Saturday, 18 December 2010

North Korea on verge of collapse!

China likely to invade if things get out of control....
Guy Leven-Torres
19th December 2010
The man that started WW3?
The nasty little Communist state - a dinosaur in 21st Century terms is on the verge of collapse. This is why it is trying to do everything it can to start a war with Seoul. China now on the verge of becoming the second Super-Power, probably has far more to lose from a war that will inevitably bring in America, Japan and us.
North Korea has thousands of starving vagrants now actually attaking policemen and demanding an end to the tyranny and its evil elite. These are increasing by the day. North Korea is doing a Galtieri by starting a possible global conflict to keep its vile leadership in power. This may well go nuclear if ths happens, with tactical nuclear weapons aimed at Seoul. Please read this for info on its leader- a paranoid schizoid personality mad enough to risk an nuclear conflict to stay in power and hand on to his son-
Kim Jong-il (also written as Kim Jong Il; born 16 February 1941) is the de facto leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea).
China has had enough, so my sources inform me and greatly fears a refugee invasion into its own poorest region that borders this client bandit state. In June, China actually warned North Korea to behave itself after its People's Army shot two civilians on Chinese territory. China has financial worries and lots of empty cities looking for residents. The last thing it needs is a Mini-Mao moron on its borders, forever crying wolf-'Please feed me and my starving peoples or else!' The USA has sensibly followed a policy of not rewarding this wayward spoilt child for bad behaviour.
Within the next few days or weeks, I expect a war to develop in North Korea as Kim Jong Il, seeks to hold onto power. China in an effort to save face but also prevent trouble on its own border will invade to stave off problems. She does not crave war but a staged union of the two countries and a realignment of a United Korea, more friendly to her strategic position. I hope that the USA acts with caution. Nuclear weapons will almost certainly be used. This may actually be a blessing in disguise for external parties, who will then probably see it as a good excuse for cooperation and end this evil regime and feed its starving populace. The Chinese and USA, would then be seen as 'saviours' by a grateful frightened world......
But do not hold your breath- It is going to be nasty and a lot of people are going to suffer and die.