Thursday, 16 December 2010


Julian Assange Bail Hearing - High Court tomorrrow

DATE: 16 December 2010
TIME: 11.30am
JUDGE: Mr Justice Ouseley
VENUE: Court 4, The Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London England WC2A 2LL
MAP: Here


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Today we publish the time, date, venue and map details of Julian Assange's Bail Hearing at the High Court tomorrow. Fasten seat belts. Rixstep publishes a most interesting post where it is maintained that if you have a penis in Sweden, you're half a rapist before you get through customs and if your condom breaks, it's jail time. Naomi Wolf in the Huffington Post says Britain and Sweden, surely under pressure from the US, are cynically using the serious issue of rape as a fig leaf to cover the shameful issue of mafioso-like global collusion in silencing dissent. That is not the State embracing feminism. That is the State pimping feminism. And as for TIME Magazine asking its readers to vote for Person of the Year 2010 and when Julian Assange won by an overwhelming majority promptly ignoring the result... hmm... One Click will be writing about the dead trees media and WikiLeaks anon. Some of our thoughts may surprise you..
Information Release, The One Click Group

Scandalous details surfacing at last. Børk børk. The British are finally learning how flimsy the Swedish case against Julian Assange is. The Assange case files are available to those who know how to get them. Göran Rudling is one. Rudling earlier exposed Anna Ardin for trying to wipe her tracks of proof that she's concocted the entire story from the get-go. But now Rudling's gone through the actual 37-page interrogation protocol and sundry documents and what he's found can't be described as anything short of a clownish mess. Rudling says: 'It's important when investigating serious crimes to get everything right from the get-go. The start of an investigation is the most important part. If you miss evidence, if you contaminate the scene of the crime, if you dally with interrogating those involved, if you don't conduct proper interrogations, if you don't check your facts, then it's unbelievably more difficult to figure out what actuall y took place. It's enormously difficult to make up for what's lost at that initial stage. As it looks now when I review the details of the first police interrogations, I'm seriously surprised at how many mistakes were made in such a short time - mistakes that set the investigation out in the wrong direction from the very first hours.' And where are Sweden's 'journalists'? Göran Rudling is not the only one with access to the case files. Sweden's tabloid media also have access to them. 'I've read what many journalists have written and said about these first police interrogations - but I've not heard a one of them say or write anything even implying they might be shoddy. But now I've said it. Perhaps the reason is I'm not a journalist.' Børk børk.
Information Release, Rixstep

Bradley Manning, the 22-year-old U.S. Army Private accused of leaking classified documents to WikiLeaks, has never been convicted of that crime, nor of any other crime. Despite that, he has been detained at the U.S. Marine brig in Quantico, Virginia for five months -- and for two months before that in a military jail in Kuwait -- under conditions that constitute cruel and inhumane treatment and, by the standards of many nations, even torture. Interviews with several people directly familiar with the conditions of Manning's detention, ultimately including a Quantico brig official (Lt. Brian Villiard) who confirmed much of what they conveyed, establishes that the accused leaker is subjected to detention conditions likely to create long-term psychological injuries. In sum, Manning has been subjected for many months without pause to inhumane, personality-erasing, soul-destroying, insanity-inducing conditions of isolation similar to those perfected at America's Supermax prison in Florence, Colorado: all without so much as having been convicted of anything. And as is true of many prisoners subjected to warped treatment of this sort, the brig's medical personnel now administer regular doses of anti-depressants to Manning to prevent his brain from snapping from the effects of this isolation. Bradley Manning is a whistleblower in the purest and most noble form.
Glenn Greenwald, Salon

Ex Vice President Dick Cheney -
Interpol arrest warrant issued for corruption charges
(Caption & Pic Courtesy Of One Click)
Nigerian authorities said Tuesday they may drop bribery and corruption charges against Halliburton and former Vice President Dick Cheney over bribes company executives paid to government officials during Cheney's tenure as head of the oil services firm in exchange for securing contracts to build a liquefied natural gas facility in the country. Last weekend, Nigeria's anti-corruption unit, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), met with representatives for Halliburton and Cheney in London in an attempt to hammer out a deal. Halliburton reportedly offered to pay $250 million in fines to settle the case. The charges against Cheney and Halliburton come as Nigeria prepares for a presidential election in April. As Truthout previously reported, Cheney and other current and former Halliburton executives were charged with bribery and corruption in a 16-count indictment filed in a high-court in Abuja, Nigeria's capital.
Jason Leopold, Truthout Report
Related Links:
Jason Leopold, Truthout Report
John Byrne, The Raw Story

Bent Parliament
MPs’ failure to provide evidence to support nearly £14 million in claims has led the nation’s official auditor to refuse to sign off the accounts of the House of Commons. In a highly embarrassing move Amyas Morse, head of the National Audit Office (NAO), found that the Commons authorities had failed to obtain receipts to justify £2.6 million in claims. Another £11.3 million of expenditure had been incurred on items which the House could not prove was necessary for parliamentary purposes. The gaps in the accounts were so serious that the NAO launched a full audit of Commons' allowances, after which MPs still failed to provide £800,000 of receipts. Insiders suggested that many MPs from the “rotten Parliament” who stood down at the general election in May went on a “last hurrah” with their expenses, submitting unjustified claims which were not picked up on by the Commons fees office. In a scathing r eport, Mr Morse said that the Commons had failed to maintain proper accounting records concerning the £98.1 million of reimbursements to MPs in expenses.
Rosa Prince, Daily Telegraph
Related Links:
Peter Oborne, Daily Telegraph

Forty one children and young people in Finland who were vaccinated for the H1N1, or swine flu virus last winter have been diagnosed with narcolepsy.“Kataplexy, the sudden loss of muscle tone in connection with a strong emotional state, has not been this common before”, says child neurologist Outi Saarenpää-Heikkilä of the Tampere University Hospital. “The symptoms are complicated and they are more severe than before. We have to learn how to treat it, because the medicines have not been intended for children, and they should not be used too easily." The vaccine was insured for possible damage that it might cause. However, for any payout, the connection with the suspected disease should be firmly established. Compensations are applied for on a case-by-case basis. Families of affected by narcolepsy could also get special compensation from the Social Insurance Institution KELA.
Helsingin Sanomat, Finland

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." No improvement is needed in the self-evident statement made by Dr. Franklin at America's dawn. The liberty of choice is indeed assured by our Constitution as well as ethical guidelines used in modern medicine today. Yet, individual choice in vaccination remains threatened and information on risks limited. As we reflect during the holiday season upon what we are thankful for and remember those in need, I want to share with you some of our accomplishments that the dedicated family of volunteers and staff that makeup NVIC have achieved in defending the public's right to information and choice. None of what we have accomplished could have happened without your support! As the tax year draws to a close, I also want to remind our readers that the National Vaccine Information Center is a charitable non-profit organization. You r gifts and donations are tax-deductible and very needed so that we may continue to inform and educate the public and to continue to protect your right to choose whether or not to vaccinate. I hope that you will reaffirm your support of our critical work!
Theresa Wrangham, National Vaccine Information Center