Ted Belman says: Toronto was not different from Chicago. In the thirties there was a serious of famous riots, The Christi Pitts Riots. Various ethnic groups in big numbers came looking for Jews to beat up. The Jews met them with baseball bats and whatever. The clashes were violent and went on for days. These riots are still talked about by the Jews with great pride. This story is for you Ted. Yamit “If you love Israel,” he said, “you love America. If you love America, you love Israel.” America was the embodiment of the Jewish dream. “And what is the Jewish dream?” said my father. “Listen to the words of Micah our prophet. ‘And each man shall sit under the shade of his vine and fig tree, and none shall make him afraid.’” Said my... By Barry Rubin “A rocket fired from Gaza fell close to a kindergarten in an Israeli village on Tuesday morning. Earlier, the Israeli Air Force struck several targets in Gaza in retaliation for a recent increase in rocket and mortar shell fire. Small groups appear to be behind the fire, but Israel says it holds Hamas, the Islamist organization that governs Gaza, responsible.” Why does this bother me so much? Because it seems to symbolize how the West–oh so well-educated, sophisticated people–fall for every trick, no matter how simple, of the terrorists and totalitarians of the world and do their propaganda work for them. Laura: The world respects strength. Obama’s unwillingness to aggressively confront Iran are driving the Arab countries into the arms of Tehran as they see it as the strong horse. During the same period Israel has been engaged in the “peace” process and has been willing to surrender land, not coincidentally respect for Israel has decreased and the demonization and delegitimization of Israel has increased. The foolish liberals in Kadima, Labor and Meretz beg the world to like Israel and rush to make concessions. This does not strengthen Israel’s position, it weakens it. Israel is looked upon as the weak horse when it begs its enemies to make peace. Israel needs to aggressively assert its rights and to be feared and respected. By Caroline B. Glick, Jewish World Review Diplomacy? We must concentrate on our strengths and our enemies’ weaknesses. That’s the only proven way to win The message Jerusalem... I like Christmas Music especially ones like these. Happy Holidays Yamit Celtic Woman-The Christmas Song Click here to view the embedded video. Celtic Woman-Ding Dong Merrily On High! Click here to view the embedded video. by Jerry Gordon, The Iconoclast Amid the storm of controversy over Seattle Metro anti-Israel bus ads, accusing the US of supporting ‘war crimes’ in Gaza during the IDF Operationa cast Lead two years ago, came this announcement by Christians United for Israel (CUFI); the King County Commissioners pulled the controversial Metro bus ads due to roll out on Monday, December 27th. According to Arutz-Sheva Israel National News a strong counter protest was launched by several Zionist groups . Representatives of the Northwest region StandWithUs, the ADL and the Seattle Jewish Federation had met with King County Commissioners raising objections to the ad program sponsored by the Seattle Middle East Awareness Campaign (SMEC). The SMEC group has leaders connected to the anti-Israel International Solidarity Movement. The Zionist groups, including CUFI, had sent action alerts to members who inundated the King Commissioners with protest emails, phone calls and faxes. According to a... Ted Belman I grew up in small town Ontario. Jews in my town of 14000 numbered perhaps 20 families. I remember Christmases past with mixed feelings. First of all there was too much Christmas music to my liking. One couldn’t get away from it. On the other hand I liked the Christmas spirit and the lights and the excitment as all Christians shopped for their presents. And yes, even the Christmas music to a degree. One couldn’t help feeling goodwill toward men at such a time. And Christmas eve we got to have the movie theaters all to ourselves. So in that spirit I wish you a merry Christmas. As it happens Michael Rosen begs to differ regarding the music but he likes Christmas for the same reasons I do. Why This Orthodox Jew Loves Christmas Music Truth be told I thought the music was beautiful too. Harvard professor finds Judaism tops the list; American attitudes toward Jews ‘better than ever.’ What is the most popular religion in the US? Is it one of the Protestant denominations, brought over from the Old Country with the pilgrims and pioneers? Catholicism, whose ranks in the US grow daily by the steady stream of devout believers coming from Latin America? Or is it perhaps Mormonism, the country’s truly unique religion born in America? If you said yes to one of the above, try again. According to a study featured in American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us, a new book co-written by sociologists Robert D. Putnam and David E. Campbell, which asked a cross sample of 3,000 ordinary Americans to rank religions, the most popular faith in the US is Judaism. By Ted Belman Haaretz just reported U.S. criticizes PA bid to take settlement construction to UN A senior US official told Haaretz: “Final status issues can only be resolved through negotiations between the parties, not by recourse to the UN Security Council. We, therefore, consistently oppose any attempt to take final status issues to the council as such efforts do not move us closer to our goal of two states living side by side in peace and security.” Assuming the US will stick to this, it is hugely important and can’t be said by them enough. Unfortunately the US would not commit to vetoing it.A Jewish Soldier
My father loved Israel, the ancient and the modern. He also loved America and there was no question of divided loyalty because America and Israel were one and the same.
How Western Institutions’ Naivete (Or Incompetence or Ideology) Helps Terrorists
If I had to pick one sentence to show what’s profoundly wrong with Middle East coverage in the Western mass media, this is the one I’d choose. It’sin a New York Times article entitled, “Israel: Tensions Rise Along Gaza Border” by Isabel Kershner. I’ll put the sentence in bold:Israel Needs to Project Strength
While we are on things Celtic – The great Michael Flatley
The Christmas Song
Victory in Seattle; King County Commissioners Pull Anti-Israel Bus Ads
‘MERRY CHRISTMAS’ to our Christian friends
And the most popular religion in the US is…
“We asked everyone in the survey to say how they felt about Catholics and Evangelicals and Jews and Mormons and Muslims, and so we were able to calculate a popularity ranking, so to...Will the US veto UN resolution to declare settlements illegal
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Saturday, 25 December 2010
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Britannia Radio