The Lame Duck US Congress

An anachronism leaves the losing Democrats in charge of the US Congress for another month. This last session of the Congress is called the ‘lame duck’ session, because it was generally considered as not able to do anything. But this time, the Democrats try to change this perception. They attempt to vote into law a maximum of the Obama agenda while still in the majority. But they may not succeed, because (1) time is running out (only 2-3 weeks left); (2) the Republicans who won so overwhelmingly in November are slowing down the legislative process in the Senate as much as possible; (3) a number of reelected Democrats are scared to upset their voters again.
"To Avenge The Defeat At Vienna"
A quote from Eric Edelman, U.S. ambassador to Turkey, 30 December 2004, published by Wikileaks:
"We have also run into the rarely openly-spoken, but widespread belief among adherents of the Turk-Islam synthesis that Turkey's role is to spread Islam in Europe, 'to take back Andalusia and avenge the defeat at the siege of Vienna in 1683' as one participant in a recent meeting at AKP's main think tank put it.