Thursday, 16 December 2010

Just Journalism
December 15, 2010
The Wire

ITV Editor-in-Chief describes flotilla footage as 'propaganda'

Wed. 15 Dec. @ 17.32-

David Mannion implies that media organisations 'fell into a trap' laid by Israel.

Last night ITV aired the latest documentary by journalist and political activist John Pilger on how Western media cover wars.

While the majority of 'The war you don't see' concerned embedded journalists in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, Pilger devoted ten minutes of the hour-and-a-half documentary to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Pilger criticized David Mannion, Editor-in-Chief at ITV, for using the footage of Israeli soldiers being attacked when they boarded the Mavi Marmara ship in May:

'In the immediate aftermath of the Israeli attack on the aid flotilla in June...for one thing, the Israelis supplied doctored film, even with captions, which was widely used across ITV and the BBC was labelled, but the context of this, according to the Israelis, that their people, who were attacking the flotilla, were actually being attacked by the people who were on the flotilla. That Israeli perspective, propaganda, dominated...'


The Wire

WikiLeaks found to employ racist representatives

Wed. 15 Dec. @ 17.28 --

According to Washington-based political magazine Reason, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has employed as his content aggregator for Russia a notorious Russian-Israeli Holocaust denier who operates under the pen name Israel Shamir. [A photograph of Assange and Shamir is reproduced at right.]

Michael Moynihan, a senior editor at Reason, writes that the Swedish newspaper Expressen has uncovered evidence that Shamir was in charge of "select[ing] and distribut[ing]" Wikileaks' stolen US State Department cables to various Russian news organisations.

Shamir's role was confirmed in a Swedish Radio interview with Kristinn Hrafnsson, who was recently appointed Wikileaks' lead spokesperson after Assange turned himself into authorities in London last week to face rape charges filed against him in Stockholm.

Yulia Latynina, a journalist for independent Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta has further accused Shamir of having fabricated a State Department cable about Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's address before the United Nations General Assembly, a fabrication eagerly taken up for propaganda purposes by a Kremlin-friendly newspaper....Read more>>

BBC Focus

Hamas rally coverage ignores history of violence

Yesterday Hamas held a rally in Gaza to commemorate the 23rd anniversary of its founding. The event was covered in an article on the BBC News website, which included commentary by correspondent Jon Donnison.

Given the commemorative nature of the rally, the article included background context on the history of the organisation:

'Hamas, an Arabic acronym for the Islamic Resistance Movement, was created in 1987 after the beginning of the first intifada, or Palestinian uprising, against Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza.'

While the article describes how the Hamas Charter calls for the destruction of Israel, and how the group had recently 'vowed to step up attacks against Israel', there is no record of the group's long-time perpetration of violence against Israeli citizens....Read more>>

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