The vicious campaign of lies and disinformation kicks into high gear for the new year. Whether it's SPLC, Wikipedia, Powerbase, or someone else, the lies are relentless. Their objective is clear: destroy any and all effective voices against tyranny, oppression, and totalitarianism. The Pravda-like Southern Poverty Law Center has issued its, get this, intelligence report: Geller, Jones Amp Up Anti-Muslim Hate Rhetoric. The new fascism, same as the old fascism. The Southern Poverty Law Center's Unintelligence Report Pamela Geller, American Thinker Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, December 31, 2010 at 09:54 AM | Permalink | Comments (9) ShareThis THANK YOU ATLAS SHRUGGERS FOR A KILLER YEAR. I thought readers might like to see a quick overview of the real progress that we made in the war against America. Many groups yap a lot, promise a lot, fight amongst themselves a lot ...... we have no time for such things. The clock is ticking. We are on the march. Highlights of Atlas accomplishments: We kicked off the new year by saving Rifqa Bary's Christmas (and Rifqa too, no doubt). We held a Christmas card drive for Christian convert out of Islam, Rifqa Bary. The Atlas Christmas drive sent hundreds, if not thousands, of Christmas cards and gifts to Rifqa. Rifqa was grateful to all of us. Her parents' lawyer, Omar Tarazi, tried to seize and ban the Christmas cards, but failed in court. Rifqa Bary escaped the clutches of the sharia, the Hamas group CAIR and her fatal home life. Rifqa Bary: Teenage Apostate in America Her parents' lawyer, Omar Tarazi, is now suing me for $10,000,000 in a lawfare "defamation" suit. To be continued. Ex biggie smalls is summarily defeated by a..... girl :) In February, I kicked off the inaugural American Freedom Defense Initiaitve event at CPAC: Jihad: The Political Third Rail. It was standing room only, and regrets to those who couldn't get in (Sammy over at Yid with Lid and Melissa Clouthier, sincere regrets). This despite the fact that we were off to the side and were going against Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Congressman Stephen King, Congressman Mike Pence, stealth jihadist Grover Norquist and several other panels. While the agenda for day 2 of the CPAC conference featured a long list of additional conservative speakers and panel discussions, I will be focusing here on what I believe to be the single most important event of this three-day conference. Jihad: The Political Third Rail, was a panel discussion presented by Freedom Defense Initiative, a new activist organization started by Pamela Geller of, and the Freedom Center’s own Robert Spencer, who runs This panel featured several American and international resistance fighters working to stop the spread of Islamic supremacism and most importantly, America’s infiltration by Muslim sympathizers. The central focus of the event was the Islamic jihadagainst the West and how Islamic organizations are working to silence free speech both in Europe and America. Security was very tight for this event, and it drew a standing-room only crowd, as you can see in the photo below. Pamela Geller started the discussion while video was shown of Muslim radicals rioting in multiple cities across Europe and North America over the past couple of years. She pointed out that this is not being reported in the major media, and that fully TWO THIRDS of the jihad attacks since 9-11 happened in 2009. As Pamela stated, there is a cover-up in progress and ”Truth has become the new hate speech.” First to speak was Wafa Sultan, author of A God Who Hates, and one of three witnesses approved to testify for Geert Wilders in his hate speech trial. Ms. Sultan is a former Muslim and outspoken critic of Islam. She stated that she has had countless fatwas issued against her. After listing several recent jihadist attacks, including the Fort Hood massacre and the media’s unwillingness to connect the dots, she asked: ”Jihad – is this a word we dare not speak?” Sultan pointed out that Islam is not merely a religion – it is a dangerous totalitarian political ideology. After pointing out that President Obama has appointed a special envoy to the OIC, Sultan explained that this envoy is closely associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. She asked: “Is this man’s loyalty to Islam or to the U.S.?” She explained as well that this envoy has been working for some time now to stifle speech critical of Islam. Body scanners were her next topic. Sultan stated that she believes this machine could be employed against Muslim radicals as a powerful psychological weapon because of its potential for humiliation. It should be noted that Sultan is trained as a psychiatrist. Unfortunately, she stated, after a fatwa was issued claiming these scanners violate Muslim teachings regarding modesty, our TSA agreed to capitulate and substitute pat-downs by members of the same sex for Muslims. Finally, Sultan explained that Saudi Arabia is a mastermind of Islamic terror, and that Saudi King Abdullah has the power to enforce changes in Muslim behavior if he is brought under enough pressure from the U.S. government. ”September 11th was tragic, but infiltration of Islam is a subject of equal concern” she said. ”We must fight it.” Robert Spencer introduced the next speaker – Stephen Coughlin – a former Pentagon Islamic law specialist who was fired from his job for his analysis of Islamic infiltration. Coughlin provided a clear and cogent analysis of the Islamic threat. He explained that the question of whether or not these terrorists are following ‘true’ Islam is irrelevant from a fact-driven perspective. They have repeatedly told us these are the reasons they fight jihad. A vital part of Coughlin’s discussion dealt with the doctrine of abrogation within Islam. This doctrine states that Mohammed was given progressive revelation of Allah’s will, and that the later Koranic verses supersede and nullify earlier contradictory more peaceful verses. This is something that is recognized by all schools of Islamic jurisprudence. Coughlin also demonstrated that since the 9-11 commission report, political correctness has expunged words such as Muslim, enemy, Al-Qaeda and Islam from official government documents including the Ft. Hood massacre report. Coughlin: “The 9-11 commission has been completely undermined. You cannot defeat an enemy you are not allowed to define. By definition, this administration has no strategy to defeat this enemy since they refuse to define it.” Go. Read it all. Pamela Hall was at our inaugural event and has a compelling post at the Vigilant Squirrel Brigade. And the intrepid blogger videoed the entire event. Speakers included: Wafa Sultan, the courageous ex-Muslim and author of A God Who Hates. Anders Gravers, Danish Leader of Stop the Islamisation of Europe. Simon Deng, former slave in Sudan, Human Rights Activist, Leader of Freedom March. Incredible, historic remarks by Lt Colonel Allen West (introduction Pamela Geller). Reader and attendee John wrote in the comments: Readers, I was at the event. These photos do not do justice to the size of the audience; it was standing room only to the back door in a huge hall. In the audience shots above, the distance from the back of the heads to the stage was very large and that was perhaps a third of the width of the event. Very impressive. Many expressed to me afterward that it was the most informative two hours they have ever spent, more confessed to having wept during some of the personal narratives. Pamela Hall wrote: Just returned from CPAC 2010. The high point was the inaugural event presented by Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch and Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs. There is a deliberate cover-up by incompetent media and government officials who have imposed the Islamic (sharia) law of slander across all systems of communication. According to Islamic law, the definition of slander is saying anything that someone doesn't want known. That means that for Islamic supremacists, slander is anything that does not praise Islam. Lots of pictures here and here. Coughlin channeling Palin (or me on Behar) Keith Undershtupper has a thang for Atlas: Countdown to the End of the World .......... calls me "Worst Person in the World, what? Four times now? Here and here and here and here -- kinda). Book launch announcement! The Post American Presidency: The definitive Obama book -- lots of cribbers, but PAP is the original April: Pamela Geller organizes and kicks off Stop Islamization of America SIOA Nationwide Ad Campaign Kicks off Freedom campaign in Miami: "Leaving Islam" Bus Ads Hit the Streets Miami Transit Pulls SIOA "Leaving Islam" Ads: Living Under Sharia WE ARE SUING MIAMI-DADE TRANSIT ATLAS VIDEO: Catch the B-Cast With Pamela Geller, 'Leaving Islam' Bus Ads Trigger Miami Showdown SIOA: Victory for Free Speech -- Religious Liberty Bus Ads Restored to Miami Buses Freedom Bus Ads Hit the Streets of San Francisco! Our Freedom bus ad campaign hit the streets of California! Pamela Geller on FOX and Friends: SIOA Freedom Bus Campaign Join our group here: Stop Islamization of America SUIA Sues US government: SIOA Trademark Sharia Enforcement SIOA Rally Calls for Halt to Plans for Ground Zero Mosque May 9: SIOA CAMPAIGN OFFENSIVE: STOP THE 911 MOSQUE! SIOA Rally Calls for Halt to Plans for Ground Zero Mosque Despite weather forecasts of thunderstorms and rain, the skies were clear and beautiful -- but not as beautiful as this patriotic crowd of great Americans and Europeans. It was a real cross section of humanity .......... every race, creed, color and religion were out in all their glory. Robert and I were expecting 500; imagine our wonder when close to 5,000 showed up. Some estimates ranged as high as 10,000. This is just the beginning. We are going to sue to designate the Burlington Coat Factory building a war memorial. There is a large piece of a 911 airplane in that building. That is a war memorial. Instead of a mega mosque at ground zero, let's build a 911 war memorial to the victims. The current plan for a 911 museum is several floors underground, like a dungeon. And the mosque plan calls for the mosque to be on the top floor, looking down triumphantly on the burial ground of Ground Zero. I don't think so. The Burlington Coat Factory building must be a war memorial, an historic landmark. We will sue to make that happen. We will protest again in September, and stage sit-ins in front of the mosque should they try to break ground. Three thousand good and decent Americans did not die in vain. On Sunday, June 6th, a multi-ethnic, multi-racial coalition of Americans opposed to Islamic violence and intolerance rallied at the site of the World Trade Center in New York City. Part I and Part II. 9/11 families were joined by immigrants from India, Russia, Egypt, Israel, Africa, Iran and Europe to show opposition to the construction of a mega-mosque at Ground Zero. Others flew in from overseas to speak or just to share their particular ethnic communities’ experiences at the hands of moslems. These are parents and spouses of firefighters killed on 9/11. The rally took place just a minute’s walk from Ladder 10 Firehouse, where their loved ones were stationed for duty that terrible day. Ladder 10 lost seven firefighters. Crowd estimates ranged from 5,000 (NYPD) to 10,000. The crowd overflowed the police barrier enclosures that ran the full length of two city blocks. This photo shows the enclosure in front of the stage at the intersection of Liberty and Church Streets. The second enclosure ran the length of the next block and can be seen on the other side of the traffic lights. Pamela Geller, Executive Director of Stop Islamization of America (SIOA), was the rally’s principal organizer. Geller’s Atlas Shrugs blog is one of the top 30 political blogs in the nation. Geller is one of the foremost voices for freedom standing up against the tyranny and denial of human rights that Islamization brings. She has been a vocal and vigorous defender of religious freedom in the face of the spread into America of Islam’s death penalty for those who leave the religion. Thousands of additional participants filled the treed area of Zuccotti Park. Pamela Geller: “Ground Zero is a war memorial, Ground Zero is a burial ground. We are asking for sensitivity…It is unconscionable to build a shrine to the very ideology that inspired the jihadist attacks at Ground Zero, right there. We are asking the imam Rauf and Daisy Khan to be sensitive. For mutual respect and mutual understanding that is demanded of us every day. There’s a hair-trigger sensitivity in the muslim world, you can’t run the cartoons, you can’t say Mohammed, this is offensive. This is an offensive mosque. To build a shrine, an Islamic flag of conquest on the sacred ground the cherished site, of a conquered land. This is historic, this is Islamic history. It’s what they do. The St. Sofia in Turkey, the al-Quds, at the holiest Jewish site in Israel. Not here. This is where we take a stand. We must take a stand. We must say no.” Second floor of the Burger King across the street from the rally The crowd was so huge that it filled the police pens and Zuccotti Park, and overflowed to the other side of the street. American Sheepdogs with an SIOA banner were down the block, across the street, right outside Check out Conservative Monster's coverage here. Urban Infidel was there and has great coverage. More fantastic coverage -- here the People's Cube; and more pics here. Pamela Geller, the co-founder of Stop Islamization of America, speaks passionately about jihad, sharia, and why the idea of a mosque in this spot is so wrong. “We are here today in honor of D-Day, when the Allied Forces began to defeat Nazism. And the symbolism should not be lost. Not only should the symbolism not be lost, but we’re on the corner of Church and Liberty. Ground Zero is a war memorial. Ground Zero is a burial ground…We are asking for sensitivity… This is part of the plane that went into the Trade Center, that’s in the Burlington Coat Factory (the building that was bought with mysterious funding for the mosque). Designate it as a historic landmark, like Pearl Harbor. We are going to sue the U.S. Government to get a designation of war memorial status.” Debating Muslim Brotherhood proxies: 60 Minutes on the Ground Zero Mosque The New York Times: Outraged, and Outrageous MEDIA COMMODITY Pamela Geller inspires, infuriates and influences with hyperbole as well as bikini shots. We defeated the Muslim Brotherhood mosque in Staten Island here. In July: SIOA Honor Killing Taxi Ads Hit New York City, Chicago, Boston, Philly The SIOA honor killing victims awareness and aid campaign rolled out in New York City. Stop Islamization of America's (SIOA) next campaign to reach and educate the American people hit the streets of Chicago, which was the first city in a nationwide campaign: taxitops! I thought it was a perfect medium to get our message to the people who are hungry, tired of the lies and starving for information that the media is too afraid to provide. HONOR KILLING AWARENESS CAMPAIGN The taxis were a powerful medium to pull the curtain back on the obfuscation and deception on honor killings. Kudos to Jeff at the Verifone Company for understanding this new use of an old medium to spread the truth. Phase III of SIOA's (Stop Islamization of America) pro-freedom ad campaign was twofold. Primarily it was to help girls in trouble, but it was also meant to raise awareness of the rise of honor killings in the West. Young Muslim girls must know that there is an escape from their homemade concentrations camps. This is a sub-campaign and logical follow-up to the "Leaving Islam?" bus campaign, which is soon to break in another major US city. In 2010, a beautiful young Muslim actress, Harry Potter star Afshan Azad, was badly beaten, but thankfully escaped death when her father and brother attempted to honor murder her. She was dating a non-Muslim. It is important to note that “both [Azad’s] parents were born and educated in the U.K.” They were not unassimilated immigrants, which the media and the apologists always associate with honor killings in the West. What does Islamic Law dictate as punishment for a parent who kills his or her child? FACTS 91 percent of honor killings worldwide are done by Muslims 84 percent of honor killings in US done by Muslims These girls will not have died in vain. These girls are not invisible. Their terrible, miserable existences will be known, and their stories will save the lives of other girls and boys in trouble. Such misogyny was unheard of this country 30 thirty years ago -- the appeasement of Islam and the sharia will only serve to advance this grotesque ideology. And according to one expert, honor killings are on the rise. And while we see in rare instances in other cultures, it is clear that the Islamic legal toleration for honor killings leads to an increased rate of such killings among them. This is growing problem that is being hidden and obfuscated by the big liberal press. It needs the spotlight of truth to expose the ugly terrible reality behind the wretched existence of these girls living under siege. The West is reluctant to speak of it, media whitewashes it, but knowing what we know about Aqsa Parvez's homelife (read the whole horrible account here) and Amina and Sarah's wretched home life (read here), it is time we stood up for these girls. This cannot stand in America. Don't be afraid. Fight back. We have people who can and will help. Today we launched a freedom campaign in Chicago for victims and potential victims of honor killings in the West. Here were the first in a series of ads targeted at girls who are at risk of death, Gulsum, Banaz, Noor, Amina and Sarah .............. there are thousands of tragic victims. Needless to say, the ads went through a number on "edits" before the taxi company would run them, but I drew the line at removal of the phrase "honor killing victims." We will not kill these girls again by remaining silent -- attempting to whitewash and remove that distinction invariably means that ........... you support gender apartheid. We are raising money for these ads and we will go nationwide. Amina and Sarah Said ran away from their brutal home life and their "devout father," only to be lured back by their mother on Christmas day and then brutally tortured and murdered not 24 hours later, in an honor killing on New Years day. Autopsy here. Full Atlas coverage here. Noor Almalaki was run over in an honor killing last November in Arizona by her father for being "too Americnaized" and not Muslim enough. She hung on to dear life for three days before succumbing to her wounds. Gülsüm Semin was severely beaten (repeatedly), scared to death of her family (and rightly so), and ultimately brutally beaten beyond recognition and "honor" murdered because she refused forced Islamic marriage in Turkey. Banaz Mahmood was killed in her apartment in London by her father, Mahmood, and his brother Ali Mahmood and 4 others because they didn't approve of her boyfriend. She had dishonored her Muslim family by falling in love with the "wrong" man. So they stomped on her, then strangled her to death. Her body was then moved 100 miles to Birmingham, where she was buried in a suitcase in a garden behind a house. They had tried to kill her before. Watch this video of Banaz days before her death, telling of the attempts to kill her. Her sister, who narrowly escaped death herself and now lives in fear of her life, breaks her silence. Every time Bekhal Mahmod leaves the safety of her home, she wears the hijab with a black veil covering her face -- even though she would give anything for the freedom not to have to. We filed a lawsuit against the city of New York. Here is the complaint: Download Complaint--FDIvMTA--Filed_Stamped The city had refused to run my SIOA "Preservation of Ground Zero" bus campaign. It seems that Mayor Bloomberg invokes certain freedoms when it serves his 2012 agenda. Doing away with term limits wasn't enough (which is why we are still suffering under his no-salt, no-transfat regime). He is now widening his ayatollah-like power grab to imposing blasphemy laws (Islamic sharia laws) on the secular marketplace. Bloomberg's frenzied Ground Zero mosque push may have inspired Al-Azhar clerics to oppose the Ground Zero Mosque, calling it a "a zionist plot." I signed a contract with CBS Outdoor to run a "Preservation of Ground Zero" bus ad campaign. The campaign was paid for in full. Here is the ad I submitted: The ad was refused. I asked on what grounds. CBS Outdoor told me that the city said that "images of 911 were not allowed." I was floored. I said, "It is American history. How can it be banned? What about Pearl Harbor? Is that censored too?" I said, "On what grounds are 911 images banned?" It is unconscionable. Will of CBS said, "You can't run the plane." I asked CBS/MTA to provide me with the guidelines for these seventh-century censorship restrictions. They never did. And so, with the help of talented and singular Big Fur Hat, I removed the plane and submitted this ad with the following note: Will, Still waiting for the MTA guidelines. Please respond to my previous queries. Here is the new art ...... please know that I strenuously object to you changing my artwork and my message in the process. It's American history. I am floored. However, since you and/or the MTA are unwilling to change your position, I have no choice but to run the advertisement with your edits. CBS refused this ad as well. They said I had to remove the smoke. "The smoke?" When I spoke to CBS's representative concerning the second rejection of my Ground Zero bus ad, he said that the MTA "doesn't want to associate the new building with Ground Zero." The showing of the burning buildings "hurts people." "Hurts people?" I find bus ads proselytizing for Islam hurts apostates, are you going to take those bus ads down? I said, "Are you saying images of the largest attack on American soil are censored? Are Pearl Harbor images censored? Gettysburg, too?" He said, "The people behind the new building say it has nothing to do with Ground Zero." I said, "So what? That's what they say. Others think differently. You are telling me they have said it has nothing to do with Ground Zero. But they are on record repeatedly as saying they want it there for Ground Zero 'healing' and 'outreach.'" I said, "Who cares what they say, what do they (Imam Rauf and Daisy Khan) have to do with running my ad? They dictate what can and cannot run?" He said, "It's controversial." I said, "How? Where are the guidelines that point to this, where are the guidelines that I have been asking for over a month? Give me the guidelines and I will adhere to them." He said "I have been having a hard time getting the guidelines out of the MTA." I said, "A hard time? Aren't they written somewhere or posted somewhere? What are they?" I said, "And what's controversial? The ad merely says, 'Why there?'" He said, "You are implying..........." I said, "Implying what? You are now going to tell me what I am thinking? Who is making these decisions? Who at the MTA or CBS is making these decisions? The MTA is a government agency -- and you can't provide me with guidelines but I am being held hostage to the capricious whim of some flak at the MTA? I am an advertiser. I bought and paid for an ad a month ago and you cannot point me to any substance or set of rules for the basis of ad rejection." I said, "I took out the plane as requested -- now what's the problem?" He said, "the flames." I said, "What would be ok? Just the towers alone?" He said yes. I said "OK, I will create another ad with just the towers." He said, "Before you do that, let me run down the hall and ask if that's OK." I said, "With who?" He said, with "his VP." And so I took out the smoke and submitted this ad: CBS, on behalf of the MTA, said, "Remove the plane." Will of CBS said he was "meeting obstacles" but he was "trying to help me." He said, "Get me an ad a/s/a/p without smoke, without any flames -- just the towers." And so, I submitted another planeless ad, stating emphatically, "I object to this censorship, which is effectively editing the viewpoint I am attempting to express in my message, but if this is the only choice you are giving me, then run the ad without the plane. It's a plane in the sky, far removed. Planes do fly in the sky." My legal team of David Yerushalmi and Robert Muise filed suit on our behalf against NYC. The complaint against the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority has now been filed. It alleges violation of FDI’s (and Pamela Geller’s and Robert Spencer’s) Free Speech rights under the First & Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. In essence, and it is laid out clearly in the complaint with clear illustrations in the exhibits, the MTA decided that it was going to accept the “viewpoint” of Imam Rauf and his Islamist co-conspirators – to wit, that their plan to develop the Ground Zero Mosque has nothing to do with marking the “victory” marked by the destruction of human life and property on 9-11. Literally, the MTA made it its business to decide which of many viewpoints it would deem politically correct speech for advertisements on its buses. What makes this jihad against free speech so egregious is that the MTA has run any number of controversial religious and political ads without batting an eyelid. But as soon as the Shariah-faithful cowed Mayor Bloomberg and the MTA into dhimmi-like submission, the First Amendment to the Constitution gave way to Shariah’s blasphemy laws. How long before the Mayor’s office begins issuing fatwas against those who dare counter the “noble and peaceful outreach” narrative? Mr. Mayor and your colleagues at the MTA and the Landmark Commission: New Yorkers will not forget 9-11 and we will not be cowed into submission or silence. You might not want to hear our voices, but the federal courts will require you to listen. You claim the mantle of the Constitution as a basis for supporting a Shariah-Islamist mosque at Ground Zero, yet the MTA—a government agency of the City—cavalierly denies “infidels” freedom of speech. Enough is enough. (David Yerushalmi) UPDATE: The Wall Street Journal reports: Meanwhile, on Friday, a group sued the Metropolitan Transportation Authority in federal court, saying the agency has refused to run its bus advertisement in opposition to the proposed mosque. The American Freedom Defense Initiative sought to run an ad that said "Why There?" and depicted the Twin Towers burning and a plane headed toward them, according to the lawsuit. An MTA spokesman said, "No decision has been made on this ad." After successfully fighting and winning against the embargo on 911 images enforced by a sharia happy MTA (under Bloomberg), the FDI/SIOA Ground Zero bus campaign finally hit the streets, after a month of wrangling. It asks the essential question, "Why there?" The banning of 911 images deserves serious examination. The whitewashing of history to "spare the feelings of those directly affected by 911" (weren't we all?) flies in the face of these very same people who advocate for a Ground Zero mosque on the site of a building partially destroyed by the attack. Seen in Brooklyn: Backstory: SIOA Lawsuit against NYC: Bloomberg's MTA Refuses to Allow 911 Images: Bans Ground Zero Bus Campaign November election: 600 legislative seats won and my great friend and long time Atlas candidate victorious: Allen West: Lt. Colonel's Column from Kandahar. West was penning for Atlas back in 2005. Victory! Seattle Transit Drops Jewish Blood Libel Bus Ads Pamela Geller, Big Government Antisemitism is coming into fashion again, and anti-Israel bus ads had been set to start running on twelve buses in Seattle this Monday. The ads featured the hateful slogan, “Israeli War Crimes: Your Tax Dollars at Work.” But two days after my organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative, announced that we would be running king-sized pro-Israel ads on Seattle buses to counter their hate ads, King County Metro Transit folded: Transit officials issued a statement Thursday saying that they would be refusing the anti-Israel, antisemitic ads. They were “changing their policy.” The annihilationist bus ads were rejected! It was a bad day for Nazis and Jew-haters, and a huge victory for all lovers of freedom. The AFDI ads were singular and hard-hitting: “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Islamic jihad,” and “One Billion Dollars to Hamas. Your Tax Dollars at Work.” And this one: As for the Jewish blood libel being sponsored by the notorious antisemite Ed Mast, Seattle Mass Transit is having second thoughts. Our objective was achieved: the Jew-hate ads were dropped after we exposed the hypocrisy of the Seattle Transit authorities. But wait. It gets better. King County Metro Transit has also now changed its ad policy. Isn’t that special? This policy change enabled them to refuse AFDI’s pro-Israel ad as well. King County Executive Dow Constantine explained that the policy change was made because “the escalation of this issue from one of 12 local bus placards to a widespread and often vitriolic international debate introduces new and significant security concerns that compel reassessment.” And who was introducing the vitriol and the significant security concerns, as far as King County Metro Transit was concerned? Me, of course. Who else? They were OK with a Jewish blood libel but hid under their desks when truth demanded equal time. Sharron Shinbo of King County Metro Transit stated that my AFDI ads would “pose an unacceptable risk of harm, disruption and interference with the transportation system and other breaches of the public safety, peace and order.” So now anti-jihad ads denouncing a terrorist group that all decent people should revile “pose an unacceptable risk of harm, disruption and interference with the transportation system.” Truth is the new hate speech. This is the heckler’s veto. Remember, King County Metro Transit was down with the Jew-haters and their vile advertisement. They were even going to charge me more than they were charging the antisemites. According to Seattle’s KING 5 News, Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign paid $1,794 to run the ads. However, King County Metro Transit would not offer me that price. I asked for the same deal as the Jew-haters received, but was told that the price in the article was “misquoted.” They quoted me a price of $2,760 per ad. Seattle Transit officials also dragged their feet in approving my ad from the beginning. At one point they demanded that I put my phone number and address on the bus ads. I get my fair share of hate mail and threats, as you might imagine, but in the past the brazen hate and annihilationist dreams were kept in check by good men who stood for good over evil. The ascent of Islam and the voluntary abdication of the West as a force for good has unleashed the forces of evil from their hiding places of hell. How about putting a big giant target on my back, clowns? And remember: now they’re saying that both the Jew-hate ad and my ads violate their guidelines, but they had already accepted the antisemitic ad. Seattle had no hesitation depicting Jews defending themselves as a war crime until we placed our counter-ad. “Palestinian” Muslims have fired over ten thousand rockets into southern Israel, but now Seattle won’t allow ads condemning the actual war crimes. The Jew-hating, anti-Israel ad didn’t “pose an unacceptable risk of harm, disruption and interference with the transportation system and other breaches of the public safety, peace and order” until we responded with fierce truth. And then they said, never mind. But they won’t get off so easy. This is actionable. Legally actionable. We will pursue this battle legally and roll out the pro-Israel bus ads elsewhere. My life-saving bus ads for Muslim apostates were banned in Detroit. We had to sue to get them up in Miami. We had to sue New York transit to get Ground Zero bus ads up. Read the rest ................ In November, Pamela Geller wins the The Annie Taylor Award for Courage 2010 -- excerpt of my speech: These are small things, but they’re important. Because, as this past year has seen, you don’t need an enormous amount of people or money to make the difference. You take the enemy’s playbook, and you shove it right down their throat. And that’s what I did. Very briefly — the Freedom bus ads — you know, I was covering the Rifqa Bary case. And this was the — back story is a Christian convert out of Islam. Father threatens to kill her, she runs away. So now she’s in Florida, and they’re trying to bring her back to the household, the devout Muslim household, that wants to kill her. Mind you, there are girls who run away by the millions. They’re doing drugs, they’re selling bodies; nobody’s looking for them. But this little virgin, the straight-A student — they’re tracking her like a serial killer. So when I was in Florida, I would see these bus ads proselytizing for Islam — “Come to Islam,” “Why Islam?” And I thought, what about those that want to leave Islam? And that’s how it started. And the reason why it was so pivotal was because on these television shows, where they’d say, you know, they’re anti-Islam, these are anti-Islam ads — I’d say, “How are they anti-Islam ads?” If I did an ad for spousal abuse, that’s like every husband in America saying, “Hey, I’m insulted.” We got to say things that were never said in the media. The Ground Zero mosque — sadly, we know they’re going to go forward. Listen. Listen, you have to understand that we’re in a war. We are at war now. It’s not coming, it’s not around the corner; it’s now. The Ground Zero mosque is the second wave of the 9/11 attack. And when I appear on television, and I say things like, “It’s an Islamic pattern to build triumphal mosques on the cherished sites of conquered lands.” People never heard that. People never heard, why build a shrine to the 270 million victims of jihadi wars, cultural annihilations, land appropriations and enslavements? People never heard that before. It’s a teachable moment. And I’m sure it’s gotten quiet at the Ground Zero mosque because they have to show the money. Here he’s a slumlord, Imam Rauf, whose buildings just went into receivership. But he’s building a $150 million mosque. And Sharif El-Gamal, the developer on it — he was just thrown out of his offices in Soho, SOHO Properties. And he’s building a $150 million mosque. They know that the flashlight is on them. And so they’re going to have to move very carefully. And yes, when they break ground, there’s going to be moms and their kids, with little strollers, standing up there — “Move us.” We are under attack. Obviously, the violent jihad, the academic jihad, the sociological jihad, the cultural jihad, the academic jihad — we have been infiltrated at the senior level of the DOD, the Department of Defense. I mean, look at what you’re put through to travel. Look at what you’re put through to travel. And yet, not one time in the Department of Defense’s report on the Fort Hood jihadi — not once was religious motivation mentioned. Yesterday, we had the verdict in the first Gitmo trial — acquitted of 280 counts, guilty of destroying property. So what does this mean? It means that — understand that it was doctors and lawyers, and moms and dads and kids, and aunts and uncles — they were the target in 9/11 and beyond. They were the target. They are the soldiers. We are the soldiers now. This is not a conventional war. Each one of you must fight this war. I cannot impress this upon you enough. You are each activated. What does that mean? It means you have friends, you have an e-mail list, yes? You have — when you wake up in the morning, and you throw your legs over the bed, and you rub the sleep from your eye, you ask yourself, what am I going to do today to save the Republic? I mean it. The 2010 Jihad Watch Award Winners American Anti-Dhimmi of the Year 2010: Pamela Geller National leader of resistance to Ground Zero mosque and other causes of freedom And all of those Atlas TV appearances -- I missed a couple this week. Away with the kids for Christmas. :) More: Other 2010 Atlas achievements: Please contribute to these initiatives -- Robert and I cannot undertake them without your help. It is YOU who make Atlas, FDI and SIOA go. We receive no big money contributions -- the big money is comfortable giving to folks who do a lot of talking, talking talking over lunches, teas and nonsense. Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, December 31, 2010 at 10:56 AM in Blogosphere: The New Power, Atlas Observes | Permalink | Comments (3) ShareThis Pathetic. Yes, let's all hide under our beds while Muslim youth set thousands of our cars ablaze. And let's stick our heads further up our sphincters and stop reporting the actual number of cars burned -- that way we can continue to pretend nothing is happening while the continent descends in chaos. There's a plan! That and the Euro-Med partnership that is flooding Europe with more Muslimimmigrants. Notice the sharia media -- no mention of Muslims or Islam anyhere. Good doggies. France braces for annual New Year's car torchings Reuters PARIS (Reuters) – France will deploy extra police and keep vandalism statistics under wraps on New Year's Eve to fight what authorities say has become an annual "sweepstakes" of disaffected [Muslim] youths competing to see who can burn the most cars. Youths in depressed suburbs of French cities have been torching hundreds of vehicles on New Year's Eve and Bastille Day since the early 1990s. Police say the annual rite has turned competitive, with youths tracking the news in the first days of the new year to see which neighborhood did the most damage. "I have decided to put an end to the competition, the sweepstakes, and will longer publish the number of burned vehicles," Interior Minister Brice Hortefeux said this week, adding that publishing statistics encouraged vandalism. Opposition politicians described the move as an attempt by President Nicolas Sarkozy's conservative government to cover up the violence. "The government tends to eliminate unfavorable indicators. The interior minister has been publishing trumped-up statistics for years, and now Hortefeux is going even further," Socialist deputy Delphine Batho, a security specialist, told Reuters. Last year, the Interior Ministry said 1,137 cars had been torched, a 30 percent rise on 2008. French media reported at the time that several thousand cars had been burned. Nearly 54,000 police officers will be deployed across France, a rise of some 6,000 compared to normal New Year's Eve staffing levels, and additional command posts set up in several cities, Hortefeux said on Friday. The image of burning cars remains particularly evocative in France in the wake of urban riots in December 2005. Sarkozy came to power in 2007 promising to quell violence, but crime and vandalism have inched up in the past year. Arson in France's "sensitive urban areas" rose by 17.2 percent between 2008 and 2009, according to a 2010 study by the Observatory of Sensitive Urban Zones. In 2009 a total of 12,874 cars were burned, it reported. Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, December 31, 2010 at 09:27 AM in France 2007: Punk Jihad, France 2008, 2009: Punk Jihad | Permalink | Comments (3) ShareThis Photo: El Marco WE DID IT. Historic 9/11 Stop the Mosque at Ground Zero Rally September 11 Massive Media Distortion of Massive Rally in New York City When you showed up at my AFDI/SIOA rally by the tens of thousands, you changed the paradigm. You changed the course of human events. Nothing will be the same. And we will not stop. They will not build that triumphal mosque on top of our dead. Ground Zero mosque most closely followed topic of 2010 in US, poll says WASHINGTON – The city’s Ground Zero mosque controversy topped the list of news stories in 2010 that were most closely followed by American adults, according to a Rasmussen Reports survey released today. View the full article from the New York Post. It is all about YOU and the victims and the American patriots. We made that story happen. The subdued media would sooner cut its own throat than speak with candor or criticism about Islam, or report on jihad. - 2 visits - Oct 15 We made that story. And that's important, because we will take the country back without the media and inspite of the smear campaigns, disinformation and propaganda against those of us leading the fight. Listen to me. The media has lost all credibility. They are done. Join me again PROTEST THE GROUND ZERO MEGA MOSQUE ON JANUARY 12 NYC Council hearings former Emigrant bank building, 49-51 Chambers St. 12:45pm AND JOIN US AT CPAC FOR DEBATE AND A PREMIERE SCREENING OF AFDI/SIOA'S DOCUMENTARY The Ground Zero Mosque: The Second Wave of the 911 Attacks R.S.V.P GROUNDZEROMOSQUE@AOL.COM If radical Rauf is speaking on his propaganda tour in your town, neighborhood or university, let us know. We'll be there to expose him and tell the truth. Pamela Geller — Blogger, Provocateur, Lightning Rod - Tens of thousands descended upon Ground Zero to remember those we lost nine years ago, and to save the American principles of freedom that the sharia tramples. Crickets were chirping in taqiyya media newsrooms nationwide (although they were all at our protest). There had been no coverage. We organized a rally of remembrance that dwarfed the opposition. If the America haters had 4,000, we had ten times more. The media is playing the dueling rallies; it was no such thing. Free people came from all over the country and all over the world to stand in solidarity with the 911 families and to declare our iron determination that no victory mosque will be built on their graves. The crowd was young and old, black and white ........ politics of all stripes. The crowd was beautiful. The crowd was proud and good and decent America. All the speakers were excellent. Rousing. But the highlights included Geert Wilders, who was greeted as the great hero that he is, and spoke about how a sharia mosque at Ground Zero would be the death New York's proud tradition of Dutch tolerance. Ambassador John Bolton spoke bluntly and unequivocally via video link about the affront to American values that this mosque would constitute. Other powerful voices included Joseph Nassralla, who was the unwilling media darling of our June 6th rally, when a misunderstanding was blown out of proportion by the mainstream media as a racist incident. Joseph Nassralla was the Arab who was supposedly in a confrontation at that rally. At this rally we were proud to feature him, and he was so passionate and rousing in his love for America and fierce denunciation of the thousand-year-old Islamic oppression of the Coptic Christians in Egypt that the crowd went wild as Joseph led them in cheers of Gd Bless America! But his warning was clear. The Ground Zero mosque would be the beginning of the end, and Egypt shows where the presence of Islam leads in a free nation. Steve Malzberg and Mike Gallagher were greeted by huge cheers. It was an historic day in American history. Here is the first of El Marco's peerless coverage. More pictures and video will be going up continuously. So check back. And El Marco and Pamela Hall will have the definitive post tomorrow (hopefully). “Did New York deserve this? Did America deserve this? Did the West deserve this? What, my friends, would you say to people who argue that New York, that America, that the West had itself to blame for those horrible sounds? There are people in this city who argue this. And they are angry because we are gathered here today to commemorate, to make a stand, to draw the line. My friends, I have come from the other side of the Atlantic to share your grief for those who died here nine years ago. I have not forgotten how I felt that day.” Other speakers included 9/11 family members, first responders, and refugees from Islamic regimes. There were also video addresses by former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton and media-man Andrew Breitbart. Pamela Geller, author and blogger at Atlas Shrugs, organized the rally together with Robert Spencer, author and blogger at Jihad Watch. In the crowd there were families of those murdered at 9/11, military veterans, New Yorkers, and people who had travelled from around the country and from abroad to be here today. Three Marine Corps veterans listen intently to war hero Ilario Pantano, candidate for U.S. Congress. UPDATE: Ilario Pantano was fierce. The old guard is done. It is politicians with political courage who will speak for the people. And they are few. Pantano is one of them. If you don't know him, go here. If you want to contribute to his campaign (and you should), go here. If you live in North Carolina, volunteer. Do it. In the crowd there were families of those murdered on 9/11, military veterans, New Yorkers, and people who had travelled from around the country and from abroad to be here today. Above, three U.S. Marine Corps veterans listened intently to Ilario Pantano, candidate for U.S. Congress. “… Why On 9/11 it wasn’t New York that was attacked, it was America that was attacked. It was freedom that was attacked. And we can’t forget not only what happened, not only the murderous intent that killed 3,000 Americans. We can’t forget for a moment that that they wanted to kill 50,000 Americans, or maybe 100,000 Americans. … We can’t forget that since those attacks, hundreds of thousands of men and women around the world have been killed by jihadists, in the name of radical Islam. From Egypt to Bali, from Baghdad to Kabul, no one can forget there was a car bomb here in Times Square six months ago. Folks, if you think this is over, it’s just beginning. … So what’s my opinion about a mosque at ground zero? NO MOSQUE HERE. …” Pantano tied in Iran’s actions against Israel with the Gaza Flotilla, and pointed out Imam Rauf’s involvement with the Gaza Flotilla, and questioned where the money from the mosque is coming from. Photo and video report from the September 11, 2010 FDI/SIOA rally in Manhattan The People's Cube wants to know, Are you an islamophobe? A really great piece over at Modern Conservative, solid reporting: The Great Media Blackout -- props to Jennifer Booth I’m disturbed, but not surprised at the media blackout for the protest held at the proposed site for the mosque at Ground Zero. I was there, and I stood right behind the platform where the media personnel gathered. Several of them took my picture, while wearing my Infidel shirt. I even said to a few of them, “Give us a good story, please.” They answered me and said they would. They knew my meaning- please don’t skew us, don’t portray us as haters. Be honest. And with the coverage, the amount of people there, the sheer diversity of the crowd: people from England, Australia, Egypt, Iran, Uganda, etc. were in attendance or speaking, I am just dumbfounded that not only did we receive a complete blackout, but in the media reports I have been able to find, they covered a different rally, and called those people us. That’s right, you did not misread. A completely different rally filled with Christian themes and anti-abortion agendas were portrayed as the people who attended the rally which Pamela Geller organized. Just lies. Therefore, if it’s up to the attendees to document it, to be fair and give ANY kind of accuracy and decent coverage, then so be it. It certainly won’t be the first time it was left up to bloggers to be citizen journalists. Ask those who got Dan Rather fired, or ask Matt Drudge. Below is my account, which I started writing yesterday, September 11, 2010. UPDATE: Heard this from Judy. Same experience as Zhanna. So this was a pattern ........ I came to the rally and was directed by POLICE to the pro-mosque rally instead. I was not the only one. I knew who our crowd was. I was with a group from TX, a couple from FL (who had an Allen West for congress tshirt, a couple from PA and Coretta). I also met a group of Russians. We were told that your rally should start soon and to just stay there. It was already after 3. We turned around and found you. At your rally there were plenty of pro mosque agitators. They were arguing and screaming. One had to be dragged away. it was difficult to hear the speakers. I always arrive early and like to listen to what is being said. I was dressed in my army medical corps gear as I work on a base once a month. That uniform did not garner any respect from the other side. But plenty from the great Americans at your rally NY1 claims the pro-mosque rally had 1500. Yours had 2000. Maybe they should go back to school and learn math. UPDATE: Comment section remark on the "dueling rallies" fiction: The NY Post article claims pro-mosque protesters numbered 3000, Anti-mosque protesters 500, but in the NYPost video covering the event the reporter states that anti-mosque protesters vastly outnumbered mosque supporters. Let's call it "Dueling NY Post Mosque Reportage". UPDATE: Much thanks to Brandy for sending these snaps in: Introducing Wilders Steve Malzberg, radio personality Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, December 30, 2010 at 05:38 PM in Khalil Gibran International Academy: Stop the Madrassah | Permalink | Comments (21) ShareThis Much thanks to Roger, who was visiting Dresden, Germany, recently and took an excellent audio tour of sites related to the Jewish Holocaust. He sent me a link to the recordings. Please listen to the clip concerning an SS school for Mullahs that existed there in 1944, set up by Himmler and Muslim leader Al-Husseini. The recording is about 11 m long. The Islamic world aligned with The Third Reich, an alliance that has largely been whitewashed from the pages of history. The Nazis were given no such free pass, and shouldn't have been; why has the Islamic alliance with them been ignored? Many Muslims fought on the German side during World War II. The Wehrmacht had six legions with a Muslim majority and the SS had three Muslim divisions, a brigade and a Waffenbrigade. Each Muslim unit got a mullah as an adviser. In November 1944, an SS mullah school was established in Dresden, founded by Himmler. Listen to it. If anyone out there could transcribe, I would be deeply grateful. Please scroll my previous posts on Islam's role in the Shoah. 05_Particles_of_resentment.mp3 (11:47 min / 16.20 MB) Vladimir Jankélévitch: Verzeihen? Frankfurt am Main 2006. Dan Diner: Der Sarkophag zeigt Risse. Ãœber Israel, Palästina und die Frage eines "neuen Antisemitismus", In: Doron Rabinovici, Ulrich Spreck, Natan Sznaider (Hg.): Neuer Antisemitismus? Eine globale Debatte, 2004. Robert Wistrich: Der alte Antisemitismus in neuem Gewand, In: Doron Rabinovici, Ulrich Spreck, Natan Sznaider (Hg.): Neuer Antisemitismus? Eine globale Debatte, 2004. Klaus Faber, Julius H. Schoeps, Sacha Stawski (Hg.): Neu-alter Judenhass. Antisemitismus, arabisch-israelischer Konflikt und europäische Politik, 2006. Matthias Küntzel: Islamischer Antisemitismus und deutsche Politik, Berlin 2007. Matthias Küntzel: Von Zeesen bis Beirut. Von Zeesen bis Beirut. In: Jungle World 43/2004, Titus Lenk: Die SS-Mullah-Schule und die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Turkestan in Dresden. Die SS-Mullah-Schule und die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Turkestan in Dresden. Heike Ehrlich, Kathrin Krahl: Musterung einer Kollaboration. Muslimische Kriegsgefangene aus der Sowjetunion und die Dresdner SS-Mullah-Schule. In iz3w, Nr. 316, 2010. UPDATE: Thnak to Her Royal Whyness: UPDATE: Huge props to Her Royal Whyness: Transcript for Particles of Resentment Another leftwing Jewish newspaper doing the Jewicidal jig. What an embarrassment these sad rags are to proud Jews. The Jewish Week names Seven Who Made A Difference in 2010: "For better or worse, the newsmakers of the year," and yes, Atlas is there, in some pretty awful company like Peter Beinart and Elena Kagan -- though they are well-liked, of course. Seven Who Made A Difference In 2010 The Jewish Week Another woman pioneer was Elena Kagan, 50, who joined the Supreme Court this summer, bringing the number of Jews on the current bench to three (Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer) and adding a liberal voice to a right-of-center court. Kagan displayed her independence and interest in Judaism as a youngster, requesting the opportunity to become the first formal bat mitzvah at Lincoln Square Synagogue in 1973. Shlomo Riskin, founding rabbi of the Modern Orthodox congregation, recalled that young Kagan “felt very strongly that there should be ritual bat mitzvah in the synagogue,” and paved the way for many others. Praised by colleagues as having strong personal skills as well as a keen legal mind, Kagan is seen as a potential consensus-builder on the court. Pamela Geller, by contrast, has been described as one of the most “outraged and outrageous” personalities influencing public policy in the U.S. Her website, Atlas Shrugs, portrayed Kagan in a Nazi helmet; she has written a book about the dangers of Obama’s presidency, and has called for removing the Dome of the Rock from the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. Actually, the photoshop was Kagan as Colonel Klink. Appropriate seeing as how Elena Kagan's senior thesis at Princeton University, recounting the history of socialist politics in New York City, cited the theories of an influential German Marxist who notoriously switched allegiances to Nazism after Adolf Hitler attained power. But Geller 52, a Jewish day school momis best known as one of the strongest public critics of Islam, asserting that it is prone to violence and hate, and for galvanizing opposition to Park51, the planned site of an Islamic center and mosque near Ground Zero. Geller is credited, or blamed, for making the center a national and international issue this year. She was hailed by supporters as prophetic for warning of the dangers of Islam, and attacked by critics as strident and abusive in seeing no distinction between the Muslim religion and its most militant adherents. Before walking out in anger during a Jewish Week interview this summer, she asserted: “There’s no gray area with me.” At a moment of particularly strong polarization, in Washington and in the American Jewish community, there was little gray area in most political and religious disputes this year. Time will tell if there will be “climate change” in those discussions in 2011, but it seems certain the seven Jewish men and women cited here will play key roles in the debate. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, December 30, 2010 at 01:38 AM in Atlas media, Jewicidal Jews, Dhimmi, Leftard and Democrat | Permalink | Comments (20) ShareThis I am hugely flattered. The KOS is a cancer, singular in its focus to destroy America. The hatred of the good for being good. I am the silver cross to their Dracula. "Islamophobia" is blasphemy, enforcement of the sharia. These hateful tools are carrying water for the most radical, extreme ideology on the planet. The post over at the Daily Pus is long and stupid and inaacurate. In other words, typical leftwing disinformation.