Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Mike Huckabee Stirs Emotion at 28th Beit El Dinner

Mike Huckabee at Beit El Dinner

Mike Huckabee at Beit El Dinner
Kislev 30, 5771, 07 December 10 09:26
by Gil Ronen
(Israelnationalnews.com) Former Governor of Arkansas and Fox News host Mike Huckabee gave a stirring – and at times quite funny – address at the Beit El Dinner Sunday evening in New York City.
“This evening is about the lights,” he said, “the lights that I hope will burn brightly, because they are not just about the Jewish people, but about all people who love freedom and who believe that every single human life matters and has worth and value and should be never devalued by the hate of any other government, religion or madman and denigrated into oblivion.”
Huckabee received an ovation when he announced his plans to go to Israel in January, on what will be his 15th visit.
“The idea that there is going to be a freeze, or a cessation of the ability of people who own their own land in their own country [to be] able to do with that land as they please, in order to exact peace out of an entity that does not even recognize – does not even recognize – the authority of Israel to exist – it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever,” he said. “In fact, if we really are serious about bringing the Palestinians to some point of peace it must begin with their recognition of the right of Israel to exist, and then it must also happen with an understanding that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and that will not be yielded.”
The 28th annual Beit El Dinner was held Sunday night at Marriot Marquis Hotel in Manhattan. Sponsored by American Friends of Beit El and the Beit El Yeshiva Center, the dinner has accompanied the modern Beit El from its humble beginnings as a cluster of caravans to the flourishing spiritual center it has become.
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