************************************************************ Scroll down the website to read much more news on One Click or go to the News Archives 1. Update: WikiLeaks / Julian Assange Internet Wars 11.12.10READ THE NEWS ON ONE CLICK
Who Will Be TIME's 2010 Person Of The Year?
Vote For WikiLeaks' Julian Assange!
There is so much WikiLeaks information currently being published out on the internet that one is spoilt for choice. In this Update, we provide our readers with hands-on levers - the links for how to interact and make a difference. From the WikiLeaks support rallies now announced in different countries around the world, that hacker tool being so successfully deployed by the grassroots as payback for the cowardice displayed by Amazon, Master Card, PayPal, Visa et al in their business dealings with WikiLeaks and what the Wandsworth Prison inmates think of their co-resident, Julian Assange. There's never a dull moment with WikiLeaks. Keep them strong!
Information Release, The One Click Group
2. WikiLeaks: Stop The Crackdown! Sign The Petition
The vicious intimidation campaign against WikiLeaks is a dangerous attack on freedom of expression and the press. Top US politicians have branded WikiLeaks a terrorist organization, and urged corporations to shut it down. Commentators have even suggested assassinating its staff. Whatever we think of WikiLeaks, legal experts say it has likely broken no laws, and the group works with leading newspapers (NYT, Guardian, Spiegel) to carefully vet what it publishes - so far less than 1% of the cables leaked to it. We urgently need a massive public outcry to defend our basic democratic freedoms. Sign the petition to stop the crackdown -- let's reach 1 million voices this week! (As at UK time, 17:30 10/12/10, 450,646 from all over the world have signed - over 300,000 in 24 hours! Let's reach 1,000,000). One Click Note:As of going to internet press, the Petition website appears to be down. Keep on trying and sign later.
Petition Information Release, AVAAZ
3. Has Accuser Anna Ardin Ceased To Co-Operate With The Assange Prosecution?
Assange accuser Anna Ardin
(Caption & Pic Courtesy Of One Click)
Anna Ardin, one of the two complainants in the rape and sexual assault case against WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Julian Assange, has left Sweden, and may have ceased actively co-operating with the Swedish prosecution service and her own lawyer, sources in Sweden told Crikey. The move comes amid a growing campaign by leading Western feminists to question the investigation, and renewed confusion as to whether Sweden has actually issued charges against Assange. Naomi Klein, Naomi Wolf, and the European group Women Against Rape, have all made statements questioning the nature and purpose of the prosecution. Ardin, who also goes by the name Bernardin, has moved to the West Bank in the Palestinian Territories, as part of a Christian outreach group, aimed at bringing reconciliation between Palestinians and Israelis. One source from Ardin’s old university of Uppsala reported rumours that she had stopped co-operating with the prosecution service several weeks a go, and that this was part of the reason for the long delay in proceeding with charges?—?and what still appears to be an absence of charges. News of Ardin/Bernardin’s departure comes as reports circulate of Ardin’s connection to the right-wing Cuban exile community in Miami, something that Crikey readers learnt of months ago. Ardin’s move and confusion over her involvement and the real status of the charges against Assange come as the campaign questioning the charges against him has come to include a number of leading feminist activists.
Guy Rundle, Crikey
Related Links:
* Seven Steps To Legal Revenge On Men
Information Release, Anna Ardin
4. Nigeria Files Charges Against Dick Cheney In Halliburton Bribery Scheme
Dick Cheney, previously Vice President of the United States
(Caption & Pic Courtesy Of One Click)
Dick Cheney is officially a wanted man. The former vice president was indicted Tuesday by Nigeria's Economic and Financial Crime Commission along with eight other current and former company executives, alleging that while he was chief executive of Halliburton he played a role in a scheme to bribe Nigerian government officials so the company could obtain a lucrative contract to build a liquefied natural gas facility in the country. The charges revolve around $180 million in bribes allegedly paid to Nigerian government officials between 1994 and 2004 to win $6 billion in construction contracts for the Bonny Island natural gas liquefaction plant. The bribes allegedly went to the notoriously corrupt Nigerian dictator Sani Abacha and some of his subordinates."It includes Dick Cheney," said Nigerian prosecutor Godwin Obla, about the 16-count indictment filed in a high-court in Abuja, Nigeria's capital. "There are conspiracy charges and giving gratification to public officers. There is also a charge for obstruction of justice...It is important to stress that the filing of this charge today is just one out of many steps that would be taken by the prosecution." Although Cheney's five-year tenure at the helm of Halliburton made him a rich man, controversies surrounding the Houston-based company have dogged him since he became vice president. During Cheney's tenure, accounting irregularities at the company exceeded $234 million, according to documents obtained by the watchdog group Center for Public Integrity.