*yawn* My crime is reporting on jihad, slaughter, gender apartheid, honor killings, oppression, slavery, Islamic anti-semitism, persecution of Coptics, other Christians, Hindus, other non-Muslims ... the list goes on. So the kkkos is kkkool with dat, just not with my saying it. The biggest Islamophobe of 2010, Pamela Geller, was responsible for a lot of anti-Islamic bigotry, including the demonization of Park 51. There are plenty of examples to go around, and she got tons of coal for her Christmas gift, plus a one-way ticket to Hell. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, December 30, 2010 at 12:58 AM in Blogosphere: The New Power, Atlas media | Permalink | Comments (80) ShareThis TIME Magazine nominated the radical slumlord Feisal Rauf for man of the year because he intends to build Mecca on the graveyard of the vaporized bodies of proud, hardworking Americans slaughtered on 911 in the name of allah and Islamic jihad. NBC has named waiter-turned-Ground Zero mosque grifter/developer Sharif El-Gamal as their person of the year, because of his role in trying to erect a 15-story middle finger to America on the Ground Zero cemetery. The is the enemedia and these are their heroes. Back on earth, the decent folks nominate their choices. Presenting the real people's awards: The Lou's! Here is what Lou had written to me. Kudos on your latest success in the anti-Israel bus ads in Seattle. Your success is our success. You're an inspiration to many because we see how one person can influence so much for good in the world. THE LOU-NEWS 2010 PERSON OF THE YEAR Blurred vision seems to be creeping up on aging America. At times the nation seems to be unable to discern right from wrong anymore. The generations being spawned today are not only unable to distinguish between good and evil, but they even seek to fight against Godly principles and moral traditions. And they think they’re doing right. This blurring of moral absolutes affects the media too. When national news media (Time Magazine, NBC & CNN, for instance) considers nominating Sharia Law-promoter, Ground Zero Mosque Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf as Person of the Year, we as a nation are in trouble. When mainstream media promotes anti-heroes as objects of honor, it is refreshing to balance the scales again and promote real heroes in a world increasingly intolerant against what is good and decent. My standard for promoting a Person of the Year is one who is making a positive difference in the world, to the point that the person should not only be honored but emulated. The Person of the Year should be one who, in the face of increasing hostility against America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and culture, continues to protect and defend our God-given freedoms for the benefit of all. In an age when Sharia Law is gaining ground around the world, it’s important to note Ronald Reagan’s words when he said:"Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom, and then lost it, have never known it again." The honor of this year’s Person of the Year Award goes to one who has made herculean strides in protecting our freedoms and fighting the good fight, Pamela Geller. The story of Pamela Geller is the story of what one person with a website ( can do in the face of insurmountable opposition against truth and righteousness. For instance, Pamela’s latest triumph was in the city of Seattle. Can you imagine any anti-Semite in this day and age purchasing anti-Israel bus ads and any city accepting them? It happened in the state of Washington recently with this ad: War crimes? I think not. Israel is constantly in a state of protecting itself from hostile neighbors. So, what did Pamela do? She decided to put up her own ads to counter the rhetoric. The Seattle Transit Authority was in a bind. To avoid a hypocritical stance by not accepting her ads and to avoid the escalation of unnecessary friction by accepting the ads, they rejected the anti-Israel ads entirely, which was set for the next week. Success. Turning the head on politically correct arguments is her specialty. In this way, the inherent bias and ungodliness within the politically correct posture is exposed. But week after week, Pamela unmasks the leftist radicals, stealth jihadists, & biased media in a potpourri of clever reportage and hard-hitting exposés sprinkled with biting humor. Do you remember Rifqa Bary, the young Muslim-turned-Christian girl whose parents wanted to kill her for converting to Christianity? Thanks to Pamela’s beating the drum and calling for protest rallies – and despite the dishonest reporting of the mainstream media – a clearer picture emerged as to the dangers facing Rifqa. And now, upon turning 18, free from the threat of honor killing, Rifqa has vowed to “preach the word to all the nations.” Another success. It has been claimed that Pamela Geller was the one who made the Ground Zero Mosque story national news and, as a result of exposing the plans of stealth jihadists in the US, has come under such increasing opposition and actual death threats. Fearless in the face of danger, protecting the common good, this is why I’m nominating Pamela Geller as Person of the Year. You might, like me, pray for her protection and for her colleague Robert Spencer for all the work they undertake to preserve our Judeo-Christian heritage and to keep truth and freedom alive in America. The reason for this pick is to encourage us all to be like Pamela Geller – because, if we all spoke out against unrighteousness, the forces that would try to derail this country would not be allowed to flourish. Blessings, Pamela! 2010 Atlas achievements: Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, December 29, 2010 at 04:25 PM in Blogosphere: The New Power | Permalink | Comments (18) ShareThis The stupidity is breathtaking. Taking it seriously? Dangerous. And they do, 'deed they do, yes they do, you know they do. Obama say, "Respect it!" 350,000 fatwas issued in 2010 by Muslim scholars... including catnappers, raffle ticket buyers and vuvuzela vendors By Daily Mail The monotonous drone of vuvuzelas that irritated almost all football fans during the World Cup is OK, and it doesn't matter how much noise a donkey makes, it musn't be touched. But buy a car raffle ticket and you could be in big trouble, and taking an afternoon nap gets the thumbs down. Blow that horn: South African fans get into full swing with their vuvuzelas in Durban during the World Cup in June They cover a vast range of personal and religious questions submitted online, over the phone or via text to the General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments (Awqaf). Vuvuzelas are permissible in soccer stadiums providing they don't exceed 100 decibels which could damage people's hearing, and it is illegal to kill a noisy donkey, bird or other animal, no matter how annoying they are. Body paint, henna and make-up are allowed because they are deemed to be temporary, but tattoos are ruled out because they are permanent. By November 1 Awqaf had issued 298,277 fatwas this year, with most inquiries made by phone. The centre was averaging about 1,000 fatwas a day.... Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, December 29, 2010 at 03:44 PM | Permalink | Comments (8) ShareThis Raising fish in the desert to solve world hunger while the world plots and plans their annihilation. With fewer fish in the sea with each passing year, Israel's Grow Fish Anywhere has found a way to grow them in the desert. "There's plenty of fish in the sea," the old saying goes - but that's not as true as it once was. In fact, says Dotan Bar-Noy, CEO of Israel's GFA (Grow Fish Anywhere) Advanced Systems, there are fewer fish in the sea with each passing year. "Overfishing is a much bigger problem than people realize, and in a few years, many species of salt water fish are simply going to disappear if something isn't done." Bar-Noy and 30 or so others - mostly engineers, marine biologists and other technical folk - have found a solution to the diminishing numbers of fish in the sea. Based on the work of Israeli scientist Dr. Yossi Tal and Hebrew University professor Jaap van Rijn - inventor of the system - GFA has developed an on-land environment where fish can be raised, without having to exchange water or treat it chemically. "We call this a zero-discharge system," Bar-Noy tells ISRAEL21c. "We use biological filters and specially developed bacteria to treat the water the fish are growing in, without wasting anything. The system can be set up to raise salt-water fish anywhere in the world - even in the desert, thousands of miles from the ocean," he asserts. Fish farms are nothing new. They've been around for years, enabling growers to set up controlled environments that can ensure a specific yield of fish, allowing them to guarantee delivery without worrying about dwindling supplies in the ocean, pollution, inclement weather, and other factors that are hard to control. Fish farm foibles While fish raised in captivity don't produce an increased amount of waste, at sea it would be dissipated over a much wider area. The fish waste, with its nitrogen and other elements concentrated in a relatively small area, renders the water that it's dumped into uninhabitable for fish. As the tanks are generally located near the shore, in relatively shallow water, the wastewater tends to linger there. With the movement of the currents, nearby jurisdictions are liable to find a considerable number of fish floating belly-up in their bays and harbors, having been poisoned by the high concentration of nitrogen and nutrients in the wastewater dumped from the tanks. This problem is so serious that in some areas fish farms are banned, despite their being perhaps the only technologically feasible solution available to combat overfishing, says Bar-Noy. Alternative purification systems are based on electrical treatment systems which are expensive to install and run, and are not all that effective, he notes. "Even when they work, the electrical purification systems are too expensive, and fish produced with those systems will cost far more than fish from the sea." GFA is currently the only solution that eliminates the environmental problems associated with fish farming. Tanks are filled with water, then with fish - and added to the mix are microbes perfected by GFA to treat the nitrogen and organic waste byproducts of fish production, in the tank. Water is only added to replace that which evaporates, and the fish can grow through their natural cycle and remain in the tank until they are ready for market. "It's the most efficient fish growing system possible," claims Bar-Noy, "There is no pollution, and there is no need to fish at sea. Just set up tanks with GFA technology anywhere in the world, and harvest the fish when you're ready to go to market." Toward eliminating world hunger Because the GFA system uses cheap and easy-to-produce bacteria to cleanse fish tanks, the costs for raising the fish are fully competitive with those for raising fish from the sea, or other farms, Bar-Noy points out. And tank-raised fish are uniformly tasty. "Fish from the sea are subject to the natural weather cycles of cold and heat, while farmed fish can be raised at a constant, ideal temperature. GFA fish have an even greater advantage, since the water they grow in is always fresh, making the fish taste better than fish from other sources." The system has already been set up in several locations in Israel, and the company runs a purification facility in upstate New York, which has been operating since 2009. The facility, the largest using GFA technology, produced about 100 tons of fish last year - mostly salt-water fish like sea bream, bass, tilapia, and others. GFA is currently working on the third generation of its purification system. While the company was formed in 2008, its technology was developed over a 20-year period. "While the ideas were there for awhile, the only viable purification techniques were based on electrical devices. It was only with the rise of biotechnology techniques that we were able to develop the bacteria that enable us to do the purification cheaply," Bar-Noy explains. Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, December 29, 2010 at 01:12 PM in The Gift of the Jews | Permalink | Comments (16) ShareThis Typical subway stairs .....Bloomberg's blizzard You can take the measure of a mayor by how he handles some difficulty ... like snow. In New York City, it's how we judge our mayor. Clean the streets, keep us moving. And based on that simple test, Bloomberg is an abject failure. OMG. While our Ground Zero mosque-obsessed mayor has been toiling to facilitate, expedite, and erect a victory mosque on the hallowed ground, the cemetery of Ground Zero, the city falls into chaos, disrepair, and bankruptcy. Bloomberg worked behind the scenes to get the Ground Zero Mosque approved -- he is obsessed with submission. Like some madman on a mission to build mecca in the Hudson -- Bloomberg is incapable of handling the most fundamental of tasks. Even thelapdog NY Times admits: As New York City struggled with huge snowdrifts left by a crippling blizzard the day before, Mayor Michael R. Bloombergacknowledged on Tuesday that the cleanup had been slower than expected and the impact worse than had been apparent when the snow stopped falling. Plows were unable to clear scores of streets that remained blocked by stuck buses and cars. City officials pressed resources from several agencies to work, as a chorus of complaints from residents and elected officials arose on blogs and call-in shows. Christine C. Quinn, the City Council speaker, who has often sided with the mayor, said the city’s response to the blizzard was the worst in memory. But Quinn is holding hearings to ban Wal-Mart. Quinn's NYC Council had declared December 14th "Hate Wal-Mart Day," and she is throwing stones? How ironical (/sarc). These are the village idiots running this city. “Clearly, the response was unacceptable,” said Ms. Quinn, who announced she would hold a hearing on the matter. “We’re hearing reports from all over of people not even having seen a plow by the afternoon of the day after. This is a level of lack of cleanup that I really can’t recall.” At a midday news conference, Mr. Bloomberg set a more somber tone than he had a day earlier, when he assured New Yorkers that the cleanup was proceeding smoothly. On Tuesday, he said he had visited all five boroughs, and asked for patience as the city dealt with the sixth-biggest snowfall in its history. “It is a bad situation,” he said, adding: “Nobody suggests that this is easy. Nobody suggests that this is pleasurable. But I can tell you this: We are doing everything that we can think of, working as hard as we can.” The intrepid Pamela Hall reports: Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, December 29, 2010 at 12:24 PM | Permalink | Comments (28) ShareThis PROTEST THE GROUND ZERO MEGA MOSQUE ON JANUARY 12 NYC Council hearings former Emigrant bank building, 49-51 Chambers St. 12:45pm AND JOIN US AT CPAC FOR DEBATE AND A PREMIERE SCREENING OF AFDI/SIOA'S DOCUMENTARY The Ground Zero Mosque: The Second Wave of the 911 Attacks R.S.V.P GROUNDZEROMOSQUE@AOL.COM If radical Rauf is speaking on his propaganda tour in your town, neighborhood or university, let us know. We'll be there to expose him and tell the truth. Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, December 29, 2010 at 10:48 AM in CPAC 2011: Ground Zero Mosque | Permalink | Comments (4) ShareThis Please view the other speakers as well. Robert Spencer, Ken Timmerman, Faith McDonald, Jordan Sekulow, Sarah Stern, Ashraf Ramaleh, Nazir Bhatti, Shaheryar S. Gill: here. Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, December 29, 2010 at 10:33 AM in Atlas events | Permalink | Comments (7) ShareThis Free speech under attack -- quite literally. The Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, was the target of a murderous Muslim attack early this morning. Henning sent this in this morning: Five Muslims were arrested in a plot to "kill as many as possible." Plot on terror attack against Jyllands Posten’s offices in Copenhagen.Three men crossed the bridge to Denmark from Sweden last night or early this morning, they were arrested today in Copenhagen together Obama say, "Respect it!" Ground Zero mosqueteer Daisy the Khan say, "the era of extremism is over!" Geller say, "Defeat the enemy!" Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, December 29, 2010 at 10:23 AM in DENMARK: Danish cartoons, Europe frontline, FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN THE AGE OF JIHAD | Permalink |Comments (4) ShareThis Hamas is a jihad terrorist group, but to disallow it a presence in London would be "Islamophobic," now, wouldn't it? "London is home to Hamas hub, says Israel," from AFP Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip and advocates violent opposition to the Jewish state, is designated by the European Union as a terrorist organisation. An Israeli defence ministry statement issued on Tuesday said that the Palestinian Return Centre in Ealing, north London, organises conferences in Europe at which it plays taped speeches by Hamas leaders who are banned from entering the EU. "The centre is involved in initiating and organising radical and violent activity against Israel in Europe, while delegitimising Israel's status as a nation among the European community," the statement said. "Among other terror-affiliated activities, the centre organises many conferences in various European countries for Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood activists from all around the world," it added. On its website, the centre describes itself as "an independent consultancy focusing on the historical, political and legal aspects of the Palestinian Refugees." Israel however, says it is is "part of the broader Hamas activism and support network within Europe, which is especially strong in England."