyptian, Dr. Abdel Halim el-Naggar,
who had worked in Berlin for the German Foreign Office and the Propaganda
Ministry. An Egyptian named Galal in Berlin edited an Arabic-language periodical
designed to stir up the Arabs to support Germany, and el-Naggar assisted him in
1940. By 1941 el-Naggar had his own Arabic publication for Middle Eastern audi-
ences, and in 1942 he took on the additional job of director of Nazi short-wave
broadcasts to the Near East. After Husseini came to Berlin, he wanted to coop-
erate with el-Naggar on Middle Eastern broadcasts, and for a time they worked
together successfully. Then el-Naggar established an Islamic Central Institute in
Berlin. Husseini had wanted to head this institute, and after el-Naggar refused him,
Husseini used his influence with the SS to get el-Naggar removed from the broad-
casting job.
In the fall of 1943 Husseini went to the Independent State of Croatia, a Nazi
ally, to recruit Muslims for the Waffen-SS. During that trip he told the troops
of the newly formed Bosnian-Muslim 13th Mountain Waffen-SS division that
the entire Muslim world ought to follow their example. Husseini also organized
a 1944 mission for Palestinian Arabs and Germans to carry out sabotage and
propaganda after German planes dropped them into Palestine by parachute. In
discussions with the Foreign Intelligence branch of the RSHA, Husseini insisted
that the Arabs take command after they landed and direct their fight against the
Jews of Palestine, not the British authorities.
Today we have more detailed scholarly accounts today of Husseini’s war-
time activities, but Husseini’s CIA file indicates that wartime Allied intelligence
organizations gathered a healthy portion of this incriminating evidence. This
evidence is significant in light of Husseini’s lenient postwar treatment.
In the spring of 1945, a German Foreign Office official reached agreement
with Gailani effective April 1: his cash payments were raised to 85,000 marks, but
Gailani would repay the Germans after his forces reconquered Iraq. Similarly,
according to a newly declassified document, the Foreign Office and Husseini
signed a contract for subsidies of up to 12,000 marks per month to continue
after April 1, 1945, with the Mufti pledging to repay these amounts later. In April
1945 neither side could have had much doubt about the outcome of the war. The
continuing contractual relationships meant that Nazi officials and the two Arab
leaders hoped to continue their joint or complementary political-ideological
campaign in the postwar period.
Declassified CIA and Army files establish that the Allies knew enough about
Husseini’s wartime activities to consider him a war criminal. Apparently fearing
Allied prosecution, he tried to flee to Switzerland at the end of the war. Swiss
authorities turned him over to the French, who brought him to Paris.
Haj Amin al-Husseini’s Escape
Right after the war ended a group of Palestinian-Arab soldiers in the British
Army who were stationed in Lebanon had staged anti-French demonstrations.
They carried around a large picture of Husseini and declared him to be the
“sword of the faith.”20 According to one source considered reliable by the rump
American intelligence organization known as the Strategic Services Unit (SSU),
British officials objected to French plans to prosecute Husseini, fearing that this
would cause political unrest in Palestine. The British “threatened” the French
with Arab uprisings in French Morocco.
In October 1945 Arthur Giles (who used the title Bey), British head of
Palestine’s Criminal Investigation Division, told the assistant American military
attaché in Cairo that the Mufti might be the only person who could unite the
Palestine Arabs and “cool off the Zionists.... Of course, we can’t do it, but it
might not be such a damn bad idea at that.” French intelligence officials, bitter
at France’s loss of colonial territory in the Middle East, said they would enjoy
having the Mufti around to embarrass the British.
Husseini was well treated in Paris. Meanwhile, Palestinian Arab leaders and various
Muslim extremists agitated to bring him back to the Middle East. According to the
American military attaché in Cairo, this plan initially embarrassed moderate officials
in the Arab League. But as prospects for a peaceful settlement in the British Mandate
for Palestine declined and as other Arab prisoners were released or escaped (Gailani
escaped), sentiment changed. A delegate of the Palestine Higher Arab Committee went
to Paris in June 1946 and told Husseini to get ready for a little trip.
According to another American source in Syria, at a meeting in the Egyptian
Embassy in Paris, the ambassador, the ministers of Syria and Lebanon, and a
few Arab leaders from Morocco and Algeria worked out the details of Husseini’s
escape. The French government learned of, or was informed of, the plan, but
chose not to intervene in order to avoid offending the Arabs of North Africa.
