Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Latest European Parliament Updates
In response to the growing interest of the European Parliament in security and defence matters, ISIS Europe's ‘Parliamentary Update’ provides a short report on the latest discussions of the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) and in particular of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE). EP Updates are archived here:
Parliamentary Update (SEDE Subcommittee) 30 November 2010
This update includes coverage of the public hearing on “A Missile Defence System for Europe: The Challenges”, structured in interactive panels to reflect views from: the US (Robert Bell, US Secretary of Defence Representative in Europe, and Defence Advisor within the US Mission to NATO); Russia (Ambassador Dmitry Rogozin, Permanent Representation of the Russian Federation to NATO) and NATO (Roberto Zadra, Deputy Head of NATO WMD Centre). Comment followed by Dr. Camille Grand, Director of Fondation pour la Recherche Strategique, France.
By Oana Topala, Programme Associate, ISIS Europe
Parliamentary Update (AFET Committee) 1 December 2010
This update covers an exchange of views with Taïb Fassi-Fihri, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Kingdom of Morocco, on the recent incidents in Western Sahara. It follows coverage of an exchange of views with Mohamed Salem Ouldsalek, Representative of Polisario Front in charge of external relations, on the same topic
By Paul Sturm, Programme Officer, ISIS Europe
Parliamentary Update (AFET Committee) 1 December 2010
This update covers an exchange of views with Ad Melkert, Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Iraq.
By Paul Sturm, Programme Officer, ISIS Europe
Parliamentary Update (AFET Committee) 2 December 2010
This update covers an exchange of views with Pieter Feith, EU Special Representative in Kosovo, which took place on 2 December 2010 in the European Parliament’s AFET Committee.
By Sebastian Bloching, Programme Officer, ISIS Europe
Parliamentary Update (AFET Committee) 2 December 2010
This update reports on a Public Hearing on 2 December 2010 on "Migratory Flows Arising from Instability - Scope and Role of EU Foreign Policy" organised by the Committee on Foreign Affairs in association with the Committee on Development. Presentations were given by Robertus Rozenburg, Head of Unit, European Commission - DG-DEV; Bernard Brunet, Deputy Head of Unit, European Commission – DG RELEX; Paola Pace, Acting Head of the International Migration Law Unit, International Organization for Migration (IOM), Geneva; Paola Pace, Acting Head of the International Migration Law Unit, International Organization for Migration (IOM), Geneva and Enrique Mora Benavente, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain, Director of the Policy Planning Department.
By Sebastian Bloching, Programme Officer, ISIS Europe
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