EU Moving Closer to Recognition of “palestine”
Laura: With the world lining up against Israel, the nation is in desperate need of strong Zionist leadership to stand against the coming onslaught. Israel is wasting its time and resources in lobbying Europe since the continent is firmly in the clutches of the jihadis and permanently hostile to Israel. Europe is hopelessly lost and should simply be treated as the irrelevancy that it has become. Notice the stories about Israel chosen to be featured to the right of the article.
EU to boost status of Palestinian diplomats
By Adrian Blomfield, Gaza City, The Telegraph
The Foreign Office confirmed it was studying a proposal that would see Palestinian “general delegations” upgraded to “diplomatic missions” in a number of European capitals.
Oh my! One third of British Muslims would kill for Islam
40% want sharia law. Yamit
Yet another Wikileaks cable discloses the results of a survey that says that one third of British Muslims would kill for Islam.
A survey of 600 Muslim students at 30 universities throughout Britain found that 32 per cent of Muslim respondents believed killing in the name of religion is justified.
A U.S. diplomatic cable from January 2009 quoted a poll by the Centre for Social Cohesion as saying 54 per cent wanted a Muslim party to represent their world view in Parliament and 40 per cent want Muslims in the UK to be under Sharia law.
And why would this information be in a cable from the US embassy in London?
A further U.S. cable, dated February 5 2009, said reaching out to Britain’s Muslim community there was a ‘top priority’ for U.S. embassy staff.
It stated: ‘Although people of Muslim faith make up only 3 to 4 per cent of the UK’s population, outreach to this key audience is vital to U.S. foreign policy...
Trophy System Tested on Manned Merkava 4 Tank
This looks promising and I hope it lives up to expectations as Both Hamas and Hezbollah have thousands of antitank rockets. No tank would be safe or effective in combat with the quantity of advanced RPG’s arrayed in Gaza and Lebanon without an effective defensive system. Yamit
Anti-tank missiles were fired at a manned Merkava 4 tank in order to test the abilities of the Trophy active defense system
In an unusual military training exercise, an anti-tank missile was fired at a Merkava Mark 4 tank being operated by soldiers in order to test the Trophy (Meil Ruach) active tank defense system, developed by Rafael Advanced Defense System Ltd. and intended to intercept and destroy aerial threats. The experiment was carried out with kinetic missiles without warheads, which simulate the missile’s path and do not pose a threat to soldiers. Commander of the Armored Corps’ 401st Brigade. Col. Einav Shalev himself will take part in the exercise,...
Firtst Time Magazine and Now NewsWeek
Avigdor Liberman
Israel’s most popular politician right now is a burly cigar smoker who wants to redraw its borders to exclude most Arabs. What is the far-right foreign minister thinking?
You’re not a big believer in “territory for peace.” We began the Oslo process 17 years ago, in 1993, and we’re still in a deadlock. The right approach is not peace for territory but exchanging territory and populations.
Does Netanyahu support that idea? I don’t know, but I can guess that all the right wing, including all of Likud, and maybe the majority of the Labor Party .
You’re talking about drawing a line so that how many Israeli Arabs will no longer be part of Israel? At least half.
Polls suggest that 90 percent or more of Israeli Arabs don’t want that. You have 20 percent of the population that’s the Arab minority. You have 80 percent that’s Jewish. From 80 percent of the Jewish population, 70 percent support this idea.
An answer to the anti-Israel Seattle bus ads
In Seattle, an anti-Israel organization is planning to place ads on buses in the city showing a bombed-out building from Gaza with the words “Israeli war crimes: your tax dollars at work.
Suggested response
by Elder of Ziyon
Should the government mandate food intake or anything.
The difference of opinion identified below is really about government overreach.
On fat, Huckabee vs. Palin vs. Palin
Mike Huckabee came to First Lady Michelle Obama’s defense on her push for better childhood nutrition, saying “With all due respect to my colleague and friend Sarah Palin, I think she’s misunderstood what Michelle Obama is trying to do,” the former Arkansas governor said Tuesday on the “Curtis Sliwa Show.”Palin had been critical of efforts like Let’s Move as an overreach, but it seems that in her 2009 state of the state address as governor she made a similar point:
We have alarming levels of heart disease, diabetes, childhood obesity – and all of these maladies are on the rise. Now, I won’t stand here and lecture – for very long – but health care reform on an individual basis is often just this simple: we could save a lot of money, and a lot of grief, by making smarter choices.
It starts by ending destructive habits, and...
Double standard in Seattle
The proposed ads to be carried on Seattle buses as you have heard, are incendiary and untrue. Here’s one example.”Israel War Crimes = your Tax Dollars at Work”.
Ami Isseroff at Israel News has the whole story with telephone number to call to protest and email addresses.
Why is it that lies can be told about Israel and Jews with impunity while the truth can’t be said about Islam. The rationality is given that Muslims would be offended.
Well Jews will be offended by these ads but that seems to be OK.
Rep King to hold hearings on Muslim radicalization
Peter King on Muslim Hearings: ‘The Inside Elite Refuse to Discuss this Issue’
Long Island Congressman Peter King appeared in the friendly confines of Fox News this afternoon to defend his plan to hold hearings on the radicalization of American Muslims under his new role as chairman of the Homeland Security Committee.
“We have to break through this politically-correct nonsense which keeps us from debating and discussing what I think is one of the most vital issues in this country, that we are under siege by Muslim terrorists,” King said. “And yet there are Muslim leaders in this country who do not cooperate with law enforcement. We have the reality that Al-Qaeda is trying to recruit Muslim American and yet we have people in the Muslim community who refuse to face up to this and will not cooperate with the FBI or the police.”
The Council on American Islamic Relations has denounced King’s plan to hold hearings, but King pointed to...
Poll Reveals Frightening Popularity of Revolutionary Islamism
New Palestinian Poll Is Out: 45% Of Gazans Want To Leave
Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) has come out with a new survey of what Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza are thinking. Read More
There’s a lot of interesting material in the Pew Foundation’s latest poll of the Middle East, a survey that focuses on attitudes toward Islamism and revolutionary Islamist groups. The analysis that accompanies the poll, however, is not very good, so here is mine.
For example, in evaluating attitudes toward Hamas and Hizballah, Pew says that they receive “mixed ratings from Muslim publics opinions of al-Qaida and its leader, Usama bin Ladin, are consistently negative….” The implication is that the poll shows that people in these countries are not radical. Actually, the poll shows the precise opposite.
To begin with, let’s look at Jordan. There, 55 percent say they like Hizballah (against 43 percent negative) while 60...
O’Reilly wrong about the “stealth Jihad”
Jerome Kaufman writes to him.
Mr. O’Reilly,
Last night you made the statement that we have no hard evidence that there is such a thing as “Stealth Jihad” in the United States, wherein Islam is trying to indoctrinate us all to believe their culture is morally equivalent to our own in its treatment of men, women. minorities, other religions, etc.
That statement is absolutely false. You are dangerously misinforming your audience and the attractive blond lady on the program vs. Alan Colmes was right. You evidently are not aware of terrorist investigator Steve Emerson’s work and his video, “Jihad in America” from 1994, wherein he presents mountains of “hard evidence” that “Stealth Jihad” has been going on for years in this country. since at least 1971. The FBI and CIA are finally finding active islamic chapters promoting these ideas all over the US. Mr. Emerson has a second video coming out in a couple of months called, “The Grand Deception – Jihad II”, which...
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel