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Who Will Be TIME's 2010 Person Of The Year?
Vote For WikiLeaks' Julian Assange!
Paul Craig Roberts
The reaction to WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange tells us all we need to know about the total corruption of our “modern” world, which in fact is a throwback to the Dark Ages. Some member of the United States government released to WikiLeaks the documents that are now controversial. The documents are controversial because they are official US documents and show all too clearly that the US government is a duplicitous entity whose raison d’etre is to control every other government. The media, not merely in the US but also throughout the English speaking world and Europe, has shown its hostility to WikiLeaks. The reason is obvious. WikiLeaks reveals truth, while the media covers up for the US government and its puppet states. The average American reporter and editor must be very angry that his/her own cowardice is so clearly exposed by Julian Assange. The US government was able to get British prime minister Brown to “fix ” the official Chilcot Investigation into how former prime minister Tony Blair manipulated and lied the British government into being mercenaries for the US invasion of Iraq. One of the “diplomatic” cables released has UK Defense Ministry official Jon Day promising the United States government that prime minister Brown’s government has “put measures in place to protect your interests.” Assange is in hiding. He fears CIA and Mossad assassination, and to add to his troubles the government of Sweden has changed its mind, perhaps as a result of American persuasion and money, about sex charges that the Swedish government had previously dismissed for lack of credibility. Obviously, Sweden has become another two-bit punk puppet government of the US. The US government has got away with telling lies for so long that it no longer hesitates to lie in the most blatant way. Anyone who believes the US government about anything is the epitome of gullibility.
Paul Craig Roberts (previously Secretary of the Treasure & Associate Editor Wall Street Journal), Market Oracle
Related Links:
* Julian Assange: Wanted By The Empire, Dead Or Alive
Alexander Cockburn, The First Post
2. WikiLeaks' Julian Assange & The Swedish 'Justice System' Laughing Stock
James D. Catlin, Barrister-at-law
Apparently having consensual s-x in Sweden without a condom is punishable by a term of imprisonment of a minimum of two years for r-pe. That is the basis for a reinstitution of r-pe charges against WikiLeaks figurehead Julian Assange that is destined to make Sweden and its justice system the laughing stock of the world and dramatically damage its reputation as a model of modernity. Now, three months on and three prosecutors later, the Swedes seem to be clear on their basis to proceed. Consensual s-x that started out with a condom ended up without one, ergo, the s-x was not consensual. For three months Assange had been waiting in vain to hear whether media statements by and for the two female “victims” that there was no fear or violence were going to be embellished so the charges might be carried forward due to greater seriousness. Such statements would stop a r-pe charge in any Western country dead in its tracks. The women here are near to and over 30 and have international experience, some of it working in Swedish government embassies. There is no suggestion of drugs nor identity concealment. Far from it. Both women boasted of their celebrity connection to Assange after the events that they would now see him destroyed for. The phenomena of social networking through the internet and mobile phones constrains Swedish authorities from augmenting the evidence against Assange because it would look even less credible in the face of tweets by Anna Ardin and SMS texts by Sofia WilĂ©n boasting of their respective conquests after the “crimes”. A great deal more damning evidence is yet to be revealed about what passes for legal process in Sweden, such as Assange’s lawyers having not received a single official document until November 18, 2010 (and then in Swedish language contrary to European Law) and having to learn about the status of investigations through prosecution media announcements but make no mistake: it is not Julian Assange that is on trial here but Sweden and its reputation as a modern and model country with rules of law.
James D. Catlin, Melbourne Barrister, Crikey
3. UK MP Piggies Squealing, Still Trying To Avoid Justice
From left: Jim Devine, David Chaytor, Elliot Morley: No trial for us m'lud!
One of m’learned co-conspirators has been in touch after Guido asked on Twitter why the MPs’ theft trials had been delayed. M’learned friend says the case has been listed before the trial Judge at the Old Bailey today (this could change) for his ruling on an application (he believes) to stay the proceedings on the grounds that they can’t get a fair trial because of adverse publicity. He suspects the fact that the Supreme Court’s judgement was been released in full yesterday is connected with this. Guido has previously reported on how the three former Labour MPs have attempted to avoid justice by insisting their case was heard by parliament not the courts, how they tried to have the case heard in secret, how they tried to avoid standing in the dock like common criminals and how they now seek to avoid prosecution on the grounds of bad publicity.
Information Release, Guido Fawkes
Related Links:
* Judgement, R v Chaytor and others (Appellants)
The Supreme Court
* One Click Comment On ConDem UK Government & Legal Aid
Jane Bryant, The One Click Group
* Expenses Scandal MPs Granted Legal Aid
Big Pond
* Our Corrupt British Parliament Is Rotten To The Core
Peter Oborne, Daily Telegraph
4. More UK MP Piggies Exploiting UK Taxpayer In Second Homes Scandal
MPs Chris Bryant & Clive Betts are alleged to be claiming
up to £1,400 a month for second properties rent
More than 100 MPs have set themselves up as private landlords – while claiming thousands from the taxpayer to rent ‘second homes’ for themselves. Figures will today show that dozens of MPs are claiming up to £1,450 a month in expenses for a second home, while at the same time renting out properties in London or their constituencies for private gain. The revelations come as MPs prepare a fresh assault on the new expenses regime which many blame for cutting their income. The new Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority’s figures will show MPs claimed more than £16million in expenses between the election in May and the end of August, even though they were on holiday for much of the time. In many cases they have previously claimed tens of thousands from the taxpayer to buy and renovate these properties. By allowing MPs effectively to cross-subsidise their own properties at the taxpayers’ expense, will raise conce rns about the degree to which the expenses ‘crackdown’ has changed the culture of entitlement. None responded to questions on their expenses.
