Saturday, 25 December 2010



Here for your seasonal delectation is a nice BBC picture of AGW in action - the River Wharfe at Bolton Abbey near Skipton (one of my favourite childhood haunts)covered in that warming icing for the first time in a generation. Paul Hudson - perhaps the one BBC employee who is prepared to occasionally look outside the warming frame - also notes that the River Humber and Whitby Harbour are both freezing over (last recorded in 1962/3), and even the Nidd at Knaresborough is solid. Meanwhile, the rest of the BBC remains eerily silent about the causes. Rabbits caught in the headlights? A merry Christmas to everyone!


Compare and contrast. It's the Archbishop of Canterbury's Christmas sermon. According to the Telegraph he will use it to hold up the Royal Wedding as a symbol of hope even in austere times. But for the BBC, it's about class war. "The Archbishop of Canterbury will use his Christmas sermon to question whether the richest people are bearing their share of the economic downturn." Even on Christmas Day, the comrades in Broadcasting House never relent. Well, neither should we.


>> FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2010

Ho Ho Ho - George here and waiting on your festive comments....


I just wanted to take a moment and wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you all for coming here, I appreciate your support. A big thanks to all my fellow writers for their inestimable contributions these past twelve months. I know the BBC basically hates Christianity and so I leave you with one of the great Christmas carols. I know the BBC will love this. I'll post a new Open Thread for you to post on anything that catches the eye and we will speak in a few days.


Leverhulme is a £50m charitable trust which supposedly fosters academic work. But like so many such bodies, it long since decided that AGW was a certainty, and in 2008 held a symposium on the theme. The blurb declared:

The anthropogenic forcing of climate will be one of the major issues faced by Human society over the rest of this century.
And last year, according to its annual report, one of its main grants went to a no-doubt delighted Dr Ings, who is researching the impact of hot winters (like this year?) on bumble bees in deepest Somerset:
The buzz of foraging bumblebees is a quintessential sound of summer, yet since the 1990s the familiar buff-tailed bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) has been observed visiting garden flowersin the depths of winter!
Well golly gosh. Almost poetic, and hold the front page; no doubt his work will fit in neatly (so that he can keep that grant money coming) with the latest warmist contortionist back-somersault pronouncements from thePostdam Climate Institute about cold winters, that they are definitively caused by global warming. Warming, it has now been established by these gurus, causes extreme cooling, and warming, and cooler warmer winters. All, of course, at the same time in our headlong, unstoppable rush to climate change doom. So what's the relevance of this to the BBC? Well, this morning, the website has a prominent story (front page when I looked) about a grant being awarded by the Trust to investigate the log books of discovery and whaling voyages to the Arctic in past centuries. The purpose, of course, in line with the blinkered science which the trust pursues, is already decided, namely "to see if they shed light on climate change". Dr Wheeler, the very happy and newly enriched research director says:
"The Arctic environmentally is a hugely important area, but we need to know how it's behaved in the past in order that we can assess how it's going to behave in the future. You can't look forward without looking back. This is no longer just a scientific issue - climate change is of global, political concern."
So that's it then: what we have is an overtly political exercise paid for by a warmist trust to confirm warmist objectives. All very cosy. And why do the BBC publicise it? Why is it remotely a news story? Dozens of research grants are awarded every day and this is a tiddler in comparison to many of them. Well, could it be that Sir Michael Perry, the chairman of the Leverhulme Trust, has worked for the BBC World Service (already a full advocate of the warmist cause), and also because anything to do with global warming is pushed as hard as possible by the BBC? Even when it's a non-story. Everywhere you look on the topic of AGW reveals deeper and deeper links between the BBC and the warmist cause.