Friday, 10 December 2010

Just Journalism
December 10, 2010
Event Announcement

If you are planning to attend Just Journalism's event, 'Squaring the Circle? Britain and the De-legitimisation of Israel', on Monday, 13 December, you need to purchase a ticket in advance or make a reservation to buy one at the door. Because of high demand and security considerations, we will not be admitting anyone who turns up without a ticket or reservation.

If you have already purchased a ticket or made a reservation, you should have received a confirmation electronic notification of details of the venue. If you have not, please email

To purchase a ticket via PayPal before Monday, please click here and follow the instructions. To make a reservation, please email and provide your name.

Be advised: You must bring a print-out of your electronic notification and one form of photo identification to gain admittance to this event.

We reserve the right to refuse admittance.

Thank you.

Special Reports

WikiLeaks on Iran: An analysis of newspaper coverage

Guardian and Independent commentators play down importance of WikiLeaks revelations of Arab fear of and enmity towards Iran.

Key points

  • All five broadsheets gave a high profile to the WikiLeaks revelations about the true feelings of Arab states towards Iran
  • The editorials and comment pieces published in The Guardian and The Independent tended to downplay the significance of these revelations, and gave no impression of any vindication of Israel's much publicised position on Iran
  • The Times and The Daily Telegraph unambiguously conveyed in their editorials and comment pieces the view that the WikiLeaks revelations confirm the US and Israeli view that Iran poses the biggest threat to the region
  • Neither of the two comment pieces published in the Financial Times took the view that the disclosures about the Arab states' desire to combat Iran should alter the West's approach of negotiations with Iran

Read more>>

The Wire

Pilger documentary on war and media to air on ITV

Fri. 10 Dec @ 15.52 -

On Tuesday 14 December, ITV will broadcast John Pilger's latest documentary 'The War You Don't See' at 10.35 pm.

According to the ITV press release, the film will mainly be about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and

'the relationship between the media and government in times of conflict stretching back to World War I... [The documentary] explores the impact on the information fed to the public of the modern day practice of public relations in the guise of 'embedding' journalists with the military.'

Pilger will also apparently examine

'the balance of the media's reporting on the hostilities between Palestinians and Israelis, with particular focus on mainstream broadcasters' coverage of the Israeli attack on the aid flotilla in Gaza earlier this year. Both the BBC and ITV are asked about the influence of Israeli government efforts to shape the reporting of such incidents on their coverage.'

There is no secret as to what Pilger thinks of Israel. He has in the past referred to the 'criminality of the Israeli state' and the 'murderous, racist toll of Zionism'. Pilger has likewise praised Gilad Atzmon as one of the 'heroes of Israel' with the 'moral courage of Israeli dissidents'...Read more>>

Hamas contradicts itself on peace referendum

Fri. 10 Dec. @ 13.32 -

Hamas PM Ismail Haniyeh was quoted last week as saying he will accept a peace deal subject to a referendum of the Palestinian people. However Hamas' subsequent statements reject this position.

In a WikiLeaks cable detailing a meeting between Senator John Kerry and the Amir of Qatar in February 2010, the Amir is revealed as stating that 'Hamas will accept the 1967 border with Israel.' This is in line with a statement by Ismail Haniyeh on 1 December, in which according to Reuters, he said:

'Hamas will respect the results [of a referendum] regardless of whether it differs with its ideology and principles... We accept a Palestinian state on the borders of 1967, with Jerusalem as its capital, the release of Palestinian prisoners, and the resolution of the issue of refugees'.

However, according the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Centre, this statement has since been substantially qualified. The organisation reports that a mere three days later on 4 December...Read more>>

Special Event


invite you to a panel discussion on

'Squaring the Circle?
Britain and the
De-legitimisation of Israel

sponsored by