... The following is from the Hamas Charter: The principles of the Hamas are stated in their Covenant or Charter, given in full below. Following are highlights. "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it." (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory). "The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Muslim generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. " "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors." "After Palestine, the Zionists aspire to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates. When they will have digested the region they overtook, they will aspire to further expansion, and so on. Their plan is embodied in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", and their present conduct is the best proof of what we are saying." The charter is a rather classical Islamist document, applied to the local issues. It declares that Jihad (in the sense of armed battle) is the only solution. It cites the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a ludicrous anti-Semitic forgery. The "Zionists" and the freemasons and others are blamed for what Hamas and radical Islamists see as the major calamities of the world, especially the French Revolution. One of the most ominous aspects of the Charter however, is this Hadith: Moreover, if the links have been distant from each other and if obstacles, placed by those who are the lackeys of Zionism in the way of the fighters obstructed the continuation of the struggle, the Islamic Resistance Movement aspires to the realisation of Allah's promise, no matter how long that should take. The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said: "The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Muslim). The implication is clear: Allah promised that the Jews will be murdered, and the Hamas "aspires to the realisation of Allah's promise, no matter how long that should take." That is Hamas. UPDATE: From Londoner: The Hamas base is the Hamas mosque, in Finsbury Park, in addition to the previous main brotherhood centre round the corner -- 'muslim welfare house'. Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, December 28, 2010 at 07:55 PM in Eurabia 2010 | Permalink | Comments (8) ShareThis It is important to remember Obama's close ties to these haters and subversives. Louis Farrakhan and Obama have a long history, and it was Obama's Department of Justice that refused to prosecute the Black Panthers who were threatening white voters in Philly. This is a terrible thing, but it was expected. What makes it deadly is that Obama is in the White House. Geraldo Rivera had me on with this Black Panther nazi, Malik Shabazz, equating the two of us (here). Hat tip The Blaze. The Reverend Jeremiah Wright of Trinity United Church of Christ, of which Obama was a member for twenty years, had roots in both Islam and economic radicalism: “But Wright was a former Muslim and black nationalist who had studied at Howard and Chicago, and Trinity’s guiding principles – what the church calls the ‘Black Value System’-- included a ‘Disavowal of the Pursuit of Middleclassness.’”[i] Wright was also a close associate of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who in November 2009 offered a doggerel version of Obama’s lofty post-American internationalism: “America,” he declared, “has run out of time. It is the time of the setting of the sun on the Western world.”[ii] Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, December 28, 2010 at 11:35 AM in President Hussein | Permalink | Comments (44) ShareThis Islamic Supremacists Envision a Takeover of the Internet Pamela Geller, American Thinker It was hardly noticed at the time, but its consequences could be catastrophic. Late last September, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which assigns internet domain names, approved a huge change in the way it operates . Europe and North America will now have five seats on its Board of Directors, instead of ten, and a new "Arab States" region will have five seats as well. Read the whole thing. Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, December 28, 2010 at 10:59 AM in Atlas Articles, E-Jihad, Cyber warfare | Permalink | Comments (9) ShareThis They are at war with us. They mean to destroy us. It is what is commanded of them. Destroy us. Without humanity. Without remorse. Without apology. And yet we can't stop apologizing and pretending that there is no war, that we are not under attack every day, and that our lives have not been turned upside down, inside out, and irrevocably altered by Islamic jihad. Merry Christmas, kuffar. More on this story. "Christmas bomb plot: nine men remanded over plan to 'blow up Big Ben and Westminster Abbey,'" by Caroline Gammell in the Telegraph, December 27 (thanks to David): They are alleged to have carried out reconnaissance missions before deciding on their possible targets. Police were said to have found a list of six sites, including the full postal address of the Stock Exchange, Boris Johnson's London mayoral office and the US embassy. Defendants were seen studying the tower of Big Ben, before inspecting Westminster Abbey, the London Eye and the Church of Scientology. Al-Qaeda inspired books and leaflets, including instructions on making a pipe bomb, were also uncovered during the counter-terrorism operation.... The defendants, aged 19 to 28, were charged on Sunday with conspiracy to cause an explosion and conduct in preparation for acts of terrorism, having been arrested during early-morning raids in Cardiff, London and Stoke-on-Trent on Dec 20.... Among the details were the addresses of the Dean of St Paul's Chapter House and of two rabbis at separate synagogues. A reconnaissance trip is alleged to have been made from Trafalgar Square, down Whitehall to Westminster Bridge where Big Ben was studied intently.... Police searches are said to have uncovered two issues of the al Qaeda extremist magazine Inspire, which is published in English in Yemen and is aimed at a Western audience. An article in issue one was entitled "How to make a pipe bomb in the kitchen of your mom", while issue two included "What to expect in jihad" and "Tips for our brothers in the US". Other allegedly extremist material found was entitled 39 Ways which said it was intended to help people "serve and participate in jihad". Anwar Al-Awlaki, the extremist Yemeni preacher whose teachings support and encourage violent jihad against the West, is alleged to be the inspiration for the plot, the court heard. Between Oct 1 and Dec 20, the men are alleged to have downloaded information from the internet, discussed acts of terrorism and tested explosives while "unlawfully and maliciously" conspiring to "endanger life or cause serious injury" with one or more explosions.... Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, December 27, 2010 at 10:58 PM in Global Jihad 2010 | Permalink | Comments (9) ShareThis This find changes everything. Beginning with evolution theory and crazy crackpot Jew-hater Louis Farrakhan. Won't be long before calypso Lou is calling this a Mossad plot. Countdown to the Muslims claiming the remains as fakestinian....5,4,3,2... Researchers: Ancient human remains found in Israel Breitbart A Tel Aviv University team excavating a cave in central Israel said Monday they found teeth about 400,000 years old. The earliest Homo sapiens remains found until now are half that old. Archaeologist Avi Gopher said Monday further research is needed to solidify the claim. If it does, he says, "this changes the whole picture of evolution." Accepted scientific theory is that Homo sapiens originated in Africa and migrated out. Not so fast. Science cannot be absolute when they rely so heavily on assumptions instead of concretes. Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, December 27, 2010 at 03:27 PM in The Gift of the Jews | Permalink | Comments (58) ShareThis But, but, but, he was born a Muslim, his father was a Muslim, his stepfather was a Muslim, his religion was listed as Islam at the school he attended in Indonesia (the largest Muslim country in the world), and he studied Islam at school.....doesn't that count? The State department certainly has imported enough Muslims from Somalia to stage an attack. It's all set. The invasion is complete. Somali Insurgents: Obama Must Convert to Islam or Attacks on U.S. Will Come FOX (hat tip Paul) MOGADISHU, Somalia -- A leader of Somalia's Islamist insurgency threatened to attack America during a speech broadcast Monday. "We tell the American President Barack Obama to embrace Islam before we come to his country," said Fuad Mohamed "Shongole" Qalaf. Al-Shabab has not yet launched an attack outside Africa but Western intelligence has long been worried because the group targeted young Somali-Americans for recruitment. About 20 have traveled to Somalia for training and at least three were used as suicide bombers inside Somalia. Al-Shabab holds most of southern and central Somalia and has the support of hundreds of foreign fighters, mostly radicalized East Africans. It seeks to overthrow the weak U.N.-backed government, which is protected by 8,000 Ugandan and Burundian African Union peacekeepers. The al-Shabab militia launched coordinated attacks in Uganda in July that killed 76 people. It has also announced its allegiance to Al Qaeda and is believed to be harboring a mastermind of the twin 2008 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that killed 224 people. The radio message was recorded in the town of Afgoye, near the Somali capital, during a meeting of Shongole and Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys, formerly the leader of insurgent group Hizbul Islam. The two insurgent groups had clashed several times previously but announced a merger last week. Aweys said his group will fight under al-Shabab's command. "We have united for the sake of our ideology and we are going to redouble our efforts to remove the government and the African Union from the country," said Aweys on Monday. Read the rest. Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, December 27, 2010 at 12:58 PM in Global Jihad 2010, President Hussein | Permalink | Comments (31) ShareThis Scenes from the Turkish warship: Jihad flotilla Muslims et al chanted the Islamic battle cry invoking the killing of Jews. The name Khaibar, mentioned in the battle cry, was the last Jewish village defeated by Muhammad's army in 628. The battle marked the end of Jewish presence in Arabia. There are Muslims who see that as a precursor for future wars against Jews. At gatherings and rallies of extremists, this chant is often heard as a annihilationist threat to Jews, telling them to expect to be defeated and killed again by Muslims. The cheering Muslim nazis swarming a Mediterrean port awaiting the arrival of the jihad death ship evokes the chants inspired by the Muslim Hitler, Haj Amin al-Husseini, in Bosnia and Berlin. Thousands Greet Turkish Protest Ship; Chant "Death to Israel" More on the Jewish genocide warships here. This is the height of tragicomedy. Turkey should apologize for this genocidal mission. See Also: Israel Says It Will Not Apologize to Turkey over Flotilla Incident Back on June 5th, I reported that Ground Zero mosque muslim supremacist Imam Rauf was a "prominent figure" in "The Perdana Organization." They funded the genocidal Jew-hating terrorist group behind the murderous attack on Jewish soldiers on the warship flotilla. Rauf is behind the funding IHH? Provoking, funding, encouraging a second holocaust? Where is he getting his $100 million for the Islamic supremacist mega mosque looking down on the mass burial ground at the World Trade Center, and why is Ayatollah Bloomberg calling any investigation into Imam Terror's shady funding "un-American"? It's anti-American not to. The imam behind a proposed mosque near Ground Zero is a prominent member of a group that helped sponsor the pro-Palestinian activists who clashed violently with Israeli commandos at sea ...... Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is a key figure in Malaysian-based Perdana Global Peace Organization, according to its Website. Perdana is the single biggest donor ($366,000) so far to the Free Gaza Movement, a key organizer of the six-ship flotilla that tried to break Israel's blockade of the Hamas-run Gaza Strip Monday. IHH launched those genocidal ships, and Fox News reported last month that IHH has links to terrorist groups, including Hamas and Al Qaeda. The organization was described in federal court documents as playing a role in the Millennium terrorist plot to bomb Los Angeles International Airport. Additionally, the Turkish charity was described in a recent report by the Israeli-based Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center as being a "radical Islamic organization with an anti-Western orientation," and that "besides its legitimate philanthropic activities, it supports radical Islamic networks, including Hamas, and that at least in the past, even global jihad networks." The State Department and Department of Treasury can designate persons, groups and foreign countries as sponsoring or being terrorists. The State Department has a list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations, including Hamas, Hezbollah and Al Qaeda, that are designated by the secretary of state. ... Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, December 27, 2010 at 11:13 AM in War on Israel: First Came Jihad "Flotilla" | Permalink | Comments (18) ShareThis More Islamic supremacism from the reislamicized Turks with imperialistic aspirations of an Ottoman Empire. The local Cyprus TV and radio are reporting since Christmas evening that troops in northern occupied Cyprus entered at least seven Greek Orthodox churches, stopped the worship services, threw out the people, and in at least one case forced a priest to remove his clerical dress. Why are the Muslims occupying Cyprus? Dreams of an Armenian genocide redux? NICOSIA - The Cyprus government has protested to the United Nations and the European Union over an illegal act by the breakaway regime in the areas of the Republic occupied by Turkish troops to stop a religious service on Christmas day at the Turkish-occupied village of Rizoparpasso, where Christian Orthodox Cypriot live as enclaved. From the Greek site Signal Alive: Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, December 27, 2010 at 09:48 AM | Permalink | Comments (21) ShareThis Christmas, the busiest time of the year for the devout Muslim. UK terror suspects in London court NY Post Five of nine terror suspects appeared in court Monday in London charged with conspiracy to cause explosions in the UK and other terrorism offenses, following dawn arrests Dec. 20. Three of the defendants were from Cardiff in South Wales, and the other pair was from London. They were remanded into custody to appear at London's main criminal court , the Old Bailey, on Jan.14, Sky News reported. Four other men from Stoke, central England, were set to appear before the City of Westminster Magistrates Court later Monday. The men were charged overnight Monday, according to a statement from Sue Hemming, head of the Crown Prosecution Service Counter Terrorism Division. "I have today [Monday] advised the police that nine men should be charged with conspiracy to cause explosions and with engaging in conduct in preparation for acts of terrorism with the intention of either committing acts of terrorism or assisting another to commit such acts," she said. The nine -- aged between 19 and 28 and thought to have roots in Britain's Bangladeshi community -- were among 12 people arrested as part of a major counterterrorism operation by police in the UK. Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, December 27, 2010 at 09:25 AM in Global Jihad 2010 | Permalink | Comments (7) ShareThis Victory! Seattle Transit Drops Jewish Blood Libel Bus Ads Pamela Geller, Big Government Antisemitism is coming into fashion again, and anti-Israel bus ads had been set to start running on twelve buses in Seattle this Monday. The ads featured the hateful slogan, “Israeli War Crimes: Your Tax Dollars at Work.” But two days after my organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative, announced that we would be running king-sized pro-Israel ads on Seattle buses to counter their hate ads, King County Metro Transit folded: Transit officials issued a statement Thursday saying that they would be refusing the anti-Israel, antisemitic ads. They were “changing their policy.” The annihilationist bus ads were rejected! It was a bad day for Nazis and Jew-haters, and a huge victory for all lovers of freedom. The AFDI ads were singular and hard-hitting: “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Islamic jihad,” and “One Billion Dollars to Hamas. Your Tax Dollars at Work.” And this one: As for the Jewish blood libel being sponsored by the notorious antisemite Ed Mast, Seattle Mass Transit is having second thoughts. Our objective was achieved: the Jew-hate ads were dropped after we exposed the hypocrisy of the Seattle Transit authorities. But wait. It gets better. King County Metro Transit has also now changed its ad policy. Isn’t that special? This policy change enabled them to refuse AFDI’s pro-Israel ad as well. King County Executive Dow Constantine explained that the policy change was made because “the escalation of this issue from one of 12 local bus placards to a widespread and often vitriolic international debate introduces new and significant security concerns that compel reassessment.” And who was introducing the vitriol and the significant security concerns, as far as King County Metro Transit was concerned? Me, of course. Who else? They were OK with a Jewish blood libel but hid under their desks when truth demanded equal time. Sharron Shinbo of King County Metro Transit stated that my AFDI ads would “pose an unacceptable risk of harm, disruption and interference with the transportation system and other breaches of the public safety, peace and order.” So now anti-jihad ads denouncing a terrorist group that all decent people should revile “pose an unacceptable risk of harm, disruption and interference with the transportation system.” Truth is the new hate speech. This is the heckler’s veto. Remember, King County Metro Transit was down with the Jew-haters and their vile advertisement. They were even going to charge me more than they were charging the antisemites. According to Seattle’s KING 5 News, Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign paid $1,794 to run the ads. However, King County Metro Transit would not offer me that price. I asked for the same deal as the Jew-haters received, but was told that the price in the article was “misquoted.” They quoted me a price of $2,760 per ad. Seattle Transit officials also dragged their feet in approving my ad from the beginning. At one point they demanded that I put my phone number and address on the bus ads. I get my fair share of hate mail and threats, as you might imagine, but in the past the brazen hate and annihilationist dreams were kept in check by good men who stood for good over evil. The ascent of Islam and the voluntary abdication of the West as a force for good has unleashed the forces of evil from their hiding places of hell. How about putting a big giant target on my back, clowns? And remember: now they’re saying that both the Jew-hate ad and my ads violate their guidelines, but they had already accepted the antisemitic ad. Seattle had no hesitation depicting Jews defending themselves as a war crime until we placed our counter-ad. “Palestinian” Muslims have fired over ten thousand rockets into southern Israel, but now Seattle won’t allow ads condemning the actual war crimes. The Jew-hating, anti-Israel ad didn’t “pose an unacceptable risk of harm, disruption and interference with the transportation system and other breaches of the public safety, peace and order” until we responded with fierce truth. And then they said, never mind. But they won’t get off so easy. This is actionable. Legally actionable. We will pursue this battle legally and roll out the pro-Israel bus ads elsewhere. My life-saving bus ads for Muslim apostates were banned in Detroit. We had to sue to get them up in Miami. We had to sue New York transit to get Ground Zero bus ads up. Read the rest ................ Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, December 26, 2010 at 11:54 PM in AFDI/SIOA Pro-Israel Bus Campaign, Atlas Articles | Permalink | Comments (6) ShareThis Back in 2009, I reported on the continuing escalation of Islamic supremacist demands on the secular workplace and the accompanying hostilies. The mosqueing of the workplace is part of the islamization of America. Case in point: Shelbyville, Tennessee: Muslims in other cities were drawn to Shelbyville by the jobs offered at the local Tyson chicken processing plant. The large influx of Somalis has only added to locals' frustration with the plant and the government. "We've had three major industries shut down here and 700 to 800 people have lost their jobs," Mosely said. "They're trying to find anything they can, and then--as they see it--the government is shipping people from overseas to come here and take their jobs." Despite locals' continued complaints over its hiring practices, Tyson says it is doing things by the book. The Tyson plant generated national controversy when it dropped Labor Day as a paid holiday in favor of the Muslim holiday Eid al-Fitr. The decision was later reversed, but longtime local residents say the incident was symbolic of the larger changes taking place in Shelbyville--changes they are coping with as best they can. Every piece of good journalism is supposed to begin with an opening paragraph that identifies the important elements related to the story: Who, what, where, when and why. Without these details it is impossible to fully understand or grasp the entire picture. Case in point, the Tyson Chicken plant in Shelbyville, Tennessee. In the past few years the Tyson Chicken plant has hired a large number of Somali immigrants and these workers are predominantly Muslim. The workers began to demand accommodations for their Muslim religion and Tyson agreed to allow them time off to celebrate the Muslim holidays. Tyson Chicken in Shelbyville went out of its way to be accommodating to its Muslim employees in 2008, when it adopted Eid al-Fitr as an official plant holiday. The NBC affiliate station, WSMV-TV Channel 4 News reported this story today. 10:49am | December 25, 2010 'All Americans Must Die' Written On Plant Wall Threatening Graffiti Provokes Extra Tyson Security Reported By Deanna Lambert The Shelbyville chief of police and a former Tyson employee confirmed that threatening messages surfaced this week, leading to extra security at the plant. "A couple days ago, they had a terrorist threat that was written on the bathroom walls that said 'all Americans must die,'" said a woman, who said she wanted to remain anonymous to protect her relative, who works inside the plant. "They've complained for years, as to why these people are being hired in our food department when we are worried about our safety as Americans, you know, and that's something we all need to think about," she said. Of course, in our age of political correctness, this story did not mention anything specific about the workers nationality or religion so the point about a terrorist message seems a little confusing. A careful search of the Internet reveals there have been other stories warning about terrorist activity in food related areas and all of them have left out some missing critical pieces of information. "All Americans Must Die" written on wall of Tyson Chicken plant that adopted Muslim holiday in 2008Jihdwatch "They've complained for years, as to why these people are being hired in our food department when we are worried about our safety as Americans, you know, and that's something we all need to think about." Indeed. Tyson Chicken in Shelbyville went out of its way to be accommodating to its Muslim employees in 2008, when it adopted Eid al-Fitr as an official plant holiday. Of course, maybe it wasn't one of the Muslim employees who wrote "All Americans Must Die" on the wall, but given the prevalence of jihadist sentiments among Somali Muslims elsewhere in the U.S., it is neither rocket science nor "Islamophobia" to put two and two together. Stuart Appelbaum, the national president of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU), which negotiated the agreement with Tyson that made Eid into a plant holiday, commented at the time: "There's no question that there is a lot of bigotry against Muslims and that this agreement has clearly touched a raw nerve among those who are prejudiced against them. However, the RWDSU has always understood that unions are only strong when they work to protect the dignity of workers of all faiths." Great. And yet it seems as if at least one of the workers at the Tyson plant still nurses a deep and violent grievance against the U.S. and Americans, despite this display of magnanimity and strike against "bigotry." Now, why might that be? And why doesn't Tyson have any mechanism in place to try to screen its Muslim employees for jihadist sentiments, insofar as that is possible at all? Because to attempt such a thing would be more "bigotry," of course. And so the other employees at this Tyson plant are put at risk, and the company has to go to extra trouble and expense to ensure their safety -- all in the name of not appearing "bigoted." Security guards posted at the bathroom! Other guards patrolling through the plant! Could you have imagined on September 12, 2001 that within ten years, an American business that had nothing to do with terrorism, weapons production, security, or anything of the kind, would have to have armed guards patrolling its hallways, as the price of the privilege of having Muslim employees? We eat a lot of Tyson Chicken in our house so this warning becomes rather personal. Now I think we will have to change our eating habits and find another more reliable brand. “We even know where they plot, at this point…They are the butcher-shops, to begin with.” ~ Oriana Fallaci, The Rage and the Pride Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, December 26, 2010 at 09:27 PM in Jihad in America: Enemy in our Midst, Mosqueing the Workplace | Permalink | Comments (25) ShareThis "Islamophobia" is enforcement of Islamic blasphemy laws. Islamic law (sharia) commands that there be no candor, no criticism of Islam. Blasphemy laws. It is shocking that this side of Sodom and Gomorrah is passing Islamic resolutions. No one in America gives a rat's ass what and who you worship; just don't force it upon us. I don't care if you worship a stone, just don't stone me with it. And stop telling us how many Muslims don't commit jihadi acts. Of course they don't. So what? I don't believe in rewarding people for doing the right thing. I don't believe in congratulating people for not committing acts of violence against people outside their religion. The LA Council's recent passage of a resolution that opposes "Islamophobia" and "repudiates" random acts of violence against Muslims is a step back centuries into the dark ages. According to the FBI, "hate crime" against Muslims is at its lowest in a decade, but acts of jihad are accelerating at warped speed. No resolutions against jihad, honor killings, misogyny, gender apartheid, Islamic antisemitism, kuffarophobia, etc. Joe R. Hicks and David A. Lehrer: Hyperbole rules in Muslim debate LA Daily News (hat tip Mark H) WITHOUT serious debate or examination, the Los Angeles City Council recently passed a resolution that opposes "Islamophobia" and "repudiates" random acts of violence against Muslims. This admittedly ceremonial resolution apparently accepts the premise that residents of the city commit acts of hate against Muslims so often that it warrants an official resolution from city leaders condemning and repudiating these acts. Is this really the case? According to the latest hate crime report from the Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations, 88 percent of all religiously based hate crimes in 2009 were against Jews. Hate crimes that targeted Muslims (3 percent) ranked slightly above those directed at Scientologists (1 percent). In fact, the commission found that attacks against Christians (8 percent) outnumbered attacks against Muslims. In any case, the actual number of reported hate crimes based on religion is quite small. In a county that has more than 10 million highly diverse residents, only a total of 131 crimes based on religion took place in all of 2009. Of course, this in no way takes away from the emotional or physical harm that each and every one of these attacks causes. Since only 3 percent of 131 hate crimes during 2009 was directed against Muslims, it's difficult to understand why city leaders would pass a resolution that zeroes in on the category that has the next-to-lowest numbers recorded by the County's Human RelationsCommission. It appears that the City Council simply took information provided by an advocacy group, one that's hardly unbiased, and uncritically spat out a resolution opposing "Islamophobia" and "random acts of violence against Muslim-Americans." This begs the question: Except for some Islam-hating cretins with sub-zero levels of intelligence, exactly who is in favor of random acts of violence against Muslims? The term "Islamophobia" has crept into popular use, drummed into our consciousness by a sensationalized Time magazine cover story, and activists who exaggerate anti-Islamic bias for the causes they espouse. The term dominated the often angry debates that swirled around the plan to build a mosque 600 feet from Ground Zero in New York. While there are extremists at both the left and right ends of the political spectrum, the issues surrounding this controversial building project are far more complex than anti-Islamic bigotry. Factually, there is no alarming number of attacks against Muslim-Americans. According to the FBI, the largest number of recorded hate crimes against Muslim-Americans took place in 2001. That year the number dramatically escalated from only 28 in 2000 to 481 in 2001 - the year that young Muslim men drove planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field outside of Shanksville, Pa., murdering 3,000 innocent Americans in the name of Islam. Prior to the City Council resolution, the Muslim Public Affairs Council released a statement expressing skepticism about tactics used by law enforcement among Muslim-Americans. The statement referenced the recent and troubling incident where the FBI says a young Somali man in Portland, Ore., plotted to blow up a public Christmas tree lighting ceremony. The MPAC statement also mentioned a similar case in Baltimore, where the FBI says a Muslim convert planned to bomb a military recruitment center in that city. This statement from MPAC is in effect a thinly veiled claim that government agents entrapped these wannabe-terrorists. But as we have discovered, this young man's dilemma in Portland was hardly entrapment - in fact, as we know, his father called the FBI to let them know about his son's growing jihadist views. Nonetheless, the claims from MPAC and other Islamic activists groups were taken seriously enough to cause a response from the nation's attorney general. Eric Holder gave a 20-minute speech in San Francisco at the annual dinner event of Muslim Advocates, an Islamic civil rights group. Speaking forcefully, Holder told the group, "These types of operations have proven to be an essential law enforcement tool in uncovering and preventing potential terror attacks .... Those who characterize the FBI's activities as `entrapment' simply do not have their facts straight - or do not have a full understanding of the law." But of course, the advocacy of causes may or may not take facts into account, nor always have a good understanding of the law. Read the rest here. Click below to email the dhimmi council: Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, December 26, 2010 at 08:42 PM in Islamic law in America | Permalink | Comments (33) ShareThisPAMELA GELLER, AMERICAN THINKER: THE SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER'S UNINTELLIGENCE REPORT
Friday, December 31, 2010
We fought successfully for her freedom and made sure her persecution was front and center in the public eye.
Once again, they've done a great public service for America. The TRUTH about "Jihad: The Political Third Rail" from unfiltered witnesses". In 2009, Geller and Spencer brought the honorable and very brave Geert Wilders to CPAC. This year, there were even more heroes in this War against Jihad; leading voices of truth and it was a riveting two hours. (We could have stayed there for another two hours.)
Geller said when announcing the event".... we have created an organization to stand up against this silence that threatens to our existence and render us defenseless as our freedoms and way of life are eroded away. We are launching the Freedom Defense Initiative, a new activist group, at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) 2010, with a conference entitled "Jihad: The Political Third Rail -- What They Are Not Telling You."
Our nation is at war, and yet our politicians pretend that that war isn't happening. Barack Obama is intent upon trying enemy combatants in that war in civilian courts and making concession after concession to our enemies as if those concessions will make them love us. The mainstream media, both liberal and conservative, and the entire government and law enforcement apparatus appear determined to obfuscate and deny the truth about the enemy's ideology and belief system. This has the effect of minimizing in the minds of Americans the threat just as it is greater than ever and of rendering us blind to very real threats from people and groups that officials seem intent upon assuming to be innocuous.
And on CPAC she also said "....I find it most distressing that the largest gathering of conservatives in America does nothing to address the single greatest threat to our national security, our Constitution, our very way of life...... Our event, on the other hand, will feature the first public appearance of the Steve Coughlin: Former Pentagon Islam specialist, fired after pressure from Islamic infiltrators (1st public appearance). Also speaking will be Wafa Sultan: Author, A God who Hates, viral video star of Al-Jazeera debate with Islamic cleric, Simon Deng: Ex-slave, leading human rights activist against jihad in Sudan Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff: facing "hate speech" charges in Austria for telling the truth about Islam, Lt Colonel Allen West: War hero, Congressional candidate (FL 22nd district), future national leader, Robert Spencer and myself (Pamela Geller)"
Continue reading Stop the Mosque at Ground Zero – Part II
We have stalled the Ground Zero mosque and we will continue to fight for years to come.
Consider Reliance of the Traveller: A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law: here
Banaz had reported to the police 4 times that her family was trying to kill her.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Pamela Geller — Blogger, Provocateur, Lightning Rod -
Particles of resentment
The SS school for mullahs in Dresden and Islamic anti-Semitism
The SS-Mullah School and the Association of Turkestan in Dresden
Posted by: Titus Steering
A short chapter in a strange kind of understanding in Germany, the establishment of institutions for for the training of Islamic chaplain in the Army and the Waffen-SS dar.
During World War II on German side fought for different reasons, many Muslims. It was often common enemy (communism, Jews) or to escape a pragmatic collaboration and the desire of a prisoner of war marked by deadly famine, the Muslims led to the German side. However, she is in the motif of "flight" from the camps is still the question why some prisoners of war to the construction and supply units and others reported to the armed units.
Ideological whip this alliance was the notorious anti-Semite, Mohammed Amin al-Husseini (1893-1974), who as Grand Mufti of Jerusalem had a certain religious authority. The Muslims from the Soviet Union (Azerbajan, Crimea and Volga Tatars, North Caucasians, Bashkir, Uzbek and other Central Asian peoples) wer with other members of non-Russian minority peoples of the Soviet Union (Armenians, Georgians, Ukrainians) in the armed forces as may be determined Ostlegionen, in which only Non-Russians were. They were recruited mainly among Soviet prisoners of war.