Husseini flew to Syria, then went via Aleppo and Beirut to Alexandria, Egypt.
By 1947 Husseini denied that he had worked for the Axis powers during the
war. He told one acquaintance that he hoped soon to have documentary evidence
rebutting this slander, which the Jews were spreading. Similarly, after Adolf Eichmann
was brought to Israel for trial in March 1961, Husseini, by now in Beirut, denied
having ever met Eichmann during the war. He said that he had been forced to take
refuge in Germany simply because British wanted to capture him. Nazi persecution
of Jews had served Zionism, according to Husseini, by exciting world sympathy for
them. Husseini never worked for American intelligence; the CIA simply considered
him a person worth tracking. He died in Beirut in 1974.
Which raises a question: if the story turns out to be true, will the United States punish Israel for brilliantly--and non-violently--defending itself against a nuclear-arming, Hitlerian monster?
Click here for the background--an April 2009 China Confidential analysis.
RELIGIOUS SEGREGATION: In Islam's Holy Cities of Mecca and Medina, both of which are located in Saudi Arabia, only Muslims are allowed. Non-Muslims may not enter or travel through Mecca. Non-Muslims must take bypasses around the city; routine inspections of travelers and their documents are carried out to enforce this rule. Non-Muslims caught in Mecca are subject to punishment, decided on a case-by-case basis. Punishment could include death. [Related: SHARIA-APPEASING OBAMA ADMINISTRATION FILES SUIT IN FAVOR OF TEACHER DENIED PAID LEAVE TO MAKE MUSLIM PILGRIMAGE TO MECCA]
Will Obama criticize Germany if it (wisely) bans Salafist groups, which serve as a breeding ground for jihadist terrorists? Maybe. The U.S. President has intervened in France's burqa ban controversy--on the side of barbaric burqa backers.
Will left/liberal loons condemn Germany if it bans Salafist groups? Absolutely. So-called progressives and radical left-wingers have ironically latched onto right-wing political Islam as a means of challenging and confronting the United States, Western democracy, capitalism, and Christianity--and Israel and Judaism. Not since the perfidious Hitler-Stalin Pact has the Far Left embraced fascism so cynically and deliberately.
One small example: in the U.S., liberal idiots of appeasement love Jimmy Carter, the worst-ever President B.O. (Before Obama), praise his efforts to "engage" Iran and its Islamist proxies, Hitlerian Hamas and Hezbollah. Liberals and leftists root for Carter as he persists in trying to isolate and demonize Israel. Like the stupid students who supported the Ayatollah Khomeini against Iran's Shah, the Far Left believes it can ride the Islamist tiger without being devoured by it ... the way German Communists thought they would ultimately benefit from Hitler's ascent to power. "After Hitler, us," was the Stalinist slogan. Hitler had other ideas....
The radical Left and its legions of fellow travelers, supporters and sympathizers, and dupes and dopes never learn from history.
COMMENT: Regarding Afghanistan, Bush must be blamed along with Obama. Instead of obliterating the Taliban and Al Qaeda with any and all necessary weapons in the immediate aftermath of 9/11--when nearly the entire world either stood with or in fear of the United States--a supposedly hawkish, Republican President took too long to do too little, relying, foolishly, on notoriously unreliable Afghan warlords for most of the fighting. As a result, the enemy--scum that should have been wiped off the face of the planet--was merely dislodged, pushed, like dirt, across backward Afghanistan's border into pro-Islamist Pakistan.
That the U.S. is still fighting radical Islam, nine years after 9/11, is inexcusable. One or two well-aimed tactical nuclear weapons, combined with waves of massive, World War II-style bombing attacks, would/could have ended the conflict ... and struck fear ... real fear ... for a generation or longer ... into the hearts and minds of those who dare to dream of attacking the U.S. on its own soil.
That U.S. troops are sent into harm's way with ridiculous rules of engagement, assigned to absurd, so-called nation-building missions, is downright disgusting.
Where is the outrage?
Have the American people become so beaten and bloodied and dazed and confused that they can no longer recognize or no longer care when their young people are being sacrificed for ... what? Reactionary Islamic filth? Rotten drug lords? Monstrous mullahs?
Where is the outrage? Click below. Every concerned American needs to see this movie.
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Britannia Radio