Jason Leopold, Truthout Report
Related Links:
* Dick Cheney Charged In $180M Bribery Case, Interpol Arrest Warrant Issued
John Byrne, The Raw Story
5. British Social Unrest Set To Be Exacerbated By Deadly Terrorist Target BioLab
Security around a “superlab” planned next door to a major London railway station will be among the tightest in the capital amid fears of “domestic extremism”. It will be capable of containing flu viruses, malaria and tuberculosis, plus cancer and HIV to become a “global centre of research excellence”. Campaigners fear the site, which is also close to hundreds of homes, could pose a risk to public health if airborne viruses escape from the building, which the centre denies. Opponents are also concerned the huge building near the British Library could become a terrorist target and the focal point for protests against Home Office-licensed animal testing. The “security management plan”, seen by the Evening Standard, identifies crime, terrorism and “domestic extremism” as concerns. It states: “Potential security risks may arise from domestic extremism — potentially the animal rights move ment.” Campaigner Natalie Bennett said: “It is an indication that there are serious concerns from the authorities about the danger this building represents. It shows there's clearly a problem with thousands of people living so close by. Residents don't feel very confident about what's going on. There are thousands of people living on the doorstep.”
Mark Blunden, London Evening Standard
Related Links:
* UK Coalition Government Saves The Axe To Build £600m Deadly Biolab Terror Target Next To Europe's Largest Train Terminal
Matt Humphreys, Camden Gazette
* UK Coalition Government Set To Fund Killer BioLab Beside Europe's Largest Train Terminal
Information Release, Stop Camden lab
* ! STOP INSANITY ! Level 3 Bio Lab Set Be Built In Heart Of Central London
Information Release, Stop Camden Lab
* Bird And Swine Flu 'Super-Lab' At St Pancras Site
Mark Blunden, London Evening Standard
6. Disgraced UK ConDem Government Promotes Compassion Bypass For The Disabled
Young and old disabled people will face a series of
tests for the new 'personal independence payment'
Yesterday, the government finally showed its true colours. Ever since the election this year, disabled people have watched with increasing dismay as the rhetoric against us has become increasingly vitriolic; tabloid papers can barely write the word disabled without coupling it with "workshy". The waters have become so muddied with talk of fraud on one side and the government's promised support for those most ill on the other, it was hard to prove that the coalition had categorically decided to make the lives of disabled people much harder. That was until yesterday. It's now officially 'unsustainable' to support disabled people. With the publication of their disability living allowance (DLA) reform paper, it is now written in black and white that the government believes supporting the disabled is, using their own word, "unsustainable". The increased DLA caseload is not because of fraud. DLA has one of the lowest fraud rates of any benef its at 0.8%. A disabled person's disability will not go away just because the government has decided to save 20% on its DLA bill. The only change will be that those affected will have to fund the higher costs of living out of their own pocket. And these pockets are already threadbare. These cuts will affect a sector of society that the Disability Alliance UK states is already twice as likely to live in poverty as other citizens. One Click Note: Hmm... And the wretched ConDem government wonders why increasingly substantial numbers of the UK population are choosing to riot in the streets rather than accept their unelected dicta.
Sharon Brennan, The Guardian
Related Links:
Benefits & Work - Guides You Can Trust
Steve Donnison et al
7. Gulf War Illness, ME/CFS, Blood Ban & 9/11 Rescuers Issues Need Urgent Attention Today!
Just a short collection of articles that should be of high interest to all Americans! The implications are huge for millions including our gulf war veterans who suffer quietly with their illnesses since serving in the Gulf War 1990-91. These veterans suffer from CFS/ME and have many researchers that are also connected to the civilians suffering from CFS/ME. The veterans had multiple exposures including Sarin, depleted uranium, oil fire exposures, dirty dust exposures, pyridostigmine bromide, vaccines, and who knows the complete list of biological chemical exposures. There is breaking news in several news items to include the research occurring in the XMRV/MLV ( a new human retrovirus) issue over the last year, the breaking news of a blood ban on CFS patients, Sarin exposure (Gulf War Veterans 90-91) and cardiac body system effects, Exposures information not only for Gulf War 1990-91 but also our troops that served in Operation Iraqi Freedom, a nd legislation on 911 Rescuers that suffer health problems. All of these have connections to health problems that need urgent attention! The mainstream media does not even focus on these huge needs!
Denise Nichols, Veterans Today
Related Links:
* Red Cross Bars Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Patients From Donating Blood
Rob Stein, The Washington Post
* Presence Of Murine Leukemia Virus Found In Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients
FDA Press Release
* Detection of MLV-related virus gene sequences in blood of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and healthy blood donors (FULL TEXT)
Shyh-Ching Lo, Harvey J. Alter et al PNAS
* Detection of an Infectious Retrovirus, XMRV, in Blood Cells of Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Judy A. Mikovits et al, 10.1126/science.1179052, Science Express
8. Vitamin B1 Treatment For Diabetes Has Amazing Effects
A new study from the University of Bristol published in the Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology shows that a dietary supplement of B1 vitamins can potentially prevent heart disease for people with diabetes. Half of all people with diabetes succumb to cardiovascular disease and it is the leading cause of death for diabetes patients. The researchers at the University of Bristol experimented with different treatments for diabetes, and found that a synthetic derivative of vitamin B1 has amazing effects. The compound known as benfotiamine was administered to mice with both types of diabetes. They found that it delayed the progression of heart failure and improved the survival and healing after a heart attack. Previous studies have showed that people with diabetes have 75 percent less vitamin B1 in their bodies that people without diabetes. The theory is that vitamin B1 is more readily ejected from the body for people with diabetes. B1 has also been fo und to reduce the risks of kidney failure.
Press Release, Justmeans. Business. BetterREAD THE NEWS ON ONE CLICK
Saturday, 11 December 2010
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