Jason Groves, Daily Mail
Related Links:
* Our Corrupt British Parliament Is Rotten To The Core
Peter Oborne, Daily Telegraph
* Another Eight UK MPs In Expenses Storm - Police Called In
Jason Groves, Daily Mail
* Secret Deals Being Offered To Expenses Abuse MPs
Rosa Prince, Daily Telegraph
* Abusive UK MPs Brand Expenses Staff As Fucking Idiots & Monkeys
Macer Hall, Daily Express
5. Legal Aid - UK ConDem Government Tries To Close Citizens Advice Bureaus
Thousands of Bolton’s most vulnerable people will suffer under proposed changes to the legal aid system, it is feared. Bolton’s Citizens Advice Bureau bosses believe it could be forced to close as a result of the reforms, with people no longer able to get its help. Now Bolton South East MP Yasmin Qureshi is calling on justice ministers to explain how they will protect CAB offices in Bolton and across the country from the impact of the changes to legal aid. On a routine visit to Bolton CAB last week, the politician was told that changes being proposed by the government to civil legal aid could see the organisation’s funding cut by 65 per cent. As part of a Ministry of Justice green paper, which is under consultation until February, the government wants legal aid to only be routinely available if life or liberty is at stake. Last night, Ms Qureshi, a qualified barrister, was trying to persuade her fellow Justice Select Committee members to call in justice ministers to explain the changes to the system and find out what plans they had to safeguard CABs. Barry Lions, head of the Bolton CAB, said: “It is false economy in our eyes and cost to benefit analysis shows that good, solid legal advice stops problems escalating which saves the taxpayer more money in the long run.”
This Is Lancashire
Related Links:
* UK ConDem Government Warned - Don't Cut Legal Aid
Bristol Evening Post
* Legal Aid Cuts - The Poorest Suffer Under ConDem UK Government
Afua Hirsch, The Guardian
* One Click Comment On ConDem UK Government & Legal Aid
Information Release, The One Click Group
* Proposals for the Reform of Legal Aid in England and Wales
Ministry of Justice
* Legal aid cuts lack public support
Steve Hynes, The Guardian
6. The FBI's Anthrax Letters Investigation: Points To Consider
Dr Meryl Nass, ND
I was acquainted with Bruce Ivins from 1991 until his death. Yes, he had significant emotional problems and was socially awkward. However, his scientific work was of high quality and was relied on by those studying anthrax vaccines here and abroad. Bruce sought neither money nor fame. He could have used his expertise to consult at a much higher salary, especially after the anthrax letters were sent, but chose not to. At work, he was invariably generous and helpful to others, myself included. There was absolutely no risk of Bruce losing access to anthrax vaccine and thereby becoming unable to do his research, as FBI claims in its attempt to create a credible motive for the crime. USAMRIID, the Army research center where Bruce worked, holds dozens of unlicensed vaccine candidates, including those for anthrax, which researchers routinely use to vaccinate themselves. Researchers at USAMRIID always have vaccines available fo r their own use, licensed or not. The FBI wrongly claimed that the work of myself and others -- “a chorus of critics” -- questioning the safety and efficacy of anthrax vaccine and its role in Gulf War Syndrome threatened Bruce, contributing to his disturbed state of mind at the time the letters were sent. In fact, Bruce also questioned the quality of the licensed anthrax vaccine, and gave me a number of articles and abstracts over 10 years that raised questions about both the vaccine’s safety and efficacy. Was the FBI’s case against Bruce too weak to withstand a trial? Was Bruce’s death a precondition for closing the case?
Dr Meryl Nass, MD
7. Epilogue On S.510, USA
As expected, the U.S. Senate closed its part of the FDA Food Safety and Modernization Greek hamartian play with the S.510 legislation on Tuesday morning when it gave final passage approval by a vote of 73 For and 25 Against passage. Just before this, the Senate rejected both of the amendments offered by Senator Tom Colburn (R-OK) when voting 39 For and 56 Against banning Congressional earmarks for three years, and against his amendment to enact a more-streamlined, less-costly, and less-bureaucratic means to improve real food safety by a vote of 36 For and 62 Senators Against. After final passage, Senator Harkin (D-IA), the chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) committee, once again praised the passage as significant in granting the FDA new authorities to protect Americans from food-borne illnesses. To his credit, the Senator did protect dietary supplements from the historically over-reaching FDA bureaucrats . He indicated that the next step was to ensure that the FDA receives adequate resources to fulfill all of its new and profound responsibilities, and that he looked forward "to working with my colleagues on the Appropriations Committee and in the entire Senate to ensure that they [the FDA] have the necessary resources to fulfill the provisions of this legislation." Only time will tell if this comes to fruition. More steps in a long process.
Press Release, Lee Bechtel, National Lobbyist, National Health Federation
Thursday, 2 December 2010
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