Later, Soviet Muslims also served in the Waffen-SS units, such as 1st Ostmuselmanisches SS regiment with the weapon groups "Idel-Ural", "Turkestan" and "Crimea" that was established in 1943 to model the Ostlegiionen. By war's end, there was next to several majority Muslim SS division, whose members came mostly from the Balkans. These were the Bosniak '13 Waffen-SS Mountain Division dagger "(named after the Arabic term for a scimitar), the Albanian '21 Weapons Mountain Division of the SS Skanderberg "and the Albanian" 23 Weapons Mountain Division of SS Kama", but did not have stock. Furthermore, there was an "Arab Legion", which was in January 1942 formed with the approval of Hitler of British prisoners of war and probably of 6,000 Arab and North African Muslims was (Anton Maegerle/Herbert Schiedel), and there were even smaller Arab SS units. Most Muslim SS units but came from the Balkans. On 10/02/1943 Himmler allowed the establishment of a Waffen-SS unit of Muslims from the Balkans.
Overall, there was the German Wehrmacht six majority Muslim legions, and the SS three divisions, a brigade and a weapons Association (MS Abdullah:35) with a majority Muslim members. At least from the Waffen-SS units serious warcrimes at the "anti-partisan warfare in the Balkans are know. Particularly in eastern Bosnia, the area of origin of most hand-divisional troop members, the unit set up in 1943/44 of "Operation Lightening Orb" a bloodbath (W. Oschlies).
The officers of the Muslim units were mostly so-called "ethnic German", that members of German-speaking minorities. From the SS Headquarters was the work of imams in the individual battalions approved and confirmed compliance with the Islamic dietary laws. Even the observance of Muslim funeral rites has been granted (J. Hoffman: 139). Each unit was also a young Muslim Mufti as a spiritual adviser. Muslim chaplains are often trained but had yet to come.
This happened in June 1944 in 14-day later, 3- to 4-week Imam or Mullah courses at the Islamic Studies Bertold Spuler (1911-1990) at the Islamic Institute of the University of Göttingen (J. Hoffman: 139). In the six courses each, held 30-40 Legionnaires in Muslim theological knowledge and ritualism of Islam were taught. Language of instruction was mainly Turkish (J. Hoffmann: 140) in addition to religious content and often had some little existing knowledge of Arabic can be improved. It often cme from these courses on inter-religious and inter-ethnic conflicts and tensions. Spuler therefore recommended, for example, the separation of Shiites and Sunnis (P. Heine: 234). In 1944, schools for the training set up by Muslim military chaplain.
It speaks for the ideological blindness of the Nazis that were also takenin the near defeat of yet tackled such projects. On the other hand, this time from a human plight out against the "Aryan" elite understanding just recruited Muslims. Politically, it was for their home regions very different schedules, the Bosnian Muslims remain under the rule of the croatian Ustasha government (W. Oschlies), there was the fantastic plans for Central Asia of an independent United Turkestan (P. Heine: 236; J. Hoffmann: 107). With the approach of the front lines in Germany, such considerations were increasingly unlikely, but apparently also planned to sell units was behind the line to fan in the rear under the non-Russian population revolts. In the capital, Berlin, meanwhile, has hosted several national governments emigration, such as the "unit Nationalturkestanische Committee (NTEK).
Chairman of the NTEK 1942-1945 was bornin 1905 in Bukhara Weli Khajum Khan. He introduced, sponsored by the influential ideologues Rosenberg, in August 1942 the committee together. Written NTEK organ was the magazine "National Turestan", which initially has a circulation of 15,000 and most recently in a print run of 80,000 copies was published (FV Seidel: 278). After the war came "National Turkestan" way back as a journal of the surviving Muslim Nazi collaborators from Central Asia government.
In addition to an on 21.04.1944 in Guben opened Imam School (Mufti papers:212.213), it was in November 1944 in Dresden, one at the behest of the Nazi leader and chief Heinrich Himmler founded SS Mullah school especially for so-called "Russia Turks", ie Muslims the territory of the USSR, who served in the SS (J. Hoffmann: 142). These were organized specifically in the "eastern Turkey Federation weapons" and "weapons Caucausian organization " within the SS.
Based on this device was a pre-existing "Association eV Turkestan". This working group was established in January 1944 in the framework of the "German Oriental Society (DMG) was founded. The Association had two addresses, one in Berlin and one in Dresden, and more specifically on Taschenberg 3 Dresden in the inner city.
The headquarters of the Association in the middle of the city is expected from the bombing of Dresden on 13th February 1945 have been affected severely.
Managing Director of the Dresden office of the Association was a certain Dr. Korad Schlons (Bl. Brentjes:157). Equipped with the Association of stolen goods (eg books) from Riga, Tartu (Estonia), Holland or Paris (B.l Brentjes: 158) was. The working group was divided into nine working areas (geography and transport, soil science and geology, climatology and agriculture, folklore, folk art, Islam, folklore, mediciine, lieterature), which were led by eight professors and a doctor. Some of these should have been according to the researchers Burchard Brentjes earlier foreign agents.
As part of the military service of the Humanities, the AG was primarliy military and political purposes, such as the geographic support the Air Force (H. Kißmehl: 150). The objectives of the founding of this institution can also be recognized that, although officially the DMG has been assigned, but actually as the Reich Security Main Office (RSHA) - Office was VI group G associated research institute (H. Kißmehl: 145), which was also funded by the RSHA (B. Brentjes: 157). The RSHA Amt VI was responsible for espionage abroad, so was the "Security Service (SD) of actually lead actor (B. Brentjes: 153/54) at the end of 1943, establishing the already planned facilites (B. Brentjes: 154). For the direct instructions of teh SD DMG was the AG under the established "for the > AG thus
The SS mullah school in Dresden and Islamic Antisemitism
During the second world war, the waffen SS developed from an ideological and military unit made up exclusively of German soldiers into a multi-ethnic army. Many Muslims fought on the German side during World War II for a variety of reasons. Often, it was a common conception of who the enemy was, or there were more pragmatic forms of collaboration that led Muslims to join the Wehrmacht or the SS. All together the Wehrmacht had six legions with the Muslim majority, while the SS had three divisions, a brigade and a Waffen-Verband or mixed unit whose members were for the most part Muslims. The Muslims fighting in the so called Eastern legions of the Wehrmacht included Azerbajanis, Crimean and Volga Tartars, North Caucasions, Bashkiris and Uzbeks. They were recruited mainly from Soviet prisoners of war.
Serious war crimes are known to have been committed by the Muslim Bosnian Waffen SS units during the so-called partisan combat in the Balkans.
SS headquarters permitted the involvement of imams, the Islamic prayer leaders in the individual battalions and promised that Islamic dietary rules would be respected. Compliance with Muslim funeral rights was also granted. As a result, each Muslim unit got a mullah, an Islamic preacher or clergyman as an advisor.
As a rule, however, the Muslim Army clergymen had to be trained first. As a result, in November, 1944 an SS mullah school was founded in Dresden especially for Muslims from the area of the USSR. Within the SS, they were organized into an East Turkish and a Caucasion Waffen-Verband.
01:52 The two authors of the feature about the SS mullah school are in conversation. They are engaged in research about the cooperation between Muslims and the National Socialists and about today's Islamic anti-semitism.
02:10 (sound of typing) (sigh) "I can't get any further. I just can't find any sources on the SS Mullah school in Dresden apart from this article at (see link below) there isn't any literature on the SS mullah school in Dresden . No films or photographic material, no autobiographical reports. It's as if it never existed.
02:38 At least this article says there was a mullah school in Dresden, from November 1944. It was founded on the initiative of SS leader Heinrich Himmler. So-called Russian Turks were trained there before going on to serve in the SS. The institution was based on the association Arbeitsgemeinschaft Turkestanifal. The Arbeitsgemeinschaft Turkestanifal had two addresses, one in Berlin and one in Taschenberg 3 in Dresden City Center.
You could argue about the effect of an SS mullah school for so-called Russian Turks founded at the end of 1944. It seems to me that radio shortwave stations broadcasting for instance from a place called Zeesen to the south of Berlin were more important and influential. Political scientist and publicist, Matthias Küntzel writes, " it broadcast a daily relic language program to the Middle East since 1939. No other station enjoyed a greater degree of popularity than this Nazi station broadcast from Zeesen between 1939 and 1945. Here anti-semetic tirades were interspersed with quotes from the qur'an and Arab music. Program highlights at Radio Zeesen included calls for jihad by the most popular figure in the Arab Islamic world of the time, the mufti of Jerusalem - Amin el-Husseini who lived in Berlin between 1941 and 1945. Nobody promoted hatred of the Jews among Muslims more successfully than him and influenced the early history of the Middle East conflict at the same time
4:18 The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Okay. He is mentioned in connection with the Dresden SS mullah school. The known facts are very limited, however. The existence of the school is proven by two sources. Parallel to a diary entry of Victor Klemperer, there's also a quote by Titus Lenke from a telegram from which Grand Mufti Amin el-Husseini thanks Himmler for the foundation of the SS mullah school on the 27th of November in 1944. I quote: "On the occassion of the opening of the Imam Institute of the Eastern Turks in Dresden another sign for your great interest in Islamic-German cooperation, I would like to express the sincere gratitude and best regards of the Muslims."
5:04 Matthias Küntzel writes here that this form of cooperation between National Socialists and Muslims had already started as early as 1937. The trigger was the suggestion made by the British Peel Commission to divide the Palestinian Mandate Territory into a small Jewish state and a larger Muslim Arab state. He goes on to write that this plan immediately led to protest by the National Socialists. They postulated, ' the formation of a Jewish state is not in the German interest but rather a strengthening of Arabism as a counter balance to the increasing power of Judaism. '
5:44 What did Heinrich Himmler and Grand Mufti Amin el-Husseini have to do with each other? Oh, here, Küntzel again. "Heinrich Himmler enthused about the ideological bond between National Socialism and Islam. " He also introduced the term, "Muselgermanen" and el-Husseini pointed out the ideological similarities between Muslims and Germans. These were said to include obedience and discipline, the will to battle, and the honor of falling in battle, community, family and offspring, the glorification of labor and creating, and relations to the Jews. The Mufti declared, 'in fighting Judaism, Islam and the Nazis are coming very close to one another.'
6:35 But, things weren't always like that. While Christian anti-semitism is characterized by the idea of a supposed Jewish threat, Jews in the Islamic world are treated with nothing worse than condescension. In the eyes of the Muslims, the idea of the Jews of all people could possibly become a danger to them or to the world appeared absurd.
6:57 Hmmmm. Well, that would mean that the racist antisemitism and above all the hallucination of a Jewish World conspiracy were of European origin and were exported from Europe to the Arab world.
07:10 Well today, more than sixty years later we have to deal with a dangerous situation which is described by anti-semitism researcher Robert Wistrich as follows: "there is a culture of hate which
has in the meantime come to pervade everything - books, periodicals, newspapers, sermons, video cassette, the internet, radio and television throughout the entire Arab Middle East. Contentious images of Jews and Israelis can be found everywhere in political public life in Islam. They combined myths of ritual murder from midieval Europe with the conspiracy theories of the Nazis and slanderous Islamic quotations about Jews as being ' sons of monkeys and donkeys'.
07:58 Despite all this one can still read here and there that the solution to the Middle East conflict might possibly weaken anti-semitism in the neighboring states. =================================================
8:07 Yes, that is one line of speculation but hatred against Jews goes way beyond a territorial conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. Isn't this antisemitism driven by another motive?
As Robert Wistrich writes: " a delusional idea that history is dominated by the wicked intrigues of the Jewish people and stories too absurd to be believed and spread.
8:34 And another popular part of the picture is that America is in Jewish hands. Hmmm. To continue with Robert Wistrich: "the jihad for the world wide liberation of the Muslims from oppression and injustice is therefore at the same time to be seen as both an anti-Jewish and an anti-American struggle." And somewhere else, Wistrich describes the " antisemitic hysteria of the Islamists as paranoid distrust against the modern secular civilization. "
9:06 Yeah. However, what is also interesting is that a special understanding for the anti-semitism in Arab countries is being shown in Germany today. Again, Matthias Küntzel writes, "the distinctively unconcerned attitude towards the Islamists hatred of the Jews is significant for the German discourse. While antisemitism articulated in German public provokes indignation, the same antisemitism, when articulated by Muslims is seen as a response to the Middle East conflict and does trivialize, orcompletely ignored."
9:41 Aha. And the silence about Islamic antisemitism also includes staying silent about it's origins and national socialism.
9:48 Keeping quiet is very popular here. On the other hand, rumor mongering is also very popular. One common trend in the Arab world is the equation of Israeli politics with the National Socialist crimes committed against the Jews.
10:03 And can such comparisons be heard over and over again in Germany too? Terms such as 'war of aggression', 'war of annhilation', 'total war' and 'Palestinian gettos'. In my opinion, the Nazi comparisons offer a welcome possibility to come to terms with the uncomfortable German history.
If one makes the descendants of the survivors of the Holocaust into perpetrators today, it comes as a comfortable form of relief for the German descendants because the level of guilt can be reduced if the former victims are today cast in the role of perpetrators.
10:36 The rejection of guilt and longing for relief has many faces. Some thought it a good idea to compare Sharon with Hitler and others cannot stop persistently claiming that racism in Israel still has a magnanimous enough to allow Israel it's right to it's existence. Just a second. Here, I marked a passage that points to this doubtful concession. From the essay, "Forgiveness" by Vladimir Jankélévitch,[1967: Le pardon, (tr. into English as Forgiveness by Andrew Kelley, 2005)] "Antisemitism is a great offence against human beings in general. The Jews were persecuted because it was them and not at all because of their opinions or their faith. It was existence itself that was denied them. They were not reproached for professing this or that. They were reproached for being. To a certain degree, this refusal extends even today to the existence of the State of Israel. It is an immense concession and unmeritted gift and belief conferred on Israel and according it the r
ight to exist. As a fact, recognition is an elementary and vital right that every human being ought to respect in every other human being. And this without negotiations of any kind without any claim to gratitude."SEVEN WHO MADE A DIFFERENCE IN 2010"
Pamela Geller: Biggest Islamophobic Bigot of 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
I work in Christian ministry and I have a Facebook profile (Lou Comunale). I've decided that in this day and age we are "the new media" -- no more will we allow the dinosaur mainstream media to dictate to us what is news. We can all have a part.
After Time magazine started hinting around that they wanted to name Ground Zero Mosque Imam Time Person of the Year (?!?!), I've decided to name the Lou News Woman of the Year -- you!
And so here it is -- the Lou-News award of the year. Go, Lou!
Lou Comunale's Photos -- Ground Zero Mosque Committee Meeting350,000 FATWAS ISSUED IN 2010 BY MUSLIM ..... AHEM ....SCHOLARS
That's according to 350,000 Islamic religious decrees, called fatwas, being issued this year by Muslim scholars on their website in Abu Dhabi.
