Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Military and emergency services personnel are on the ground and in the air rescuing stranded motorists from their vehicles in southwestern Ontario where snow squalls have crippled traffic and sparked a state of emergency, reports the regional newspaper.

At least 11 people have been killed by the same storm in the United States and there has been a race on all day to rescue more than 70 motorists trapped by snow in Indiana. And the system shows no signs of slowing down as it moves east, with travel chaos over the Christmas period expected.

Meanwhile, this side of the Atlantic, the myth of ruthlessly efficient Germany, always battling the elements so much better than Britain, has been smashed by a new cold weather front. Says The Daily Mail. Not a single train ran without delays in the whole of the country. Even international airports like Dusseldorf had to shut down on Monday night as the snow blew in.

Actually, it isn't a myth – and the commentariat is protesting that things are running pretty normally. Despite that, there is the moronic tendency over in Germany that falls for the same warmist crap that afflicts our brain-dead officialdom. And, like so many, your average Kraut is losing his snow-driving skills. In the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in the west there were some 700 accidents on the autobahns during 12 hours of snowfall.

And the forecast here is dire. The big freeze is due to return tomorrow and the predictions are that it's going to last for a month, putting the country on course for a repeat of the notorious winter of 1962-3, when the sea froze over at Whitstable (pictured above) - as well as in 1940 ... what is it about the sea at Whitstable?.

Nevertheless, this global warming is getting serious.


The forum is open for new registrations, and will remain open until 10 am GMT Wednesday. If you wish to join, first register on the board. As soon as possible afterwards, drop me an e-mail (use the "contact" option on the menu above) advising me of the username you have chosen. I will then activate your account.

The forum is being limited to a thousand members, and then will be administered on a one in, one out basis. New members will need to post within one week of joining or their accounts will automatically be deleted, without further notice.


What is to be done? This is a question my former co-editor poses over on her blog. But she is doing no more than the dozens of people I talk to every week – the same as is being done by hundreds and thousands, and even millions.

Helen's first response is to suggest that we harness the power of the internet – the blogosphere and the social media. In so doing, she takes a sideswipe at the "perestroika organizations" like Open Europe or the Taxpayers' Alliance. They are – in my words, not hers - "Uncle Tom" organisations, which soak up money and neuter dissent, diverting it into harmless channels. Concentrate on the main issues, Helen advises, and assume your audience is capable of understanding them.

That might get us somewhere, but Helen then goes on to ask whether anyone has any better ideas. For many, the answer is that we need a demonstration. But, in my view, that is the last thing we need. That is playing The Man's game – asking "pretty please" if we can come down with our placards, to be corralled or "kettled" in approved areas, and then ignored.

What we actually need, therefore, is not so much a demonstration as an assertion - an assertion of power. Upon this rests the simple constitutional principle that sovereignty, and thus power, rests with the people. That principle, however, has been steadily diluted to the extent that those who purport to represent us have now assumed that power and believe it to be their own.

Thus, what we need to do is assert our power – hence the assertion. We need to remind those who would seek to rule rather than govern us where the power resides. In appearance, there would be little to distinguish between a demonstration and an assertion. But the principle is very different. In an assertion, we go where we please and when we please. The role of the police – as our servants - is to assist us.

To make this work, only one thing is needed. Determination. If enough people want to make it happen it will happen. And that means putting, at the very least, a million people on the streets – we call them already a Million Angry People.

Timing, of course, is crucial. There is to be a general election in 2015. December 2014 therefore, is a good time to put a million people in Parliament Square, enough to make it very clear to those who will be seeking election that they will be there on license. A condition of that license will be a commitment to the immediate removal of the UK from the European Union. And that is just for starters.

But for us to start, we have to organise. A thousand people are needed. They recruit ten each. Those recruit ten. They recruit ten. We have our million and their corps of leaders. Then we march. This is no fantasy. It is about our survival as a free nation. We roll over, or we march. Simples. Unless, as Helen says, anyone has a better idea.


Remember this? Well, it gets worse. That is the thing about these filth. They can ignore us because we have no direct means of holding them to account.

I remember lessons in religious studies as a lad, when under the direction of a Jesuit priest we discussed such concepts as mortal sin, and the nature of the acts covered by it - not least murder. That led to discussions about the various exemptions, where we had to consider circumstances when homicide was justified.

I suspect that, had these circumstances been foreseen, where we are being ripped off so contemptuously, our priest might have had a little difficulty in advising us as to the correct line to take. For my own part however, my personal moral code would have no difficulty dealing with the situation - and it would be unlikely that it would mesh with the legal code.