Read more: the rest.THE GIFT OF THE JEWS
Still, while they enhance the conservation of fish in the sea, fish farms have problems of their own - mostly due to the need to circulate the water in the pools and tanks where the fish are raised. Most fish farms are located adjacent to a body of water, and their waste-laden water is channeled into the sea, and replaced with "fresh" sea water.BUMBLING BLOOMBERG WORSE THAN LINDSAY: CHAOS IN NYC
Monday morning, December 26, 2010. Looked out my window and saw there had been NO snow-plow. Most unusual. The street was completely covered. Beautiful. But this was an impassible snow fall that still covered the street. Very odd.
As I headed out my front door, I captured some fun. A man and his dog. Playing in the snow. "Why not?", he said and then I saw "Why Not". There was a BUS (an AIRPORT bus) blocking our street.
At a very odd angle.
This is a very busy side street for taxis and busses. Thought a bus would be moved post-haste but as of today December 28 (evening of Day 3) it's still there. Plan on posting more video and pics on this road-block. It's become a bit of a tourist sensation...
Meanwhile back to Day 2. By now Bloomberg and his errant snow-plows are leading the news. And walking around mid-town Manhattan it's apparent what shoveling that has been done (sidewalks and streets) is by the businesses and apartments (and even that is hit and miss)
Most amazing are the crosswalks for the pedestrians. These remain BLOCKED by piles of snow. Pedestrians are forced to walk in the street with the cars, trucks. Once again, very odd. And certainly not safe.
As I passed through Times Square (Duffy Square actually) the very intense cleaning of this area is because of New Years Eve. Not because of say...the people....The crews there shoveled ALL day. I left and came back and they were still shoveling Duffy Square. I asked and they was for New Years Eve .
Would that Bloomberg had focused on the city as he did on Duffy Square, maybe we wouldn't be feeling so neglected.
Back to Central Park and the Apple Store. Fifth Avenue seemed to be moving (though jammed with traffic) it was moving. And I even saw a snow-plow!
But, as I left the store, I was greeted by another bus that was STUCK in the snow. There was quite a commotion from the MTA officials trying to figure out out to get the bus dug-out and towed.PAMELA GELLER AT VOICE OF THE COPTS' INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS DAY CONFERENCE
with one man living in Denmark, in addition to that, one arrested in Sweden.
A machine gun was confiscated, and their plans were to kill as many as possible, head of the Danish Security and Intelligence Service
(intelligence under police).
Arrested in Denmark: 44-year-old Tunesian citizen.
Arrested in Denmark: 29-year-old Swedish citizen, born in Lebanon.
Arrested in Denmark: 30-year-old Swedish citizen, unknown origin.
Arrested in Denmark: 26-year-old Iraqi asylum seeker, living in Denmark.
Arrested in Sweden: 37-year-old Swedish citizen, of Tunisian origin.BREAKING: Five arrested in Denmark/Sweden, planned to attack Mohammed cartoons newspaper in the next few days
Five people were arrested on suspicion of planning a terror attack in Copenhagen: Four in Denmark and one in Sweden.
According to a press release by the Dansh security service PET, the suspects had been watched for a long time, and the investigation involved close cooperation with the Swedish security police. Some of the suspects were arrested in the Copenhagen suburbs of Herlev and Greve.
Three of the men reside in Sweden and came to Denmark tonight. The fourth lives in Denmark. They are a Tunisian citizen (44), a Lebanese born Swedish citizen (29), a Swedish citizen of unknown origin (30) and an Iraqi asylum seeker (26).Tuesday, December 28, 2010
JERUSALEM -- Israel's defence ministry has accused a London-based Palestinian centre of "terror-affiliated activities" and being the organisational arm of the militant Islamic Hamas movement in Europe.
The Hamas office is at:
Crown House
N Circular Rd, London NW10 7PN, United Kingdom
020 8453 0919
Home Page here.
There they are right on our doorstep.
What a situation we are all in. It is happening very, very fast."
PRC is one of a very long list of Hamas promoters, advocates and fund-raisers, all of which are directly linked to the Muslim Brotherhood -- of which Hamas is the Pali branch. This is confirmed in the Hamas charter. Read how the mosque was knowingly gifted to hamas by the British authorities.
Nick Fielding and Abul Taher, Hamas link to London mosque, Sunday Times, 13 February 2005.
A MUSLIM leader appointed to help to run the recently reopened Finsbury Park mosque in north London is a former military commander of Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist organisation. Mohammed Kassem Sawalha is one of five trustees appointed to give the mosque a fresh start.
The mosque was closed last year after becoming a centre of Islamic militancy under Abu Hamza al-Masri, the radical cleric facing charges in Britain and America.
Sawalha's link with Hamas emerged after he was named as a co-conspirator in an American court case involving racketeering and conspiracy. Last week the cleric, who arrived in Britain 15 years ago and has been given indefinite leave to remain, said that he still supported Hamas, notorious for its suicide attacks in Israel.
However, he said he was committed to peace in Britain and would help to run the mosque in an open and inclusive way. "I am supported by the Muslim community and have been working ever since I arrived for that community," he said.
Asked whether he supported the military activities of Hamas, he replied: "I have no comment on the question of military activity. I am working here to give a new direction to this mosque and break with the past."
According to US court documents, Sawalha was a leading militant in the early 1990s "in charge of Hamas terrorist operations within the West Bank". The documents, from the federal court in Chicago, claim he met two of the three "conspirators" accused of laundering millions of dollars to finance Hamas activities, including the purchase of weapons.
The purpose of the first meeting with the men was alleged to have been to discuss revitalising Hamas's operations. He met one of the men a second time in London in January 1993. Sawalha allegedly directed him "to provide money to various Hamas members and provided him with contact information".
Although Sawalha is named as a co-conspirator, he has not been charged. Asked last week if he faced arrest in the United States, Sawalha said: "I have not tried to travel there."
Sawalha was president of the Muslim Association of Britain which is believed to have links to the Muslim Brotherhood, one of the oldest radical Islamic groups.
Abu Hamza is in prison facing trial in Britain on 16 charges, including incitement to murder, intending to stir up racial hatred and being in possession of a document "likely to be useful" to someone plotting terrorism. He is also awaiting extradition hearings on a warrant issued by the US Department of Justice.
Following his arrest a group of his supporters tried to take over the mosque, but after extensive discussion between the surviving trustees of the charity that runs the mosque — including Mohammed Sarwar, the Labour MP, the police and the Charity Commission, which had closed it — five new trustees were appointed.
Last night Sarwar, MP for Glasgow Govan, said he would remain a trustee despite being told of Sawalha's links to Hamas. He was happy with the way the mosque was being run by the new trustees: "The Muslim community is delighted that the Abu Hamza regime is gone and the mosque is open."
Barry Norman, the Metropolitan police chief superintendent who has been working closely with the trustees, said: "I am aware of the background, but if I took the view that I'm not working with this or that person I'd end up spending my whole life in my office."
Monday, December 27, 2010
Nine alleged terrorists plotted a Christmas bombing campaign targeting sites that included the London Stock Exchange and Big Ben, a court heard.
Professor Avi Gopher from the Institute of Archeology of Tel Aviv University holds an ancient tooth that was found at an archeological site near Rosh Haain, central Israel, Monday, Dec. 27, 2010. Israeli archaeologists say they may have found the earliest evidence yet for the existence of modern man. A Tel Aviv University team excavating a cave in central Israel said Monday they found teeth about 400,000 years old. The earliest Homo sapiens remains found until now are half as old. Archaeologist Avi Gopher says further research is needed to solidify the claim. If it does, he says, "this changes the whole picture of evolution."(AP Photo/Oded Balilty)
Until now, remains of humans from only 200,000 years ago have been found in Africa, and the accepted approach has been that modern man originated on that continent.
Scientists to view 1,200 newly discovered sea creatures
Long before the land was called Israel and the residents Jews, Homo sapiens lived here twice as long ago as was previously believed, the researchers wrote in the latest (December) edition of the American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
The cave was uncovered in 2000 by Prof. Avi Gopher and Dr. Ran Barkai of TAU’s Institute of Archeology. Later, Prof. Israel Hershkowitz of the Department of Anatomy and Anthropology at TAU’s Sackler School of Medicine and an international team of scientists performed a morphological analysis on the teeth found in the cave.
The examination included CT scans and X-rays indicating the size and shape of the teeth are very similar to those of modern man. The teeth found in the cave are also very similar to evidence of modern man dated to around 100,000 years ago that had previously been discovered in the Skhul Cave on Mount Carmel and the Qafzeh Cave in the Lower Galilee near Nazareth.
The Qesem Cave is dated between 400,000 and 200,000 years ago, and archeologists working there believe that the findings indicate significant changes in the behavior of ancient man. This period of time was crucial in the history of mankind from cultural and biological perspectives, and the fact that teeth of modern man were discovered indicates that these changes are apparently related to evolutionary changes taking place at that time, they maintained.
Gopher and Barkai noted that the findings that characterize the culture of those who dwelled in the Qesem Cave – the systematic production of flint blades, the habitual use of fire, evidence of hunting, cutting and sharing of animal meat, mining raw materials to produce flint tools from subsurface sources and much more – reinforce the hypothesis that this was, in fact, innovative and pioneering behavior that corresponds with the appearance of modern man.
The specimens, date back to the Middle Pleistocene era, include permanent and deciduous teeth. They were thus placed chronologically earlier than the bulk of fossil hominin specimens previously known from southwest Asia. Although none of the Qesem teeth resemble those of pre-Homo sapiens Neanderthals, a few traits may suggest some affinities with members of the Neanderthal evolutionary lineage, but the balance of the evidence suggests a closer similarity with the Skhul-Qafzeh dental material, said Gopher and Barkai.SOMALI MUSLIM LEADERS: OBAMA MUST CONVERT TO ISLAM OR ATTACKS ON U.S. WILL COME
Thousands of pro-Palestinian activists greeted the Gaza flotilla ship Mavi Marmara as it returned to Istanbul Sunday after undergoing repairs at a Mediterranean port. The crowds waved Palestinian and Turkish flags and chanted "Allah is great!" One of the event organizers called for "death to Israel," saying they will fight till their last breath until they take over Jerusalem. (Ynet News)
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Sunday that his country will not apologize to Turkey over the deaths of nine Turkish activists aboard an aid flotilla headed for Gaza in May. "The one who needs to apologize is the Turkish government for supporting terror regarding the IHH (a Turkish charity tied to the flotilla), Hamas and Hizbullah," he said. "There will be no apology, and if there is one, we are expecting it from Ankara and not vice versa." Israel has maintained that its troops used force only after they were attacked by those on board one boat. (CNN)More in the Imam unmosqued NY Post
In a written statement issued today, Cyprus Government Spokesman Stefanos Stefanou says the occupation regime’s act was “completely unacceptable and condemnable. It constitutes a violation of one of the basic human rights as it is the exercise of religious duties”.
At the same time, the Spokesman adds that this act “projects the oppressive substance of the occupation”.
Stefanou announces that the Cyprus government was making demarches and representations to the United Nations Organisation and the European Union.
Mr. Homer said that yesterday's action shows once again the "goal of the occupying Turkish and subservient to the T / C leadership is the complete dehellenisation and the disappearance of any Christian presence in the occupied areas of Cyprus."
The police invaded the Church of St. Caution (St. Sinesiou) in occupied Rizokarpaso, stopped the Divine Liturgy, sealed the church, pulled out the faithful and ordered the priest to take off the vestments of the joyful birth of Christ. And it didn't stop there. The priest of St. Sunday (St. Kyriaki) was notified not to go to work. The ultimate violation of religious freedoms.
The reason: that they had not filed a request for a permit.
The Archbishop Chrysostomos rejected this, noting that the typical program for operations in the Occupied Area is submitted at the beginning of each month, to which he added as requested for Christmas services.
But this is not the only provocative act of the occupation regime. This morning, the occupying authorities have prevented the authorized priest of the Church of the Holy Trinity Giallousis to go to the temple to celebrate the Divine Liturgy of Christmas . Father Konstantinos Papakostas, who once a month goes to the Holy Trinity Church in Rizokarpaso, was ready to go yesterday Rizokarpaso to celebrate the birth of Christ.
Father Konstantinos is authorized by the United Nations, the EU, Cyprus, the Archdiocese and also from Turkey to conduct services in the Holy Trinity Church. This time, the Turks said that the submission of an application should have been done a month ago.FIVE MUSLIMS CHARGED WITH PLOT TO "CAUSE EXPLOSIONS" IN UK ATTACK, FOUR OTHERS SET TO BE CHARGED
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Tenn: ‘All Americans Must Die’ Written in Meat Plant with Somali Muslim Strife creeping
The trend of trouble following Somali Muslims isn’t just a foreign problem. It’s an American problem too. via ‘All Americans Must Die’ Written On Plant Wall – WSMV Nashville.
SHELBYVILLE, Tenn. — The Shelbyville chief of police and a former Tyson employee confirmed that threatening messages surfaced this week, leading to extra security at the plant.
“A couple days ago, they had a terrorist threat that was written on the bathroom walls that said ‘all Americans must die,’” said a woman, who said she wanted to remain anonymous to protect her relative, who works inside the plant.
She said that she didn’t see the writing herself but is aware of what’s going on from others.
“One day last week, someone set the women’s bathroom on fire, and they finally put a security guard at the bathroom door,” the woman said.
She said workers are scared.
“Some of them are afraid. They’ve been talking about it and worried about it and wondering what Tyson is going to do about it,” she said.
“We have not been asked to come down to Tyson to make any kind of official report,” said Chief Austin Swing.
But Swing said the department has been asked to provide an armed, off-duty officer to patrol inside the plant through the holidays. Tyson didn’t explain the reason why.
“I guess I’m assuming now, but he’s just there for some type of security reason or to maybe to put people at ease who work there,” said Swing.
He said he believes Tyson has already removed the graffiti and is conducting its own investigation into who’s responsible.
“They’ve doubled up the guards in the guard shack outside,” the anonymous woman said.
Some at the plant are concerned.
“They’ve complained for years, as to why these people are being hired in our food department when we are worried about our safety as Americans, you know, and that’s something we all need to think about,” she said.
Tyson said in a statement “the security of our facilities is important to our company.”
The FBI did not returned Channel 4′s request of whether it’s involved.
Extra security for Americans, in America? No FBI investigation? No clamoring from Holder or Obama?
Shelbyville is the same plant where Tyson Foods dropped Labor Day for an Islamic holiday, and added Muslim prayer rooms:
…in addition to the observance of the Muslim holiday, “two prayer rooms have been created to allow Muslim workers to pray twice a day and return to work without leaving the plant.”
“In addition to regular, non-paid breaks, all Team Members are allotted a seven-minute paid break,” the Tyson spokesman said. “Some Team Members choose to pray during this time.”
More in Somali Muslims Changing Small Tennessee Town:
“They’ve had an impact here. Unfortunately, it’s not been a good impact…”LOS ANGELES CITY COUNCIL PASSES ISLAMIC LAW RESOLUTION: (SHARIA) BLASPHEMY ENFORCEMENT
Friday, 31 December 2010
Friday, December 31, 2010
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Britannia Radio